Tablet One

is complete, without beginning or end. He is everlasting,
indivisible, and One.
In the beginning was
the Word, and
the Word was with
God, and
the Word was
The same was in the beginning with
(John 1:1-2)
<2>In the beginning before any creation, the
universe was in the state of
<3>The universe consists of consciousness (Father)
and the three
creative forces
(three gunas).
creative forces
are called "The Word."
<4>The consciousness and its three
creative forces
(The Word) are a part
and parcel of one entity (God). The consciousness cannot be separated from its
creative forces. They are one and indivisible.
<5>That is why "In the beginning was
the Word, and
the Word was with
God, and
the Word was
God," and "the same was in the beginning with

All things were made by him; and without
him was not anything made that was made.
(John 1:3)
<6>Because of the desire of
God, the operative powers
of the three
creative forces
were released,
<7>and by the use of these
creative forces (The
Word) and consciousness, "All things were made." Without the
creative forces nothing could have been made "that was made."