A Satsang
(Discourse) given by Maitreya on "Passover, its meanings, etc."
It can be read on the first night of the Passover to remind us why
we should observe it.
04/09/1990 Satsang (Discourse) by
The First Night of Passover
Female 1
Female 2 
Maitreya: It's a good night for us to go over the significance of the
Passover, how it relates to us, and what is the symbolic meaning of
the story of Passover for humanity.
Is Passover only for Jewish people and only they
have to follow it? Or does it relate to the Children of Israel? The
Children of Israel means, the "Children of Light." Israel means, "he
who struggles with God." This means not to struggle against Him, but
with Him. When you struggle with me it means we're struggling
together to accomplish the same goal, the same purpose. If you
struggle against me, we are opposing one another.
So when they say, God called him Israel, that means,
"he who struggles with God." He doesn't struggle against God, he
struggles with God. They both struggle toward the same goal. Also
the Children of Israel means, the "Children of Light." That's why we
are the Children of Light, we are the Children of Israel.
The Passover also has a symbolic meaning for us. The
term "Children of Israel" doesn't really relate to a race, it
relates to those who have the light in them, those who struggle with
God, those who are chosen to be His Children, His Workers, His
Channels. That's why there is so much symbolic meaning in the
Passover and the story of the Children of Israel that relates to
every person who struggles to purify himself, to spiritually become
close to God, and become a Child of God, or become the Children of
We see that God chose Abraham as the person who
started the story of the Children of Israel. And eventually it came
to Israel himself. He was Jacob and the name was changed to Israel
which means, "he who struggles with God, the Light Bearer." Then his
children created the twelve tribes of Israel.
What is a tribe? It's a community, isn't it? The
number twelve, for the twelve tribes of Israel, is similar to the
base of twelve in the community, or the number twelve in the twelve
disciples. Who is the thirteenth? The thirteenth is God Himself.
Christ came with twelve disciples. Who was Christ Himself? Christ
was the number thirteen, wasn't he? Twelve plus one makes the
That's why in the Communities of Light also
we base the community on twelve people, six couples. Who is the
thirteenth? God! When they sit around the round table, each couple
representing one sign, who is in the center? God is in the center. So they always have God's presence in their endeavors, in their
decisions, in their unity. In whatever they do God is with them, and
their decisions are based on His guidance.
These twelve tribes didn't receive the land that God
promised to them. But what does that land symbolize? It symbolizes
reaching Pure Consciousness. Isn't that the promise given to all of
us, to reach Pure Consciousness? Isn't our potential to be(come)
Are we already Maitreya, all of us? No, we're
not. We're promised that we can be(come) Divine, we can be(come)
God. We haven't reached there yet, but the Promised Land is already
promised to all of us. We are the Children of Israel.
See, they had been promised that but they didn't
receive it right away. What should they do? God already told
Abraham, I'm going to put your children in an incredible struggle
before they receive the land that I promised them. He promised
Abraham, when Sarai hadn't even conceived Isaac yet, I'm going to
give this land to Isaac. Isaac, in that time, had a hard time to
stay alive. Poor Isaac had to run from Egypt, go back to the
Promised Land, go back to Egypt, etc. There was famine in the land.
They had to go through a struggle. See the promise
is there. We are promised to reach Pure Consciousness. That is our
inheritance. God has inherently created us to go to the Promised
Land, to Pure Consciousness. But we're not there. We have to go
through a struggle.
What happened to the Children of Israel? Their
numbers increased but they still didn't have any land. The land they
had was barren, and the famine came to them. But, of course, God
sent Joseph to Egypt and eventually he became the second most
powerful person in Egypt, because God was with him. And because God
was with him, though he was just a Hebrew who no one knew very well,
still he was raised to the second highest position in the land of
Egypt. And Egypt was probably one of the greatest kingdoms on earth
So that's why Joseph could bring the Children of
Israel from where they were, support them in Egypt, and make them
prominent citizens in Egypt.
So you see, the moment you start progressing
spiritually, you will receive some blessing from God. You will
receive some good portion of His Kingdom.
But after Joseph died and he no longer was in power,
or the high position, the Egyptians started opposing the Hebrews. Eventually it reached the point that they became slaves of the
What is the significance of that? They had to purify
themselves. They had to really work hard to get away from the yoke
of the world, the worldly yoke that was put on them. Eventually they
reached a point where they had no rights. They became completely the
slaves of the Egyptians, and they fell into mundanity. Actually they
became more mundane than they were before.
