
Tablet Eleven
<1>If we say that
Islam does not believe in
reincarnation, then we are saying that
God cannot reincarnate. That is directly opposed to
Koran's teaching of "Allah
verily is Able to do all things." <2>Also,
is the way to believe in the justness of
God. If all men have only one lifetime and a man was
born in an environment where he never had a chance to
progress and/or be told of the realities of the
Scriptures and
God, then
cannot judge him. But if he is reincarnated again and
again, and warned and tested but he refuses to be
guided, then it is justified for him to be drowned into
illusion (be punished).
<3>Some people argue
that, "If I have been in this world before, why do I not remember my
past lives?" The answer is that it is the Soul which will be
reincarnated, and the
Soul does not have memory.
Soul just IS. It receives the experiences of each
lifetime. It is the
consciousness which, by linking to the
astral body and brain, has memory and receives its
information and memories by using the storage rooms of the brain in
each lifetime.
<4>However, all things will
also be stored in the
Universal Mind (Akashic
Records) which humans can have access to only when in very high
consciousness. <5>Those who change the Scriptures and destroy some
revelations revealed by
God, therefore, are doing
it in vain, because some Prophet will come later on and bring the
truth back to humanity by using the
Universal Mind.
<6>That is why we do not
remember our past lifetimes, but if we start meditating and
analyzing ourselves, we will have experiences which will assure us
we have been here before. Because the Soul had been impressed by the
experiences in past lifetimes, it would react in such a way in
different situations that we would, by realizing the
self deeper, know that it had had some experiences before that
causes it to now know how to act in this lifetime. <7>Also
the memory of the past can be obtained from the
Akashic Records
(by His
Surah The Cow (Al-Baqarah)

The ability of
God to kill or to give life
And remember when you said: O Moses, We will
not believe you until we see
God face-to-face; and a lightning overtook you; you were
Then after you were downfallen, We revived
you, that you might be grateful. (55-56)
has the power to bring to life whomever He wants, anytime He wants.
Also, He can cause extinction to anyone at anytime He wants. |
Surah The Family of Imran (Ali 'Imran)

...You bring the living from the dead, and
bring the dead from the living... (27)
is able to bring forth the living from the dead.
Allah in the
is an able
God. He can do whatever He
wishes to do. <10>So if He is an able
God and can bring the dead from the living and the living from
the dead, then He is also able to reincarnate. Because if we say He
cannot reincarnate, then we are saying that He is not an able
God as
Prophet Muhammad
taught. |
...and I raise the dead, by
God's permission...
<11>It is
God who will decide to
raise or cause to die. It is
who can reincarnate or not reincarnate. It is God who can send the
same person again and again to this earth, or decide not to. It is
God who can send some people sometime or other people another time.
Or it is God who does not
send at all. So again, if we say, "God
cannot reincarnate" then we are saying He is not an able
God. We are saying what He
can do or what He cannot do. He can do whatever He wants to do. |
Surah Cattle (Al-An'am)

Surely it is
God who sprouts the
grain of corn and the datestone. Verily it is He who brings
forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from
the living. Such is God... (96)
<12>He created this universe and is the knower of
the Laws of this universe. He can bring the dead from the living and
the living from the dead. He can do whatever He wants to do, so He
can reincarnate too. If He can bring you once to existence, then He
can bring you to this world again.
<13>The problem is that many think they are their
bodies. <14>We are not our bodies but are our Souls
(consciousnesses). The body might change, but the consciousness does
Surah The Heights (Al-A'raf)

There shall you live, and there you shall
die, and from there you will be brought forth. (25)
<15>He said these things to
Adam and
Eve. So they will live on
earth, they will die, and again they will be brought forth from the
dead. The Lord God
can bring into life whomever He wants. He can reincarnate. |
Surah Jonah (Yunus)

to the gross world in order to progress and learn
the lessons of life:
would have passed a judgment on humanity for the consequence of
actions as quickly as they desire to acquire good, the period of
their lives would already have expired. But We allow those who
do not believe in meeting with Us to wander in their
transgressions blindly [stay in
ignorance] so that they might progress. (12)
<16>So they (humans) will be
left to live in the material world and would be reincarnated
again and again until truly judged, and then a decision
would be made about them, "But we shall allow those who do
not believe in meeting with Us to wander in their
transgressions blindly." |
Surah The Romans (Ar-Rum)

