
God has created the whole universe. He
Knows how it works. He Knows how the unit consciousnesses can
be best helped to return Home (to Him/Her/It). This can only be accomplished by being Focused on
Him. Much focus, however, is given to the Kings and the heads
of a society. If everyone accepts God as the King and the Head
of the society, all attention will be on Him, all will follow His
Laws, and all will return to Him. So when you accept God as
the King and the Lawgiver, you accelerate the progress of humanity
in returning back to God (our True Home).
God Knows this very well. That is why He
has been trying to make humans accept this Truth since the beginning
of the creation. Man, however, having a strong will (ego) has
other ideas in mind. S/He thinks he knows better than God what
is good for him (knowledge of the tree of good and evil). This
misconception and egocentric approach takes man where it is not
Godly and takes him further away from God (The Goal). This
falling away takes man to Maya (illusion of separation from God).
This is symbolized by the story of Adam and
Eve, and their fall, in the Garden of Eden. Since then a great
struggle has occurred between God and man. God has been trying
to bring man back Home (God), and man has
gone astray. As THOTH clearly shows, God made
man go through a long period of evolution until the creation of man
to the state that we are at now (most of our spiritual powers
closed, etc.). Since this last evolutionary step twelve
thousand years ago (Flood of Noah), and the History (His Story), and
especially since the last six thousand years, a Plan has been
devised to make this clear to man: That God indeed is in
control and is the King (Point of Focus). To be Focused on God
is man’s Salvation!
He created Canaan (workers or Shudras and
warriors or Ksattriyas), Japheth (intellectuals or Vipras and
businessmen or Vaeshyas) and Shem (true spiritual people or
Brahmins). These four classes (Shudras,
Ksattriyas, Vipras and Vaeshyas) have been the main classes in
this new man and his society. Then
God chose Abram (Abraham) to be an example for humanity. He
Blessed him and his children as such an example for man. Abram
(Abraham) was the reincarnation of Adam (The First Begotten Son).
God Blessed him above all men, and all men (and nations) will be
Blessed through him.
He then gave him two sons, Ishmael and Isaac.
It is through these Sons and their children that God will send His
True Mouthpieces (Prophets, Messiahs) to bring man His Messages
Until recently (mid-2002) I (Maitreya)
accepted that this happened through the reincarnations of Adam (The
First Begotten Son) as these Mouthpieces (Prophets, Messiahs).
At this time, God Revealed another aspect of His Plan: He also
accomplished this through keeping a pure Lineage
from Abraham to this
day and so He has Revealed His Revelation through this Pure Lineage.
All Great Prophets and Messengers have come from His Lineage.
I am from this Lineage
as well (Lineage of Abram and Abraham).
Again God fulfilled the Promises He gave to Abram (Abraham), and
again proved that He indeed exists and Glory Be To Him/Her/It.
Although our assumption is correct that it is
The First Begotten Son who has Revealed all Revelations from God to
man (Blessed all nations), God, however, reincarnated the First
Begotten Son only in this Lineage to accomplish this. In other
words, God accomplished it in two ways: He Incarnated the First
Begotten Son to Reveal His Revelations (Eternal Divine Path),
and He reincarnated the First Begotten Son in the Lineage of Abram
Therefore, the Mission was correct even
before we came to the understanding of the Genealogy and its
importance in God’s Plan. It is indeed the First Begotten Son
who was Adam, Noah, Krishna, Shiva, Abram (Abraham), Christ,
Muhammad, Bab, etc., and
Maitreya. Although it seems that Krishna, Shiva, and
such are not from the lineage of Abram (Abraham), Noah, who brought
the Mystical Paths, was the First Begotten Son. We can see
that in regards to the Mystical Paths, the lineage does not apply
(Baba seems not to be of this lineage either). Prophets who
came from the Mystical Paths and the Sixth Seal have their own
Prophecies and understandings of God’s Plan. They, however,
merge with the Plan of the Lineage of Abram (Abraham) in Maitreya
(are united!). It is our Teachings that bring these two plans
together and unify them.
The importance of the Lineage of Abram/Abraham
was impressed on people in the Judeo-Christian, Islamic, and
Bab/Bahá’ís religions. God went even further and made it clear that
will also be from the Lineage of King David (Lion Of The Tribe Of
Juda or Judah). It is only He (Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah) who
can Open the Book Sealed with the Seven Seals. Muslims also
are waiting for their Messiah to come from the Lineage of Prophet
Muhammad. All these beliefs were impressed on people
(religions) that did not strongly believe in reincarnation.
