First Seal (The Mystical Paths)
Mission Of Maitreya
"Eternal Divine Path"
A Lecture Given By:
Feast of Tabernacles 2003
can follow the words in this lecture with
presentation that goes with them)
Part I - October 12, 2003
Part 1 Audio

Part 2)
Sal-Om, everyone. Let us close our eyes for a minute, bring our
energy all together, and let God come through all of us. Let us be
attentive, participating in the lecture together. Let us learn
from what God has revealed to us and become one with it.
are going to have a lecture on the First Seal. If you go to the
website and have the
PowerPoint presentation up, this is the first
screen. You just have to follow it as I go along [the sentences
in bold are from the PowerPoint presentation].
What have we covered in the previous lectures?
The Lectures We Have Given So Far
Second Seal
Third Seal
Fourth Seal
Fifth Seal
Sixth Seal
Seventh Seal
So if you want to go and look at what has been given in previous years,
you can just go to this page and click on one of them to see what the
lecture was.
7. In this lecture we will cover the First
Seal (Awakening of the Spiritual Forces).
is probably the most expanded and the vastest one because it is the
Spirit behind all the religions. You cannot have a religion
without the Mystical Paths. There is no religion that does not have
a Mystical Path in it. The only one I was thinking that might not
have a mystical part is the Baha’i teaching. But even they
probably will have some mystical people in it and they have had some
experience with God, etc.
8. Then we will have a lecture on all the Seals
in The Greatest Sign.
with this lecture we will have given a lecture on every Seal in The Greatest Sign. If you want to go see what the lecture was
about, you can go ahead and look at the website and see what was given.
year, the lecture is going to be done. I am going to ask questions
from you, what the lecture was. So you had better go and learn the
lectures. You are all going to be tested on the lectures I have
given [laughter]. You had better listen very carefully today so
you do not have to go and study it again for next year.
I think they are all very good lectures. They all bring everything
together. Now you have this lecture on the First Seal also.
So we are going to have a very good collection of what each of the Seals
is about.
So we are
going to start with the...
of the other lectures (for instance, the lecture on the Second Seal)
start from Abraham, how Abraham was chosen, and all of that. The
Third Seal starts with Christ. The Fourth Seal lecture was about
Islam. The Fifth Seal lecture was about the Baha’is. The
Sixth Seal lecture was about Baba and Paravipras. And the Seventh
Seal lecture, of course, is our teaching.
this lecture is going to cover mostly from the beginning of creation to
the Second Seal because that is what we are missing right now in our
lecture series about The Greatest Sign. That is why we will
start from the beginning. What was in the beginning? Does
anyone remember what happened in the beginning?
Audience: In the beginning was “The Word”...
Maitreya: Oh it is there [laughter as all were looking at the
PowerPoint Screen and the answer was there]. Someone is cheating
here. Actually, it is true. In the beginning it was The
Word. The Word was God. At the same time, God was before the
creation, God was before the chaos; God was before anything that
happened in the universe. Therefore, in the beginning was The
after that, what happened? That was the chaos there. The
darkness was upon the face of the deep, wasn’t it? If the darkness
was upon the face of the deep, then what is darkness? Darkness
means chaos. It means that you cannot see your way. You are
confused, and you cannot find your way.
So there
1. Chaos
And into that chaos, God decided to send His Spirit.
2. God sends His
Spirit into this Chaos (let there be Light).
Why did He do that? He did that because He wanted to rescue that
chaos, the darkness, dispel it. So something went wrong in the
We might say, “It was the first desire,” in the consciousness that was
created in The Word, or Oneness in the Universe, and for the first time
the feeling of “I” separated from the rest was created.
That is like we are. We are “I’s” separated from each other.
But if we are all in God, are we really separated from each other?
We are not. We are absolutely One.
The reason we feel separated is because we have that separated “I” from
each other. But God did not want that to happen. God did not
want to see that separation.
That is what the chaos is. Do we have chaos on earth? Why is
there chaos on earth?
Audience: Separation.
Maitreya: Exactly. It is because each feels separated,
“We are different than they are, and they are different than we are.”
What is that story, putting the butter underneath the bread and putting
the butter on the top of the bread? The little differences become
big, and we get into all kinds of trouble with each another.
So God sent His Spirit to the world and:
3. His Spirit goes
through the Eternal Divine Path.
Of course, if you read our teachings, they explain how he went through
the Eternal Divine Path. He was the Spirit of God. He
was the Consciousness of God. That is the greatest sacrifice God
made for the darkness, to come to it, manifest Itself to the darkness,
go through the process with the darkness, and help the darkness to go
back to God.
That is why God comes in the form of the Prophets to bring to humans the
Message. The Message is, “Turn around, be baptized, go back home.
You are going too far away.”
That Spirit went through the process of the
Eternal Divine Path. He awakened his spiritual forces.
Of course, because it was the Spirit of God, he awakened his spiritual
forces in an accelerated way. He realized that he has to help the
rest of the people in the darkness to go to God.
So he created Communities of Light. He sacrificed for it.
What is the next one? [Someone answered.] Good, good, I
thought you were asleep or something [laughter]. The next one is
to surrender and submit to God.
Then he became a Universalist. He expanded his mind beyond any
narrowness of the mind, went to expansion of the mind, and saw the
universe as a part of himself and himself as a part of the universe.
He became a Paravipra, an Elect. Whoever follows this Path will
become a Paravipra, an Elect.
So, he became an Elect and eventually he reached Pure Consciousness.
And God said, “There is Light! There is a possibility. There
is a way out.” He can help this darkness to go back to Pure
Consciousness and reach back to Home.
That is why the Eternal Divine Path
was created.
4. He had an experience with God (Mystical
....that he knew he was a part of Him. That is why the first step is
so important, for everyone to start meditating, to start to awaken their
spiritual forces, to remember that they are a part of God already.
A lot of people do not know it. They do not remember that they
have come from God.
have this amnesia that, “No, we are not a part of God. We are just
our little egos, and we are separated.” They feel bad about
themselves or they feel bad about their lives, “How small I am,” or
something like that. But if they experience that they are a part
of God, they know that they are not small. They are a part of God
so they will easily follow the rest of the Path.
5. Since He realizes that He has always been a part of God, He is
willing to go through the rest of the Eternal Divine Path.
is why meditation and awakening your spiritual forces are so important
because it gets us away from depression, it gets us away from feeling
not worthy to go through the Eternal Divine Path. Even some
people do not feel they are worthy to go to God. They say, “Well,
I am not worthy to go to God,” or something like that. But as you
meditate and you progress, you realize you are already a part of God, so
it will be revealed to you, “I had better follow the Will of God which
has been revealed to us as the
Eternal Divine Path.”
6. He reaches Pure Consciousness (and there was
Light, He became the First Begotten Son of God).
7. The Path to Salvation and the way to bring
back the lost universe (Darkness) is learned/discovered.
8. The Son and the Father, with The Holy Ghost
(Mother) tried to help these lost unit consciousnesses to reach Pure
reached Pure Consciousness. The Path was learned. He can
come back again and again and again. That is why in our teachings,
the Spirit of God comes back to humanity again and again. That
same Spirit was Adam. That same Spirit was Noah. That same
Spirit was Moses, or other Prophets, or Christ, because he knows the
Eternal Divine Path. He knows the Will of God. He has
gone through that process.
the Father (God), The Holy Ghost (Mother), and the Son decided that, “We
want to help the darkness to go back to God.”
9. In the un-manifested state, it was very hard work to accomplish this.
hard is it to get the unit consciousnesses to go to God in the
manifested world? It is pretty tough, isn’t it? You have to,
like pulling teeth. That is because the ego says, “No, you do not
have to go to God. Stay here. Do your thing. You are
OK.” You do not really want to go to God, but you want to keep
your ego with you.
do you really want to keep your ego? Why do you want to keep your
ego, stay here, suffer, and have this body, which becomes old, crooked,
needs food all the time, drink, you have to work for it to get some food
for it, etc.
if you are in Pure Consciousness, you are absolutely in Bliss.
10. God decided to make this process easier and more automatic.
think God and me have something in common: I want to make
everything automatic too [laughter], make all those tapes, sounds, and
even the services are all automatic.
So He
decided to automate the system. And that is why He created the:
He did not just come and say, “Be,” and everything “was.” A lot of
people were saying that God created everything. The
Bible clearly says that there was no creation in the
beginning. Chaos was before creation, wasn’t it? God did not
come and say, “I am just going to decide and make the creation.”
There was some chaos first, and then God decided to create the creation.
So He created the creation to take care of that chaos. If you
understand that, a lot of the problems and questions that people have
that they have been asking, “Where do the unit consciousnesses come
from?” “How did God create the universe?” are taken care of.
there was some material there. There was something there before
the creation. That is why He used the same material, He used those
lost consciousnesses and His own Body to create the creation. So,
the material already existed. It is not something that creation
came from nothingness, or from nothing. There is no such thing as
nothing. The creative forces and the three gunas have always been
here. It is hard for our intellect to fathom that something has
been here forever.
It is
just like eternity, what is eternity? Can we even imagine what
eternity means? How do you say eternity in French? [Someone
who speaks French answered – it is the same word] How can we even
imagine eternity? You cannot, it is very hard to do.
the moment in your meditation you experience eternity, you will know
what it is. It is very simple, “Yes, it makes sense. It has
been there forever.”
1. God created the creation in an evolutionary
manner, in different stages (periods – Nights and Days).
He used the material, which is the consciousness and the creative
forces. So we are not even against evolution.
God evolved the creation. He created dinosaurs. and He realized
that 98% of them were not going to work. Probably some of them
were destroyed. And now as we understand it, you have dinosaurs
right in your backyard. If you look at your backyard, any bird
that you look at, it was a dinosaur.
The rooster you have used to be a dinosaur, or, a crow, or anything
outside, [someone suggested the roadrunner] or a roadrunner.
Dinosaurs are something similar to them.
So we can see, “Yes, God created and evolved.” Humans are like
Him. They also create things in an evolutionary way.
When the first computer came, how much memory did it have? Did it
have 64K? And those floppy disks, remember those huge 8” floppy
disks? How have we progressed in the last twenty years? We
evolved, we progressed, and we wanted to make it better and better.
Now we have a very powerful computer. That little thing on your
desk is more powerful than the first computer they created that took
three or four rooms to do the same work.
We can see that we are in the image of God. We do the same thing
that God does. We create, we evolve, we perfect it, and we make it
more efficient as we go ahead.
Then, of course, God decided to create the plants, the earth, and
everything. And He created them in a period, the same as
scientists create things and make them evolve during a period of time.
Scientists have periods for creation. They have the Jurassic
period. They have many different periods of creation.
Some people say that God created everything. In seven days, the
day and the night, He created it. How can that be? There was
no sun or moon even before the third day. There was no sun or moon
to have a day. So here, really, when the Bible talks about
the day, it is talking about the periods of creation, not one
twenty-four hour day that they refer to.
2. Creation of humans. They were male and
Eventually the crown of the creation was the creation of man. Some
people do not believe that. They say probably there are other
creatures that are better and higher than man.
But man has the ability to know Self, and they know that the Self and
God is One. They can reach Pure Consciousness.
So He created “them.” Actually, if you look at the Bible it
says, “He created them.” It is amazing. You mean that no one saw
that sentence. I was the first person after 12,000 years who saw
that? It is right there. He created them. He created
more than one. But they have been talking about Adam and Eve as
the only two beings.
Adam was only one being that God created. It never occurred to
them that he was male and female, and that is why He had to split them
into two later. But it was so clear to me right there that it
says, “them,” more than one.
