(The Koran) |

Tablet Twelve
Surah Repentance (At-Taubah)

Those who die in
God's way (establishing the
Kingdom Of Heaven) will
be highly rewarded:
The believers surrender themselves and their
possessions to
God in exchange for
paradise [Pure
Consciousness]. So they fight for His cause and slay the
enemy or are slain. This is the binding promise
God has taken upon
Himself, it is in the
Torah, and the Gospel, and the Qu'ran; and
who fulfills His covenant better than
God? Rejoice,
therefore, in this bargain you made with Him. Indeed it is the
ultimate victory. (111)
<5>Not only is it in the Torah,
Gospel, and Qu'ran
(Koran) but also
it is in the
(2:32). |
Surah Ornaments of Gold (Az-Zukhruf)

Sending Christ to set an example for the
Children of Israel
to show them how to establish the Kingdom Of
by sacrifice:
He [Esa]
was only Our slave upon which we bestowed favor, and made him an
example for the
Children of
Israel. (59)
means to know who you are. It is understood by wise men that
self is knowing
God." We are in the image
God, which means likeness
to Him. So if we know ourselves, we will be able to know Him.
<8>Also, knowing Him is the same as knowing
self. That is why by
reading the Scriptures, listening to the truth spoken by realized
souls (Satsang),
contemplating the universe, etc., the human can come closer to Him
and also to his own
<9>Each man is enough to understand all the truth
of the universe by himself if he is a real seeker. He has the most
perfect body and faculties to guide him on the path.
Surah The Rising of the Dead (Al-Qiyamah)

Each person is enough for judging himself:
In truth man is a witness over his doings,
is violation (or transgression) of the Universal Laws. <11>When a
person does his actions according to the Universal Laws (Daharma)
and his personal Daharma (nature), then there is no
sin. <12>However, when a person violates his nature (the thing
he was made to be) and universal set-ups, that is violence and he
creates samskaras
(reactions to the actions). These will stay as a burden on his Soul
until either he understands the lessons given to him through these
reactions or he bears the fruit of his deeds, to eventually
understand the lesson. <13>There is also collective
karma as an example for
others. |
Surah The Bee (Al-Nahl)

Sinning and not appreciating the
Grace of the Lord will
affect prosperity:
put an example as a guidance for you, the case of a town which
was secure and well content, and its appointed provision coming
to it from all quarters plentifully; but it became ungrateful
and disbelieved in God's
favor, so He made it experience famine and fear in the
consequence of what they used to do. (112)
Surah Spider (Al-'Ankabut)

The false leaders will create great burdens for
themselves. Also in the Koran,
karma (samskara) is equal
with sin:
However, they [false leaders] certainly will
bear their own load beside the load of others which will be
added to theirs, and they surely will be questioned on the Day
of Judgment concerning that which they fabricated. (13)
<14>What is that "load?" That is the reaction of
your bad actions (samskaras,
sins). <15>Also you will be
punished for misguiding others. So the
false prophets will be severely punished.
<16>The spiritual struggle and teachings are
necessary to be successful in the path. They are all for the
good of the aspirant. The struggle is to bring the consciousness out
of the grip of the lower nature to higher consciousness.
<17>But it
is not an easy process. That is why those who have gone through this
path should show the way to others who want to also follow a
spiritual life.
Revelations, Prophets,
Gurus, etc., are all the
lights for human
guidance. Each is like a
light shining out of a
dark jungle. It is true that the spiritual aspirant is in the jungle
and cannot see anything, but if he directs all his attention to that
light, he will reach it and escape the
<19>So it is not a favor from the disciple to his
spiritual teachers that he become a believer, but it is the Masters,
Prophets, or
God who bestow favor upon
the aspirant. They are striving for themselves, and the spiritual
teachers are the
lights of their way.
Surah The Spider (Al-'Ankabut)

The real meaning of "jahad,"
an internal and external struggle to establish the truth (the
Kingdom Of
Whosoever strives in the Ways of
God, strives only for
the good of his Soul;
God is certainly
Independent from all creatures. (6)
Surah The Private Apartments (Al-Hujurat)

Those who believe actually do good to themselves,
not to the
They make it as if they have done a favor to
you that they have surrendered (to
Say: Consider not by accepting to be
submissive to Him [Islam]
you have done me a favor. No, in truth it is
God who bestowed a favor upon you that He has led you to the
Faith, if you are truthful. (17-18)