Sal-Om everyone. Welcome to the third
session with Maitreya for
this Feast of Tabernacles. Glad to see
everyone here. This is the last
session for this Feast.
So before we get started let us all take
a second to close our eyes, become more
meditative and still, put our egos and
preconceptions aside, and be open and be
prepared to receive the answers
Maitreya gives to our questions
[silence]. Sal-Om.
We have the great honor and
blessing of having Maitreya
himself, God Is With Him (GIWH), in the
room. Other names and titles given to
him include the Christ, the Kalki Avatar, the Mehdi, He
Whom God Shall Make Manifest, the Blue
Kachina, the Seventh Angel, and others.
He is the representative of God, the
Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal,
FINE, on earth, come to reveal the Mystery
of God, unify the religions of the world and
humanity, and bring the Kingdom Of Heaven On
Earth, as has been prophesied. The
Father and Him are One, and He knows the
He will
be available for the next hour and a half,
from 2 to 3:30 PM, Mountain Standard Time
(MST), to answer questions on all aspects of
His Teachings.
As with the other sessions, we asked
people to send in their questions beforehand
and those questions would be answered before
other questions, and we received quite a few
questions, so we will be taking no questions
from the room in this session. There
are more than enough questions pre-sent in
for the full time for Maitreya
to answer.
However, I think everyone should keep in
mind that this is a public forum,
and whatever you do say or type is in public domain.
We do record these sessions, and may
broadcast them later or use them as we see
The microphone is now released to
Maitreya; please give him your
respect and undivided attention as he
answers these questions. All
thanks to God and to His Prophet.
Maitreya: Sal-Om everyone.
Welcome to this session. Let us start in the
name of the Most High, the Compassionate, the
Merciful, who has sent all the Prophets and the
Truth, and expects humans to read them, to
understand them, and follow them. Thanks God.
And we have a lot of questions from Ben.
His name here in this room is panpsych, I
guess. So we can read it here ourselves and
if there is an explanation is needed I will
probably ask panpsych, whatever that means.
Do you want to take the mic and say what
your name exactly is? And if you want to
read it or you want someone else to read
your questions? Go ahead.
OK then, we go to the next step. Yes,
great. OK. So go ahead and read the first
question. We have 21 of them. So it is going
to be a session probably with answering
them. We are not going to probably ask anyone to answer. I am going to just go ahead
and discuss them for the next hour and a
Go ahead, Ma, you can read the first
Question 1: Has
given any prophecies about how we will be able
to recognize His second and third incarnations? Will
it be a similar situation to what happened with
Bab and Baha'u'llah, or will Maitreya need to
die before his second incarnation can be born?
Maitreya: Apparently the
reference to the Baha'i way of passing the
scepter or the teaching to other person is
referring to the way of Baha'is believe that
anytime a leader passes away, the Spirit moves
from him to the next leader in their
organization. That is why the idea of a Guardian
was to have that Spirit continue in the
organization forever. And of course there is no
Guardian anymore. And as Abdul'Baha himself
clearly said, that organization without Guardian
is no longer valid.
But in this case of course we have made it clear
that it is the reincarnation of this soul that
will come back to claim the position of Maitreya
for three reincarnations at least, to continue
this Revelation to its ultimate fruition, which
is the Kingdom of God on earth for the next
thousand years.
God does not choose the Prophets just by going
from one Prophet to others, although He can do
that. But He Prophesies of the coming of that
Prophet. And God promised David that he will be
king forever.
If we do not believe in reincarnation, how can he
be king forever, because he died in one lifetime? But that is truth if he comes in each
incarnation and takes that position that God
promised him.
Therefore the way it is done in the Mission is
that I have to leave my body and return a new
incarnation. And there is an essay and writing
which is called
Passing the Scepter,
it is
in the
Supplements in
THOTH, and it explains how
it is done.
It is very much similar to the way they find the
leaders of the Tibetan, Dali Lama for example.
It is a group of the people that know me very
well and they will be looking for my next
incarnation, and since they know me well they can
recognize me in the next incarnation and by some
testing will find me probably and know exactly
that is me, that I have returned.
Meanwhile we will have a body of twelve people
who will conduct and continue the Mission. But
their most important task is to find me and
reestablish the Mission with one focus, one
leader, and continuation of unification of this
organization by being focused on the one center
instead of many.
If you have been in
lecture that Noor gave, we
see that every other religion to this point,
after the founder left, there have been an
upheaval and great separation between the
people, and those religions became branched out
to many religions. None of the founder of any
other religions to this point has given such a
specific instruction of how not to let this
happen to this Mission.
Therefore God is indeed protective of this
Mission and hopefully this will not happen to
I hope that answered your question. If it did we
can go to the second question.
I am going pretty fast. I am not going to go
very deep because the people calculated and we
have around probably 4 minutes for each
question to be answered. We have only 1 hour -
it is 90 minutes the whole time. And therefore
we are going to go pretty fast through all of
them, hopefully.
Go ahead Ma.
Question 2: What is the
Mission's teaching on divination methods such as
the Chinese I-Ching (Book of Changes), tarot,
runes, etc.? Are divination manuals valid ways to
know God's Will / receive His Guidance? The
Bible seems conflicted on this. In Leviticus
19:26, God commands: "Do not practice divination
or sorcery." But in Genesis 30:27, Laban says to
Jacob, "I have learned by divination that the
LORD has blessed me because of you." Does God
give guidance to individuals through divination?
Maitreya: Actually if you search
for the 'divination' in King James Version,
Genesis 30:27 does not come up as such. It says,
"By experience the Lord has blessed me for thy
sake." So it uses 'experience' instead of
'divination.' So that shows that God indeed is not
supporting divination and in that verse, Genesis
30:27, it does not use 'divination' but
So God is constant in His Opposition of using
any other method but trusting on God. And by
following His Laws and His Will and being
satisfied with whatever He gives you, you are
better off than trying to manipulate the nature
in order to satisfy the lower nature.