Adam and Eve were not there before God split them. He could not
call them “them.” If He had created only one Adam and Eve, He
should say He created him or her or it. But it does not say that.
It says “them.” He created more than one.
So we can see that God created many, many humans. It was not that
only Adam came in the garden, was all by himself and unhappy, and God
split him.
We can see that He created them as male and female. They were
3. They were called Adam (Complete).
in some languages means perfect. When they want to say that
someone is becoming good, “You are progressing, you are becoming
perfect,” they say, “You are becoming an Adam.”
in point is in Persian. In Persian, when they want to say you are
perfect, they call you an Adam. In that language it means you are
perfect, you are becoming a more perfect person. Actually the word
is used exactly, “Adam,” even in Persian. It is no different.
The original Persian language was from the Indo-European language, so
there are many similar words which are used in Latin that still remain
in Persian. So that means that Adam was perfect. He was man
and woman, male and female in one body. He was not looking for any
external partner to get married with. He was already married.
He was one with his partner.
God decided, “Well, he is too perfect. He is not really
progressing to go back to the Universe.”
We always have to remember what is the reason for creation. The
goal of the creation is to bring all unit consciousnesses back to God.
If we keep that in mind, we can always see why God was doing these
things in the creation, or why we do things in this Mission.
The whole idea in this Mission is to get you back to God.
It is not to get you attached to me or anyone else, but to God alone.
We all have to also work toward that Goal, to work toward everyone in
the Mission to go to God as fast as possible, and to create an
environment that accelerates going back home.
4. Separation of man into man and woman.
So, God decided to separate man or Adam to male and female.
In the Bible it clearly says that God did that. And He saw
that man was alone. It does not say that the man was lonely.
He said that he was alone, “all one.” And He decided to separate
man to male and female.
Fall of Man
Everyone knows the famous story of how man fell. After He split
male and female, both of them have the lower nature and the higher
Also remember, there was not only one Adam, there were many of them.
It was not that one woman went to the male and said, “Let us eat of the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” There were many of them
And God told them to not do certain things that He had forbidden them to
do. “If you follow my rules, requests, and commandments you will
be OK and you can live in the higher level, in The Grace. You will
progress faster, you will come back to Me, and we can get rid of this
darkness as soon as possible.”
But what happened? Did they listen to God? Are they
listening to God now? If you teach Godly Words, do they come?
If you tell them, “You are OK, do whatever you want, you are fine as you
are,” you will have a lot of followers, they just go to bliss, fall all
over the place, call you God, and put you up there on the pedestal.
You will have millions of people to follow you, you will become their
god, but these followers will never reach God because you are in their
way. That is what most of humanity wants.
Now, tell them to follow the Eternal Divine Path, meditate, and
get rid of their egos, and they will say you are a bad person, “Get him,
kill him, crucify him!” And then they say, “Oh, we loved him, but
we crucified him. He is not here to tell us what to do. He
was great. He was just wonderful [laughter]. OK, now let us
do whatever we want and follow whatever our desire is.”
So you can see that teaching the truth does not have many followers.
Did you want to say something? If anyone wants to say something,
go ahead.
Audience: This does not have much of a following, yet.
Maitreya: Yes, well, this time it is supposed to be a little
different because the Elects love to hear the Word of God. If
other people do not love to hear the Word of God, at least the Elects
do, hopefully. We will get to that later.
1. Adam (higher
nature of man) falls to the ground (from Heaven/Grace).
What does that mean, falling? Was there really a garden there?
A lot of people are looking for a garden on earth. Where is the
garden of Eden? Some people say Eden was in Babylon, or in Iraq.
Some people say it was in Persia. Some people say it was somewhere
Some people even say the United States was the garden. That is why
man was thrown out of it. And then later on, we came back to it.
It is the land of milk and honey, etc.
So they are looking for a place, where it is. But really it is a
state of consciousness. That is when you follow God’s Laws and
Will and you are in the Bliss and The Grace of God. If you do not,
you fall.
When the fall came, they became grosser (cruder). Later on, they
had children. Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel.
2. Further fall of
man (Cain and Abel).
What happened to Cain and Abel? The second sin started, didn’t it?
Abel was a very able man and very aware of God. He brought to God
the offering that was from his heart. He was not trying to bring
to God something that he had expected something in return. He was
absolutely detached from his work for God.
But Cain was not. That is why God did not accept Cain’s offering.
And Cain was very upset about it, “What is the difference? I
brought the same thing. You do not accept mine, but Abel’s
offering you accept.”
He did not understand. It was because he did not bring it with a
pure heart. He expected something in return. He wanted
something from God for the things he was doing for God.
So that is why God said, “I am not going to accept yours, but Abel’s I
will accept because it was from his pure heart, from absolutely that
detachment.” Abel wanted to go to God instead of just expecting
something in return.
Cain became angry about that. He could not understand. He
killed Abel.
When God asked him, “Where is Abel,” he said, “I do not know. I am
not my brother’s keeper. Why are you asking me? I hid him.
You do not know where he is either.” But, of course, God already
knew where he was because you cannot hide anything from God.
You can try. You think you do something when
Maitreya is not around, “It is OK, I can do it.” God is
with you. You can try to hide it but you cannot hide it from Him.
Anyway, so that was the second sin again. And God threw Cain even
further from His Grace. He absolutely pushed him from His
Presence. You know that he became a vagabond, without any home.
He fell from The Grace in a greater degree. He was pushed out of
The Grace.
Humans Fall Further to Flesh
1. Man no longer is in the Image of God
(Adam had his son in Adam’s image).
We can see that in the beginning God created Adam in whose image?
He was in God’s image. But in Genesis it says, “Adam begot a son in his image.” It does not say
anymore that the son of Adam is in the image of God because now man was
split into two.
If I have a son, the son is half really because he has another part.
Some female might have been born somewhere who is his other part, if he
has one. So he is not in God’s image. He is in my image
because he is my son.
That is exactly what happened to Adam. He begat Seth, who was in
the image of Adam. He no longer was in the image of God. Of
course, because he was not in the image of God, he was half the image of
God because he was not one with his other half as Adam was in the
As we can see, man is no longer in the image of God after his split into
male and female. So with all these steps, man fell further away
from The Grace (God).
There is a story that after the first fall, God created for Adam another
female. Seth is from his second wife. That is why there is
an explanation about having the other part and the twin flame in
And you see that all the Great Prophets and Great Beings like Shiva,
Krishna, even Christ, and Moses had two females connected with them in
their lives. For Christ, there was Mary and Martha. For
Prophet Muhammad, there was Khadija and Ayesha. For Bab, there was
his wife and Tahirah.
So you can always see two females with the great Prophets and the
Messiah. There is the story that also Seth is from the second wife
of Adam.
2. Crudification of man to the fleshly
beings (coats of skin).
Now man in this state is still more psychic energy. He does not
have any physical body. It is not crudified enough to really have
flesh that needs skin. But, because they fell even further, now
God created a fleshly body for them and He put a coat of skin on them.
Even Sons of God Failed
1. Humans still had access to the Spiritual
World (their Third Eyes were open!)
Humans eventually became flesh. Now they are flesh but they still
have their physic energies with them, their Third Eyes are open.
They can still see the spiritual world and the Spirit.
Actually, that is what many people talk about, the Cyclops. Have
you ever heard about Cyclops, that they had spiritual powers, energy,
and all of that?
Always legends have some truth in them. So it means that there
were humans who had only one eye. That was, their third eyes were
open so they could see psychic energies. They used that for
further manipulating the Spirit. They became very powerful and
started manipulating energy. They reached a point that they could
extract the life form and use it to prolong their lives.
In chapter 6, the sons of God also fell. They became attached to
the external world. They saw the daughters of men and took as many
as they wanted. They became attached to the earth, and they
started using the power to create a better environment for themselves.
Humans still had access to the spiritual world; their third eyes were
2. They misused it
and even those who had reached a higher level (sons of God) failed.
3. These failed sons formed a group that is now
known as the brotherhood,
or hierarchy.
That is what we were talking about recently that eventually resulted in
the Essay, “Who Is The Anti-Christ” that I wrote about six months ago.
I had tried to include them to the Mission
but the more I meditated on it, it just would not work. They
also attach people to themselves.
Anything, anybody, any group, any movement, that attaches people to
something that is not the Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal,
should be really looked at in a very deep level and one should realize:
Are they really taking people to God, or are they in the way?
When I first read this in the Bible, it came to me very clearly,
that these are the fallen angels. They were the sons that fell.
That is because if you are really sons of God, then why do you come to
earth, and become attached to earthly things?
So that was the conclusion that they fell and eventually they created
this group or energy on earth. And now, they are in the way of
human progress to God.
4. Many still follow these fallen angels.
How many people channel those angels, Master M, Katumi, Ramtha, and all
those things? Why do you want to channel those? Why don’t
you go to God directly? You are not here to be attached to
anything or anyone except God.
The Goal Of The Life Is To Be(Come) Divine, to become one with God, not
to Katumi, or Master M, etc. So it really has taken a lot of
people away from being Godly and going to God.
5. They are an
obstacle in the way of man to God. They have even brought much
confusion about Maitreya (Mr. Creme and his Maitreya).
We can see that Mr. Creme says that his Maitreya is coming tomorrow, no
next week, maybe the next week after, next year, six months from now.
“Oh, no, it didn’t happen. Maybe we can wait another year, two
years.” It has been twenty-five years that he has given this
promise over and over, and nothing has materialized.
You can fool me once. You can fool me twice. But if you can
fool me for twenty-five years, I am a fool [laughter]. See, you
just have to come to a conclusion and eventually say, “No. I am
not going to listen to you. If he could have made it, he should
have been here by now. You cannot lie to me again and again.”
However, he was correct about 1982. He predicted correctly.
That is why he actually looked like a John the Baptist at times because
John the Baptist said the same thing about Christ, “He is going to come,
he is going to come.” When Christ came, he did not recognize him.
He had to send his disciples to ask him, “Are you the one we are waiting
Christ said, "Yes, you told me, you baptized me. Hello."
The same thing is happening here. We came in 1982. We came
here and said, “Here it is.” You want to unify humanity? You
want to bring the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth? This is it.
Here it is given the way to do it.
They say, “No.” Even his disciples come to our room, yell, and all
of that.
Further Misuse of Powers
1. Other beings that failed were those who set
themselves up as God.
There was another group also, even before the flood, who set themselves
up as gods. They said, “We are gods.” That was because they
had the direct connection to the spiritual world and their third eyes
were open, so they could manipulate the energy and even do miracles.
They set themselves up as gods.
2. They called their children the sons of God,
and their wives the holy mothers.
they created the trinity in the form of the human. They said, “We
are gods, these are the holy mothers, and these are the sons of God.”
The true explanation of this trinity is not human form. It is God,
The Holy Ghost, and the Messiah. They knew about this, but they
twisted it around for humanity and made the trinity in a human form.
3. Humans should take no one as God but the
Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal (FINE).
is absolutely paramount in our teachings and we have to recognize it and
realize it. Even if you see me as the Spirit of God, look at the
Spirit. This body is going to die and go away. Therefore,
the Spirit of God, which is behind me, is Formless, Invisible, Nameless,
and Eternal. Of course, as we said many times, God cannot come and
say, “Here I am,” and everyone would say, “Oh, I can see you. I
can touch you,” etc. Many people cannot understand a Formless God.
So He has to use a body to do that.
4. Still many humans take other men as God.
saw in our Conversation Room two weeks ago that this person came from
Sai Baba and was adamant that Sai Baba was god. That absolutely is
against our teaching. No one can claim to be God. And that
is one of the problems with the Mystical Paths. That is because
they claim the human can be god and come and become their master.
