
Tablet Seven

<1>In the seventh spiritual center (chakra),
the whole truth of
God and the spiritual world
will be revealed, and no mystery will be left. <2>Similarly
by the coming of the seventh truth, the
whole truth will be revealed. As explained in
But in the days of the voice of the
mystery of
God should be
(Rev. 10:7)
<3>This verse implies two things: first, that
there would be seven truths which would be brought with seven
Angels (Prophets),
and secondly, that it is in the time of the seventh
Angel that the sealed Scriptures would be unlocked and their
mysteries revealed. Any other truths before this last one, are only
a part of the whole, and none of the previous truths are complete or
perfect by themselves. <4>But it is the seventh truth which
reveals the whole mystery of
God, and no man can claim he has the whole truth before it is
<5>This does not mean that after this seventh
truth there would be no other great spiritual beings or
Prophets, but only
that there could be no more truths brought by them. They might
explain these truths on deeper levels, or if a part of them are
lost, they might bring them back. With this, the mystery of the
Scriptures of the last 6,000 years will be finished.
<6>So any religion or truth in this world is
a part of the
Divine Path. However, it will take some time before the
Divine Path is realized by all and its teachings are
established on earth. Then is the time that many will reach
Pure Consciousness and become the sons of
God as it is promised in the book
The Revelation:
He that overcometh shall inherit all
things; and I will be his
God, and he shall
be my son.
(Rev. 21:7)
<7>So the requirement for becoming the
son of God is to
overcome, and the
Divine Path is the way to overcome the external world (Maya)
and the power of the
guna (attraction to the external world, unspiritual desires,
attachment to the external world,
ignorance, and greed)
over the
Whoever overcomes, by His
Grace, is His son.
Amen (
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