Therefore the answer is, He never supported
anywhere in the Bible that you can use any other
way but seeking His Blessing and Grace, or
receiving whatever God sees fit for your life.
If in another translation they use the
'experience' as 'divination,' that is incorrect
translation. That is why we recommend using King
James, not any other translation. It seems the
more they translate the Bible, the more they use
words that originally were not used - although
the King James itself might have been tampered
with some, but sounds like they really put
extra effort to make it more or closer to the
original teaching. So that is why we recommend
always use the King James Version.
The answer is, God still is opposed to that
OK, if you have any question or you have a follow-up, go ahead. We always can discuss that.
Panpsych [text]: So
divination is not part of the mystical paths?
Maitreya: No it is not. Mystical
Path is to know thyself to know God. It has
nothing to do with the incantation, divination,
or any other method that you put God out and you
try to think by doing those things you can
manipulate the nature to gain whatever you need.
Just like tarot, or runes, or whatever you have
listed in that question, they are all
manipulating nature. Not progressing, not
becoming Godly, not listening to God, but trying
to gain things with force. God is against
it. And the Mystical Path is also against
Do you have a mic? You can take the mic and
speak with me. That is much easier because I am
not reading the writing on the room much.
So the answer to your question is, no, it is not
Mystical Path. Mystical Path is different
completely. And we do not condone that
kind of rituals.
Actually that was one of the reasons God
destroyed man 12,000 years ago and closed the
third eye, because they also were able to
manipulate the Spirit and reached a point they
could have extracted the life force and continue
live for hundreds of years. And that is not the
reason for this creation.
The reason for this creation is to become
Divine, to become One with God, return
home. All those things are a part of Maya.
OK, do you have any follow-up? If no, we go
next question.
Question 3: What is the
reason for God's prohibition against Mystical
Paths in the Bible?
Maitreya: Who said God
is against Mystical Paths? I do not
understand that question at all because that
is not a part of our teaching whatsoever.
Actually, if you remember in the teaching, we
refer that when God choose Saul, He told him
that he will meet a group of Prophets that
they sing and dance and chant with the pipe
and music. And they were the mystical
Or, many Prophets of God spend time alone by
themselves in order to receive the
Revelation, including me. So I do not
understand why you concluded that God is
against the Mystical Path.
Can you explain how you came to this
Panpsych [text]: OK, I
thought divination was part of the Mystical Path
since Taoist and Buddhist use the I-Ching.
Maitreya: Ah, OK. All right.
Can you take the mic, Pan? [Panpsych typed that
he did not have a mic] OK, I wish you had told
me that because it is very hard for me to
answer your questions and read what you
write in the room. OK. Well, we
go that way. That is OK.
Alright, well, no it is not.
Divination is not a part of the Mystical
Paths and God is not against the Mystical
Paths whatsoever. In fact the Mystical
Paths is a part of the Seven Seals.
How can He be against something that He
already said, "I will reveal to humanity?"
Therefore the answer is, He is not against the
Mystical Paths.
Go ahead, let us go to the next question.
Question 4: There is
very little mention of Taoism in the Mission
although the Yin-Yang symbol in The Greatest
Sign is Taoist in origin. Were Lao Tzu and
Chuang Tzu avatars or prophets?
Maitreya: I personally
was introduced to the Mystical Paths through
Ananda Marga. And Ananda Marga is teaching about
the consciousness and the three gunas and
explains how they are the consciousness and
creative forces. And therefore it made sense to
me and it give me the experience to realize them
in a deeper level and see them and eventually
recognize them as the truth. I was not
introduced through Taoism or other disciplines
that you mentioned.
In general I found out many things that have
come from China are a philosophy more than a
religion. They might have some truth in them.
They are not completely void of the truth.
the Mystical Paths and the Scriptures that
Hindus and Hinduism have come from seems to be a
part of original teaching that spread all
over the earth and became the very base of
the mystical experience of all cultures and
And therefore, it seems the Hinduism and the
teachings about the consciousness and three
gunas have a greater truth than any other
philosophy or teachings from any other
Mystical Path. And since I was
introduced to it that way and it made sense
to me and became the part of Revelation, I
have to say that is more truth than any
other philosophy.
But I am not completely throwing out the Taoism
or other philosophy. They might have some truth
in them. The best way is study them, compare
them, meditate on them, and eventually to come
to the conclusion which one is the best or have
any truth in them or not. That needs a scientific way of looking at them and maybe
eventually conclude if there is - they have some
truth or not.
So we in the Mission emphasize on the Hindus'
understanding of the consciousness and three gunas, and the way it is explained in that
religion. OK.
I will try to read your writing then.
Panpsych [text]:
Taoists teach meditation.
Well, a lot of people teach meditation. So
you can probably bring Taoism as a part of the
Mystical Paths as Sufism is, as Cabbala is, as
other teachings that we call Mystical Paths are,
which is to know thyself.
Maybe Taoism does help a person to know themselves. If it does, then it is included in
Mystical Paths. But the rest of them can be a
philosophy and teaching, and also have some
truth in them.
Then you say:
Panpsych [text]:
Taoists also teach divination.
Maitreya: OK, now you
are saying something that God said, "Do not do it."
So it might have some truth but there are parts
that they are not the truth. And divination is
almost used in many, many religions and the
Panpsych [text]:
Buddhists also use divination.
Maitreya: We are
talking about the truth of the religion or the
followers. That is two different things. Yes,
there might be some Jewish people that they
follow divination and therefore God said, "Do not
do it," but still they are doing it.
There might be some Moslems doing it. There
might be some other people doing it. But that
does not mean that is correct.
Panpsych [text]: Can
it be used in a Godly way? i.e. by praying to
God first for guidance?