Most probably these religions and their followers would have had a
harder time to believe our Teachings and Revelations if we could not
have been able to connect Maitreya to Abram (Abraham).
All these, of course, have been fulfilled
through our Teachings and Maitreya. God did not leave
any possibility for anyone to doubt that indeed our Mission
is from God. For those who still do not, or cannot, believe
it, there surely is something wrong with them! They indeed do
not have the Spirit of God with them and are not the Elects.
Why have all these things happened? They
are all to Glorify God (Jallal’u’llah). Yes indeed, He and
Christ are the only subjects that should be Glorified. Christ
represents the Spirit of God on earth (Manifestation). He is
here to Glorify God, and whoever Glorifies Christ (His Spirit,
Revelations) Glorifies God. This Glory is symbolized by the
concept of Scepter, which was given to these Prophets (Messiah, The
Anointed King).
The Scepter is the symbol of the kings.
In this case it is the Kingly Spiritual Domination that is the
Spirit Of God. This Scepter belongs only to God and He only
gives (and has given) it to the Anointed One (Christ). God
Promised Abram (Abraham) that such Anointed Ones shall come from His
Lineage. These Anointed Ones will come both from Ishmael’s
Lineage and Isaac’s Lineage. Prophet Muhammad came from the
Ishmael Lineage, and Esa (Christ) came from Isaac. Bab came
from the Lineage of Prophet Muhammad, and Maitreya is from
both Lineages.
These Anointed Ones bring the Spirit of God to
man. They have the Kingly Spiritual Domination, which comes
from the Spirit of God, with them.
Indeed it is God who is this Spirit and is the King. The
focus is on God. That is man’s salvation.
So the original Plan
was that God would be the King FOREVER (I mean as long as the sun
and the moon exist). This is what the children of Israel (and
all humanity in general) rejected, and instead they longed for a
human king. With this, they rejected God and His Plan.
They chose Saul, a handsome tall man (they went by their sight
instead of their Spirit/Heart) as their king, and he failed
Then God chose a King for them (King David) and
put His own Spirit on Him (he became the Anointed of God, Christ).
His Lineage will be the Chosen Kings on earth. Those whose
Spirit will be upon them are Christ, Messiah. At the end,
however, the human has to realize what God has been doing and
eventually succumb to His Original Will!
Parallel to this Plan, there was another
Plan! This one was the One for the people of the Far East.
These people believe in the Mystical Paths and believe in
reincarnation strongly. They have had their own
understanding of the Plan of God, their own Prophecies and
beliefs. This Plan and what is described above (Children
of Abram/Abraham, Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah, etc.) seemed to be
incompatible with one another, until NOW.
From these religions (Mystical Paths) and their
Revelations came the Revelations from Baba (Anandamurti, Mr. Sarkar,
my Spiritual Teacher). They are clearly included in The
Greatest Sign, and the Sixth Seal is the only One that did not
follow what has been Revealed to the
Judeo/Christian/Islamic/Bab/Bahá'í religions. Of course, this
is just an appearance, as God clearly has foretold of its coming in
the Bible (the Sixth Seal). Baba indeed has fulfilled
many Prophecies in Hindu (and maybe even other) religions, and it is
mentioned in the Bible that He would come.
In fact, in this later time, by the coming of
Baba and His Teachings, and our unifying Revelation, these two Plans
have merged together as One. Again the Unification is in the
Revelation of the Seven Seals and the Seventh Angel.
All these explanations, to this point, were to
show that God has a Great Plan for man. He wants man to
realize and understand the Eternal Divine Path, know that God
is indeed in Control, and is the King, that only through focusing on
Him and following His Laws (the King’s Laws) can they return Home
(to God). He, however, gave this Power to His Chosen Ones all
throughout History. This passing of the powers to these
individuals to do His Will is what we can call the Passing Of The
Throughout History, this power (Scepter) was
given to many people all over the world. Those who have
received it used it to do His Will (knowingly or unknowingly).
The Scepter (in a limited degree) was given to Cyrus, for example,
to bring the Jews back to their land and build the Temple.
That is why he also was called Christ (an Anointed One). The
Scepter has been given to the Prophets and His Messengers in a
greater degree than any other men. The Scepter, however, will
be given to the Seventh Angel in an unlimited measure. He
indeed represents the ultimate Manifestation Of God (Jallal’u’llah,
The Glory Of God, He and His Teachings indeed Glorify God forever).
Now the question is: Will God Pass the Scepter
to anyone else after the Seventh Angel who will Open the Seventh
Seal and will Reveal the Book sealed with the Seven Seals? God
Promised that David and His Lineage would be Kings forever, and He
kept His Promise to this point! Will this continue?
