
Tablet Ten
are those who have made their Souls refined through numerous
and struggles in many lifetimes. They are the ones who are
are ready to
sacrifice all things for their ideal. They are the
light of the
world and will guide humanity to the goal.
are the real leaders of society with no interests for
selfish gain or desires. They intuitively know that all
these desires and attachments are nothing but illusion to
the Soul. The only goal of their lives is to carry on The
Plan of The Most High.
<3>These are the
Elected Ones,
the greatest in the Hierarchy in
Light (An-Nur)

The advent of
Paravipras, as the
inheritors of the earth:
This is a promise from
God; Those of you who
believe and do good, He will surely make them the inheritors in
the earth, as in the case of those before them, whom He made to
succeed; and He will establish for them their chosen religions
and will grant them safety and peace after their original fear.
They will only worship Me... (55)
Surah The Poets (Ash-Shu'ara)

The importance of leaders in society for the
progress of humanity toward higher consciousness (that is why the
are necessary):
And obey not those who break the laws,
Those who promise corruption in the earth and
would not reform to bring order and security, (151-152)
Surah The Event (Al-Waqi'ah)

Reward of
and Elected Ones:
Thus if he is one of the chosen ones,
For him is the
breath of life and prosperity in the everlasting Garden of
Bliss [Pure
Consciousness]. (88-89)
Reward of good people:
And if he be of those of the right,
Then he will be greeted by: "Peace be upon
you who is of the right." (90-91)
<4>The duty of a human to his parents is to
honor them highly. However, if they become an obstacle in their
spiritual progress, children should not follow them. This is
according to the hierarchy of the importance of people in human
life. <5>The first most important being is
God. The second most
important is the spiritual teacher. The third most important beings
in human life are the parents, and the fourth is the spouse.
<6>However, if one of these becomes an obstacle in attending to the
one higher up in the hierarchy, that being should be shunned.
Surah The Table Spread (Al Ma'idah)

Following the ancestors of
When it is said unto them: Come to that which
God has sent, and to
the Messenger, they answer: That wherein we found our fathers is
sufficient for us. Would they insist even though their fathers
had no knowledge and had no true guidance? (104)
<7>It is true that you should honor your
parents and your ancestors. But if they are ignorant, you
should not follow them.
Surah Luqman

We have imposed upon the human concerning his
parents: Be kind unto them, especially the mother, who bearest
him with perpetual weakening...First be grateful unto Me
[because I created this whole universe to enable you to reach
Consciousness] and then to your parents [who helped you to
gain this body by sacrificing their health and freedom for
But if they try to make you ascribe partners
to Me, do not obey them, but still be kind and helpful to them
in worldly matters, and follow the way of him who turns unto Me
with repentance. (14-15)
<8>One of the best ways to understand
religions is by reading the Scriptures, inquiring into the truth
behind them, and trying to preach it to others. This can be done by
going to those people who are familiar with and competent in
different aspects of the truth beyond metaphysical (intellectual)
understanding, and reaching out to teach it to others.
<9>Therefore, study of religions, inquiring about
them, and propagation of their necessity in human life is a must in
order to help humanity in its progress spiritually.
<10>Merely believing in whatever anyone teaches
us about religions will not enable a person to expand his
understanding, and he will become a follower of dogmas taught by
preachers uninformed of the truth behind this universe. <11>Only
those people with expanded minds who see
God in everything and everywhere can help a seeker, not those
who sell religions cheaply for worldly interest.
<12>That is why the search for the truth behind
this life and universe is a duty of each human. <13>So it is
necessary to create a common worldwide language that allows everyone
to read all the Scriptures. Reading Scriptures from different
religions, practices, meditation,
concentration, contemplation,
Satsang, etc., are all
helpful in bringing the
mind in flow with the
Universal Mind
and understanding the real truth behind this universe.
<14>The search of religions should start in schools and
the family environment, and continue until the end of a
human's life.
Surah The Family of Imran (Ali 'Imran)