Maitreya: Well, is
there any place in the Bible
says you can make it Godly by praying to God and
saying, "Oh maybe this time...?" Is it - but that is what you say right now.
Does it sounds like rationalizing a command of
God so you can feel good about something He said,
"Do not do it?" So, I do not think so. He said,
not do it," so do not do it.
OK, go ahead with the next question.
Question 5: Do the 8
signs of the Taoist ba-gua represent 8 existing
primal forces in the universe? (i.e. Mountain,
Lake, Fire, Water, Wind/Wood, Thunder, Earth,
Heaven.) Do these eight forces have anything to
do with the 8 petals of the Lotustica in the
Seal of Pure Consciousness?
Maitreya: Again, those
things are in Taoism and there seems to be some
understanding from some people that they
followed that path and therefore they concluded
those things.
We also can look at the Chinese medicine. They
believe in yin and yang and they believe in
many ways that affect your health. Are you
having too much water in your body, or too much
heat, or too much other things? And they teach
you, you have to have a balance between all of
them and you have to work to bring the healthy
body by following those things.
So how much truth are in those teachings? Again
it has to be studied, it has to be followed, it
has to be looked into to see how much of them
are the truth and how much of them are not.
So Taoism again seems to me is a philosophy, it
is not really a Revelation from God. And
therefore those philosophies have to be proven
have truth in them.
Hinduism, the consciousness and three gunas
already has been proven to be true and makes
sense. And therefore we accept them and leave
those, the rest of the teachings in other
philosophies, to be proven to be correct.
Therefore again that is not a part of our
teaching but we teach the First Seal.
If again you have some follow-up, go ahead.
Panpsych [text]: Ok I
thought that God's prohibition against
divination was temporary.
Maitreya: You say you
thought God's prohibition for divination was
temporary. Why?
Panpsych [text]:
Because we had misused our spiritual powers, so
He was trying to keep our 3rd eyes closed.
Maitreya: Yes, the
reason He closed our third eye, because we
misused it. We used them to extract life force,
or use it for our selfish purpose. And
divination is a very selfish way to try to
manipulate the nature for our selfish desires.
The whole idea is, not having a desire but
desire to return home.
Why do you use the divination? You use to gain
Panpsych [text]:
Because He was keeping it closed for 12 thousand
Maitreya: Yes, He had
it closed for 12,000 years so the history will
become a lesson for humanity, and when this
Revelation comes, human understands that they
should not use divination and tarot and the
things that are selfish ways as they did 12,000
years ago.
And He is not going to open the third eye until
human learns these things and realizes that
12,000 years of the history is a lesson for
humanity not to misuse their powers.
I thought you know about our teaching more than
this. Seems like you really do not know about
the teaching much.
That is why I thought your questions is - as you
said, you have searched the website and these
questions, you did not find them in the website.
If you read our teaching, it clearly says
the last 12,000 years has been a lesson for
humanity to learn not to misuse their power,
not to be selfish, listen to God 100%, put
their lives based on God's Will, come
together, help each
other. Therefore, their physiological and safety
needs is been taken care of, they do not have to
worry about those things. They can meditate and
progress in Spirit and become One with God.
That is the only Path is recommended by God, a
selfless Path, a Godly Path, a humble Path that
will listen to God. Not a selfish Path. So that
is the base of our teachings.
Do you want to answer the rest of your
questions too, or, you have had enough?
All right then, let us go to the next one. We
started it, let us finish it.
Question 6: Does the
Mission of Maitreya believe that Hindu/Vedic
mystical philosophy (with its 7 Chakras, 3 Gunas,
etc.) has more truth than other Mystical Paths
such as Taoism (with its 3 Dantiens, 8 forces,
64 Hexagrams, etc.)?
Maitreya: Hinduism, as
we explained, has a greater truth and we have
experienced it. We believe that, yes, it does.
Go ahead, let us go to the next question.
Question 7: Was there
ever a time in the history of the universe when
the goal of life was to individuate and create
separate egos that felt separation from God? Was
this ever God's Will at the beginning? Did God
ever send prophets to teach unit consciousnesses
to individuate and separate themselves from
their God-awareness in order to become more
focused in the physical world?
Maitreya: Can anyone
answer that? That is a simple one.
[Someone typed answer] Yes, the
answer is a very resounding NO, because the
If you remember, the Bible
starts with the notion that there was a
darkness and God moved to see what is that
darkness. He had never felt that
darkness in His Body, and He decided that is
not good, just like a sickness or something in
the Body of God. And He sent His Spirit into
that darkness and the Spirit went through the
Eternal Divine Path and eventually reached the
Therefore God was not very happy such a thing
has happened in the Body. The separation was
something God did not like at all and did not
want to see it happen. And therefore from the
very beginning it was an anomaly that the
individual be separated from the rest, be
egoistical, be disconnected, and still is.
And that is what we are trying to convey to
humanity and let them know that individuality is
not the goal, but collectivity under the umbrella
of the Eternal Divine Path is the goal.
And that
is how you overcome the separation from God and
others, by foregoing your own individuality into
the collectivity. And collectivity is greater and
has more power than each individual separated
And humanity is still fighting that, and that is
why they have a problem. They still having
separation between them.
OK, he says:
Panpsych [text]: But
God likes to see us 'Play the Play.'
Maitreya: Who said it
is a play?
Panpsych [text]: Even
when we reach Pure Consciousness you have said
that God does not want us to merge back into
Him, but to remain in Pure Consciousness as
separate beings.
Maitreya: First of all
I do not teach it is a play. Actually we say it
is a very serious business. The reason the whole
thing is created was because there was darkness,
and the whole creation is created so return that
darkness back to God.
Being a play is a Hindu misinterpretation of
their base or original teachings. And it never
meant for the creation to be looked at as being
a play. And it is not.