Sai Baba create the creation, or if you poke him he does not bleed, or
he does not get sick, or whatever? So we can see it is not true.
many humans take other men as god.
5. To destroy this, God created the
concept of the Messiah, and only the Messiah is the Spirit of God on
Even before the flood of Noah, God created the concept of the Son of
God, the First Begotten Son, the Spirit of God comes to earth. The
Spirit of God comes to man as the Teacher, as a Messenger, as the
Bringer of the Message of God. And only then can you look and say,
“Yes, He has fulfilled the prophecies. He has done what God said.
His Word is based on God. Therefore, yes, he is the Spirit of
God.” And only that can be taken as the Spirit of God on earth.
God knows man very well, so He has revealed very clearly how He works.
No man can come and claim they are God. No matter how wonderful
they are, how many miracles they do, and what beautiful words they
utter, “No, it does not matter, I am not going to follow you. Have
you fulfilled the prophecies? Have you opened the Seven Seals?
Have you opened the Book sealed with the Seven Seals?” or whatever God
prophesied He should have fulfilled.
Prophet Muhammad did. Christ did. Moses did. Bab did.
Therefore, we can see that it is a very exclusive club. Not
everyone can come in [laughter].
6. Man should understand this and should stop
taking others as God.
Another Evolutionary Step Came!
1. For all this chaos, failure, and destruction,
a new evolutionary step became necessary. This step is known to
man as the Flood of Noah. One of the reasons for the Flood
of Noah was to return man to worship only the Formless, Invisible,
Nameless, and Eternal (FINE) as much as possible (those who did not were
That is what happened in the flood of Noah. It sounds cruel.
It sounds like, “Oh no, we do not want to destroy anyone, let us listen
to everyone, and include everyone.” This is the new motto in
society: “Oh, everyone should be included. Do not be harsh to
anyone,” and all of that.
God is. God says, “Now that is enough. Now is the time to
So we
can say that we are in the same situation as the people were at the time
of the Flood of Noah. It is the time of sundering. Those who
come to our boat are going to be saved. Those who are out of the
boat, the flood is going to come and destroy them.
2. The idea was to create a less spiritually
aware man and send to him the Messiah, Guiding them with the Spirit of
God. At the end the wheat will be sundered from the chaff!
Again, He closed the third eye of man. He created a new man, a man
of renown. Do we see anything when our third eyes are not opened?
We are absolutely flesh and we think this is the external world and we
are so attached to it. We think that is it! So we are
absolutely cut off from the Spirit, cut off from even seeing the
Spiritual world.
why? It is so we can be guided and recognize who is guided and who
is not. That is why we can see the last 12,000 years of history to
this point have been for this reason.
3. So the Wheat and the Chaff were left to grow
together until the Harvest time. So history started and we know
that many humans are still lost (lust!)
you lust, you become lost.
next topic is going to be:
Effects of the Flood of Noah on Humans and
Their History
1. Noah becomes the first Spiritual Teacher of
the new humans.
Noah still had his third eye open. He was from the previous
generation. If you study the generations in the Bible, it
says that God begat this, and this person begat that son, etc. So
the first sons only were mentioned. They never mentioned more than
one son. At the end, of course, it says, “Also they begat some
Suddenly with Noah it changed. It says, “Noah begat three sons.”
The flow is not the same as the previous verses. So we see that
something happened to those three sons. When the Bible
changes the rhythm, that means some new thing happened.
Also it says that God created the man of renown. So in this time,
Noah had the spiritual powers and the understanding of God. He was
a good man. He was not saying that he was God, that his sons are
the sons of God, and his wife is the Holy Mother. He was knowing
So he became the teacher of the next generation.
2. His Teachings become the base for the
Mystical Paths (Hinduism).
He taught them the base of the Spirit, how to return: Meditate
(awaken your spiritual forces), the First Seal. He taught them the
Eternal Divine Path. He taught them how to create the
communities together, how to get along, how to create an environment
where the people can progress, etc. So he taught them the Mystical
Paths, and he became the first teacher of man.
He brought the teaching of the previous generation to the new
3. Creation of the five classes of humans.
So these three new sons became the symbol of the five classes of humans.
4. Ham is the symbol for the Shudran and
Ksattriyan type of humans.
This was the start of the Shudran and Ksattriyan classes. You can
go study in our teachings who are the Shudras and Ksattriyans. And
it is not bad to be a Shudra or Ksattriya. It is OK as long as you
are satisfied with where you are and what you are doing.
The Sadvipras or Paravipras are supposed to be Shudras too, to be able
to do the physical work if necessary. If there is a fight, they
would take the army and go and put the rebellious people down, or
whatever is necessary.
We are supposed to have the last war. So if we do not have
Ksattriyas with us, how can we have the last war and win?
5. Japheth is the symbol for the intellectual
and business-oriented humans (Vipras and Vaeshyas).
6. Shem is symbol for the spiritual humans
Of course, Abraham was “A-bram,” he was not even a Brahmin (an “a” in
front of any word in Sanskrit makes it negative). God chose him.
7. Explanation of the class domination after the
Flood of Noah (for more information, read the book:
Kingdom of Heaven on Earth).
Or you can read the lecture we gave for the Second Seal. We have a
PowerPoint presentation on that. Actually, we have two PowerPoint
presentations on that. Radah gave a lecture on that also.
So we can go and read all about how class domination continued in human
history and how these classes dominated other classes, and if we do not
bring the Kingdom, how these classes are going to dominate each other
and it is going to go on and on forever.
But we have to bring a system that the Paravipras are going to be in
control and they smooth out these periods without getting to the
revolution. That is all in
THOTH; read the Book.
Worshipping Other Men as God, and the Mystery
Schools Continued After the Flood
So we
said that one of the problems of the coming of the flood of Noah was
that there were these human-made Mystery Schools that they said, “I am
God, my wife is the holy ghost, and my son is the son of God,” that
those people were following. That is what destroyed them.
This practice was stopped by the flood of Noah. However, later on
they were reincarnated after the flood. We said that God wanted
the chaff and the wheat to grow together. So He did not completely
separate them. Still the chaff was coming to life.
was the beginning of the period of the Ksattriyas or warrior class.
And Nimrod was the beginning of that class. Nimrod became the
1. Nimrod began a new cult and the period of
Ksattriyas started with him (his kingdom started in Babel).
“Babel” means people are babbling. They are all expressing
their own understandings and opinions but no one is listening to anyone
else, because none of them have the truth. Just everyone
babbles and they go over each other’s heads. Right now that is why
they have so much war and destruction. It is because no one sits
quietly and listens to this Revelation.
2. He changed the Worshipping of the One God,
which is Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal (FINE).
After the flood, Noah was in control. He brought the teaching of
the worshipping of the Formless, Nameless, and Invisible to humanity,
and people started worshipping the Invisible God again. But people
said, “It is too hard for us. We cannot see God. We cannot
feel God. We cannot touch God,” etc. Their third eyes were
closed, so they were desperately saying, “It is hard. We want a
statue. We want something to hang onto to worship Him.”
Nimrod was the king. Kings usually listen to their subjects
because they want to please them. However, not the king that has
the Spirit of God in him. No, he just listens to God. But
the real human kings listen to men, “What do they want?”
Nimrod gave in. He said, “OK, you do not have to worship the
Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal (FINE). I am your God
and you worship me,” and put all my pictures all over the place like
Sadaam Hussein, and my statues everywhere [laughter]. Now you have
a God. Just listen to me. You do not have to worry about
The people who were in control of the spiritual progress became very
upset with him. That is because after the flood, those high
priests, just like Melchizedek, and other people were very upset with
Nimrod that he again destroyed the worshiping of the Formless,
Invisible, and Nameless God. He changed the worshipping of the
God, which is Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal.
Therefore, because of his claims, he was killed. The high priests
realized that he was changing things again to the way it was before the
3. After his death, his wife (Semiramis) claimed
the child in her womb (Bar-Nin) was Nimrod, and so Nimrod was God and
his son (Bar-Nin) was the Son of God, and she was the Holy Mother (the
concept of trinity as being human started again).
So Semiramis said, “The son, the child I have in my womb, is Nimrod, is
the reincarnation of Nimrod. He is going to come back and
therefore, he was your god before, and he is going to be your god again.
But he is going to be the son of god and I am his mother so I am the
holy mother.” Again the trinity before the Flood started all over
4. This belief of humans being gods/holy
ghosts (mothers) and the sons of God spread throughout the earth.
Many cultures and people still believe in this false explanation of God,
the holy ghost and the son.
That continued to this point and when the teaching of Christ came to the
Roman Empire and Greece. They already had these false doctrines
there as a part of their belief. So as we said, many things were
changed in Christ’s teachings by Rome and the Athenians. They
accepted that he was the Son of God. But they also accepted that
his mother was The Holy Mother. And the Father is God, who had a
relationship with Mary, and they created a son.
our explanation, we take the true meaning of the Father, Mother, and Son
to the correct explanation, which is Spirit. It has nothing to do
with the physical relationship. So again that has been corrected here.
the Egyptians picked up Semiramis’ claims and they made it to Osiris,
and Isis, and all of that, with the same story that he died, she became
pregnant, and his son became the son of God. That is why also he
was spread all over their culture, with the name changed.
5. Nimrod is known in other cultures as: Osiris,
Saturn (the name Satan came from the same root), Attis, Atlas, Apollo,
Zernebogus, Bacchus, and Zeus.
again we can see that our explanation of where the name of Jesus came
from comes from worshipping Nimrod, the man-made Mystery Schools, and
all of that.
6. Semiramis is known in other cultures as:
Isis, Ishtar, Cybele, Venus, Aphrodite, Diana, Juno.
7. Bar-Nin is known in other cultures as: Horus,
Mardouk, Mars, etc.
8. Many of these ideas still exist today!
Many people are followers of Isis. They believe in the Egyptian
philosophy and teachings. All of them are made by man and are not
a Revelation from God.
Men Again Fall Further and Set Themselves up as
gods. They Again Stop Listening to God (Tower of Babel).
After the flood, as we just explained, humans went back to the way
things were before the flood. But, of course, the human did not
have that direct relationship with the Spirit any longer.
What they were left with was telepathy. They still had the
telepathic ability. They could talk and understand each other
telepathically. That is why the Bible
said, “They were of one language.”
Lou, go ahead. What is the question? Maybe even go ahead and
type it. [He did type in text]
The question is, “Because God told the Hebrews to get out of Egypt,
maybe that was the reason, because they were worshipping idols and false
That was one of the reasons, of course. Another reason was that
God already gave them the promise of the Promised Land. So He had
to take them to the Promised Land. Also, in the Promised Land they
would not worship idols. They would not believe in the Mystery
Schools. They would bring God (Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and
Eternal), into their midst.
That is why later on, when Moses went to the mountains for forty days
and forty nights and he was late, what did they do? Because they
had learned from Egypt, they said, “We do not have our Prophet. He
left. Let us create another calf of gold, worship it, sacrifice to
it, and then we will have a god.”
So as we can see, they had already been deeply influenced by the
Egyptians. That is why the moment they lost their Prophet, and
they were back to their ways.
That is true, that can be a reason for it. Also He had a Promise
to take them to the Promised Land. When they go to the Promised
Land, they would have the Formless, Invisible, Nameless God.
So they had the telepathic ability. They could communicate with each
other very easily. That is why they came together again and
started saying, “Let us go make a tower, go to the sky, and find the
Formless, Invisible God and kill Him so that we do not have to worry
about Him any more. We can be god ourselves and continue going our
That shows how stubborn the human is, doesn’t it, and how much they want
to be God themselves? They do not want to listen to God at all.
