
Tablet Five
Observing Commandments (Yama)
Non-violence (Ahimsa):
<1>Not violating the
a. <2>Non-injury, not inflicting pain on others,
etc., are
Daharmas themselves. They are not the true meaning of "Ahimsa."
Also sometimes to inflict pain or injury is the only way to cure
the disease.
b. <3>"Not fighting" is not the meaning of
Ahimsa. Fighting to
establish the righteousness is not against
Ahimsa, nor is
fighting against aggressors or in self-defense.
c. <4>The Commandment "Honor thy father and thy
mother" is one of the Laws (Daharmas)
of the universe. After the
Father (Lord
God) and
teacher, the parents are the highest to honor. <5>However,
to honor does not mean to follow them if they are not walking
with the Lord.
d. <6>And the Commandment, "Thou shalt not
murder" which is a great violence of the Laws of the Lord, is
covered under this Commandment.
Truthfulness, With Discriminating Mind:
<7>To guide all thought, speech, and action with the spirit of
a. <8>Even truthfulness can be of three kinds,
like everything else. It can be from
ignorance, passion,
or knowledge.
b. <9>Only truthfulness from knowledge is
c. <10>Untruthfulness for selfish desires is not
a part of this commandment. That is in the category of
discrimination of truthfulness from passion, and that is
Not to Steal (Non-stealing, physically,
mentally, or spiritually): <11>Do not take things which belong
to others, by thought, by taking (action), or by preventing them
from doing their duties or possessing things which belong to them.
a. <12>Non-stealing physically: Not to take what
rightfully belongs to others.
b. <13>Mentally: Not to take other people's
ideas or realizations as one's own.
c. <14>Spiritually: Not to prevent someone from
doing his duties.
d. <15>The Commandment, "Thou shalt not steal"
of the Ten Commandments is a part of this Commandment.
Non-indulgence: <16>Not to indulge in
the enjoyment of such amenities and comforts as are superficial to
the preservation of life.
a. <17>The physical wealth on the earth is
limited. If one indulges in the use of this physical wealth,
others will be deprived even of their basic necessities.
b. <18>Also the person who indulges will become
dull-minded and lazy, and this creates misery and unhappiness in
that person.
c. <19>So indulgence is bad for society, the
world, and the individual.
d. <20>To give charity and help to others with
our excess will cure these problems on an individual and
societal level.
Attach to
God: <21>To keep the
mind immersed in the
ideation of God, to remain
attached to God, and to
accept Him as the only Refuge, the only King, and His Laws as the
only Laws.
a. <22>This is the only approvable attachment.
Any other attachment without ideation on Him will prevent the
person from reaching
Consciousness. To be attached to Him is the only way to
overcome the
b. <23>By following this Commandment the other
four observing Commandments can be met perfectly. It is the most
important of the observing Commandments.
c. <24>To see Him in everything and everything
in Him, so love all things because everything is a part of Him
and be attached to them because of Him.
Five Actional
Commandments (Niyama)
11- Internal and External
Cleanliness: <25>To maintain purity and cleanliness of mind, body,
and environment.
a. <26>The Soul becomes unclean faster than the
mind, and the mind faster than the body.
b. <27>To think about
God all the time is
like being spiritually in the shower of His
Grace all the time.
c. <28>To do impure actions, not follow the
Daharma, or
do harm to others will affect our own Souls more than the
d. <29>The Commandments, "Remember the
Sabbath day, to
keep it holy" (to rest
and contemplate
"Thou shalt not commit adultery," "Thou shalt love thy neighbor
as thyself," and "Do not desire anything which rightfully
belongs to him," and also other Commandments, are all related to
this Commandment and are for
Contentment and Mental Ease: <30>To
remain in a state of mental equilibrium and contentment.
a. <31>To be surrendered to any situation and
keep the mind at ease, and to ideate that all things happening
in our lives are for our own good as lessons and experiences to
further our progress.
b. <32>To be able to contemplate the situation
without acting unwisely (jumping into the situation), and to
decide with an equilibrated mind and clear vision.
c. <33>To be in a meditative mood all the time.
<34>To attain true
(when people talk only about
God, the universe, and His Will), to practice penance in the
service of others (as
being done for the Lord, in creating Communities of Light), to
sincerely meditate and/or do The Reminder at least twice a day.
a. <35>True
Satsang is when the
conversation is centered on
b. <36>Service
is from knowledge when it is done for a person who really needs
it, with no expectation for return. Any expectation for return
of a service done makes it a business (passion). Service done
when it is not needed is service from
c. <37>Meditation
is the fastest way to develop spiritual understandings.
God and His Laws through
the Scriptures and history: <38>To clearly understand the
underlying meaning of the Scriptures and discourses of spirituality.
a. <39>To understand
The Greatest
Sign and the relationship of different Scriptures with it.
b. <40>To understand the symbolic meanings
behind the Scriptures' symbols.
c. <41>To become professional in discussing and
understanding their relationships.
d. <42>Sabbath
(Saturday) is a day for reading and contemplating the
To Be(come)
Divine: <43>To
strive to become perfect in our actions as
God is, to ideate that He
does the
Actions through us, and to become a perfect instrument for His
Will to be done, until able to radiate His Divine Universal Truth
through ourselves.
a. <44>To be(come) the same as the
Father, to strive to
be(come) perfect in our natures and actions as
God is.
b. <45>To keep the
mind immersed in the
ideation of God while
engaging in actions (to ideate that
God works through us by
using our bodies for
Divine actions),
<46>until able to radiate His Universal Truth through ourselves,
and become a perfect instrument for Him to do His Will.
c. <47>"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your
Father which is in
heaven is perfect"
(Matthew 5:48). This achievement is the goal of life and the
result of following the Fifteen Commandments and the
Divine Path.