Panpsych [text]: The
creation is done for "sport" it has been said.
Why does God send us all religions and Prophets
to guide humanity? Why does He want to write the
Bible and the Scriptures to guide humans back to
Godhead? He would have let it just,
everyone plays the play according to what they
want to play, and the way they want to play, or
you - or make it
a sport. It is not even a sport. It is
very serious business, and we are here to grow
and go back to God.
So it is not a sport. It is not a
play. But it is something that humans
should recognize and realize. And they
eventually will because this is the last
Revelation. And again you have to read
our teaching more deeply, Ben.
It is the teaching that is different
than Hinduism. Also we include Hinduism, that
does not mean that we accept everything is
in Hinduism. If we had we would become a Hindu. We do accept Judaism, but we do not accept
everything in Judaism. If we had we would have
become a Jew.
Same thing for Christianity, or Islam. We accept
a lot of things in Islam, but we do not accept
everything. Otherwise I would have stayed a
Panpsych [text]: Why
have you said that it is against God's Will for
us to merge back into Him?
Maitreya: I did not
say - it is not against God's Will. Actually
that makes it very serious that God wants us to
help each other and come back and help other
people to understand that we have to realize
this teaching, not to look at it as a game, not
to look at it as a sport, a serious business. We
are here to help each other, to accelerate, to
create the Communities of Light,
and accelerate the progress of everyone to go
back to....
But when we reach to God by ourself, God is not
going to let us stay there. He spues us out of
His Mouth because He wants us to come back and
help other people.
Panpsych [text]: You
have said that reaching Pure Consciousness and
being with God is distict from merging with God.
Maitreya: Distict?
Panpsych [text]:
Different thing distinct
Maitreya: No, I did not say that. I said, when
you reach Pure Consciousness selfishly, God is
going to send you out, send you back. That is
different than, "He does not want you to go
No, He wants you to go back but you cannot go
back until everyone has gone back. That is what
we teach.
It seems a lot of misunderstanding there, Ben,
in understanding the teaching. The teaching is
completely different. The teaching is to make
human to realize it is a serious business,
everyone is responsible to recognize their life
and creation is a gift and is a very rare gift,
for each of you, or everyone, to be here and
help each other to create the Communities of
Light, overcome our selfishness and self-centeredness, and create the Communities of
Light that we can live together and help each
other and accelerate the progress of everyone to
reach Pure Consciousness.
And if you even reach to Pure Consciousness, God
is not going to let you stay. He is going to
say, "No, go back. Go back to help other
If you cannot help other people then you have to
look at yourself pretty strongly, and follow the
Eternal Divine Path.
OK, let us go for the next question.
Question 8: Will
sannyasins have full voting rights to select
leaders in the KOHOE, or only married people?
Will sannyasins be allowed to become political
leaders (like married people can)?
Maitreya: Well
basically, sannyasin... is a decision they can make
to participate in the process of selection or
not. But in general it is preferable for them to
concentrate on God and greater things and not
get involved too much with the politics and
things that are not affecting them.
But if there
is a situation that it affects them, of
course they should have representation in those
areas. But in general they should concentrate
more on higher things and helping the community
and become an advisor and be people that are
Godly, than involve themself to the worldly
things too much.
But if there is something that affects them,
yes, they can participate.
OK, let us go to next.
Question 9: Are
sannyasins allowed to get married later in life
if they find a partner?
Maitreya: Absolutely.
If they want to become married people, that is
fine. If there are married people they want
to become sannyasin, that is fine. It is
just something that has to be very flexible for
everyone to see where they are at.
But if you decide to be sannyasin, it is again
preferable that you do not waver and change
your mind too much. The whole idea is that
sannyasins have more time and energy and they
are dedicate their lives to God and married with
God, and therefore they should not really look
into marriage. But of course if they cannot work it
out without being married and eventually they
decide they are not made for sannyasin life, of
course they always can back off and say,
"Well, I am not really made for this, and I am going to
go and get married."
The whole idea is that we give enough
opportunity or create enough opportunity for
every person that they eventually see why
they have been created and why they are
here, and
then choose the path wisely themselves, with the
help of the Elders, and therefore they can have a
happy life and know that what they have chosen
is from God for them and therefore they can
follow it.
But if they realize, no, they made a mistake,
they always can change their minds.
But the
Communities of Light should be based on the
ability of each individual to create keen
understanding to choose what God created them
for. That is why we believe the ability to have
a physical body, improving your physical body,
your mental ability, your wisdom, and eventually
decide wisely. Therefore you never back up.
But always there is a possibility you might
change your mind.
OK, next question.
Question 10: Why did
God command that we not wear clothing woven of
two kinds of material (Leviticus 19:19)?
Maitreya: Well,
probably there was some reason in that time that
He sent that command to the Children of Israel.
As we will see in other question you have, there
was some reasons in that time that He commanded
these commandments. And probably there was a
ritual there in that time that the pagans were
using that as a magical thing to do.
For example, there are a tradition that if you
put or sew forty pieces of cloth together and
you had a wish, it is going to come true. God
said, "Do not do it." So it could be that sewing
those two materials together had a magical
Panpsych [text]: A
wish what is going to come through?
Maitreya: Yes, "A wish
that is going to come true," exactly. So
that is why God said, "Do not do that, trust on
Me. Do not trust in these traditional...." God is not very happy or interested in
traditions and opinions and ideas, but He is
interested in His Will to be done.
OK. So that is why He said, "Do not do it." Next.
Question 11: Why did God
command that we "not cook a young goat in its
mother's milk" (Exodus 23:19)?
Maitreya: That is
again the same thing. Actually this one
has been explained, and we found the explanation
for it:
Noor M [text]:
Maitreya: The pagans
used to believe if they do that, and to spread
what they cooked this way to the trees and their
land, that will help them to have a better crop
next year. So every time after the harvest, that
is what they did. They cooked a young goat, or
they called it kid, into mother's milk and they
spread what they created all over their....
