Sal-Om MOM,
Probably the biggest news from Izmir, Turkey for
this contact report is that Niama and I decided to
our lives in God, following the Mission
and the Eternal Divine Path by
marrying. God even gave us the opportunity to
make this occasion a chance for us to declare the
Mission and that we follow it to
everyone we know in a small wedding ceremony put
together by our parents, with God's Grace. In
the wedding ceremony, we had the
ritual of marriage suggested by Maitreya
which was a great experience as well. ATTG.
Other news are:
The Turkish website home page, contact information
and some links have been updated. The site
still needs some more updating for small spelling
mistakes, etc. but overall it gets the message
across very efficiently. The work will
continue to perfect it.
I have also been preparing a slideshow (Powerpoint
presentation) for my Feast of Tabernacles lecture on
The Plan.
Hopefully the visual aids will help in seeing the
details that are shared in writing.
We had a visitor in Izmir this month from the
Beyondmind Kocaeli center: One of our Pilates
instructors came for training and stayed at the
center for about a week. She had showed some
interest in the Mission Teachings
before and this time she was very excited about
learning more. She read the
base of the teachings and parts of
THOTH that are
translated to Turkish, and hearing her say "this
just makes perfect sense" was exciting. She is
even considering moving to Izmir and working with us
in the Beyondmind Izmir center to learn more and
purify herself. Of course now she has a big
test in front of her if she can forego her worldly
attachments and hear the calling of God. God
knows the best. All thanks to Him.
Other than these, the month of August (being Ramadan
for Muslims) was not so busy for the Beyondmind
centers. Niama and I mostly used this month to
adjust to our new situation and to rent an
apartment, move, etc. Thanks God for all the