
Tablet Three
<1>It is recommended to fast on the full
moons, first moons, eleven days after the full moon, and eleven days
after the first moon. It is also recommended to fast on the
<2>Fasting on the full and first moons is especially
recommended for single people and renunciates (sannyasins). <3>The
fast should start at sunset until the sunset of the next day. If
this seems too long, a fast from sunrise to sunset is advisable.
<4>The purpose of fasting (in addition to
many benefits which are derived from it, physically and mentally) is
spiritual. That is, fasting should be done to bring the person
closer to the Lord and make him realize the
<5>That is why it is recommended to keep away
from talkativeness and sexual intercourse, and to direct the
thoughts toward
<6>A complete fast is one without food or
liquid. However, those who do long fasting and/or those whose
bodies are not used to fasting, can fast with water and/or juice.
the age of puberty and after the age of sixty, it is not required to
fast. After the age of sixty it is up to
the individual.
Before the age of puberty, the individual can try light fasting (a few days in a year)
if they would like.
General Commandments:
<8>The Divine
Father in
heaven is One,
Invisible, Nameless, and the Greatest.
<9>Do not go to complete prostration (submit) to
anyone or thing except Him, the words revealed through His
Prophets, and
Greatest Sign, which clarifies the confusion between
3- Goal of the Life: <10>Remember
the goal of the life, which is to reach
Consciousness and help others to reach the same.
4- Messengers: <11>Consider
Avatars, or
likewise as
God's Messengers to
bring His Messages and Laws to humanity.
5 - Elects: <12>Accept
as the Chosen Ones to establish and enforce the Laws, and to
spread the Messages of
and establish the Kingdom Of
Five Observing Commandments (Yama):
6 - Non-violence:
<13>Not violating the
Daharma. In
understanding this Commandment, we should first define what
violence is.
<14>Violence is the
deviation from a set of rules and regulations
non-violence in this Commandment means: Do not deviate from
or violate the Laws and regulations of the universal set-up
However, because one of the greatest Laws of
the universe is to refrain from inflicting pain or injury on
others by action, thought, or speech, this has been used as
the meaning of the word "non-violence." <17>However,
not inflicting pain or injuries on others for selfish
desires is a minor meaning of non-violence. In a greater
sense, it means not violating the Laws of the universe or
nature, or in other words, following the
of things.
Even in its minor meaning, it does not mean
to refrain from fighting for establishing truth -- that is
escapism. And it does not mean non-injury when a wise injury
might be the real cure for the disease physically, mentally,
or spiritually. <19>In short, like everything else,
non-violence can be of three kinds -- from
ignorance, passion, or knowledge.
7 - Truthfulness, with Discriminating
<20>To guide all thought, speech, and action with the
spirit of welfare.
8 - Not to Steal (Non-Stealing,
physically, mentally, or spiritually):
<21>Do not take things which belong to others, by
thought, by taking (action), or by preventing them from
doing their duties or possessing things which belong to
9 - Non-Indulgence: <22>Not
to indulge in the enjoyment of such amenities and comforts
as are superficial to the preservation of life.
10 - Attach to
God: <23>To
keep the
immersed in the ideation of
God, to remain
attached to
God, and to accept
Him as the only Refuge, the only King, and His Laws as the
only Laws.
Five Actional
Commandments (Niyama):
11- Internal and External Cleanliness:
<24>To maintain purity and cleanliness of mind, body,
and environment.
12- Contentment and Mental Ease: <25>To remain in a state of mental equanimity and
Service, and
<26>To attain true
Satsang (when people talk only about
God, the universe,
and His Will), to practice penance in the
service of others (as being done for the Lord, in
creating Communities of Light), and to sincerely
meditate and/or do
The Reminder at least twice a day.
14- Understanding
God and His Laws
through the Scriptures: <27>To clearly understand
the underlying meanings of the Scriptures and discourses of
To Be(come)
<28>To strive to become perfect in our actions as
God is, to ideate
that He does the
actions through us, and to become a perfect instrument
for His Will to be done, <29>until able to radiate
Universal Truth through ourselves.