Panpsych [text]: Oh so
it was a selfish use of spiritual powers.
Maitreya: Exactly,
that was a selfish way. Again not listening to
God, not praying to God, not thanking God for
their crops, but doing it that way and believing
that they are going to get better crops. That is
why God said you should not do that.
Actually if you read other parts of the
Bible, it clearly
says that it is OK to cook - I mean not to cook
but to eat meat and milk together. There is no
problem with that. Many places in the
Bible they....
Panpsych [text]: So it
has nothing to do with Jews eating meat and milk
Maitreya: Exactly, it
has nothing to do - everyone can eat meat and
milk together. The whole idea was, do not cook
the kid in mother's milk and believing by
spreading all over the place you can have a
better crop next year.
Yes, exactly. That is why God said,
"Do not do it.
Trust on Me. Do not trust on milk and goat
cooked into milk."
OK, next.
Question 12: Why does
the God of the Bible
and the Koran
sometimes refer to Himself as "We" and "Us" if
there is only ONE GOD? (For example, in Genesis
1:26 God says, "Let US make man in OUR image.")
Maitreya: It is
something called the "royal we." If you have
seen, the kings refer to themselves as "we"
also, but there is only one king. When they say, "We
decided that thing is going to happen," they do
not mean there is more than one king. There is
one king, but "we," as a royal we, decided. So
that is why God also refers to Himself as We,
"Let us."
Therefore it is a royal we. And also in that
case, "Let us make man in our image," it kind of
a decision that He will make but at the same
time is referring to, everyone knows that
decision is made such a thing to happen, "Let
us." "Let us go to the lake," but really
you made the decision to go to the lake and
you are informing everyone else, "Yes, we
are going to go to the lake." "Let us,"
"We are going to create the man
in our image."
Noor M [text]:
Maybe has something to do with the translation
Maitreya: How does
that have anything to do with the translation,
Noor? Go ahead.
Noor M: I was just
thinking that the King James Bible
was compiled together in a time when there were
a lot of monarchs. So maybe the royal we
was very well known as a very respectful term, so when they
were creating the Bible
they translated it in that way to emphasize that.
Or maybe in the original Hebrew language, or
whatever the original language it was, maybe the
best way to explain the word that it was, was to
talk about - was to say it in that way.
I do not know. I
just - I always wonder about the
translations for these little things like this.
Maitreya: Could be.
Could be that might have some truth in it and when
they translated they probably changed a lot
of things in it. So not everything is completely
is 100% truth in the
Bible too.
Bible has been translated more than 27
When I started the Mission
there was 27, but since then they have a
couple of even more translations that they try to
bring some of their agenda into it.
So yes, that could be it, but also,
yes, kings that
used that as something to help them out as well.
We - God calls Himself "We," so king calls
himself "we." That makes sense.
OK, any follow-up? If not, let us go to the next.
Question 13: Is it
O.K. with God for us to work with mantras such
as "Om Namah Shivaya," "Om Aim Saraswatyai Namah"
and "Om Sri Maha Lakshmyai Namah" so long as we
realize that God is one?
Maitreya: Do you know
what do they mean?
Panpsych [text]: Yes.
Maitreya: OK, well I
am wondering why you asked that question. What,
do they have the meaning of, "There is more than
one God?"
Well after the coming this Mission
and the mantra, Haree Om Shrii Hung, Om Nam
Kevalam, which is the greatest in meaning and
vibration, using any mantra is just, is
bringing the energy to the lower level.
So one of the things that I realized very early
in my understanding of Hinduism was, there is so
much, or so many gurus and people are between
you and God. And therefore, the mantra from Baba
Nam Kevalam was changed to Om Nam Kevalam so the
concentration is on the highest level, not on
the Guru, not on the Messiah, not on the
Revealer or Prophet, not on Shiva, or Krishna,
none of them but the Highest, which is the
Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal.
Even if you accept that our mantra is the
primary, still using any other mantra will bring
your energy down. So the best way is not to use
any other mantra whatsoever but use the highest
and understand the meaning of the highest.
So no, they are not recommended to be used, but
everyone who follows the Mission
have to recognize and realize the Formless and
Invisible and Nameless is the Highest. Even my
presence and this Revelation and all my names
and all the things that have been given that
God made it clear this is the Revelation from
God and the highest, is to glorify God and go to
Him. Not even get attached to me and make an
obstacle of me to go to God.
So it is good to respect me, understand that God
choose this vessel for this purpose and have the
highest adoration for what God did, but at the
same time go beyond that.
Panpsych [text]: Are
other mantras that do not specifically mention
the name of a guru permissible? Such as "Om I
bow to the all-pervading essence"
Maitreya: Why go to
something that is not come from the highest
level of God's Chosen? Why do we need anything
All right, next.
Question 14: Why have
all the prophets in The Greatest Sign
been men (i.e. Noah, Buddha, Abram, Esa,
Muhammad, Bab, Baha'u'llah, Baba, Maitreya)?
Why no female prophets?
Panpsych [text]: I
have found the Mission mantra
to be quite powerful indeed.
Maitreya: Well, I am
glad you find the Mission
mantra most powerful. Actually it is the most
powerful mantra of the last 12,000 years.
So, as we said, there is a dharma for men and
women and each of them are created for a
purpose. It is the division of labor and the
best way nature to utilize for humanity to
progress. Therefore each of them have to
understand the purpose and reason God created
them. And also it is, apparently God chooses His
Prophets from men.
And in the final analysis we
are all going to go to Pure Consciousness and we
will be equal and there is not such a thing as
Prophet or not Prophet, or the man, or the
woman, or the child, and this and that. These
are just the human concepts that stop them from
following God and His Will. And if He chooses
men as the Prophets, He is God, He can do that.