They want to be God, in their little ego, whatever they have.
1. To further prevent the humans from harming
themselves and so accelerating their progress, they were scattered all
over the earth (now it is time to scatter all over the universe).
So their telepathic ability was also taken away. Can we make
telepathy with each other now? We cannot any more, unless you
learn how to do it.
Still we have a little bit of it. Have you ever known that someone
was going to call you, and the phone rings? That sounds like a
little is still left in us. That means we can have it back.
But we are not going to have it back until we learn how to become Godly
and bring the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.
So God took the telepathic ability from them. Their languages were
different. They were changed. He actually destroyed some of
the lands they were in. He separated and split the lands from each
other and made them to go further away, one from another. And He
scattered humans all over the earth.
2. As humans were scattered all over the earth,
the Mystical Knowledge was also scattered by their priests and Spiritual
Now we have all these people who were the heads of the spiritual
teachings-groups who left and went to different parts of the world
including the Mystery Schools and the teaching of “the human can become
god, the son of god, and the holy ghost.”
3. From these original Teachings, the Mystical
understanding of all nations and people sprung.
That is why we still have this teaching existing on earth and people
following it.
The Indian Continent Is Attached to the Asian
We know that the Indian Continent does not really belong to Asia.
It came from Africa. It was disconnected from it. It broke
up. Eventually it went under the Asian Continent and is still
pushing it up.
Eventually the Himalayas were formed. The Himalayas increase a
couple of inches every year. If you want to climb it, climb it
fast because it is going to get higher and higher [laughter]. It
is getting harder to climb to the top.
1. As the evolutionary process has shown us,
these ideas formed different beliefs, adapted to the situations
different people were in.
Also the Mystical Paths came from the same source but because they were
scattered all over the earth, and the situation was different for each
people, usually the beliefs evolved with the environment that they were
in. If you study the belief of any culture, their belief is based
very much according to what the environment provided. For
instance, the American Indians who were in the places where there were
buffalos have a lot of myths about buffalos.
The ones who were in the village had a lot of myths about their village.
If they were in the Northeast, they had different kinds of myths about
what they were familiar with in their environment. But basically
they believed in some mystical experience, and they followed it.
the same thing happened with this belief. Also they came
originally from the same place, and they evolved within different places
As we
increase our communication between humans, the cultures are also going
to become more and more like each other. Even fifty years ago we
did not know what was happening in Iraq. We did not even care.
Now we know more about Islam. We know more about their culture. We
know more about the culture of the west and the east, and they are
mixing with each other. So even if you do not do anything and just
sit here, eventually the cultures are going to mix up and the people are
going to know each other better.
I could not even come here and start this
Mission if the airplane and all these things were not
provided to do this.
2. One of these branches was the Aryans who
lived in the steppes in Europe and Russia (some believe they lived in
the North Pole!)
One of the branches that left the original land and was scattered was
the Aryan Race that lived in the steppes of Europe. They believe
that at the time they were there, there was not much of a civilization.
They were the most civilized people.
Some people believe that they were living at the North Pole at the time
it was warm. Then suddenly the ice age came, and it covered their land.
As it covered their land, they had to move down south and went to
Europe. One branch went to Asia.
3. These people moved to Europe and Asia.
Later they split into two branches. One went to India and the
other to Iran.
Actually, Iran means “the land of the Aryans.” The very name,
Iran, means the land of the Aryans. So that is why the
Hindu-European languages are shared with Europe, with India, and with
the old Persian language, not the new one. The new one is
influenced more with Arabic.
4. The branch in India met the black population
that was in the Indian continent (brought from Africa) and eventually
mixed with them (Shiva and his mixing of the two cultures).
Shiva was a black person. He also was very spiritual. He
meditated in graves. He created the Tantra way of going to the
higher level of consciousness.
He married a white Aryan and they started mixing the cultures together
and created the olive-skinned people. Still if you go to India,
the northern Indians are whiter than the southern Indians. They
are darker in skin.
5. India became the guardian to continue the
Mystical Paths. That is why their religion is the oldest religion
on earth and is vast and all inclusive (in many ways)!
So we can see the Indian or Hindu Religion actually is the most prominent
Mystical Path that we emphasize in the Mission. It probably
covers more topics related to Mystical Paths than any other path that we
also call the Mystical Paths.
6. The branch in Iran converted to
So there is a Prophet who came and brought the religion of Zoroastrian.
The Zoroastrian Religion and Its Influence on Other Religions
1. The Prophet of the Zoroastrian religion was
2. He brought the concept of duality in
religions as good (God – Ahoramazda) and evil (Devil – Ahriman).
That was the first religion. Hinduism is a monastic religion.
It means it does not believe in good and evil. Evil is the lower
nature. It is not some being out there called evil that is going
to come and misguide you. Of course, they have different, unclean
spirits that can affect you, etc.
they do not have anything called “devil,” in Hinduism. If you go
to a Hindu, a real Hindu who has never heard about Christianity or
anything and tell him “devil,” he will say, “What is devil? There
is only one God.” The rest is the lower nature and falling.
for the first time that was the teaching that brought the concept of
evil and good. And Zoroaster taught that there is a struggle going
on between evil and good in this world. He said that everything
was good in the beginning. Well, that is what the Bible
says too. Actually, it influenced the Bible.
3. Abram/Abraham was Persian and a follower of
Zoroaster (was a follower of the Zoroastrian religion!)
So we can say that he was in Babel. But the religion of Zoroaster
spread in Persia and went all the way to many other cultures. Most
probably Abram was someone who moved from Iran or Persia and went to
Babylonia, and he started opposing the statue worshipping. So that
is a speculation that he really was Persian, or does it have some truth
in it?
4. Cyrus the King of Persia knew this (he helped
the Hebrews).
did the King of Persia destroy the Assyrians but was very good to the
Hebrews? Most probably it was because he believed that the Hebrews
were a part of his culture, a part of his race. They were Persian,
and that is why he was very good to them.
brought them back to Iran. He gave them equal rights with the
Persians because he knew they were a part of them.
5. The Magis knew this also (they came to Christ
and brought Him gifts, etc.)
Why did the Magis believe that? It was because they believed that
the Messiah, or a Savior, was going to come from Zoroastrian
descendents. That was their belief. Actually, the whole idea
of the Savior, the Son of God coming from the Virgin was a part of the
teaching of Mithra in the Zoroastrian Religion. They were waiting
for this Savior to come, and that is why they followed the star.
They came and found him because they knew also that the Hebrews are from
the same race.
That is why they believed that he was going to come from Persia.
And he was Persian because he was from the same race.
6. Muslims knew this (they spared the
Zoroastrian religion as they also believed in one God and were the
people who influenced Judaism and eventually Islam).
When the Moslems conquered Iran, the Zoroastrian people were the only
ones that they did not try to convert. They left the people alone
when they were there, and they converted them very slowly because they
also knew that they influenced Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and
they were themselves partly from that race.
Who are the Arabs? The Arabs are the Children of Abram, right?
And if Abram was Persian, they are also part Persian. So that is
why when they went to Iran they spared them. And still we have
some Zoroastrians in India called Parsies. There are hundreds of
thousands of them who live in India.
7. Since He knew about the Invisible God,
Abram/Abraham opposed idol worshipping and believed in One God:
Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal (FINE).
If you remember, I have told you a story about Abraham and the idols.
Remember what happened? He left Persia and went to this culture that
they were worshipping idols. He told them, “Do not worship idols.
Worship the Formless, Invisible, Nameless God.” And they would not
do it. They would not listen to him.
One day they went out for a picnic or something, out of the city.
Abram took a hammer, destroyed all the small gods, and put the hammer in
the hand of the big god. The people came and saw that all their
idols were destroyed. They knew who did it. They found Abram
and said, “Abram, come here. You killed all these gods.”
said, “No, I did not do it. The big god became angry and smashed
all of the small ones.”
said, “No, he cannot do that.”
said, “Why not? He is god.”
said, “No, he is just a statue.”
said, “Why do you worship him then?” [Laughter]
8. He (Abram/Abraham) was chosen to start
another part of God’s Plan (to know this part of His Plan, read our
lecture on the
Second Seal).
We will stop here today. We will start the
rest of the lecture tomorrow.
Sal-Om everyone.
Part II – October 13, 2003
II Audio 
Part 1)
We are going to have a lecture today. To begin let us close our
eyes for a couple of seconds, bring our energy together, bring God among
us, and let God come through all of us, me as the giver of the lecture,
and you as receivers of the Truth of God. Sal-Om.
if you remember we discussed yesterday... Does anyone remember what
we discussed?
Audience: We were building up to the First Seal, the
historical significance.
Maitreya: Very good. We discussed what happened
before the creation, how creation was created. And before the
flood of Noah how man fell more and more and became cruder to the point
that he even could not communicate with telepathy. His third eye
was closed. He lost all his mystical powers and energies. He
became completely disconnected from the spiritual world and became as
the human that we are now that does not know that the spiritual world
even exists.
Most of the people think this material world is it, that what they see
is the truth of the universe. They have no idea that there is
greater truth in the universe.
We also discussed how the Zoroastrian religion was affecting
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Also we talked about how the
Aryans came down and split into two groups; one went to Iran and one to
This is interesting that the Aryan Race came down, split, and went to
India and to Persia. The fusion happened between the Aryans who
went to India and the black people in India. That is actually when
the greatest Revelation of God started coming to humanity. All
Prophets have come from that area.
Also Hagar, the wife of Abram was black, a black woman. So
it just shows that there was intermarriage between the races at that
time. These are just some points to ponder on.
We talked about the Mystical Paths.
What is a Mystical Path?
Usually they Are:
1. Believe in One God.
Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal. Then, of course, you
might ask, “If that is true, why do the Indian people have so many
statues, gods, and all of that?” If you study the highest level of
spiritual Indian teaching, it is not talking about statues. It
talks about Atman, Self is the same as God, as Brahmin.
So if we understand that, we understand that the Mystical Paths in a
higher level are teaching the Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and
Eternal. When it falls to the lower level, people start making
statues, pictures, symbols, and start worshipping them instead of in a
higher level.
one of the signs of the high level of the Mystical Paths is that the
people in it believe in the Formless, Invisible, and Nameless God.
2. Ability of man to know this One God through
Spiritual Practices (Meditation, Prayer, Contemplation, Study, Service,
the second characteristic of the Mystical Paths is that they believe
that they can know God by knowing themselves. That is when they
recommend to meditate, contemplate, and concentrate, “Go away from the
society. Do not become attached too much to the external world,
material things,” etc.
sometimes go too far. If you go to India, there are Sadhus who are
absolutely naked. They have nothing. They do not even have
clothes. They walk around and if someone gives them something to
eat, they eat. If they do not give it, they do not eat.
discussed that some of them are fake. They accept that life so
that they can get their food without working. So they have gone
too far.
3. Teaching that there is a Spiritual World that
is more real than this physical world, and the Goal is to realize it and
return home.
As we said, there was a spiritual world before the flood of Noah, right?
If there was a spiritual world before the flood of Noah, it is still
there. It did not go anywhere. So the only thing that
happened is that we do not recognize it exists.
Of course, God made some people to recognize more of this spiritual
world, or they recognize it by themselves by progressing spiritually, so
they are more connected to the Spirit. That is why this physical
body does not satisfy them. and they want something more.
So we can see that the spiritual world exists. It existed before
the flood of Noah, it existed during the flood of Noah, and it still
exists. That spiritual world, that Mystical part, is there, but we
cannot know it because we lost it. We lost the ability to know it.
The reason we lost it is because we misused it.
