(The Koran) |

Tablet Five
<1>God can do whatever He wants to the powerless human, because He has
complete control over the
three gunas and all
consciousnesses. He can bring so much fear to men that they
submit to Him. But
does not want humans to do that. <2>He wants humans to understand
His love, wisdom, compassion, and mercy. He wants humans to
understand the realities of this universe, and respect and love Him
for all He has done for them. <3>Also He wants to see man progress
toward the greatest achievement for each
consciousness, which is to reach
Consciousness (to become a
son of God).
wants them to choose the path to Him by their own free wills, not
from fear but of love. |
Surah The Poets (Ash-Shu'ara)

wants humans to understand His Compassion and Mercy by realizing
what He has done for man. He can force man to submit to Him, but He
does not need respect and love from fear:
If We so willed, we can send down a portent
to them from the heaven which would force them to submit. But we
exercise not the force. (4)
<5>In the
Koran, heaven is the
place where man meets the Creator (God).
According to the Law of the universe "same sees same," it means that
only those who reach the same consciousness as the Lord can see Him.
God is in
Consciousness and pure, so when man also reaches
Pure Consciousness
or is pure in heart, he will meet his
God (Divine
Father) face-to-face.
heaven and
Consciousness are the same.
is described as a place of rest. When a
consciousness reaches
Consciousness, he masters all the powers of the universe so he
does not have to struggle in using them. He is their master (by His
<8>Therefore, we can see that in the
was described in symbolic language suited to the level of
consciousness of the people at that time. <9>Actually it is
describing the same thing as what we call
Consciousness. Indeed, all the Scriptures should be read with a
consideration of the time, place, and people involved. This allows
for maximum benefit and an understanding of the symbolic language
and also the consequence of the revelations.
Surah Cattle (Al-An'am)

Life as a symbol for spiritual understanding (resurrection
Is he who was dead [in
ignorance], and
we raised him into life and gave him
[spiritual understanding] that he might walk among men, the same
as he whose similitude is in utter
darkness [ignorance,
hell] whence he can by
no means emerge (from it)? (123)
Surah The Spider (Al-'Ankabut)

Meeting the Lord is the same as reaching
Those who hope to meet
should know his reckoning time is surely coming. He is the
Hearer, the Knower. (5)
Surah Iron (Al-Hadid)

is infinite,
...a garden [heaven]
which spreads over the heavens and the earth [infinite], which
has been kept for those who believe in
God and His Messengers... (21)
Surah The Overthrowing (At-Takwir)

Consciousness) will be neared for those who are ready (Elected
And when the garden will be brought nigh...
is a place of torment and suffering. This world and life are also
filled with torment and suffering for those who do not understand
its realities and do not learn from the lessons given by the
experiences or signs in their lives. Those who do not learn from
their mistakes, repeat the same errors over and over again, and buy
blame, shame, and unhappiness, are those whose
Souls are under the
influence of the
crudifying force in
the universe (tama guna).
<11>They are the ones who follow their lower natures (the
devil) and are lost in the attraction of the illusion of the
promises of the external world (Maya).
They are the ones who listen to their
false egos. All these
things are nothing else but being in
<12>The only reason for following the things
which take the person to that condition of
hell is
Ignorance of the
realities behind this universe;
ignorance of the fact that the human is a
Soul, he is not only a body;
ignorance of the
reality that we should utilize this universe and our lives to
progress to higher consciousness, not to become attached to the
material world and its possessions which only bring greed,
attachment, and unhappiness;
ignorance about our importance because
God loves us and we are humans, not because of our
intellect, possessions, or family, but because we have
self-actualized ourselves, and are happy and respectful as we are;
ignorance of not knowing we are immortal, etc.
ignorance, this
illusion of the world (separation from
God) is what can be called
Surah Cattle (Al-An'am)

Death as
or the unaware part of the universe:
Is he who was dead [in
ignorance] and we
raised him into life and gave him
[spiritual understanding] that he might walk among men, the same
as he whose similitude is in utter
darkness [ignorance,
hell] when he can by
no means emerge (from it)? (123)
Surah The Spider (Al-'Ankabut)

in each of our lifetimes if we do not see the
They ask thee hasten on the punishment of the
day of the doom, but surely
hell is already compassing the disbelievers. (54)
surrounds the disbelievers (ignorant) right now in this lifetime.
They do not have to die to go to
hell. They are in the
hell of the attraction of
Maya, which is attachment, desire, fear, shame, insecurity, and
many other sufferings related with this attraction (or in other
words, ignorance). |
Surah Smoke (Ad-Dukhan)

The "first death" refers to
Surah The Event (Al-Waqi'ah)