And therefore we should accept that as His Will
and therefore follow what He has chosen to do.
So we can see that is the way God does it. God
created women for a different purpose. He
created men for a different purpose. And if we
are following God's Will we should accept our
situation and position according to God.
I hope that makes sense. Go ahead, let us go to
Question 15: Why has
God always been traditionally referred to as a
"Him" in the Bible?
Maitreya: OK. You mean
why He is not called Her?
Panpsych [text]: Or a
gender-neutral term
Maitreya: I see.
OK, well, God is both. God is everything. He is male
and female. And He has been actually God the
Nameless, the God Invisible. He has been, at
least recently in a new way or New Age of
thinking, He has been called Her or She. We have
called Him/Her/It many times. And in the
Bible probably He
has not ever been called She, or Her, but it is
been refer Him to "It."
Because most of the languages, when they talk
about a general idea, they always used to use
male as the person they are referring to do a
general ideas. They never included female. So
that is probably why in the
Bible followed
the same idea.
And eventually when the new way came they
start using Her and She also.
And this is a new way of thinking. Before that
never anyone objected to anything like that.
That is what it is.
OK, I am glad you like that. OK, let us go to the next.
Question 16: Can you
please explain the following passages from the
Koran, and I will
post those in just a minute, and read them now:
"Men have authority over women because
God has made the one superior to the other
... . Good women are obedient.
... As for those whom you fear disobedience,
admonish them and send them to beds apart
AND BEAT THEM" (emphasis added) (Koran:
Women, 4:34) (does God condone domestic violence
by men as a solution to marital problems?).
"If any of your women commit a lewd act ...
confine them to their houses till death
overtakes them or till God finds another way
for them" (Koran:
Women, 4:14-16).
"If you wish to replace one wife with
another, do not take from her the dowry..." (does God
condone a double-standard here?) (Women 4:20).
And now I will post those verses.
Maitreya: OK, "Men have
authority over women." We find that most of the
verses in Koran,
it is not using "authority" but it is using "in
charge," "guardian over." So it is not really
authority, but being in charge, being guardian,
protection kind of a way of referring to it.
And that is not an Islamic idea alone. Actually
if you go to Hinduism, in Hinduism it is taught
women are under control, are under the charge of
the father. He is supposed to take care of them,
protect them, and bring them up according to
Hindus' philosophy and ways. After they are
married, the man is in charge or protects them
and guards them. And when the man become old
and he leaves to continue his spiritual journey
- that is the way of Hindus' philosophies,
when the couple becomes old they are
recommended to depart from each other and
the man goes to a spiritual path again - and now the son is in
charge of the mother.
So it is not a Koranic understanding. The whole
idea of women being guarded and protected, it is a
cultural thing that until recently, probably 100
years ago, it was even practiced in the West.
Panpsych [text]: In
that culture they were guardians over women, of
course. Does, this have anything to do with the
belief in Native American cultures that the sky
is Father and Earth is Mother? I.e. Father is unmanifested and women represent the manifested
Maitreya: Could be.
Even in American Indian culture there was a set
up of the woman in that culture also were
protected by their men. It is something
you can find in every culture that something
like that is always been presented.
And when a society becomes prosperous and there
is a lot of wealth and the woman now can have
wealth, usually it becomes loosened up. And
since they have their own financial freedom and
independence they do not follow that advice.
And it is very interesting that if you study the
history you can see this phenomenon happens when
a society becomes prosperous.
And the whole
thing, the freedom and the ability to women to
separate themselves from the authority of the
men, and the ability to do whatever they want,
is come at the same time with the sexual
looseness more in the society, and ability to
show their body more and more, and coming of the
gays and lesbians and all those things, and
eventually the destruction of that society.
So it seems to have a financial base. That is
what the Koran
even says, they have authority over the women
because the man has the finances and helping
them out by money that they have.
Maybe that is why God make human poor, because
when they are poor seems to be that apply more
So isn't it better that we follow God's Way even
when we are prosperous, than we follow His Way
when we do not have money and we are not
prosperous? That is why the Mission
recommends women and men all understand
God's Way. That seems to be the
cultural thing that has been all through
That does not mean the woman cannot work. Or
that does not mean they should be beaten. I am
not - I have no doubt men have misused this verse
and have done bad things toward a lot of woman.
That is not acceptable either.
But at the same
time it seems protecting women is a part of many
cultures. And when there is no protection there,
something happens to the culture and men lose
control and women are not happy. They want to be
attractive. And they make by showing more body,
when the beauty of women is more than their
body. And therefore they become confused, men
become confused, and the whole society falls
So it seems God's Way is they have to create an
environment that the women are protected, they
are taken care of, they are loved and cherished,
and made realize that they are great mothers and
that is their beauty and strength. And therefore
that is why God says that protection should be
We will see. Those societies that went away from
that, and it happened to every great empire,
when they become prosperous that is one of the
things happens, then other things come after
that. Now can we be prosperous and at the
same time listen to God? Isn't that
better than not?
So that seems to me that is what it says in that
verse about the dowry. It says, if you decided to
marry another woman or put your woman away, if
you have given some money - it is not dowry
actually, that is another thing is not in
Koran. It
is not dowry. It says if you have already given some
money to her, you cannot take it back. You cannot
say, OK, you were with this woman and you gave some
money to her, and then you decided to marry
another woman, you cannot take that money back.
It is hers.
Actually I think that was not double standard, I
think that was great. That is telling him, if
you give something to her you cannot take it
back. It is hers. I thought that is good.
I do not know why you took it as that is bad. So
that is, we can see that, yes, it is a good
thing that if you gave something to your
previous wives....
Of course, we personally and the whole Mission
believes in great communication between
couples and they become great friends and
the ability to work with each other very
closely and be one. It should not be
dominating, anyone dominating anyone else.
