
In order to know the
truth, we should look to the past to see a pattern that will confirm
any teachings. In the teachings of the Far East, especially
Hinduism, a period is described when many Great Souls were
living on earth. They were called by many names such as Rishies,
Masters, Mahatmas, Munies, etc. Their teachings, however, became a
wealth of knowledge for future generations.
In their teachings a
state of oneness with
God (Atman)
is explained. According to these teachings, that is the goal of
spiritual endeavors. Whoever reaches this Oneness has reached the
However, for many
thousands of years (12,000), few have realized this Oneness. The
reason for this has been the 12,000 year period of human history
when man fell further away from
God (Truth). We are now at
the point of return to the Godhead.
That is the reason for such a great confusion in this conjunction
between the end of the Old and Dawn of the New. However, the old
(history) should not be completely disregarded. There are great
lessons to be learned from it. The New indeed should be based on
these lessons of the old. We are on the brink of discovering much
great knowledge which can either be used for Good (God)
It is after the
establishment of the Kingdom, for one thousand years, that humanity
will learn the great lessons which have been revealed throughout
this book (THOTH) and the
Divine Path, "But the rest of the dead live not again until
the thousand years..." (Rev. 20:5). Eventually through the formation
of the Communities of Light and creation of the proper
environment, one more time many Great Souls will reach the Great
Oneness with their Essence which is
God (Good). This is when many will attain salvation. This is the
Goal of our teachings. They will reach
Consciousness. They will be with the
Father as His Sons.
These Great Souls
one more time will teach humanity the Goal of their lives, "To
Divine (One)." Then is
the time that the Golden Era will dawn and one more time, "The Sons
God" will be with man
The list of the supplements (Table
of Contents)