(The Koran) |

Tablet Six
God needs something to be
done, He uses the human to carry out the task. When most people
perform an action, their egos
think it is they who have done it. <2>But in reality, knowingly or
unknowingly, they have been a
channel for
for that action to be done.
<3>The simplest example is the regeneration of
the human. In addition to the many other spiritual reasons,
created the act of love-making to use the human body to make new
bodies for those
Souls who are ready to
assume a human form and come to this world to progress. However, the
human does the action because
God created such an
attraction between the two sexes. So the person who does the act
creates the new body, and
God uses this new body for
Soul to enter and then be
born in the world. But parents think it is they who have created the
child. However, they have been only a tool in carrying out the
Will of
<4>It should be remembered that in the book of
The Revelation in the Bible,
God has already given the events which would happen in the
future, and He has carried them out so far. Humans, however, think
that everything which happened up to this point in history was done
by them. For example, the flourishing of intellectual knowledge and
science was predicted both in the Bible and the
Koran. But the
scientists think it is they who have discovered scientific facts.
They do not know that it is God
who uses them in order to reveal these truths to humanity. <5>The
very clear example is Einstein. He found the formula of the
transformation of mass to energy
(E=mc2), but he could not prove it or did not know how he came up
with it.
<6>This does not mean that humans do not have any
choice in their lives. Only those who reach very high consciousness
and grow closer to God realize that they have
no choice but to carry out His Plans. The same is true for those who
are chosen to be used for a special purpose. <7>Others, however,
have the choice of understanding and following the ways of
God, or following their own
false egos.
<8>That is why we should practice letting Him do
the actions through us and realize that the greatest happiness and
freedom comes when we allow our bodies to be tools for His
actions. With this ideation and devotion to Him, we will
dissolve our
false egos and will
not be bound by the reaction of our
Divine actions, because He is the doer, not us.
<9>However, a person is responsible for his own
egoistical actions.
Surah Spoils of War (Al-Anfal )
God does things through us:
O believers, it was not you who slew them,
but it was
God, who did (through
you); and you (Muhammad)
did not throw the gravel at them, but it was
God who threw it (through you). (17)
<10>You can neither kill a person nor can you
yourself be killed. Man can kill another person's flesh, but the
cannot be destroyed.
<11>That is why
said do not be afraid of those who kill the flesh but of he who
kills the
Soul (Matthew 10:28). Only
tama guna can kill
Soul, which means
crudifying to death
Soul has been here, is
here, and will be here. It was never born and will never be
destroyed. In fact, nothing in this universe can be destroyed. It
can be transformed to other forms, but not destroyed.
<13>However, immortality (everlasting awareness)
comes only when a person completely overcomes the power of the
tama guna over his
Soul and reaches
<14>But you cannot reach
Consciousness unless you help fulfill The Plan which was set up
for the universe. That is why the Bible (Rev. 2:10),
Koran, Bhagavad-Gita (B.G. 2:32), and other
Scriptures all say that he who is slain for establishing the truth
(the Kingdom of Heaven)
will not suffer the second death. He will reach
Pure Consciousness.
Surah The Family of Imran (Ali 'Imran)
Do not think of those who are slain in the
way of
God [righteous war] as
dead. No, indeed they are with their Lord with a provision. (169)
<15>The righteous people have provision with
their Lord and will become immortal (Rev. 3:21). |
Surah Women (An-Nisa)

was not slain:
And they say that we did kill the
Son of Mary, the Messenger of
God; they did not kill him, nor crucified him, but it just
appeared to them as such; and those who had different opinions
about this certainly are in doubt (and lost);
They have no definite knowledge of it, but
only pursue a conjecture; they surely did not slew him. But
God took him up to Himself.
God is Mighty, Wise. (157-158 )
was in Pure
Consciousness (a
god-man, an
Avatar), which means he
was immortal. So how can you kill an immortal person? That is why
they just think they killed him but in truth he went to the
Father in
heaven. |
<17>No man can judge another man unless he is
Consciousness (has overcome his own lower nature).
<18>That is why only after the Kingdom Of
Heaven is established on
earth, the true
Paravipras are the
leaders of the society, and there exists true justice and
righteousness, can the laws of Moses and
Prophet Muhammad
be practiced. Otherwise, we should remember the story of that
adulterous woman and
Esa. He (Esa)
told her accusers that if any of them had no
sin, they could throw the
first stone. But no one could be found without
<19>That is why we find the laws of Moses and
Muhammad so
hard to practice in our unjust societies. In a society where all
have the basic necessities, a man who steals out of greed can have
his hand cut off. <20>But if a man steals out of necessity, or for
any other forgivable reason, he cannot be judged for that action.
<21>Therefore, a person should purify his own
eyes first, then he might take the speck out of his brother's eyes.
<22>However, when you have cleansed eyes (reached higher
consciousness, overcome your lower nature, etc.) still you should
not judge but instead try to take the specks out of other people's
eyes (help them to understand), because you would then know how hard
it is to overcome the lower nature. You become merciful and
Surah The Poets (Ash-Shu'ara)

Prophets do not judge their followers by their social status:
And they answered: Shall we believe you whom
the lowest of the people follow?
Noah said: What knowledge do I have of what
they have been doing (in the past) [their previous lives]?
Only my Lord can judge them, if you could
understand [only
God and His sons can
judge, those who have overcome (Rev. 21:7)]. (111-113 )