But in general, yes it is a good idea that the
society set up a way that the women are
protected and they are provided and they are
taken care of. That is what God says that is the
way it should be.
Panpsych [text]: I was
referring to the fact that men can upgrade their
sexual partners to new ones, but women can't.
Women get confined to their rooms.
Maitreya: Where did you
refer that?
Well, the only thing we teach is that in order
to create more children....
Panpsych [text]: "Send
them to their rooms till death overtakes them"
Maitreya: Yes, well, that
is about the lewdness. But do you know what
lewdness means? Means to show their body,
Panpsych [text]:
Sleeping around?
Maitreya: OK, well I
thought that meant only to showing your private
parts. But probably what you say is
correct too.
So it actually says,
"Chastise them." And if
they did not listen, then make more and more
their punishment severe. And if nothing helped,
of course, as you said, do that.
But of course
the best way, if there is a woman that does that,
of course, the man should just let her go. Just
probably it just is not worth it.
And that will create a bad environment, bad
energy. It is not good for the woman. It is not good
for the man. It is not good for the children.
And, yes, and it says not beat up actually. We
looked at the many verses in
Koran. It
does not say beat up. Only one of them
said beat up slightly, very, very, not very
hard. But it mostly said scourge or
And if, as you say, it is true she sleeps around,
then He said, do not sleep in the same bed with
her. And kind of ignore her and....
Panpsych [text]: OK I
was reading Penguin classics.
Noor M [text]:
Here are our accepted translations/books:
Maitreya: I see, OK, I
thought maybe you are reading some translation.
That is one of the things you have to be very
careful. There is a kind of a backlash
right now toward Moslems, and the translations
are a little harsher than it should be.
So I would probably go more to the translations
done with the people in the Middle East or
Because people used to come to this
room and tell me that Mohammad married a... he was a
pedophile because he married a girl, she was
eleven. And then after a while she became nine.
And after a while became seven. I even saw,
heard someone said five years old.
And none of them of course was truth.
So you
have to be very careful what you read in those
translations. But in the translations we found,
there was none of them really was beaten up,
but mostly was chastised or scourged.
And of course if some loose woman you married
with, I recommend that, just get away from her. Just
let her go. But if the woman is not loose and is
completely dedicated to her husband and children
and she is great woman, do not let her go.
Just hang into her. She is the one
that makes you feel beautiful and Godly, and
your children will be Godly, and your family will be blessed.
So if you do not find such a woman and the woman
you have is loose, I recommend just get away and
find another one that is good, and Godly.
OK, if there is no other question let us go to
Question 17: Can you
please describe in scientific or meteorological
terms what exactly happened when God "rained
down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah"
(Genesis 19:24)?
Maitreya: OK, can you
tell me who told you that it was "burning sulfur?"
The Bible says
"brimstone and fire." How did you get that?
Panpsych [text]: NIV
[New International Version]
Maitreya: OK, yes.
Again we look at the King James Version, old,
not even New King James. And they say "brimstone
and fire."
So it could have been, it is a little far-fetched, but it could have been kind of similar
to atomic bomb that the radiation destroys
people, or it completely, if you are close to
the central ground zero, your body will become
kind of ash, it burns to ash.
Of course the Bible
says "salt."
Whatever it was, that is what God
said He was going to do to Sodom and Gomorrah
and that is what He did. So in a sense, what it
exactly was.... That is why I was wondering why are
you saying "burning sulfur" because I had never
heard that before. Just a second.
Panpsych [text]: They
had that technology back then?
Maitreya: Yes, well,
it is not the technology. I am not saying
exactly it was the atomic bomb. But there is some
theory that some kind of technology was
available. Actually some people say there is a
part of Saudi Arabia that it looks like some
atomic bomb has been used in that area, it is so
devastated and the remaining looks like such a
thing happened to them.
Of course they are all speculations. That is
why one of the things I hope Mission
one day will have some departments that study
these things in a deeper level and hopefully
find out exactly what happened.
Of course God also uses what is available in the
nature and what He has created it. So it
is possible to realize what exactly
Just like the parting of the Red Sea. It really
was not Red Sea. There was no Suez Canal there.
It was the Reed Sea that it was a marsh between
Egypt and the other side of the Suez Canal. And
the water was not that deep. And a strong wind
easily could have pushed the water away and
opened the way for the Children of Israel to go
through. It is a miracle, I am not saying it was not a
miracle. But it is explainable.
So what happened in that time in Sodom and
Gomorrah, it is something that destroyed the
cities, made those who looked at it and did not
listen to God's Commandments to become like salt
or sand or whatever happened to them. And
what it was
is something we can only speculate what it was. But
we cannot know exactly what it was unless we
have some way to go and study them and come up
with the truth of it.
OK, I hope that answered your question.
It is not
really, there is no answer for it because really
we can only speculate, not give the answer. But
there was something that God used to destroy
those people. And He might even use it again,
who knows?
Go ahead, next.
Question 18: Why does
the God of the Old Testament seem to NOT have a
universal perspective? For example, God says in
Exodus 23:22-27, "I will be an enemy to your
enemies and will oppose those who oppose you ...
the Amorites, Perizzites, Canaanites ... I will wipe
them out. You must demolish them and break their
sacred stones to pieces. ... I will send my
terror ahead of you and throw into confusion
every nation you encounter."
Maitreya: It is not
that He is not universal, but He is having a
creation that created to choose the Elects and
those who progress and want to return to God.
Those are His Chosen Ones. And it goes very well
with our teaching.
We are universal. We like everyone to tomorrow
come and say, "Yes, you are right. Let us forget
about our separation and egos and destruction
that we are bringing on earth, and wars and
injustice and all the things we do to each
other, and let us create a just earth and unity
and bring God to, among ourselves." Then we
include everyone.