Observe, therefore, the signs of
God's mercy
(everywhere), how He quickens the earth after its death! He
is the One who gives life to the dead, for He is Able to do
all things. (50)
<17>So He can quicken the
Soul also, and reincarnate it again to a new life. "He is
able to do all things." |
Surah The Wind-Curved Sand-hills (Al-Ahqaf)

Have not they realized that
God, who has created
the heavens and the earth and was not wearied thereafter [so
God did not rest on the
seventh day from exhaustion but He became a witness entity of
His self-sustaining universe] has the ability to give life to
the dead also? He is able to do all things. (33)
Surah Iron (Al-Hadid)

Reincarnation: the ability of
God to "quicken" (or to bring the
spirit to higher consciousness or rebirth) and to kill (or to
take to further
ignorance, or death).
He is able to do all things:
has sovereignty over the heavens and the earth; He is the
giver of the life and causes death; and is able to do all
things. (2)
Surah Noah (Nuh)

And He then made you to return thereto, and will bring you back
again, anew. (18)
Surah "He Frowned" ('Abasa)

God can
bring men to life "when He wills:"
created man and set a measure for him (to follow);
Then He eased the way for him,
And then caused him to die and be buried,
Then He brings him to life when He wills.
No, man has not yet fulfilled what He had
commanded him. (19-23)
can reincarnate and bring man back to life even before
resurrection --
spiritual or physical, which is the same as
reincarnation, because we know the body (cells) do not stay the
same in a life period, so it is the
Soul that assumes a new
body -- as He did in the case of Elijah (John the Baptist). John the
Baptist was the
reincarnation of
Elijah (Elias)
<19>Also He "set a measure for him (to follow),"
but man failed and has not become what
God wanted him to be. It is only through many lifetimes and
that he will eventually reach perfection as He willed him to become.
<20>Prophets speak the truth. But the human does not want to hear the truth. He
is like a little child who becomes very angry, cries, and tries to
change the minds of his parents to give him back his toys to play
with, or when he does all the things necessary to try to persuade
others to conform to his unreasonable whims.
also do not want to hear the truth. They follow the one
who inflates their
false egos.
however, tell them that they have to put the illusion of this
external world aside and be(come)
Divine. Although they see the truth revealed by
Prophets, because it is not according to the demand of their
lower natures, they disregard it.
the Prophet insists, as they did in the past, they may even kill
<24>But there will
always be a great disaster and a lesson for the disbelievers of the
Prophets of the time
until humans understand those lessons given by history and surrender
to the truth.
Surah Al-Hijr

Humans always ridicule Messengers:
Ever a Messenger was sent to them, they
mocked him. (11)
Surah The Poets (Ash-Shu'ara)

Fear of
Prophets to be rejected:
Moses pleaded: My Lord, I fear that they
would reject me, (12)
These verses below show that simple people (meek,
humbled) believe easier, because they are not arrogant:
And they answered, Shall we believe you, when
the lowest of the people follow?
Noah said: What knowledge do I have of what
they have been doing (in the past) [their previous lives]?
Only my Lord can judge them, if you could
understand [only
God and His sons can
judge, those who have overcome (Rev. 21:7)],
I am
not here to drive away the believers,
I am
only a plain warner. (111-115)
Resistance of humans to believe in
They said: "You (Thamul) are but a human
being like unto us.
Then bring to us a sign, if you are of the
truthful." (153-154)
<25>Humans always look for miracles
instead of concentrating on the truth of the teachings
of the Prophet. |
Surah The Wind-Curved Sand-hills (Al-Ahqaf)

Poor people (humbled) have fewer
concepts, pride, and
fear than others in accepting a new revelation:
The disbelievers say of those who have
believed: If the
had been any good, they [the poor and lowly] would not have
accepted it before us. Since they [the unbelievers] are not
guided by its truths, so they say: This is a fabricated lie from
the ancient sayings. (11)