Punishment for
(they bring this punishment upon themselves):
But if he be one of the rejecters and stays
in erring,
Then he will be welcomed by boiling
water [anxiety],
And an abode in roasting fire [ignorance].
<15>Is one who enters
Consciousness) by merely being a good person equal with someone
who is ready to
sacrifice all in
order to carry on The Plan which is set up in the universe (to bring
all to
or Pure
Consciousness)? Surely he is not. <16>There is a Hierarchy in
heaven, as there is also a Hierarchy on earth (which can be the
same). |
Surah The
Children of
Israel (Bani Israil)

See how we have exalted one over the other in
this life; verily the life of the hereafter [heaven]
will be greater in degrees of ranks and excellence. (21)
<17>Many times
blessed a nation, a people, or a person, but they forgot they had a
duty for what they had received. So they started misusing that
blessing and their powers for selfish desires. In fact, for the last
six thousand years, the history of the human race was created only
to give this lesson. <18>If we study history, we will find that each
nation that gained power flourished rapidly in the beginning, either
because of its humanistic approach to others, or because it was a
part of a great Plan to be used to accomplish some purpose (like the
English and French colonization of other parts of the world to bring
the East and West closer).
<19>Those who had gained power and control over
others because of their humanistic approaches, after a short period
of time, forgot that they had to use that power to establish the
qualities they cherished themselves: freedom, brotherhood, and
equity between nations (Kingdom
Of Heaven On Earth). So they started to misuse others for narrow
concepts such as
nationalism and self-interest.
<20>That is when we see the blessing and
Grace of
was withdrawn because of the Law of collective
karma, and in a short
period of time that great nation or power became weak and was
<21>Now is the time for all to understand these
lessons from the past and The Plan which has been set up. All of
history occurred for humans to reach this point of understanding
that selfishness is destructive to the
self and others.
<22>Humans have no choice -- either they should understand the
lessons of history and surrender themselves to The Plan of
God -- which is to establish the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth
and to help all to purify themselves (Kingdom Of Heaven within) --
or go toward self-destruction.
Surah The Family of Imran (Ali 'Imran)

The hand of the Lord
in history:
There have been many dispensations passed
before you. Just travel on the earth and see how
evil is the end of those who rejected (the Messengers
[truth]). (137)
denied the Prophets
and rejected the Lord
God. They forgot why they
had been chosen so the Lord punished them. He destroyed Jerusalem
and scattered them all over the world [read
The House
of Judah (Jews)]. <24>We want
God to punish everyone right away, but He takes His time. He
does it by His own time schedule. It might take lifetimes. |
Surah The Poets (Ash-Shu'ara)

History of humanity and individual life as
So the punishment came to them. In that
surely is a portent, but most of them would not believe [they do
not learn the lessons]. (158)
Surah The Prostration (As-Sajdah)

Would it not be a guidance for them, how many
a people We have destroyed before them amidst their dwellings
they now walk? There are surely portents in that. Would then
they not listen? (26)
Surah Ornaments of Gold (Az-Zukhruf)

And We made them a tale of the past and a
lesson for the future comers. (56)
<25>The Holy Spirit (Holy
Ghost) is the sentient part (activated by the
mutative force) of the
Universal Mind (satva
guna, symbolized in the
Bible as the Angel
Gabriel). The
Universal Mind
is made up of (or contains) three parts (the
creative force
of the universe): satva
guna -- the part of decision-making,
raja guna -- the
mutative force,
or the part which carries on the tasks (energy,
activator); and
tama guna -- the
static force, or
the screen of the universe which is the part that reflects the
things which are existing, or happening or happened (memory) in the
<26>However, unless a person has conquered the
tama force over his lower nature, by His
Grace, he will not be able to come in tune with the
Universal Mind
and the logic of God. He
will be unable to understand the realities of this universe which
are in the consciousness. But being in tune with the
sentient force will enable him to understand the manifested
world and the nature of the universe. <27>Also this allows a Prophet
to receive the revelations sent by
God to him through The
Holy Ghost.
<28>By being completely in tune with the
Universal Mind,
a person can comprehend the logic behind the activities in this
universe. <29>However, he should overcome the lower nature first
before he can reach that point, with His
Grace (Holy
Mother, which is The Holy Ghost).
Surah The Bee (An-Nahl)

The revelation comes from The Holy Spirit to
Say that the Holy Spirit [Gabriel]
has revealed it from the Lord with truth and wisdom, that it may
strengthen the believers [Elected
Ones], and be a guidance and good news for those who are
submissive. (102)
Surah The Poets (Ash-Shu'ara)

Revelations are revealed by The
Holy Ghost and the
revelation is a Soul-to-Soul relationship between a Prophet and the
Lord (by The
Holy Ghost):
It [the Koran] is surely
a revelation from the Lord of the worlds
By which the true spirit [Spirit of
God] has been descended
To your heart [sacred heart], that you be
(one) of the warners, (192-194)
Surah Counsel (Ash-Shura)

The Spirit of
God is The
Holy Ghost:
Thus have We revealed to you a spirit of our
command [by
You did not know the Scriptures, nor the faith. But We have made
your revelations as
light, whereby We
guide of our servants whom We will. (52)