...Be faithful devotees of
God, by constant
preaching and attentive studying of the Scripture... (79)
<15>It is emphasized to read the Scriptures and
share Satsang (teach it to
others). That is one of the reasons why religions have lost their
validity, because people do not know about them. They just believe
whatever is told them.
<16>There are
many different references to
in the
Surah The Family of Imran (Ali 'Imran)

Choosing the
purpose is not to leave you in the present state. He shall
separate the wicked from the good. Nor would He reveal to you
the unseen. But God
chooses of His Messengers whom He will and reveals to them the
knowledge of the unseen. So believe in
God and His Messengers.
If you believe and are pure, yours is a great reward. (179)
purpose is not to leave you in the present state" means that
humans will not stay in a low state, <18>but
will progress toward perfection or
Pure Consciousness.
would He reveal to you the unseen" because you are not ready
physically, mentally, and spiritually, to know about the
chooses of His Messengers whom He will" means that only
those who reach very high consciousness will be chosen by
God. He chooses
them, so He can choose another Messenger after
believe in
God and His
Messengers. If ye believe and are pure, yours is a great
reward." So listen and understand the Messengers and high
spiritual people, purify yourself, and also destroy any
jealousy and egotism toward
Prophets and
Surah Women (An-Nisa)

to the Prophet is surrendering to the Lord (the Prophet is
God's representative):
Whoever obeys the Messenger is obeying
God,... (80)
The spiritual teacher of
is the Lord Himself:
has revealed to you the Scripture and wisdom, and has taught you
that which you did not know. (113)
are a bridge between the manifested and un-manifested (spiritual)
are sent to the earth so that the humans do not bring
this excuse that "they did not know:"
We sent these Messengers of good tidings and
as warners, so people may have no plea against
God after the coming of Messengers... (165)
Surah The Heights (Al-A'raf)

are only Messengers and each has a message to reveal to
Tell them: I [Muhammad]
have no power to benefit nor hurt myself, except that
wills. Had I knowledge of the unseen, I would have secured
abundance of wealth, and no adversity would have fallen on me.
I am but a warner and a bearer of good tidings for those who
believe. (188)
Surah Ta Ha
The Prophet should not be distressed or make his
life miserable because of the revelations:
We have not sent you this Qu'ran [Koran]
that you may be distressed,
But as a reminder for those who fear
God. (2-3)
Surah The

are regular people:
Before you, we also sent Messengers who were
men We inspired. Ask the People of the Book [Believers], if you
know it not.
We did not give them bodies which did not
need food, nor were they immortals. (7-8)
Surah The Poets (Ash-Shu'ara)

After the revelation comes to the
Prophet, he will reveal it to humans in the language he is familiar with
in the most plain and understandable style:
To your heart [sacred heart], that you be
(one) of the warners.
In clear Arabic tongue. (194-195)
<23>The language is not important but the
spirit of the revelation is important.
start purifying from their closest people and then
extend it to others:
Warn your near kindred (O
And show kindness and affection to those
believers who follow you. (214-215)
The difference between a poet and a Prophet: a
poet is confused and says things that he does not follow himself,
but a Prophet is not confused. He says things and follows them
himself, because what he says are the Laws of the universe which
lead to the goal of life (Pure
Consciousness, salvation, etc.):
The erring ones follow the poets. Have you
not seen how poets wander in every valley,
And how they say that which they do not?
Except ones who believe and are righteous and
God often and ask for
exact recompense when they have been wronged.
The wrongdoers soon will come to know to what
place they will be gathered. (224-227)
Surah The Story (Al-Qasas)

