
Collective Meditation vs.
Transmission Meditation
There is a difference between
Collective Meditation and Transmission Meditation:
Collective meditation is to strengthen the community.
That is why we meditate together (in fact it should be done
every day together in the morning and evening).
Transmission meditation is what we do on Saturdays (6:00 AM
to 6:30 AM and again 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM, MST). Transmission
Meditation is individual meditation for good (God) Will to
man and Peace on earth, etc.
In other words: Collective Meditation is to reach
(strengthen) the COLs; Transmission Meditation is to
reach out to the rest of humanity and the universe!
Collective Meditation is to strengthen the community and accelerate
the progress of the members in the community. As mentioned
above, it is recommended to be practiced twice a day collectively.
The more people participate in this wonderful practice, the greater
the acceleration in individual and collective consciousness.
That is why we practice over the Internet to increase our numbers.
Collective Meditation, each individual will become integrated to the
collective body, and a collective consciousness is created by them.
This Collective Consciousness represents God in a Greater degree.
God is the Total collective Consciousness in the Universe and
beyond! The more people participate in this practice, the
Greater Manifestation of God will be Present!
Transmission meditation, however, is an individual
endeavor to bring Good (God) thoughts and Peace to man. Although
Collective Meditation will also help in this process, Transmission
Meditation brings a greater awareness that we are responsible for the
well-being of all unit consciousnesses in the universe. We are not
an isolated island in the universe.
well-being of the rest of the universe will accelerate our
well-being as well. If even one person is suffering in the
universe, all are responsible for this suffering and should be
concerned and try to help to alleviate all sufferings.
Transmission Meditation is the beginning of this awareness and help.
When the
members of the
Communities Of Light become One, when their Intentions are to
bring Peace and Good Will to all members in the COLs, then
they will/can extend these wonderful qualities to the rest of
humanity and eventually to the whole Universe (God) as well.
Note: There has
been a question on what is the difference in performing (the
process) between Collective/Transmission Meditations and individual
meditation. Here is the answer:
In both of these
meditations (Collective and Transmission) go to the Calm place
in your meditation (if you can without going through the
meditation process)
Collective Meditation, concentrate on your Community Of Light
and seek answers to the question of how you can become more One
with the Community and create a COL. Realize the problems
in it, come up with solutions (for your problems first, then
others and eventually the whole Community). Solve your
individual problems (including the ones you have with other
people). Any solution you come up for others and/or the
Community in whole, give it to them in the form of a suggestion.
Let others also learn how to come up with solutions themselves
instead of making decisions for them all the time.
In Transmission Meditation,
reach out to humanity and the universe. Again go to the
Calm Place within (without going through the process) and then
imagine the Love and Light of God touches everyone. See
what the problems on earth (or the universe) are. Seek
solutions to them and see how the Mission will Solve all of
them, etc. Pray for humanity (universe) and visualize
Peace will come after the Mission is established, etc.
Then visualize how you can join the COLs and help this process,
The list of the supplements (Table
of Contents)