The only thing they kept for themselves was their
faith, their faith in God that He was going to help them. No matter
how bad the situation became, they had one thing to hold onto, and
that was God. They couldn't count on anyone. They couldn't count on
the Egyptians. They couldn't count on their neighbors. They couldn't
count on any other race to help them. The only thing they had was
one thread, that God had promised, You're going to reach Pure
Consciousness. This is the land God has given to you and that's
going to be yours.
So they knew they were going to reach Pure
Consciousness, that no matter how bad they were, or how terrible an
ego they had, or how many problems they had, or how many desires,
attachments, and the things that bring out the mundanity, God
How did they become slaves? They became slaves of
their desires, or attachments, their minds, their judgementality. They had very judgmental minds.
We judge everyone around us. If we find someone is a
little down, we judge them right away, no matter how much they help
us, or how much they give us. The moment they are down we start
judging them.
So that's the same thing, we are the slaves of our
desires and our mundane minds, and the Children of Israel were the
slaves of the Egyptians. It's very similar, isn't it? They were
completely enslaved by the Egyptians, as we are the slaves of the
creatures within ourselves.
What is our hope then? Would we have to give up and
say, OK, we give up, we don't have any hope, we're going to be
slaves for the rest of creation?
No, they didn't give up. There was one thread, God
promised our father Abraham that we're going to have this land,
we're going to become a nation, we're going to reach Pure
Consciousness. God promised us we're going to reach Pure
Consciousness. We're going to become the Children of Israel.
So they struggled in such a way. But they also knew
that eventually God was going to send them a Messenger, someone who
God chose to take them away from the Egyptians, to freedom. That
Messenger came in the form of Moses.
Of course, Moses came, and you know all about this
story. He was put in a basket, and was found and taken in by the
Egyptian princess. He was raised in the king's house. Even if you
don't know the story, you have seen the movie [all laughing].
So eventually it comes to the night of the Passover. What is this night? God said, If you believe in Me, kill a lamb and
put the blood on your lintel and two side posts. Kill an unblemished
lamb, a lamb that does not have any defect, a perfect lamb. And then
put the blood on your door. I'm going to pass over your house. That's what the Passover means, pass over. The disasters coming to
humanity don't stop in your house, they pass over your house, your
communities, etc.
The lamb is the symbol of purity. The lamb has not
fully grown yet, it's a little innocent lamb. It's innocent and
perfect. When you put the blood on your door-posts, God says, This
house has the blood of the lamb, so we pass over this place and go
somewhere else.
We can see that that lamb eventually comes in the
form of Christ himself, and his blood is shed. That's why we don't
need to put the blood of the lamb on our doors any longer, because
the blood of Christ has already paid for that lamb. We don't even
need to eat lamb any more, because the symbolic meaning of having a
lamb and putting the blood on the doorposts is no longer valid.
In that time the Children of Israel were bringing a
kind of symbolic meaning to humanity, through the struggle with the
Egyptians. Eventually they won the struggle with evil, as do we with
our desires, or with whatever we're enslaved. Again we're not
talking about the race of Egyptians, it's a symbol of what is within
They eventually came to the point where they
realized that they had to purify themselves and really believe in
God in order to overcome those evils within themselves. That's why
they trusted in Moses, and Moses was able to guide them out of the
land of Egypt and help them to come away from those enslavements.
So the Children of Israel, or the Children of Light,
have to go through the same struggle. That is why we also keep this
night symbolically.
If you study the Children of Israel, you realize
eventually that the ten tribes in the northern kingdom were
completely lost. The only tribes that remained were the southern
kingdom. Actually they were the people of the tribes of Benjamin,
Judah, and some of the Levites. The rest of the ten tribes, or
northern kingdom, completely vanished. Most of the people don't know
what happened to them, but as we explained in our teaching,
eventually some of them moved to the northern part of Israel.
Actually there was a kingdom northwest of the
Caspian Sea which was called Khazar. These people said they were
also the Children of Israel. They were Jewish people. They had the
Jewish religion. Some people say they picked up the Jewish religion
because on the West they were pressured by Christians, and on the
East there were all Moslems. So in order for them to become a
neutral zone between these two and at the same time survive, they
said, No, we are Jews. So they were neither Moslems nor Christians.