Still people misuse it. People gain a little power, and what do
they do? They get an 800 number and say, “Call me. I see
your future. I am psychic.” Just a little bit of spiritual
power, and they go just crazy. They use it to gain their
livelihood instead of saying, “What is more than that little psychic
power that I have gained?”
You know the story that I could see people’s futures when I started
meditating. And then I misused it. After one month I lost
it. God was telling me, “Do not misuse your power.” That is
because you are not going to get anywhere with it. You are going
to get stuck. The moment you start misusing your power, you are
stuck in your spiritual path. That is it. God says, “You are
playing with your toys, fine. You play with your toys. I can
go and help other beings who want to come to Me.”
So if you gain any spiritual powers just say, “Thank you, God, I do not
want them. I want You.” Like a little child that the mother
gives him a little toy and he is happy, or she is happy. What does
the mother do? The mother goes and does whatever she wants to do.
But if the child says, “No, I want you mother. I do not want the
toy,” and he throws the toy, what does the mother have to do? She
has to pick him up and try to fulfill his desire to be with her and stop
playing with the toys. So whatever God gives you, throw it away
and say, “No, I want You.” And He says, “OK, come to Me.”
So those spiritual worlds exist and we have to understand that the
spiritual world is more real and the goal is to go back home, not to
become attached to the little power, our little understanding, but God’s
That is the base of the Mystical Paths. So anything that does not
fall into these three qualities: Belief in One God, ability of man
to know God, and the saying that the spiritual world truly exists,
either it is not a Mystical Path, or it is not the highest of the
Mystical Paths.
What is Not a Mystical Path?
1. Mystery schools (myths that humans are God).
There are gods with the small “g.” Even the Paravipras, or the
Elects, are not still god yet. They have 1,000 more years to go
and work on themselves before they can claim that they are god.
How many people are out there that their lives are absolutely in
disarray and they have no spiritual progress, still they come to our
room and say that they are gods? We can say that after 12,000
years of progress you still have to work on yourself another 1,000 years
to be able to claim, “Yes, now I can say I am god, I am a son of God.”
So we can see that it is true that our Essence is the same as God but it
is more than just realizing that. We have to really become it,
really go through the Eternal Divine Path, create the
Communities of Light, and all of that
2. Belief in many gods (this also happens to
Mystical religions when those in lower levels take the spirit behind
creation as gods).
Belief in many gods, how many gods can be there? When you break
God into the smaller gods, what happens to humanity? They start
becoming separated from one another. The moment I give my god one
name, I call him Allah, and you call your god, Jehovah, we have two
But if there is only the Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal God,
and His name cannot even be pronounced in the external world, how many
gods do we have? We have only one God that we cannot even say what
is His Name. What is His Name? [silence -- no answer
from the audience.] And we all believe in It.
Any name you call Him is not His Name. Therefore, you cannot call
Him a name, she cannot call It another name. We have to accept the
Nameless, or at least His Name only can be recognized within you.
Then we cannot fight with each other any more because there is only One
God that is beyond any of these names.
Also, in the lower level of the Mystical Paths, in some nations, like
even in India, they believe in many gods, many statues, and many things.
That is when the Mystical Paths fall to the lower level, when many
people take the spirit behind things as God.
It is true that the Spirit of everything is God. The Spirit behind
the tree is God. The Spirit behind you is God. But the
moment you bring down the higher level of understanding of the Mystical
Paths, we fall to the lower level of the Mystical Paths.
3. Ancestral worshipping.
Instead of worshipping God, some cultures worship their ancestors, such
as, “I am from this ancestor. I worship my ancestor,” and some
believe that their ancestors come down every night to the earth.
That again is not the highest level of realizing God.
might be some truth in it because we know that when people die they
really do not die. They just leave their bodies and go to another
state. That is because can you destroy anything in this universe?
No, nothing can be destroyed. It can be converted to different
levels or energy. Even energy, mechanical energy, can be converted
to heat energy. Heat energy can be converted to light energy.
But it is not destroyed. It becomes something else. So you
cannot destroy anything.
you die, you are not dead. You just transformed yourself to
another state.
4. Following the teachings of the fallen angels
(hierarchy/brotherhood), etc.
Mystery schools are beliefs similar to those who believe in Isis. What
can we call Isis and the people who believe what Nimrod brought?
What is a good word for it? I called them Mystery Schools because
I could not come up with anything else.
Audience: Illusionists.
Maitreya: Illusionists [laughter]. Then that includes
everyone [laughter].
Audience: Is it the same thing with Rosicrucians? Is it
a Mystery School?
Maitreya: They believe in Christ, don’t they?
Audience: Yes.
Maitreya: Well, they do not believe that he died on the cross.
Audience: Yes, they do not believe that he died on the cross.
Audience: The Great White Brotherhood. They believe in
Maitreya: Melchizedek.
Audience: The Rosicrucians received their tradition from the
Egyptians of the highest antiquity. It seems its origins go back to the
Maitreya: Essenes and Rosicrucians?
Audience: Yes.
Audience: So is a Mystery School that of a man-made hierarchy?
And then there are Mystery Schools (because we have used the word as
more of a Godly hierarchy) that are more related to the Path? And
the ones related to man, they are making themselves god. So it is
the same word but again like lower nature and higher nature?
Maitreya: So you are suggesting that there are two Mystery
Schools, one is the Mystical Paths that is the highest and is from God,
and the Mystery Schools that are man-made? As there is the Son of
God, the Holy Ghost, and the Father, also there is father, holy ghost
(“holy mother”) and the son, which is made by man.
Some myths were saying that Semiramis was the holy ghost and her child
was an immaculate conception. That is because three years after
Nimrod died, she became pregnant. She said well, it is an
immaculate conception; Nimrod came back in my womb. Then his son
became the son of god because Nimrod was god.
Also we have God and The Holy Ghost who comes through the Messiah.
The Messiah is the Son of God. So there are two explanations of
the same thing. But the true meaning is, one is man-made and one
is Godly.
So there are Mystery Schools, which are Godly, which are called the
Mystical Paths and there are Mystery Schools that are man-made, which
are called…maybe we should call them Nimrodian [laughter], Nimrodian
Audience: They are just rude [laugher].
Maitreya: They are just rude, yes.
Audience: How about Mystery Schools from ignorance?
Maitreya: Well, anyway just for the sake of this presentation,
let us just call them human made Mystery Schools, or something like
So Mystery Schools that are human made are not the Mystical Paths.
To believe in many gods, ancestral worshipping, and following the
teaching of the fallen angels with the hierarchy, etc., are not the
Mystical Paths.
In general, anything that has touch, smell, and appeals to your senses
is not the highest. The moment you see a physical manifestation,
it is not the highest. Even going to heaven, which has a physical
attribute, is not the highest.
The highest is Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal. That is
the highest Mystical Path that we should strive to become. So that
puts a lot of people out of business who have made a business out of
God. They all fall to the ground.
If humanity only follows these teachings we have brought to them, which
reveals the truth, all those schools would not have any members.
They are all people who are going to think, meditate themselves, and
know God within. They do not have to go to this school and that school,
this guru and that guru.
But that is the absolute truth. They are the people who are
misleading the Souls of men and not taking them to God. They are
taking them to themselves.
So that is one of the absolute things that the more people who realize
these truths revealed through the Mission, the more we will not have all
these organizations and things that really are not helping anyone to go
to God.
Mystical experiences Were Also Given to Many
People in All Cultures and All Through History (His Story)
Not only the mystical teachings were revealed to Noah, also a lot of
people had mystical experiences. It is just like the Sufis, like
the Cabbalists, like the Christian Saints, who absolutely felt that they
were dying and, “God was becoming more in them, and they were becoming
less of themselves.” As that Saint said, the more he meditated,
the more Christ was in him and the less of him was there.
It is
actually just like our teaching that you do not exist. God really
exists, but you are the illusion. You are the delusion. God
is the reality. If you think that you exist, then you are in
delusion. But if you realize that God exists and you do not, then
you are having a greater grip on the truth of Life.
that is exactly what happened to that Christian who said, “Christ is
more in me every day and there is less of me left as the Christ
increases in me.” That means that he had a mystical experience.
that Sufi who jumps and says, “AnAllah,
means, “I am God.” Of course, the orthodox stoned him because he
was blaspheming, according to their beliefs. Or, when Christ said,
“The Father and me are One,” it is the same thing. It means
AnAllah. It means, I am God, there is nothing left in me but Him.
This teaching that was given to Noah which leads to a mystical
experience has continued with humanity for the last 12,000 years.
Therefore, many mystics had experienced the oneness with God.
What Are the Major Mystical Paths on Earth and
What Do They Teach?
1. Hinduism
a. Buddhism
b. Jainism
c. Sikhs
d. Other branches in Hinduism, etc.
2. Native American (American Indian)
3. Kabala
4. Saints in
a. No explanation of experiences was given in my search of these Saints!
That is what is interesting about the saints in Christianity that I was
trying to find out more about them. Very few you can find that it
talks about their experience. It absolutely does not talk about
how they reached there. The only thing I found was very little
about Saint Frances of Assisi, and Saint Theresa, that they had some
mystical experiences. Otherwise Christians do not talk about the
experience of their mystics or saints. They mostly were talking
about what they did and what they accomplished. It is a very
western way of thinking, instead of seeing what made them to feel like
that and become so self-sacrificing. That was an interesting
observation again.
We can see what is the difference between the western and eastern way of
thinking. In the West, it is very job-oriented or work-oriented,
“What did they do? What did they accomplish?” instead of what they
I could not find in the Internet that it talked about what was their
experience before they became Saints, or things like that, or miracles.
5. Sufism
6. Any other belief that falls into
the category of Mystical Paths.
We just explained what the Mystical Paths are. If any belief
besides this falls into the same category, they are also Mystical Paths.
they believe there is only One God, that you can reach God through
progress in Mystical Paths, and there is a spiritual world as we
explained above, that is a Mystical Path. Most of the old
religions in the highest level are Mystical Paths. But in the
lower level they fall into lower religions that break the three rules
the people who worship ancestors also believe in something bigger than
their ancestors, which is God Itself. So in that level they might
also be considered as a Mystical Path.
1. Is based on the four
Vedas (Rg, Sama, Yajus, and Atharva),
the oldest Scriptures on earth.
As we explained yesterday, after the flood of Noah, the humans were
scattered all over the earth. So as they were scattered all over
the earth, the teachers took the teachings to different places.
2. Oral tradition.
3. They were eventually written down!
The teaching was from the master, or teacher, to the student. It
was going to them orally. They would not put it down, until
probably a couple of hundred years before Christ.
Eventually they realized that they could not find enough disciples to
carry it on. So they decided to put it down in writing. That
is when these Scriptures were formed, and some say this is the oldest
Scripture on earth.
4. Three Paths (Bhakti, Karma, and Jnana).
So the basic three paths in Hinduism are: Bhakti is devotion;
Karma is the service; and Jnana or knowledge.
Bhakti means to love your God with all your heart, mind, and your
spirit. You do not have to know too much philosophy. You do
not have to do too much. But just love God with all your heart.
That is going to take you to God as fast as possible.
As we explained many times, Bhakti is the fastest way to God but is the
most dangerous way to God. That is because, first of all you love
God so much that you want to bind Him according to what you want Him to
be. If He does not become exactly what you want Him to be, you get
pretty upset about Him.
second is Karma yoga, which you say, “God is coming through me. I
am doing a lot of service for God.” And you work to do God’s Will.
Jnana is knowledge. You read books, you understand, you read books
written by the people who wrote about spirituality, understand what they
are saying, and you progress that way.
Bhakti yoga, if you fall, you do not have anything underneath you.
