
Tablet Four
<1>The Fifteen Commandments will be
described in very brief paragraphs, although each paragraph could be
expanded much further. However, there are many other writings
available to the Divines which will help them in expanding the
meanings of these Commandments through exploring those truths.
<2>Also the Ten Commandments given in the
Bible (Exodus
chapter 20) are covered in these descriptions to show that the Ten
Commandments are a part of the Fifteen Commandments and are
not discredited or destroyed by them.
General Commandments
<3>The Divine
Father in
heaven is One,
Invisible, Nameless, and the Greatest:
a. <4>Only the Invisible, Nameless,
God can unify. Any
other kind of
God will divide.
That is why He is called the
God of Abraham,
Isaac, etc., with no name or visibility. <5>However,
all beautiful names which are related to His attributes in
the universe are His.
b. <6>Even if
Himself comes to the earth, He would not reveal His identity
because that would create disunity.
c. <7>The first three of the Ten
Commandments are related to this Commandment:
(1) Thou shalt have no other
gods before me.
(2) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven
image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above,
or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the
water under the
(3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord
thy God in vain [He is
the Greatest]. His only true name is His Sacred Name!
<8>Do not go to complete prostration (submit) to anyone or thing
except Him, the words revealed through His
Prophets, and
Greatest Sign, which clarifies the confusion between
a. <9>To surrender to anyone else but
Him causes us to follow that person's whims and desires,
which might not be the Will of
God. <10>But
only to Him takes us completely out of the influences of
this external world and
Maya. He then
becomes our only Lord and King, so we will follow Him and
His Will.
b. <11>Also because we might not know
what His Will is, we surrender ourselves to the words which
are revealed to us through His
which are really His Words, especially the
Prophets of the seven seals in
The Greatest Sign.
c. <12>Also we surrender ourselves to
the meaning behind
Greatest Sign, which clarifies the confusion between
the words revealed to us through His
Prophets. <13>If we do not follow
Greatest Sign, then we will become confused about
the revelations of the many
Prophets and
their apparent differences.
d. <14>The Commandment "Thou shalt
not bow down thyself to other
gods, nor serve them" is covered with this Commandment.
The words "to bow down" here mean to surrender because we
serve only those to whom we surrender.
3- Goal of the Life:
<15>Remember the goal of the life, which is to reach
Consciousness and help others to reach the same.
<16>That is the highest goal in human
life. Other goals in life are secondary and less important
than this one, but they might still be necessary, especially
when they help us in this goal.
4- Messengers:
<17>Consider the
Avatars or likewise
God's Messengers to
bring His Messages and Laws to humanity.
a. <18>We should surrender ourselves
to the words revealed to us through His
Prophets, but not to the
themselves. The
Avatars, or
likewise are important because they show us His Will, not
because of themselves.
b. <19>Also, even if the Lord
God Himself came to
the earth He would not reveal His identity as a person,
because that would bring disunity between humans.
<20>That is why
God emphasizes that we should worship Him as the
Invisible, Nameless, Formless
God. With this, humanity will become unified.
c. <21>Furthermore, the
Gurus, etc., are
not their bodies but are the invisible
Souls, which are
one with Him. But if we mistake them as
God, then we will
create disunity, because of their apparent shapes, names,
and visible bodies.
<22>For the same reason, idol
worshipping should be prohibited, especially because the
idols do not even have the invisible
Souls as
etc., have.
5- Elects:
Paravipras as
the Chosen Ones to establish and enforce the Laws, spread the
Messages of
God, and establish the
Kingdom Of
a. <24>Paravipras
are the implementers of the Will of the Lord.
b. <25>They are the spiritual beings
with Shudran, Ksattriyan, Vipran, and Vaeshyan abilities.
c. <26>They have gone through many
in the last twelve thousand years or before to reach this
level of mastery.
d. <27>They prefer to be incarnated
again and again to help the whole universe to reach the goal
Consciousness) rather than themselves individually
reaching it. They are true Bodhisattvas.