But actually you can say, maybe they were a part of
the ten tribes of Israel, which went north. Or they might not have
been. But the important point is that those ten tribes of Israel
eventually went to Europe, to England, and came to the United
Even in the Book of Mormon we read that some
of the people who came from Israel eventually reached the United
States where they were killed by the American Indians. According to
the Book of Mormon, they were the Children of Joseph. Joseph was the person who was given the prophecy of the birthright,
the prosperity.
According to our teaching, the people who eventually
reached the United States are the same people, the people who came
from the Children of Joseph. So that prophecy that he's going to
have the prosperity of the vine and the vine is going to go over the
wall, etc, was fulfilled through them.
But the people left, who eventually were called
Jews, were mostly from the tribe of Judah. They became Jews, Judah
and Jewish. The first time you hear about the Jewish people is in
the 21st chapter of II Kings. Never in the
Bible are they
called Jews until then. And there it explains they were the Children
of Judah, the southern kingdom. Actually they were in war with the
northern kingdom, or the Children of Israel.
So we see that if you really want to find out who
the Children of Israel are, as a race, it's very hard to find them
any longer. Most of the Jews actually came from that Khazar kingdom,
because they are the people who eventually became a part of Russia. Most of the Jews who came to the West and Europe, and eventually
ended up in Israel, came from Russia. See? So they are really from
that kingdom of Khazar who were called the Jewish people. But it's
very hard to find out what is the real race of the Jews.
See God again is working here, mixing everything up
together so we realize that what He really meant by the Children of
Israel were the Children of Light, the people who want to go to Pure
Consciousness. It is not a race. It is the people who struggle to
get to God, to Pure Consciousness, to the Promised Land.
The Promised Land is not the Philistines. It's not a
physical thing. As above, so below. So that physical thing is
symbolic for the higher thing, the spiritual thing. The Children of
Israel are not a race, they are whoever goes toward the Light,
toward Oneness with God, to Pure Consciousness.
Now we again are reviving the night of Passover, not
by putting blood on our door but by putting the HOSH sign
on our door, because the lamb has already paid for us. Christ
already died for us. If we believe in Christ, his Grace is enough
that God is going to pass us over, because we have the Grace of God,
we have the Grace of Christ with us.
Also by symbolically hanging the HOSH
sign on
our door, we are putting a symbolic sign outside, as, this house is
blessed with the new teaching, with the
Eternal Divine Path. We are going to the Promised Land. God
is going to pass us over. No matter what tribulation is going to
come and be, no matter how turbulent it's going to be in the next
ten years or seven years, we have God's Promise.
Everyone, even the economists, scientists,
socialists, etc, are now coming to this conclusion: There are going
to be real disasters, real problems on this earth. They're
predicting more and more that this is inevitable. It's coming up.
Who's going to really make it? Those in
Communities of Light. How? By being One and by helping one
another, by supporting one another and being helpful to one another. Only these small communities who are completely one in God can
survive these shock waves that are coming on earth. How? By helping
one another, by understanding one another, by realizing and being
productive members of the community. If we can create such
communities, we don't have to have any fear of what is coming. It
will pass us over.
We saw symbolically, tonight, as one of our brothers
was telling us, that this candle was supposed to be lit when the
tribulation started, when the end of the world was going to come. We
lit this candle tonight as part of our keeping the Passover. Now we
are keeping the Passover. At the same time it is going to start now,
and we're telling God, pass us over. We are keeping Your Passover. We put the HOSH
sign outside. We don't have to put the blood of the lamb outside
anymore, so we put the HOSH
sign outside as a symbol to God that we are with Him. We are the
Children of Israel. We are the Children of Light.
We are not a race. We are from different races, from
different nations, with different languages, but at the same time we
are one. Still we are the Children of Israel, we are the Children of
Light. We want to go to the Promised Land. We are struggling for it. We don't want the "Egyptians" to enslave us any longer. We want to
be free of our desires, attachments, and all the things that are
keeping us as slaves on the earth and putting the yoke on our
shoulders. We don't want that yoke anymore.
At the same time we're not attached to the worldly
things. The Children of Israel were. They asked their Egyptian
friends, give us your gold, we're going to use it for our
ceremonies. And then they went to the desert and eventually took the
gold with them. Of course, not all of them did. Probably only a few
did. We hear that all of them did this, that is exaggerated. They
didn't all do that.