You are absolutely so in Love with God that if He does not do exactly
what you want, you just do not have any safety net.
Karma yoga, still you might continue doing your work although you do not
feel God, and eventually God might come back to you.
Jnana yoga still you have your knowledge and eventually you might go
back to realize God through accumulated knowledge.
is why the Bhakti yoga is the fastest way but it is the most dangerous
way to go to God.
do we have in the
Mission? Are we following Bhakti, Karma, or Jnana?
Everyone: All of them.
Maitreya: All of them. Exactly! We say to Love your God
with all your heart, mind and spirit, but remember to surrender and
submit to God, let God come through you, and give all the credit to Him.
That is Karma yoga. Jnana yoga, this is Jnana, we are studying the
teaching. We read the Scriptures.
Again, the
Eternal Divine Path combines all the levels of the spiritual
path. So it is much more comprehensive than just taking one of
them and only concentrating on that one thing.
The Upanishads are one of the teachings of the Hindu Religion that:
5. Upanishads - 'to sit down near' (Vedanta:
more than 1000 of them – around 100 are considered genuine, 11
considered the most significant/major).
It is just like us sitting and talking about God together.
Vedanta means really the end of the Vedas. They
are the Scriptures that have been written by realized people, and they
have instructed their students what is the Essence of spiritual
realization and progress.
There are more than one thousand Upanishads in Indian culture.
Around one hundred of them are considered genuine. Eleven are
considered significant or major Upanishads.
6. Vedanta, the basis of Hinduism,
asserts that Brahma, the 'impersonal' God and the universal soul [FINE],
is the Absolute Truth.
Again you see, the highest level of Hinduism is: Formless,
Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal. The highest in Hinduism is not
those pictures, or statues, or all those things that people take as the
highest. It is universal. It is absolutely impersonal.
You cannot bring it to a form. It is Consciousness and the three
7. Vedanta, Brahma, and
Bhagavad-Gita (triple canon of the Vedanta).
These three beliefs make up the base of Hinduism.
Keyosha: You said 100 of the Upanishads are considered
genuine. What does that mean for the other 900? Are they
man-made, or what?
Maitreya: Yes, they are called minor Upanishads.
They are not considered that important and usually Hindus concentrate on
those 100. The rest, 900, usually very few people might believe in
them, or some French groups somewhere accepts one of them as important
or something like that.
8. There are six systems of Indian philosophy,
in the form of sutras.
9. Besides all these there are: epics (Ramayana
and Mahabharata) and stories (18 major and other minor), introductions
for Scriptures, songs and hymns, and much more!
So you can see that it is an amazing religion. There is so much in
it. Probably they have more things to read and study than any
other religion.
10. If other, younger, religions have been
influenced by dogma, how much has this oldest religion been influenced
by human understandings?
If Christianity is 2,000 years old and there are so many dogmas in it,
and Islam is only 1,300 years and there is so much dogma in it, now
imagine a religion that is 8,000 or 12,000 years old.
That is why we can see there is so much superstition, there is so much
dogma, there is so much misunderstanding, there is so much philosophy,
there are so many different ideas in India. If you go to India,
after a while you become absolutely confused.
is Hinduism? Ask anyone, what is Hinduism. No one can really
tell you.
can say, “What is Christianity?” Christianity believes in Christ.
It is simple. It is right there.
Ask a
Hindu, “What is Hinduism?” and they cannot tell you because Hinduism has
become so many things to so many different people. There are a lot
of dogmas and misunderstandings. There are beliefs that are not
based on the highest level of Hinduism.
Branches of Hinduism
Most of the people believe Buddhism is a religion separate from
Hinduism. Actually Buddhists have tried very hard to make a
distinction between Hinduism and Buddhism. But really Buddhism is
a reformation of Hinduism.
There were so many gods that the Hindus believed in and followed that
when the Buddha came he had enough of them. That is why he said,
“Just forget about gods, Know thyself.”
Of course, he brought also some very deep concepts of what is the base
of suffering. The base of suffering is because we get attached to
the external world, which is the temporary thing. We expect the
temporary thing to stay constant and it does not. We want
everything to stay constant. We have special ideas of how things
should be. What we expect how things should be, does not happen
exactly the way we want them to be and that creates suffering.
For instance, you meet someone, you like that person, and you feel very
accelerated with knowing such a person. You go and you imagine
that, “We are going to do this together, we are going to do that
together, and we are going to be friends.” You feel you meet each other
the first time, it happens, you are excited, and all of that.
The next time maybe he is not in a good mood, or something happened, or
whatever, it does not go exactly the way you want. Suddenly, all
those imaginations you had about that person, you are going to have so
much fun together, go down the drain. So you start suffering
because you wanted the things to be the way you wanted them to be.
That is what Buddha basically was teaching, that the life is suffering.
The only way not to suffer is to accept and see the things exactly the
way they are, the truth, the reality of the Life, instead of imagining,
instead of expecting, instead of creating things for yourself the way
you want them to be.
He brought a very good psychological base for what suffering is.
But it is not the whole reason for suffering. So in Buddhism he
touched some parts of it but it does not touch every aspect of it.
The Mission not only accepts what he said but it goes even beyond
that. We bring the Communities of Light, that in the
community we might accept some of his principles, for example, in the
Communities of Light
people should not be attached to the result of their actions.
Or, do not try to be attached to whatever is in the external world, and
see the external world exactly as it is.
Sometimes people are not in a good mood. Accept that. People
are not in a good mood. Then if they are not in a good mood, you
are not affected. You become more and more realistic about life.
You accept the situations that they are not going to be always as you
expect them to be, as perfect as you want them to be.
As you accept that, life becomes easier. And you will suffer less.
Actually, you can say Buddha brought the purest form of Hinduism back to
the Hindus. He had enough of all the gods. He had enough of
the Brahmins. He had enough of all those things that made Hinduism
so binding. He tried to release men to a higher level.
Some Buddhists say that Buddha said there is no God. He never said
that. He just said, do not worry about gods, just know thyself.
And that is better for you.
1. Buddhism [founded by Siddhartha Gotama 500
BC. Based on Dharma and Sanga.
Dharma means the innate nature of man, and Sanga means the community.
All things are temporary and so will create
sufferings (pain). To escape this is the Goal of life (Nirvana).
Four Noble Truths, Purified Hinduism.
As we explained, Hinduism was purified with Buddha.
Branches: Mahayana (Great Vehicle), Theravada
(Lower Vehicle, more traditional), Vajrayana (Mahayana with emphasis on
Tantra), Zen or Chan – fusion between Mahayana and Daoism – seeing the
world as it really is].
So these are the different branches. The Mahayana is mostly
followed in Tibet, the Tibetan area. And the other one is more in
the south area of the Far East.
Another branch is Tantra. Tantra, as we said, is the path of going
through and seeing the emptiness of the things. They say, go
through it physically. But we say, go through it through your
meditation and see how empty it is. Many times we have explained
Zen is the Chinese Buddhism, in which Buddhism and Daoism merge.
The teaching is “be.” You do not have to read or know the
philosophy of Buddhism but you have to actually point out, instead of
teaching or trying to bring it to other people, but point out the truth
right to the student. That is why they do not teach verbally.
Instead they bring themselves to meditation and then they make you
practice that you see what you do wrong.
The whole idea is, what is delusion, what are your attachments, to show
you where you are getting attached to the temporary things and what is
more permanent in every situation. So do not become attached in
any situation.
The next is Jainism. That is another Hindu branch. They are
emphasizing that they are a different religion than Hinduism. And
actually their founder:
Jainism (Jainism was founded by a teacher called Mahavira.
They follow the Ahimsa to the fullest!)
Actually, Mahavira and Buddha were living at the same time. You
can see, it sounds like at that time, Hinduism was so binding that this
idea was coming out that, “We need something new to change Hinduism to a
higher level.” Probably both of them helped Hinduism to go back to
more of its basic truth.
The Jains are absolutely non-violent, and they follow Ahimsa.
Ahimsa means non-violence. The priests carry a broom. They
sweep in front of them so they do not kill any ant, or insect, or
anything like that.
I do not know, but when they sweep they probably kill more [laughing].
By this time Hinduism had become so binding and the teaching had fallen
so low, and suddenly this great realized person had to come and just
lift it up a little more from the lower level and tell them, “The truth
is, Go to God. Go to Thyself.” Or, “Do not harm each other,”
or, “Follow back to Ahimsa.”
I see both Buddhism and Jainism as reformers of Hinduism. I do not
see them as separate. But the emphasis is greater in different
parts of Hinduism.
I always saw Hinduism as an amazingly vast philosophy that if you look
at different parts you can actually create different religions of it.
But it is really not different religions. It is just a part of a
whole body because Hinduism is so vast.
I feel the Buddha emphasized only one part of Hinduism. He had
enough of all those gods, the statues, and all that. Now the
Buddhists even have statues and pictures.
I believe that the Chinese, or the Tibetans, were connected to the
American Indians. If you look at their paintings, they very much
look like those Kachina dolls. If you look at those Kachinas and
the pictures and statues they have in Buddhism, they are very similar.
So Buddhism spread to Tibet but it was affected with the teaching before
it, which is very similar to American Indian. And they all came
from the same races.
Of course, they say the Asians came to the United States. But I
believe actually the Indians went to Asia because that is why the
Chinese and the Tibetans, and all those people who look like American
Indians, are only in North Asia. Very few of them trickled down to
the South. But the American Indians were all the way to South
They found a site of American Indians, which is 50,000 years old.
It is just another thing in the Mission that our belief is a
little different than what the popular belief is.
Anyway, let us go back to our topic, Jainism. Another branch is:
Sikhs (founded by Guru Nanak, have had great influence on India,
tried to reconcile the differences between Hinduism and Islam).
That is another religion. They believe they are separate from
Hinduism. But if you study the Sikhs still you can see the
influence of Hinduism in a greater degree than Islam itself. The
only part they took from Islam was probably the militant part that they
are more militant than the Hindus. They believe that you have to
take the sword, fight, and spread your word.
they had a great influence on Hinduism. Their numbers are not very
large but they have a very big influence in India.
Another group is:
4. Tantra (path of overcoming by recognizing the
emptiness of our longings - low and high paths).
There is also Tantra that we talked about many times, that is, the path
of going through the experience and then realizing how empty our
attachments and desires are. The higher level is to go through it
in the higher mental level or in our meditation. In the lower
level it engages to the real acting out of the desire. That is
when most of the people look at Tantra as a sexual relationship and some
people fall for that, thinking that, that is what it means. It
really does not mean that. That is a very low level of Tantra.
5. Other branches in Hinduism, etc. (many other
branches of Hindus are in India – in fact too many to cover them all
There are Haree Krishna people and many other branches in Hinduism.
If you explain all of them, then we are going to spend a couple of
lifetimes to talk about them.
Native Americans
The second that we talk about as the Mystical people are the Native
1. They believe in One God (Creator or Great
They believe in the spirit in the dog, the spirit in the tree, the
spirit in this and that. But the highest level of their teaching
is really the Great Spirit.
2. They also believe in the Spirit behind all
That is the lower level.
3. They all had stories about how their
religions were revealed to them and why they had to stay in the
territory they were in.
It kind of sounds like they stayed in their territory because they
realized that if they do not have those beliefs there was going to be a
fight among different tribes. So in order to keep it peaceful,
they created this idea that they had to stay in one area and not go
anywhere else.
Also they believed that there was a white brother who came to the United
States and he traveled all the way from North America to South America
and taught them agriculture, many religious things, and made them go
very far in becoming civilized.
people say it was Christ who came here after he was supposed to have
been crucified. Some people say it was Enoch who came here and
taught them. So it depends on who you talk to. But the most
important thing is that they are also waiting for their Messiah.
