Tablet Eight
<1>Beside the five active social classes,
Vaeshyas, and
Brahmins, there are four more types of humans who live in
society but are
<2>They are
Prophets (Avatars,
God's sons, etc.),
Gurus (true
spiritual teachers),
Artists, and
Paravipras. These four
types of humans can be briefly described as below:
Prophets (Avatars,
Sons of
God): <3>Those
who have come to earth to bring a new message to humanity or to
re-establish a forgotten faith. <4>They come whenever it is necessary with the proper signs,
prophecies, and powers according to the time, situation, and their
spiritual teachers):
<5>Those great Souls who manifest
God's qualities to their disciples and cause many (according to
their capacities) to realize
God through them. <6>They
go beyond the Scriptures and writings. They awaken and open
spiritual understandings of their disciples by their powers that
have been entrusted to them. <7>These
spiritual teachers
help in keeping the basic truth of
God-realization in simple form, and will prevent these simple
basic truths from becoming lost or changed by
intellectual spiritualists
(priest class). <8>They teach from the foundation of
knowledge within themselves (Heart).
<9>Those intellectuals in higher and finer levels with their
intuition awakened.
<10>They can invoke higher thoughts in others by their art.
They are teachers to others. <11>They see the society from
the outside and recognize its weaknesses and strengths. They can see
where it is headed and guide it to the next phase by invoking the
inside visions in others.
<12>The true
are different than those who commercialize and sell their abilities
for some material wealth. They do the art for the sake and
fulfillment of their thirsty Souls for truth.
<13>They are also the teachers of humanity. They can help
Paravipras to
understand the state of society in each period of time.
<14>Those universal, dynamic leaders who have awakened their
spiritual forces (
long to establish the Kingdom
Of Heaven On Earth (
sacrifice all for
their ideal (
and become one-pointed and surrendered to His Will (
<15>Also they direct all for the good of the whole universe (
<16>At the same time they have the abilities of all active
classes in society. <17>They can undertake physical work like
a Shudra, if it is necessary. <18>They are courageous and
have leadership abilities like a Ksattriya. They have sharp
intellects like an intellectual. <19>They are shrewd in
economic endeavors like a Vaeshya and are spiritually incorruptible
like a Brahmin.
<20>Only such leaders can guide all classes
toward the best position possible, because they are
and therefore would not prefer one class over the others. <21>If
a leader is accepted who is from any of the five active classes,
such a leader will favor the class he is from and oppress the other
classes. But a Paravipra does not belong to any particular class, so
he will treat all equally and according to the time, place, and
state of society.
<22>All these four different types are beyond
the regular human classification. They each create a special class
while at the same time are out of the five active social classes,
but their existence is necessary as is any other class in human
progress toward the goal.