Tablet Seven
<1>In the case of a counter-evolution or
counter-revolution, for a short period of time, the old era will
dominate, but it will soon be replaced with a more progressive
will accelerate the progressive phases of the cycle by helping the
next era to occur before the previous era reaches its lowest level
of decline or stagnation. This will be done by understanding the
phase the society is in, and by detecting signs of decline in that
stage. <3>The signs of stagnation can easily be detected, as
it is when the dominating class starts to use its position to
exploit other classes because of its bad trends.
<4>The exploitative attitudes are different
for each class (Ksattriyas,
Vipras, and
Vaeshyas). <5>The
Ksattriyas will use
and direct all resources toward the warfare and arms struggle to
gain power over the masses. <6>Vipras
will emphasize excessive individuality over reasonable collectivity.
They will try to destroy Godly values with intellectual explanations
and try to make their ideas appear good. <7>Vaeshyas
will undermine the higher human side and will replace it with
economic values, and the importance of men will be related to their
material wealth instead of their higher character.
<8>Whenever each of these decaying signs
becomes prominent,
Paravipras, with their great intuitive ability, should
de-emphasize the help for the dominating class and ease the way for
the next one. <9>As the human society progresses and advances
toward the higher level, the time period of social cycles will be
shortened. <10>Also, because of humanity being in a higher
consciousness and more experienced, these cycles will infinitely
approach the balanced position, and the progress of society and the
human will accelerate with ever-increasing speed.

<11>New phases occur before the previous
phase reaches the point of stagnation. <12>Also the period of
duration shortens and class domination approaches a balanced
position between classes.
<13>This cyclical progressive social
movement, as explained, started after the flood of Noah and has
continued during the last six thousand years. <14>One
complete cyclical duration has been completed (in many places in the
world) and also in some societies the second duration has started.
<15>By understanding this self-sustaining,
progressive, cyclical movement of society, and also through
understanding that
God has been directing the
system during the last twelve thousand years and will continue to do
so, then we can see again that He is the true King of humanity and
His Laws and systems are faultless and absolute. <16>He will
guide all toward its goal whether the humans participate or not!
<17>If humans understand and accept this
truth and His System, and if a social order is established which
allows only
true leaders to be
chosen as the heads of society (Paravipras,
those who are in tune with the Will of the Lord and the state of
society), then such a society will be guided toward the highest
progress in a smooth evolutionary manner.
<18>But if such a society (the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth)
is not created, and the human continues with his own course and
laws, as has happened in the last six thousand years, the result
will be nothing else but suffering which will occur with resisting
the progress toward the goal of the universe (to become
<19>The cyclical progressive
social movements
are one of the Laws of the Lord. As any other Law (Daharma)
of the Lord, it cannot be broken. Whoever tries to break His Laws
will break himself against them. <20>Therefore, it is the
duty of all of humanity to strive to bring about the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth by establishing a true social system
which allows the progressive
social movements
to smoothly continue and by following the nature of all things in
life (Daharma).
Otherwise the suffering and useless struggle of the human to slow
down the progress of the universe will continue.
<21>But the ever-continuing progress of the universe toward
higher consciousness will not be stopped. Any narrow idea or
doctrine will be crushed to nothingness if it stays in the way of
the everlasting progress of the universe.
<22>Just as those animals who did not adapt
themselves to the new earthly conditions in the evolutionary process
were destroyed, also those who oppose the progress of humanity by
their narrow views cannot continue to exist for long.