But we do not. If they are not
Elects, if they do not want to listen to God
and follow His Commandments and return to
God, they are different than the Elects.
They are fallen.
Also we are universal, we know they are a part
of the universe, but they have lessons to learn,
they have the destruction to go through. They
have to hear the Call and not answer and be
punished or destroyed for going against God's
Therefore they are not ready and they separate
themselves from the rest and therefore they do
not become a part of the universal point of the
That is why God commanded those things happen to
those people. Not that He hates them but maybe
they will receive a lesson in this lifetime and
prepare them maybe, hopefully, in the next lifetimes to progress.
Panpsych [text]: So He
incarnated all the ones who had progressed into
the Hebrew population
Maitreya: In that
time. In that time Hebrews were the Chosen
people. When the Christ come.... Yes. Chosen people are
not a race. Chosen people, according to our
teaching, are those who follow the
Eternal Divine Path.
Therefore it is not the Jews that are Chosen
anymore, it is not the Christians, it is not the
Hindus, or Buddhists, or Moslems. It is those
who follow and join this Mission
and realize that God has sent all of the
But each time a Prophet comes, those who follow
him are the Chosen Ones. So it changes in
different incarnations. And therefore they have
to realize Chosen Ones is not a race, it is not
a specific group or people, Chosen Ones are
those who follow God's Way.
So, yes, it is now. That is what we are looking,
or we are Calling. We are Calling the Elects.
Elects are now are different than then.
Therefore it is not, not being universal, but God
is saying, "You are Chosen. They are not. They
are not listening to Me. I am going to do this
to them."
Not as a hate or not being a part of the
universe but as a lesson for them to learn for
the future.
I hope that answered your question. Go ahead,
Question 19: Did God
really command the Jews to go kill men, women
and children of other groups and steal their
land and valuables from them (for example see
Joshua chapter 6)?
Maitreya: Well, He
might have, but at the same time remember the
Bible has been
changed. Some of the things that they put in
there came from the carnal people or the carnal
minds that wanted to make Jewish people superior
to other races and Hebrews superior to other
races, and so they added those things to the
Bible. It
might not have come from God.
That is why Mission did not put
commentary on every verse in the
Koran. And we
have to take some of those verses with a grain
of salt.
But at the same time, know God can do
whatever He wants. And maybe it was
necessary at that time.
And even we believe eventually there is going to
be the great destruction that 1/3 or 2/3 of
humanity might be wiped out. It is a pretty
scary thought, but that is what the Revelation
and the prediction is.
So it is possible, but at the same time it is not
important. The important thing is where we are
at and where we are going.
Noor M [text]:
Maybe those that were killed, killed children in
another life and had karma.
Maitreya: And yes,
they might have great karmas, that is true.
Question 20: When the
children of Israel found a man gathering
firewood on the Sabbath, Moses decided to stone
him to death at God's command (Numbers
15:32-36). Did Moses do the right thing? Did the
punishment fit the crime, and is this proper
Panpsych [text]: Would
killing a 3 month old infant help that baby to
progress in the future?
Maitreya: OK well you
are asking, "Would the killing of a 3 month
infant, that baby...." Some kids are born and they
die a couple of minutes after. They might have some
karma for that period.
Maybe it was time for them to come and pay for
the karma they have created previous lifetime.
Or maybe not! Or maybe they were killed innocent
and those who killed them innocently, if it was
not the Will of God, they are going to pay for
So it is not black and white. It is a very
rainbow color.
The next question that Ma just read, it is the
same thing. You have to take that with a grain
of salt, and it might be a part of the
Bible someone
added to it. But it is possible.
It is possible that in that time Moses
wanted to put an example for the other
people to realize that he is
serious. And he had the ability to do that so he
did that to make other people follow it.
Or maybe a priest later on, at the time of
time that people are becoming more and more away
from the Sabbath and they are not keeping Holy,
maybe he added that to the
Bible to make
them conform to the Commandments of God in a
greater degree by putting fear in their hearts.
So again there is some possibility it is from
God and there is some possibility it is not. But
the most important is where we are at now, what
is the Revelation now, and let us concentrate on
Question 21: This is the
last question: If God can raise a prophet in
every village, then why didn't He do that
instead of telling Muslims and Jews to go kill
lots of people around them to spread God's
message? Couldn't God have prevented a great
deal of unnecessary suffering by simply sending
lots of messengers instead of lots of warriors?
Maitreya: I like that
question. That is a very clever question.
God already said He was going to send Seven
Revelation with the Seven Prophets, and also
send minor prophets, some people say there are
144,000 of them. So sending Prophets, seems He
can do it but not necessary He will do it.
And He prophesied the Prophet come and He sent
them to them and He created ability for them to
spread the Message. But those who do not
listen to the Prophet, they have to go.
It is time for humanity to listen to Christ. If
they do not, that is what happens to you. It is
time for humanity to listen to Muhammad, Prophet
Muhammad. If they do not, that is what happens to
them. It is time for people to listen to this
Revelation. If they do not, God said there
is going to be tribulation and destruction.
So it is going to happen to them.
That is what God's Way is.
He prophesies. He sends the Messiah, He sends one
person as the Messenger of God. And either the
people listen to him, or they do not. It is their
But also have God already said what is His
Choice. That is the way He is going to do.
it is up to you. You want to listen to God, or
you have your own idea how should it be done.
God said that is the Way He is going to do
it. Therefore, that is His Way.
I hope that answered your question. And all the
answers are given.
I wish all of you a good year
and fantastic understanding of the Mission and
unity with God. And I am hoping most of you take
these words in heart and study them, and come and
join the Communities of Light and create them.
And let us bring God's Word to the heart of
man and let them realize that is His Way. His
Way is our way and our way is His. And your way
should be also His Way.
Sal-Om everyone. Have a good year. See you guys
all next year. Sal-Om!
Q&A Sessions 2010