To find the answer, we have to look to see what
God says after the Seven Seals are Opened and the Book Sealed with
the Seven Seals is Revealed.
Before the importance of the Genealogy and
Lineage of Abram/Abraham, King David, and Prophet Muhammad, and
their relationship to
Maitreya came to the Mission, we still believed that
God kept His Promises and indeed all the Great Kings and Messiahs
(Prophets), etc. were the First Begotten Son Of God (King David, His
Reincarnation who was the First Begotten Son – God’s Spirit, etc.).
We, however, believed that this happened through Reincarnation, and
that Adam (The First Begotten Son) was born as all the Great
Prophets and Messiahs (Kings, Reformers, and all things that
affected the progress of man and their evolution further, even if
they have not been from the Blessed Lineage).
There are, however, many who were born in this
Lineage who were not the First Begotten Son Of God (Christ,
Anointed, etc.). They are those who did not manifest Great
things and/or were cruel and unworthy. These are the ones who
were placed in this position between the incarnations of Christ.
Whenever Christ is born, He will occupy these positions as Christ
who is from the Blessed Lineage. After the opening of the
Seven Seals, however, it sounds like God is saying that this no
longer will be the case:
Dan 2:44
And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a
kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not
be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and
consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (KJV)
Since we believe this Kingdom will be
established after the Seventh Angel comes (at the end time), after
this (Seventh Angel) it will not “be left to other people.”
This seems to be clearly saying that the Scepter will no longer pass
to anyone. It will stay with Christ (the First Begotten Son)
and God. Christ and God will Reign forever. This is also
shown in The Revelation:
Rev 11:15
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in
heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms
of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and
ever. (KJV)
How is this possible? If we believe that
Christ comes as a man and will bring God’s Revelations (Spirit Of
God) to man and dies later, how can God Reign forever, with Christ
(will not be left to others)?
The answer has already been given in the
arrangement we have made in the Mission. It is true
that Maitreya will leave this body, but He will return.
The very board of directors (The Round Table) and later the elders in the
facilitating body (Body Of Christ) of the Mission
are also the searching committee to find Maitreya in His next
reincarnation. After Maitreya leaves His body, each
member in the board of directors will be the head of the Body for
one year. Each year a new head is chosen from those who have
not been the head to that point, by vote from the whole group.
Maitreya will choose the members of this body. Those who
remain the members of this body, at the time that
Maitreya leaves His body, are the Body Of Christ.
The Spirit of Christ (Maitreya) will be upon them.
If Maitreya left His body before choosing
all twelve members of the Round Table (RT), those who are in the
RT at that time will be the permanent members. They can
then evaluate the members in the Mission and fill the
remaining seats (up to twelve). However, those
who join this body (Body Of Christ) at this point will assume
junior positions to the permanent members.
Permanent members cannot be removed unless they
have done something to warrant impeachment. The
impeachment process begins with the majority vote of the entire
body (minus the person being impeached). At the end of the
impeachment process, majority vote will decide the fate of the
member impeached. Permanent members also can retire if they so desired (or
if the majority of the permanent members vote that they should
Periodically (permanent members can decide how long this
period will be), the permanent members might
consider voting junior members to senior positions. Senior
members can be removed by majority vote of the permanent and
senior members.
Junior members cannot remove permanent or senior
members. The only thing they can do is file a petition for
a junior member to be removed by the body. If the petition
is accepted, the majority vote of the body is needed.
If further adjustments become necessary for
this body to function properly (based on God's Will) the body will
come up with them so they will become a strong and united body
in God.
So between Maitreya’s Reincarnations,
this body acts as caretaker of the Mission and continues what
has been set up (in a more limited degree) until Maitreya
returns (they cannot bring any new revelations, change the teaching,
or destroy what Maitreya has brought to humanity). Each
member of this body is fallible. The body together, however,
is infallible, because God’s Spirit will be with them (they are the
collective Body Of Christ).
This Spirit, however, will be with them until
Maitreya is ready to assume His position as the Eldest.
In that Moment that Spirit will no longer be with them, but will be
with Maitreya.
Maitreya in His future incarnations cannot change the basic
Teachings of the Mission. If the person who has been found as
Maitreya tried to do that, the board of directors has made a
mistake and should replace Him with the True Maitreya by
using the process of impeachment described in
our system (with 2/3
majority vote).
So the Spirit of God will be the King forever.
