
This book will explain the "creation and history"
and combines the two aspects of history: the historical aspect and
the spiritual aspect. The historical aspects are based on the book,
Children of
Abram (Abraham),
All Prophecies Are Fulfilled, and the spiritual aspects are
based on the book,
The Base.
The historical part explains how
fulfilled the prophecies which He first revealed would happen. It
was done so that, firstly, humans would understand that
God exists and is the Controller of all things. This would
increase their faith, and also they would know that they had better
follow His Words and listen to His
Prophets. Secondly,
these fulfilled prophecies would be a witness and a sign to the
truth of the teachings of Maitreya and
The Greatest
Sign. This part is explained in more detail in the book
Children of
(Abraham), All
Prophecies Are Fulfilled.
The spiritual aspects which are based on the book
The Base, explain how the
Eternal Divine Path, which will guide men to
Pure Consciousness, was revealed step-by-step through the last
six thousand years. Also it reveals how each of these steps became a
truth or religion of the world. But the true path is one which
contains all of the seven steps, and each of these truths by itself
is only a part of the whole. To receive the entire truth, a person
should understand the meanings and purposes of all of them so that
he might know the way.