Most of them wanted to go to the Promised Land. They
didn't care about the gold. But some of them did. Probably the more
rich in the Children of Israel did, the ones who were close to the
Egyptians, who had Egyptian friends, or had higher places in the
tribe of Israel. A few were there who reached a point where they had
a relationship with the Egyptians. They were not really that
enslaved, and they asked their friends, Give us your jewelry and
your gold. They were friends, so the Egyptians said, OK, take the
gold. You're going to bring it back when you come. But those Jews
took it with them when they went. Not all of them did this, only a
few of them did.
But what happened to that gold? What did they use
that gold for? Do you remember? They built the golden calf. The very
gold they had stolen and were attached to, became the very thing
that made them fall. You see? They used the gold to make the golden
calf, to make a god out of it.
So we're not going to do that. We're not going to
ask anyone to give their gold to us, so we take it and be attached
to it, and eventually we fall with it.
What happened to them? They were the ones who didn't
continue to follow Moses. They always thought they had an option
besides being with Moses. They had their gold, their earthly
treasures. They weren't following Moses in the first place. The
whole thing happened so that there was a sundering process. With
their mouths they were with Moses but in their hearts they were not.
When Moses went up to the mountain and stayed there forty days, they
started murmuring, Where is this Moses? He brought us to the middle
of the desert and just left us here? Where is he?
He had opened the Red Sea, [well it was actually the
Reed Sea] but it was a miracle anyway. Something happened. They saw
that God was with them. But the moment he wasn't there for forty
days, they said, Where is he?
They weren't ready for it. They couldn't go to the
Promised Land because they weren't with him with their hearts. They
were with him only with their mouths, but not with their hearts. That's why the moment he was gone they started murmuring and
creating tension.
But eventually they won. They used their gold. They
made the calf and started worshipping it by doing the same kind of
an orgy (sexual orgy) celebration that the Egyptians used to do. And
what happened? Moses came down and said, I just left you for forty
days. All those promises God gave to Abraham, all this struggle you
went through with the Egyptians, it's all gone and forgotten?
You see, even after Passover still there were people
who weren't yet ready to go further. And Moses said, Who is with me
and who is not with me? The people who had already made the calf
couldn't say any longer that, We are with you. They were already
ashamed of themselves, and they couldn't say, We are still with you. They couldn't do lip service anymore. So what happened? They were
sundered. They went down to the earth and the rest stayed with
Moses, because their hearts were with Moses. They wanted to go to
the Promised Land, to Pure Consciousness.
Even then they weren't ready. They reached a point
where God said, This generation is still not ready. This generation
has to wait forty years and just wander in the desert, and their
children are going to be able to go. So reaching Pure Consciousness
is not an easy work. But it is the Promise that is given to
humanity. It's given to us.
Now we kept the Passover tonight and God will pass
over us. But let us have the hearts pure. Let our hearts be with
God, not only be with Him by lips but be with Him with our hearts,
really mean what we say and say what we mean. It doesn't matter how
much we claim with our mouths, but our actions and our hearts betray
us. God is not a God of the lips. He's a God of the heart. He
doesn't look at what we tell Him, He looks at our hearts, how much
our hearts are with Him. And that is how we can be one-pointed
toward Him.
We can't fool Him. It's impossible to fool Him. If
we think we can fool Him, we are fooling ourselves.
You realize God with your mind first, then with your
heart, and then you proclaim Him. But the proclamation comes from
your heart. Christ said one thing to his disciples, Go and say, We
have found the Messiah. One thing only, just tell them, We have
found the Messiah. They were with him for three years, a long time. They might not have been with him for three years, but for some
time. The only thing he did to them was make them realize who he
was, and then told them to go, because they realized him with their
minds and their hearts. Then it was time for them to claim what they
had realized.
As Christ said, If you're ashamed of me, I'm ashamed
of you. If you're ashamed to claim that you found the Christ and the
Christ is here, God is ashamed of you. That is the second step of
realization in this process. You've realized his presence and his
teachings with your hearts and your minds, now with your mouths you
proclaim him. If you cannot claim that you found the Messiah, then
your heart hasn't found him yet either. But your heart and your
mouth should be one. You can't say it with your mouth, without your
heart really realizing it first. And you can't know it in your heart
and not proclaim it.
So in a sense they were with Moses, but their hearts
weren't with Moses. Their mouths only were with Moses. Therefore
they had to struggle. They had to go to the desert for a long time
before they could raise children who could reach the Promised Land.