As you know they took Cortez (because he was a white man, had a horse,
and came with the ship) as their Messiah. Of course, he did a very
good job on them. He was not really the good Messiah. He was
a bad one.
that had to happen. Otherwise we would not be here teaching this
Revelation in the United States.
4. All had some
kind of practice to realize the Spirit behind this physical life
(Mystical experience).
5. The most famous one is the Vision Quest
practiced by some tribes.
have also the sweat lodge. It is just like a sauna. That is
more spiritual with people sitting there and meditating.
really helps. It really gets your body to sweat. It is just like
fasting actually. It gets the toxins out of the body.
next awakening of the spiritual forces, or Mystical Paths, is:
It is the Jewish Mystical Path.
1. Revealed through the
Bible and Its Prophets (it is based on the book called Zohar),
it teaches that:
2. The universe operates according to certain
supremely powerful principles,
3. Kabala empowers us to understand and live in
harmony with these laws,
4. Spirit is interwoven with the matter.
So it is the teaching that they think that all the Prophets revealed and
taught in the Old Testament. But they believe the knowledge
is even beyond this revelation of the
and it comes from the very foundation of the creation.
Again, it goes back to the teaching of Noah after the flood. They
do not know where it came from. They know that it works. It
is based on the Laws and Principles of the universe.
Again the teaching goes back to somewhere beyond our history as Hinduism
is. We can see that again, all of them seem to have come from the
same Essence, from the same Source.
5. The Knowledge of Kabala should be passed on
from teacher to students.
Again we can see the oral tradition. The teacher says and the
student learns. But, it was written down later on as the Vedas
were also written on the paper as a book. Now we have a book, Zohar.
Before that, they did not have a book. They would orally reveal it
to each other.
6. It was shrouded in secrecy.
That is because a lot of people felt that if it fell into the hands of
the uninitiated, they might misuse it and not understand it correctly.
Still, a lot of orthodox Jews do not agree with the people who follow
the Kabala.
Did you want to say something?
Audience: I just thought that was surprising.
Maitreya: Yes, it is. It is just like the Sufis are not
accepted by the Orthodox Moslems because it is different. It is
Or, saints in Christianity, in the beginning, probably, the saints were
odd to the regular people. St. Francis, when he came from the war,
did not want to fight with the Moslems. He started singing to the
birds and going to the nature. They thought that he was crazy.
Eventually, of course, he started his own church and became a saint.
People started realizing, “Wow, he really is connected to a greater
Spirit than they are.”
It is the same thing here with the Kabala. The Kabala is something
that is odd to the regular Jewish teachings that only follow the first
five books of the Bible.
7. Zohar deals very directly with concepts of
reincarnation, visionary experiences, and the presence of unseen
influences in our midst (Mystical Paths and experience).
Again we can see that this is a Mystical Path, isn’t it? It is
experiencing God, experiencing the higher thing, and experiencing the
Spirit. Again the Kabala is the Mystical Path in the Jewish
Any questions? Any comments?
Audience: Where does the Kabala come from?
Maitreya: They think that it came from the Prophets in
the Old Testament. But at the same time they believe it is
beyond even the Old Testament. So, as I said, it came even
before the Jewish people.
know that the Hebrews were influenced with the Zoroastrian religion.
The Zoroastrians were influenced with Hinduism and the teaching before
that. And that came from Noah. So the whole of this
teaching, as I said, as it came to the different people in the different
environments, the same teaching changed a little bit because that is the
Law of Evolution.
It is
just like those squirrels on two sides of the Grand Canyon, on two sides
of the Colorado River. In the beginning they were the same
squirrels that have lived with each other. But now they have been
separated for a couple of million years, and the ones in the north of
the river have created different habits, different characteristics, and
different looks from the ones in the south of the river. But they
were the same squirrels in the beginning.
It is
the same thing, the Mystical Paths, when Noah brought them to humanity,
were the same. Then God scattered man all over the earth, and each
of them adapted according to their environment and their evolutionary
is why again, the cultures are mixing here and at the same time they do
not understand each other because each culture learned differently to
cope with their environment. They accepted different religions
according to what they received, according to what was environmentally
more acceptable to them.
Now the culture in the Middle East seems so odd to the West. That
is because if you wanted to go to the Middle East, if you wanted to even
go from Europe to China, it would take you a year or two to get there.
Who wanted to go such a long distance, to go with the thieves and a lot
of dangerous places, to get there? Very few.
Polo going from Italy to China was a big deal. It is a part of
history. How many people go to China every day? No one
writes about them, “Mr. Smith went to China today [laughter].”
although they all have come from the same source, they each might teach
a little different way. So the Kabala has come from the same
But also as we said, the people have had mystical experiences. And
when you compare the mystical experiences in every religion, they are
the same. They see the universe. They see God behind the
material world. They are not so different.
Saints in Christianity
1. Few mention of their experiences!
As we discussed, it was very interesting to me that really they do not
mention what happened to them, how they became saints.
2. True Saints, however, had a Mystical
experience with God.
can see in the case of Saint Frances and Saint Theresa that they have
had some experiences. And also, there were other saints in
Christianity that have had stigmatas that they would bleed through them.
They had the same kind of holes in their hands or feet as Christ did,
and they would bleed from them. So they have had some experience
directly with God and Spirit.
3. Many of them went through a period of intense
isolation, prayer, and meditation.
If you study the lives of all the Prophets, they went through a period
of intense isolation. They were absolutely cut off from people.
It happened to me too.
When I came to the United States, I was completely isolated by myself.
You know the story.
4. Their view was universal and based on
recognition of God in the whole universe.
They had a universal point of view. They accepted other religions
from everywhere. They did not say, “No, we are Christians, you are
no good,” or this and that. They said, “OK, you are Moslem or
Hindu or Buddhist, it does not matter.”
It is
just like Mother Theresa, who went to India and worked with the Indians.
She did not try to convert them to Christianity. She just wanted
to serve because she saw God in everyone and everything.
5. Performed miracles as it was expected from
Actually, if you do not perform miracles the Catholic Church does not
accept you as a saint. There has to be one or two miracles happen
before they say, “OK, you are a saint.”
It was expected for them to have a miracle, so they did.
Sufism is the Mystical Path of the Moslems.
1. It is the Path of Love and Devotion toward
God (as Lover and Beloved).
So they are in the path of Bhakti. They Love God completely.
The most well known poet in the West is Rumi, and he was a Sufi.
Audience: A Persian poet?
Maitreya: Yes, a Persian poet. What else do you know
about those poets? Rumi, and do you know anyone else?
Audience: Kahlil Gibran.
Audience: He was a Sufi?
Maitreya: Most probably yes, he was a Sufi. The orthodox
Moslems tried very hard to keep the Sufis down and out of Islamic
societies. But they said such beautiful things about God, and
everyone started reading their poems and accepting them. After a
while they could not do anything with them because the majority accepted
the Sufis as great lovers of God.
2. They practice meditation and rituals to reach
deeper levels of self and to experience God (Spirit).
So again, meditation, isolation, and thinking. Meditating, it is
the same thing, the same practices as in the Mystical Paths.
3. Many believe Muhammad himself was a Sufi (he
meditated in the caves above Mecca for fifteen years).
They believed that when he went to Syria, Prophet Muhammad joined in a
group there that was meditating, and that is how he got to know
Christianity and Judaism. That was because he was a caravan
master. For many years he traveled a lot.
best education is traveling, going to different places and to different
cultures. It opens your mind.
He used to take the caravan and take it from Arabia to Syria, etc.
And on the way, when you are on the caravan, you do not have anyone to
talk to, so you meditate. Probably he was interested in topics
about God and went and met many people in different religions.
They say that he, in that travel, eventually joined one of those groups,
and they taught him meditation.
When he married Khadija, Khadija was a rich woman so he did not have to
travel any more. So from 25 years to 40 most of the time he was in
a cave at the top of Mecca and meditating by himself.
can see that even he was a Sufi himself.
4. Techniques vary, but they have three things
in common: rhythm, repetition, and endurance (repetition of words –
(just like) mantras!, dancing (which is rhythm), and sometimes enduring
That was kind of bringing them in a greater degree of ability to endure
life, or be tough. And how should the people in the Mission
be? They should be tough people.
can see again, the rhythm, the meditation, and the using of mantras.
They use the name “Allah” a lot. They sing, “Allah, Allah,” and
they have some words like mantras using “Allah.” The name “Allah”
is a mantra. So they repeat it.
rhythm, just like the
Haree Om Shrii Hung, if you sing Haree Om Shrii Hung
for a long time and you really merge into it, it is just like riding
a camel. Imagine you are riding a camel for hours. The only
thing is it goes like this [moving as you would on a camel ride] in the
rhythm of the camel. And they have a bell. As the camel
moves, the bell goes dong, dong, dong. After a couple of hours
your mind becomes still. That is the best meditation you can have.
have never rode a camel in this lifetime myself but I have imagined it,
how it feels, sitting on the camel, the camel going rhythmically for
hours. And it is a desert. It is not a ten minute ride.
It is a whole day ride. And you are going in the same rhythm.
You cannot talk to anyone. You are sitting there. And that bell
goes, dong, dong, dong. What happens to your mind? Absolute
5. Orthodox Muslims do not give much credit to
them, but they have had a great influence on the populace.
As we just talked about, they really do not like them because they say
things that throw them out of their books, “You have to do this and
that.” Sufis do not. They just break the rules.
Probably that is a part of Sufism, to break the rules once in a while.
They are kind of rebellious in a restrictive environment, but they are
not criminals. Probably the reason is because Islam became so
rigid that they say, “Break the rule. Do not follow it exactly.”
6. Sufism converted many people to Islam.
There is a belief that most of the people in India were converted to
Islam because of the Sufis. It influenced also Hinduism itself by
the teaching that the Sufis brought to India.
7. There are many branches of Sufism all over
the world.
8. It has all the elements of a Mystical
It has the meditation, it has the recognition of God, it has the Bhakti.
So it is a Mystical Path.
What is Not a Mystical Path and is Not a
Religion Based on God’s Plan
What is not a Mystical Path?
1. Ancestral worshipping.
2. Many gods.
3. Worshipping anything in the manifested world
instead of the Spirit in the Temple of one’s body!
God is within you. Do not look anywhere else. Do not look
out. He is not there. He is not in the statue. He is
not in the dog, or the cat, or anything else.
Of course, He is in all of them too. But you find It best within
4. Taking humans as God.
That is another thing that should go in human life. You should not
accept anyone. Just take their teaching. If they say
something good that will take you to God, take that, but do not take
them as God.
5. Mystery schools (founded by Nimrod).
Man-made Mystery schools, Nimrodians.
6. Lower levels in the Mystical religions that
have forgotten about FINE!
It is just like Hindus should realize that they should not take the
statues, and things like that, as God. They have to go to higher
things, which is Spirit, the true teaching of Hinduism, which Buddha
tried to bring back.
7. China’s beliefs (Confucius, Daoism – they are
forms of guidance, not religions or Revelations).
They are good. I am not saying do not read them or understand
them. They have wonderful things. They are beautiful sayings
and helpful, some of them. Of course, some of them are not that
It is
just like Confucius said that the woman being a leader is just like a
hen acting like a rooster. Then one of their greatest Empresses
was a woman, in the Dhang dynasty. So not everything they say is
woman, like a man, should prove that they are good leaders. It is
not that because they are a male we should accept them as good leaders.
They have to prove themselves that they are.
Also where do they best serve God? It
does not matter where we are. The most important thing is, how
much our contribution to God’s Work is manifested in a greater degree
that we are satisfied where we are and we know that we did a good job.
