
Tablet Six

Islam, The Plan of
God was not yet finished. Still there were three more
truths which should have come before The Plan was complete. <2>The
first four truths (Far East Philosophies or
Mystical Paths,
Christianity, and
Islam) plus the next
three to be explained, make up the seven truths which are symbolized
as the seven churches and seven seals in
The Revelation, the last book of the Bible and are
presented in
The Greatest
<3>Also it
was foretold in the
Koran that a further
truth would come:
will bring a people whom He loveth and who love him...
Surah The Table Spread, 54)
God is One who does
whatever He pleases. So He can also send another Prophet if He
wills (pleases) to do so. However, the spiritual understanding
was finished with
Prophet Muhammad,
and from this point of view, he is the last Prophet.
<5>But to
complete and expand the human
mind, other steps were
necessary. The next Prophet, who brought
universalism ( )
was Bab (or the Baha'i
Faith). Without the universal point of view, all of the
four previous truths will be narrow, and narrowness indeed is the
root cause of all suffering and is not according to the Will of
God. Therefore,
expansion of
the mind (universalism)
was necessary.
<6>The name
of this new truth is historically known as the
Baha'i Faith ( ).
Although no new spiritual realization was brought to humanity by
this religion, with realizing that
universalism will
result in
expansion of
the mind and destruction of all
narrowness of the mind, the importance of this truth can be
felt, and it also is a part of
The Eternal Path.

<7>The sixth
truth ( )
is the explanation of those who will be chosen as members of the
nation which God
promised to Abram, "And I
will make of thee a great nation" (Gen. 12:2).
<8>These are
the ones who have gone through the
Divine Path, which is to awaken the latent spiritual forces
( ),
try to establish a spiritual environment for all to progress
physically, mentally, and spiritually ( ),
to be ready to sacrifice
all for this great ideal ( ),
to surrender and submit to the Lord ( ),
<9>and to create a universal point of view for all these
endeavors ( ).
Such a person, who is a dynamic spiritual force and incorruptible,
is called a Paravipra, or an Elect ( ).
overcoming their lower natures and going through the Eternal Path,
will be worthy to assume the leadership of humanity and help the
whole universe to reach
historically it is in our era that the awareness of the people will
have increased and many will long for a worldwide government which
can bring peace, tranquility, and happiness to all. Who else could
be the leaders of this new order, but those who have gone through
Divine Path? (Read
The Kingdom Of Heaven
On Earth and
Zion and Mount Zion,
and Explanation of the System).