
Tablet Thirteen
<1>The beginning of this human generation
started 12,000 years ago (12,000 years will end in the year 2017),
after the flood of Noah. Therefore, the real base for this human
history is 12,000 years minus the number of years before 2017.
<2>This manifested world was created millions of
years ago, therefore, actually the base of history should be the
date of the beginning of this creation. However, we cannot find the
exact time of the very beginning of creation, or even if we find it,
it would not be practical to use for our base of dating because it
would be such a tremendously large number. Therefore we put a
zero before 11,000 years, and this generation or the man with his
present form will be 12,000 years old in the year 2017 A.D. <3>The
zero is a symbol for infinity!
<4>Also, the most logical time to start the new
year is in the spring, because it is in the spring that all things
start to renew themselves. The trees bloom, and the new offspring of
the animals and birds are born. <5>It was the best season to
start the new year in ancient times. Even the astrological
charts start at this time of the year.
<6>There will be two types of years, solar and
<7>The lunar year, which is twelve rotations of
the moon around the earth, is about ten days shorter than the solar
year which is one rotation of the earth around the sun.
<8>So the
lunar year will fall around ten days short of the solar year.
To correct for this, we have to add one month to the lunar
year about every three years. Or more precisely, we follow the Metonic cycle, adding a thirteenth month seven times in a period of
19 years [according to a disciple's calculation].
<9>The lunar years should be used for the Holy
Days of the Lord, and the solar years for the calendar and earthly
activities. <10>With the use of the lunar year for
God's Holy Days, the
Passover will always be in the first full moon of the lunar year.
<11>As the sun is a
symbol for the male, and
moon is the symbol for the
female, so the naming of
the months of the solar year is chosen from great
Prophets and spiritual
personalities, and for the months of the lunar year (which are based
on the moon, the symbol
for the female) from the
women personalities.
Solar Year |
Lunar Year |
1 |
(Atman) |
Eve |
2 |
Noah |
31 |
Ruth |
3 |
Shiva |
Shakti |
4 |
Abram (Abraham)
31 |
Sarai (Sarah) |
5 |
Moses |
Miriam |
6 |
Krishna |
Radah |
7 |
Buddha |
30 |
Maya |
8 |
Esa |
30 |
Mary |
9 |
Mohammad |
Khadija |
10 |
Bab |
Tahirah |
11 |
Baba |
Devi |
12 |
Maitreya |
29 or 30
Maitreyii |
13 |
Since the lunar year is shorter than the solar year, we will
have an extra month in some years.
It will be called: |
Presence |
<12>With this universal outlook of the base of
history and the names of the months, the new dating system can be
provided. For example, today, November 22, 1978 can be represented
as: Mohammed Sub 2, 011961.
<13>The names of the days of the week (7-days)
can be derived from the seals in
The Greatest Sign.
Sunday = Awakening ( )
Monday = Kingdom ( )
Tuesday =
Sacrifice ( )
Wednesday =
Submission ( )
Thursday =
Universalism ( )
Friday = Paravipra (
Saturday =
Consciousness or
Divine ( )
<14>They can be abbreviated as Aw, Ki, Sa, Sub,
Un, Para, and Pure.
<15>Therefore, today, Wednesday November 22,
1978 will be: Mohammed Sub (Submission)
2, 011961, or Sub Mo 2, 011961.
<16>The best way to eliminate the many different
festivals, birthdays, memorial days, etc., now existing in many
different religions, cultures, and countries which are considered to
be holidays is to accept the Holy Days of
God which He had demanded from mankind in chapter 23 of
Leviticus in the Bible.
<17>In fact other holidays, memorial days, or festivals are
all man-made and usually narrow in view. But the Holy Days of
God are directed toward the
God of the whole world, so
only they can unify humanity and are not designed from narrowness of
human view.
<18>All the great events which happened to
advance human progress should be listed in all the different
cultures and religions (those which historically have been proven or
strong evidence shows them to probably have existed, or stories
which are truly inspiring to be used as
<19>and on each day of their occurrence, a brief story or play
(depending upon the time, place, and people) should be presented in
each community center in order to inspire everyone mentally and
<20>Only those events that mentally and
spiritually are inspiring and have a universal view or are directed
God (universe) can be used.
<21>Stories that present
of the mind and favors for special groups or people are not
Sabbath day (weekly
Holy Day) will be Saturday as
God demanded to be the day
of rest and kept by Hebrews.
<23>As humans progress toward a more advanced material life,
if possible also Fridays and after that, Sundays, can be added to
the weekly off-days and there will be three days in the week to rest
and do things that are necessary to be done. If Fridays and Sundays
become holidays, then Friday can be used for personal things, such
as cleaning, shopping, personal business,
Satsang can be given,
performed, and community problems can be discussed, but not
necessarily resolved, if desired. <24>Saturday
(Sabbath) should be used to fast. Also on Saturdays the silence
should be observed and solitude is recommended. After a day of rest,
meditation, and deeper thought, it is a good idea to have the
community meeting to resolve community problems. <25>Sunday
is the day of joy, gathering, picnicking, feasting, and interaction
between people.
Wednesday, Nov. 22, 1978 Mohammed
Sub 2,