He is the Spirit with Maitreya. He (the Spirit Of God)
will be with the
Body Of Christ, which is also the Searching body for Maitreya’s
Reincarnations. He (God) will be with Maitreya when He
is again ready to assume His position as the Eldest.
This arrangement will continue until the
facilitating body is formed and the Communities Of Light are
established all over the world. At that time, the Hierarchy
will manifest Itself from the bottom of the society. All
positions, as it is envisioned in The Plan, will be filled and The
Hierarchy will be formed. The Executive, Judiciary, and Elder
bodies will be manifested. In this reincarnation (when all
things are manifested) after Maitreya leaves His body, the
Eldest from the Elder bodies can be chosen. At this time we no
longer will look for Maitreya, as even the Eldest will emerge
from the Hierarchy. However, the moment the Eldest is chosen,
He will be in the Capstone and God’s Spirit (and Christ) will be
with Him (He will be called
Maitreya). Maitreya (Spirit Of God, Christ, King
David, etc.) will be King forever and ever. He indeed will be
Christ, the Spirit of God on earth, The King! This fulfills
the Promise God gave to King David. King David (the Spirit of
God, The First Begotten Son) will be King Forever. God never
fails in His Promises.
If the Eldest, however, would not manifest the
Spirit of God and/or tries to change Maitreya’s Teachings, he
can be removed as prescribed in our system (MAP).
This first arrangement, however, will be
only for a thousand years:
Rev 20:4
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was
given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded
for the witness of
, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped
the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon
their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned
with Christ a thousand years. (KJV)
This arrangement will work because those who
are not chosen and are not the Elects will not be incarnated for a
thousand years. It is only the Elects who will be on earth.
So our system will work well for this time period.
Rev 20:5
But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years
were finished. This is the first resurrection.
Rev 20:6
6 Blessed
and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the
second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of
Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. (KJV)
After a thousand years (a long time) people who
have not been incarnated for this period of time will be
reincarnated again to see if any of them have learned their lessons.
Those who have will join the rest of the Elects.
Rev 20:7
And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out
of his prison,
Rev 20:8
And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four
quarters of the earth, ... (KJV)
Humanity again will fall for a short period of
time. This time, however, the deceiver (Maya) will be cast
into the lake of the Fire forever.
Rev 20:10
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and
brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be
tormented day and night for ever and ever. (KJV)
We all shall return again. At this time
the Elects should start looking for Maitreya again.
This will be our last battle with impurities and Maya (illusion of
separation from God).
Rev 20:11-15
And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose
face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no
place for them.
The second
resurrection will occur, and those who have not progressed will be
And I saw the dead, small and great,
stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was
opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of
those things which were written in the books, according to their
And the sea gave up the dead which were
in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them:
and they were judged every man according to their works.
And death and hell were cast into the
lake of fire. This is the second death.
And whosoever was not found written in
the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. (KJV)
Those who have overcome, at this point, will
be(come) His Sons and Inherit everything.
Rev 21:7
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God,
and he shall be my son. (KJV)
These Saved People will have these qualities.
Rev 21:22-24
22 And I saw
no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the
temple of it.
There is no Temple because their bodies
are their Temples. They will find God within (His Spirit;
within/therein - they learn how to Meditate deeply).
23 And the
city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it:
for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light
It is the Spirit of God (Christ) which Lightens
their bodies.
And the nations of them which are saved
shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring
their glory and honour into it. (KJV)
Even the government (kings) will be enlightened
and Glorify God.
Rev 21:27
And there shall in no wise enter into it
any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or
maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
There is no doubt about the Purity of these
So as we can see:
First: After the Seventh Angel, The
Kingdom will not be left to other people but to the First
Begotten Son Of God (Christ) and God (the Scepter shall not be
passed any longer). Therefore the genealogy no longer is
valid, and the system has already been set up correctly. The
system is under the Protection of God directly (it will not be left
to others).
Second: We are not trying to establish the
Kingdom that will last forever. We are setting the base
for that Kingdom, which will eventually (after a thousand years)
last forever. We, however, at this time, are gathering the
Elects to help with the process. It is these Elects who
will be reincarnated again and again for a thousand years.
When our system is firmly in place, and
all of us become well-versed in the Scriptures and know how to work
in this system (after a thousand years), the last period of
tribulation and purification will come. At this time those who
have not been incarnated for this thousand years shall return again,
and they again will be judged. Those who have overcome will
join the rest of the Elects and then all of us will enter Pure
Consciousness (will be with God and Christ).
These Words are the Truth, and are based on the
Scriptures and the Words of God. So they will surely come
true. Amen.
list of the supplements (Table of