What Do All These Mystical Paths Basically Say?
1. There is only One God (FINE).
The highest level of all Mystical Paths say, God is Formless, Invisible,
Nameless, and Eternal. It does not have any form. It does
not have any shape. It does not have any taste, or smell. Go to
the Highest.
If it
has any physical attributes, you are still not following the highest.
2. There is a Spiritual World that is much
greater than this physical world.
As we
said, before the Flood of Noah, we could have a direct relationship with
3. The Goal of Life is to reach this World
(become Divine) and overcome this external world.
That is the Goal Of The Life. That is why we are here.
is why the whole creation has been created, because there was
destruction, there was darkness, there was separation from God, and God
created the whole universe to reach there. We fell and fell and
fell deeper, and eventually we reached a point that our third eyes were
closed, we could not have the telepathic ability, and we are in a place
that we have absolutely lost the connection.
lost all the ability to be connected to the external world and now we
are trying to go back to Spirit again. So we can see, that is the
goal of life: to become Divine, to go back to God, or Spirit.
4. Each human can achieve this Goal (although it
is not easy – many will be called, few will be chosen).
As Christ said, many will try, and few will find it. Many will be
called, and few will be chosen. Or the door is wide and the road
is wide that leads to destruction. The road that is narrow and
hard, leads to life.
5. Know thyself to Know God.
6. All these can be categorized as the Mystical
So, first of all, it has to be Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and
Eternal. If it is not the Highest, it is the fallen Mystical
Paths. It is not the highest level of Mystical Paths.
Second, believing, yes there is a spiritual world. At least have
some connection to the spiritual world and believe it is not only our
two eyes.
The Goal Of The Life Is To reach that spiritual world, spiritual life
not this life, and believing that you can do it. It is possible.
Many have gone and done it before us. We can do it ourselves.
Know Thyself, and know that your Essence and God is the same.
Where Have Mystical Paths Gone Wrong? (All
Religions Have Gone Wrong Somewhere)
talked about where the Hebrews have gone wrong. We talked about
where the Christians went wrong. We talked about where the Moslems
went wrong. We talked about where the Baha’is went wrong. We
are not supposed to go wrong in this one.
We are supposed to get it eventually. That is why I am putting so
much effort into it, writing it, and putting it on the Internet.
We are supposed to get it this lifetime.
If we
are not going to get it, what is going to happen to us in 1,000 years?
Out. So we have to get it.
So where have the Mystical Paths gone wrong? They have gone wrong
1. Many gods.
As we taught, the moment you have more than One God, that is not
Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal, that Mystical Path has gone
2. Their goal is to merge with God.
They say, “Meditate, do not worry about it. Just meditate, you are
going to go to God.” You know, those Indian gurus who say, “Just
meditate. You are OK. You are going to go to God.”
No. God said what? “I am going to spue you out of my mouth.”
It means that you are going to come back.
You are not going to go in by yourself. He is going to throw you
back here. So the sooner we get on with the Communities of
Light, create the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth, the sooner we all can
get back home. So do not try to get there by yourself. It is
not going to work.
3. Neglecting the suffering of the rest in the
Why did God send His Spirit to the darkness? He sacrificed
Himself. He could have stayed there and said, “OK, darkness you
can stay there. I will have nothing to do with you. I am OK.
I am fine. I am in Pure Consciousness.”
did He send His Spirit to the darkness? Wasn’t that a great
sacrifice for Him? Did He have to come out of Pure Consciousness
and sacrifice Himself to go to the darkness?
that is a lesson for everyone that that is how we should do it. Go
back to the darkness, not to be afraid of it. Not to say, “OK, I
am not going to touch the darkness. That is darkness. I am
here. I am fine. I am going to lock myself in my little
world and I am fine.” It is not going to work because as Buddha
said, “Everything is temporary.”
It is
not going to be permanent.
4. They take humans as God (that is why God
created the concept of Messiah and Revealed it to the
Zoroastrians/Hebrews/Christians, Moslems, etc.)
Who started this? They had it before the flood of Noah.
After the flood of Noah, Nimrod and his wife started it again and still
people are following it. All those gurus in India should go.
All the people in India should be freed to go to God directly instead of
being attached to their gurus and never go to God.
The only Spirit that is followable is the Son of God, is the Messiah, is
the Spirit of God who comes on earth with the clear signs, Revelations,
fulfillment of the prophecies, and all of that. Anything else is a
trip, is the lower nature, is not the highest level.
is why God created the Messiah, Prophet, Son of God, etc.
5. Worshipping of statues, pictures, symbols,
etc. (although they might consider the spirit behind it).
I had a hard time to release my picture. If you all remember, I
would not do it. People were just asking me, “Where is your
picture? Where is your picture? We want to see you.”
OK, here is my picture but do not get attached to that. See what
is behind the picture.
not even get attached to this body. It is going to go. But
these Words, this Spirit is going to stay. And that is your
guidance. Do not become attached to me.
course, come to the
Mission and serve the Mission
so that we can get the Communities of Light going and the
Kingdom comes, but the most important thing is the Word of God and the
Spirit of God, which is FINE.
6. As each religion in The Greatest Sign has to
overcome their dogmas and misunderstandings, so do the Mystical Paths
have to overcome these wrong understandings.
So even the Mystical Paths have a place to improve themselves.
7. If the salvation of man is not guaranteed by
following these Mystical Paths, what is the alternative (they should
start following the Eternal Divine Path and our Teachings)?
Again we can see that they are not the path to salvation as many
Mystical people believe that just by meditating, or just by following
the Mystical Paths, they are going to achieve that. But it says,
“No, I am going to spue you out of My Mouth.”
what is the alternative? What is the salvation? Then man has no
is. That is the
Eternal Divine Path. That is the following of the
Eternal Divine Path. As we discussed many times, it helps you
in spirit, physically, mentally, spiritually, individually, and
collectively. It has Bhakti, Karma, and Jnana Yoga in it. It
unifies all religions. It is your salvation.
of these religions or beliefs are.
Why These Paths Were Created on Earth
Why do we have the Mystical Paths?
1. There was a Plan.
2. The human was changed and their third eyes were closed.
3. Man became a rational animal and human history was created.
We said the third eyes were closed. They
could not see the spiritual world anymore. Still they cannot see
the Spirit of God. Therefore, why did God do that? Why did
God create the human who does not have a direct relationship with God?
There was a Plan. What was that Plan?
4. During the last twelve thousand years, those
who have progressed were chosen.
See, it exactly goes with the Word of God with
our teaching. He did it to bring us to this point. For what?
He does not like us? He wants to really take our power away from
us? He wants to close our third eyes? Why? Does He
really want to make us suffer? Why did He do that?
He had a Plan and for the last 12,000 years those people who became
interested in spirituality, meditated, awakened their spiritual forces,
became more spiritual, realized there is a spiritual world, and became
mystics, came to this point. God was sending this Revelation one
by one and guiding them to this.
5. They became the Chosen Ones (The Elects).
6. Now at the end time, they have been
reincarnated again (or will be soon).
7. These are the ones we are calling to Gather
together as the Chosen (Soldiers of God - Paravipras).
8. When they all come together, we will
eventually bring the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (KOHOE).
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
The Mission fits so well, just like a hand and glove, that it
shows what God meant, why did He do that, why did He create this
process, where we are, why do we not have the connection to the
Spiritual world, etc. It is because we misused it.
He chooses only those who have been attracted to God, meditation, and
have progressed to come to this point. Now when they see this
teaching, they get on fire. They say, “That makes sense. I
want to be a part of this,” and they come and join us with Fire in their
I am waiting for even greater revival. Is that what Christians
say? The revival of the Mission, we should have a revival
gathering and bring many dedicated Souls. They will come here and
say, “I am here to serve. I serve to bring the Kingdom Of Heaven
On Earth. I have meditated enough. I want to go home.
I want to jump and find my home like the cricket did.”
It is just like Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Elects Have Been Prepared
1. For the last
twelve thousand years, the Elects have been in the process of being
2. All Prophecies and Revelations are culminated
for this Revelation and this time.
3. The Seven Seals are Opened.
4. The Book with the Seven Seals is Revealed.
5. The Prophecies are Fulfilled.
6. God Has Revealed His Whole Plan for the
7. The Elects are Called to come, respond, Join,
and Help in bringing His Kingdom on earth.
So, this is the goal, to bring the Kingdom Of
Heaven On Earth, to call the Elects. That is what the whole Plan
was, to create these Elects for the last 12,000 years.
8. This could not have been
accomplished before this End Time Revelation (after the
coming of the Seventh Angel – Prophet).
9. Elects are not the Sons of God yet.
10. After one thousand years, they will become
the Sons of God.
So those who are in the Mission at this time are not in Pure
Consciousness, Sons of God, yet. You are Elects but you have to
work on it. You have to come, you have to join, and you have to
help. You have to be with the Mission.
We have to create the facilitating body. We have to create the
hierarchy. We have to reach all corners of earth.
Then, little by little, more people can see that their expectations are
not being fulfilled. Their “messiah” has not come.. The
Hindus, the Moslems, the Buddhists, and the Christians, will see, “It is
not coming. He is not coming, and we are getting even worse on
earth.” There is going to be greater tribulation. There is
going to be greater destruction.
Do we have to wait until the destruction comes? I am afraid we
have to because humanity is not listening, they are not coming, they are
not joining, and they are not creating the people that we need.
Audience: I think that they think that they are secure still.
Maitreya: Yes. Even those who are here are still
struggling with the idea of completely surrendering and submitting,
coming, joining, doing the will of God, and forgetting about their egos.
Which is OK, I am not complaining, I am just stating the facts, and the
But we know that His Kingdom will come because He said He is going to do
it. Many things He said, He did, and He has done them. It is
going to happen. We can see it completely shows what the Plan of
God is.
It just makes sense, doesn’t it? It does make sense [all
agreeing]. Thank you [laughter].
Two Phases Before the Kingdom Comes For a
Thousand Years
1. He will come as the Thief in the night.
Maybe that is what the answer is right there. We are here like a
thief of the night in this lifetime.
2. He will come to establish the Kingdom!
is the second part of the plan. The first part is that we come as
a thief in the night. Maybe this is the time to reach out and let
more people know about us. That is a good way to get the word out.
At the same time maybe God wants us to do that.
of course, eventually, the Kingdom will come. There is no doubt
about that. This lifetime? Fine. If not, I will be
back. [laughter].
We Are Calling the Elects
1. Are you an Elect (Paravipra)?
That is the question that everyone should ask themselves, “Am I a
Paravipra, am I an Elect?”
2. Are you willing to give up everything of
individual life for this Ideal?
is another question, “Am I really ready to do that?” Because, that
is what it takes. That is what it took for me. I dropped
I started the Mission, remember, with ten cents in my pocket and
no permanent visa to stay here. And I wanted to change the world.
That is crazy, isn’t it?
3. These are the people we are looking for (they
follow the EDP).
4. There are, at least, 144,000 of them, and
many millions (and more) will support them.
We have a
group, they are Paravipras, they are absolutely dedicated to the
Mission, they dedicate their lives to it, they understand the teaching,
they progress, they forget about their egos, they absolutely become
egoless, and follow the Eternal Divine Path to the highest possible. And
they have millions of other people that support them.
We have a
support group. We need a support group. Computers need to be
run. The website should be taken care of. Finances should
come from somewhere to get these people going.
5. Let us pledge our lives to This Most Holy
Vision and fulfill our reason for this life.
6. Let us bring God’s Kingdom on earth.
7. This Is the Vision/Plan.
God’s Blessings
My Salutations To The Divinity Within You