It is the Lord's
and the readiness of the Soul of the person that will guide him to
truth, not the Messenger or spiritual teacher. However, they (the
Messengers and spiritual teachers) show the way:
Surely you cannot guide whomsoever you love,
God guides whom He
will, and He knows best those who would be guided. (56)
The Prophets are not aware of their prophethood:
You did not expect such a Scripture to be
revealed to you, but it came as a mercy from your Lord. (86)
Prophet Muhammad
did not know he was going to become a Prophet. <25>That is why it is
difficult for people to accept a person as a Prophet when they can
remember him as being one of them or because he seems exactly like
themselves. It is one of the greatest problems for humans to
Surah The Spider (Al-'Ankabut)

should preach openly and fearlessly:
...The responsibility of the Messenger is to
convey the message clearly. (18)
Surah Counsel (Ash-Shura)

communicate with God directly. He reveals to His
Prophets whatever He
feels necessary for those people whom the Prophet has come for,
which depends upon the development of their consciousnesses:
It is beyond the capacity of a mortal man to
speak to
God, save by revelation
or from behind a veil or through a Messenger to reveal what He
will, by His permission... (51)
Surah Victory (Al-Fath)

are representatives of the Lord:
Whosoever swears allegiance to you swears allegiance to God; God's
Hand is above their hands. So whoever breaks his oath does
so to his
Soul's hurt, and whoever fulfills his covenant which he
made with God,
on him will He bestow a great reward. (10)
(Father) who is in
Consciousness felt that the whole universe was His Body. He
realized how His Body is dead under the influence of the
tama guna. So He
decided to awaken His body from the unaware state and bring all
consciousnesses to perfect awareness. That is why He has
engineered such an elaborate creation to help the unaware part of
the universe to
<27>This universe was built for a definite
purpose with utmost compassion. It is not a play (although in a
sense, because it is a relative truth, it might be regarded as
such). It is a place of opportunity for all to utilize to reach
Consciousness and to help others to the goal also.
Surah The Family of Imran (Ali 'Imran)

created this universe for a definite purpose to bring all to
Consciousness. He did not create this universe in vain. Those
who do not understand this will be drowned in the lake of the fire
of illusion.
Remember God, standing, sitting, lying on the sides, and contemplate
the creation of the heavens and the earth, which make them to
humbly utter: O Lord, You have not created this in vain [without
purpose]; Holy You
are, preserve us from the torment of the fire. (191)
Surah Al-Hijr
We have created not the heavens and the earth
and all between them except with truth and wisdom, and the
promised hour is sure to come, so forgive generously, O
Muhammad. (85)
<29>The creation was made for a definite purpose.
Its purpose is to bring all
unit consciousnesses to
Pure Consciousness.
<30>The Day of Judgment will come to take
all elected people to
Pure Consciousness and help others to accelerate their progress
Consciousness, because as
Prophet Muhammad
said, "All will be gathered unto Him."
Surah The

There is a definite purpose in creation. It is
not only a play:
We created not the heaven and the earth and
all between them as a play.
If We ever wished for a pastime, We would
have found it in what is with us. (16-17)
<31>It is implied that: "The Goal of the Life is
to Be(come) Divine."
Surah The Spider (Al-'Ankabut)

has created the heavens and the earth for a purpose. There is
definitely a sign for those who believe. (44)
understanding how perfect the universe and all things in it
are, we would know that it could not have happened by
chance. So there is a Creator, and knowing this will help us
to become a believer.
Surah The Romans (Ar-Rum)

The many languages and races were made by Him for
a definite purpose. The wise know that purpose (to weaken man to
prevent him from self-destruction by using their oneness to gain
power and then misuse it). Also many races were made so that the
human would go through different experiences by being born into
different races in various lifetimes:
...and in diversity of your tongues and
colors [race]. There surely are signs for those who reflect.
Surah Sad
We have not created the heaven and the earth
and all between them in vain. That is what the disbelievers
think. (28)
Surah The Troops (Az-Zumar)

There is a reason for everything:
They know not that
enlarges the provision for whom He wills and tightens it for
whom He pleases. Surely in this are signs for those who believe.
<33>Those who start to understand
God and the
Universal Mind
by becoming in His Flow, and those who try to become a vessel for
Him to manifest Himself through them, can know the reason why
everything happens to them, others, society, the world, and the
<34>He does all these things not for selfish
reasons but because it is necessary for a person's progress to be in
those situations, and also to advance His Plans through these
Surah Crouching (Al-Jathiyah)

All of the universe was created to be used by
made whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth as
your subject; it all is from Him. There are surely signs in this
for those who observe. (13)