Plus Sign
(Our Logo)
Plus |
As Christians use the cross (also known as the broken
Swastika), we use the Plus sign. The Plus also is derived
from the Swastika (two cross lines, horizontal and vertical, in the
center). As we know the Swastika used to have a very positive
meaning (meaning good luck), so the Plus sign was derived from it as
a positive sign. With choosing this sign as the Mission sign
(logo) we are emphasizing the positive aspects of the Swastika, as
it was meant to be. We emphasize the positive aspects of Life
and live positive and productive lives.
The Plus sign also is one of the most recognized and known signs.
So the Mission will have one of the most recognized signs in the
universe. It is derived from the sign of Good (God) Luck, and
it is even easier than the cross to make, draw, paint, etc. It
also represents the
essential Ones () in our teachings: One World, One Humanity, One Savior, One
God (as you can see on the four arms of the plus
It can be drawn, painted, used in many colors, but it is in the
Golden Color that it is in its Highest form!
God Indeed has given us another Sign for His Greatest Revelation
Maitreya Buddha in Knowledge pose
sending Knowledge and Grace
to the world
We still will keep our other logo (Buddha sitting on the chair/Throne)
as well. The Plus is another logo we can use. It is
simpler to use and is more recognized as well.