We can see this whole Jewish history is a spiritual
experience, a spiritual symbol for the whole of humanity. The
Children of Israel, or the Jewish people [they are mostly called the
Jewish people now, no longer are they called the Children of Israel]
are bringing a tradition, a story that doesn't belong to any race.
It belongs to every man. It's a story of struggling to reach God, a
struggle to reach Pure Consciousness, the Promised Land.
So from this night on we start the Passover, we
start our struggle. We start our going toward the Promised Land,
toward Pure Consciousness. Let's examine our hearts, our minds, and
our mouths that, is our heart really in this?
Do you really believe this is the unification of all
religions of the world? Is it the prophecy that everyone is looking
for and waiting for? Do you really believe in your heart? Do you
really believe that this individual is the channel and the Messiah? Do you really believe that?
Are we able to go out and proclaim that we found the
Messiah? Can we do that, or are we ashamed of doing that? Can we
all, with hearts, minds and mouths be totally with the Mission,
and completely able to accept this Mission as our own Mission?
God doesn't go for a lukewarm heart. You can't stay
lukewarm. What does God say He's going to do with the lukewarm
person? He's going to spue him out of His Mouth (Rev. 3:16). So He
doesn't go with lukewarm hearts. He just wants those who are 100%
with Him. That's why He put the Children of Israel through all these
tests, to find who is lukewarm and who is not.
So the journey toward the Promised Land starts
tomorrow morning at sunrise. It's time to pack up, take all our
belongings and household possessions, put them in the carts and
start going toward the Promised Land. This tradition is going to be
continued everywhere, and these words are going to be heard every
Every year we have to renew ourselves toward the
next journey. Every year we have to discern ourselves, and look at
ourselves. Am I really 100% for God? Am I really 100% wanting to go
to Pure Consciousness and toward God? See, this is our examining
ourselves. This is a night of examination. This is a night of really
looking at ourselves. Am I ready to become a Child of Light, a Child
of Israel? Am I 100% with this process?
And no one else can do it for you. You can only do
it yourself. We think we can fool other people but really we fool
ourselves. We have to be 100% for God, or we can go ahead and
pretend that we are, and not be.
So this is the night of examination. This is the
night of Passover. This is the night of starting our journey. And
maybe it is the night that the tribulation really starts. The signs
came out, didn't they? This is the night that we saw we lit the
candle that was supposed to be lit at the beginning of the end of
the world. We'll see in the next six months.
As I said, Only God knows the future. I never
predict the future because it's my Father who knows, not me. If He
tells me, I'll tell you. But He doesn't tell me the future. He
already told how to bring the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth, in the
Scriptures. We don't need anything else. Why do we need to know the
future? But also He gives hints. He gives signs to us sometimes.
On the night of the Passover He brought tribulations
to the Egyptians. He killed the first sons of every person who
didn't have the blood on the door. He didn't pass over them. Their
first sons died. What was that? That was tribulation, wasn't it?
That was a disaster which came to earth. Christ was the first son
Now tonight, again we have the Passover. Well, maybe
there is a tribulation. Maybe there is a disaster coming. That's why
we have Passover tonight, so it's going to pass over us, pass over
all the Communities of Light. Not this community alone but
all the Communities of Light are going to be passed over.
But what happens to those who are not in the
Communities of Light, those who are not the Children of Israel?
The prophecy is very clear what happens to them. It's time for them
to fall into Maya further and deeper, and probably not be incarnated
for a long time. And only the Children of Israel will be incarnated
for the next 1,000 years. The prophecy says, Those who are not ready
will not enter the Kingdom. They will not be of the Chosen Ones.
So the journey starts and all the signs say that
this is the time. It is the time for us to really start the building
of the Communities of Light, spreading the Message, spreading
the Mission, spreading it to every corner of the world, and
let everyone know. It is time to welcome all those who want to join
us and become a part of the Communities of Light. Hopefully
they are one with us in mind and heart and mouth, all three, so they
don't build a golden calf and create disunity among us. Let us be
aware of those who like to build the golden calf and create disunity
in the Children of Israel.
All these things are symbolic for all of us to
consider, to think, to meditate upon and understand what they are,
and why God created them. The Children of Israel, Jewish people, are
a symbol for humanity. God chose them as a symbol, as an example. So
we can learn from them.
Setting up and observation of Passover