A two-part lecture about the system
which will bring the Kingdom of God on earth.
Let us pray to the Father that His Spirit be present with us, and with
unity and oneness we all approach His Plan, this wonderful system that
He has brought to us. May we all become one in His Spirit. We thank You,
Father, for this opportunity that You gave all of us to study this
You know that the theme of this Feast is,
"The Answer? Communities of Light!"
Some people say, is that all? We're just going to create
communities. Why do we want to create communities?
Communities have been on earth for probably the past
12,000 years. The best known are the Children of Abraham, or the
Children of Israel. They had the twelve tribes and there were
communities, etc.
Now why do we have to create communities all over again?
They are already trying to build so many communities, there are many
people in Arizona, probably in Quebec, and many other places. There is
The Farm which is doing a lot of wonderful things. There are some
communities in California, and so on.
Why do we want to invent the whole wheel all over again?
We can just accept all these communities, and probably join one and be
happy with it. Why do we want communities?
Not every community is a Community of Light.
Communities of Light are based on the Eternal Divine Path.
If a community is not based on the
Eternal Divine Path it is a community, but it is not a
Community of Light.
Actually the Children of Israel knew about the system
that we are going to present today. It was revealed to Moses. That's why
their whole system was based on God's Plan and worked very well for
What are the Communities of Light? They are where
the Children of Light are going to live. Actually the Children of Israel
means the Children of Light. If you are the Light and you are a Child of
Light, you are a Child of Israel. They are the Chosen Ones.
They are right, the Children of Israel are the Chosen
Ones. But it is not a race. It's not a people. It is a consciousness in
us. If we are the Children of Light, then we are the Children of Israel.
So that's why we have to become the Children of Light,
to live in the
Communities of Light, to accept God as our Father and the
Light of our Life, and then we will become the Children of Israel, the
Children of Light.
One of the reasons we're going to create the
Communities of Light
is, in the Communities of Light we create the Children of
Israel, the New Jerusalem, the New Wine, the New World.
So we can see that these communities that we are trying
to create are different than most of the communities. We are pretty
flexible actually in every community. The communities will be created by
the people. As long as they are following the Eternal Divine Path,
it very much depends upon what they want to make that community into.
That is why you can have a community in the middle of a
large city. You can have a community in a rural area, a village, or a
small town. You can have a community in a desert, if you want to. So it
is very flexible. But the base is the Eternal Divine Path. The
base is to meditate, and to do spiritual exercises together. When a
community does spiritual exercises together, they bring unity in the
group. So that is the community that we want to build.
Why do we want to build communities? We build
communities as a base of the system. We're not just creating communities
as isolated entities where people go and live together, and shut
themselves off from the world and say, "This is our community and that's
it. We have nothing to do with the external world." We're not trying to
create a community that has nothing to do with the external world, where
they just want to meditate and go to heaven. They have been trying to do
that for the last 6,000 years and probably not many of them made it!
The Buddha came and said, "You meditate and you go to
heaven." The Buddha was Buddha. That was one Buddha 2,500 years ago. How
many Buddhas came after him? Very few people could make it to become a
We can see that that was a very exceptional thing that
happened 2,500 years ago. Now all these people are escaping the world,
going to the mountains and forsaking society to become a Buddha. And not
very many people are making it.
We're creating these communities, not to escape the
world, but to be in the world but not of it. In these communities, we're
creating the base of the system.
Now in this system that we're going to create from the
communities, there are going to be four different bodies. There is going
to be an administrative body, a judiciary body, a legislative body and
the Elders.
We're creating communities. These communities are based
on twelve people, six couples. These first six couples make up the first
level, or base, of the community. Twelve of these six couples make up
the second level of the community. Twelve of such twelve groups, which
is around 2,000 people, will create one community.
From this community, we're going to choose the people
who are going to be in the judiciary and administrative bodies. The
legislative body will be chosen by vote. Then the Elders are going to
emerge from these three bodies. So we're going to have four bodies in
this system.
Right from the very first look, we see these communities
are not just isolated communities. These communities are based on a
system. We build these communities to create a hierarchy, a system,
which is going to emerge from these communities.
Six couples are living together. Then six of these six
couples are the second level of the community. We go on to the third
level and have a complete community, around 2,000 people.
Now when six families are living in such close quarters,
after awhile they know everything about each other. When a person
emerges from these six couples as a leader, that person should be a
pretty worthy person, a person who other people can respect. Other
people understand that he's caring, he's sharing, and he's willing to
lend a helping hand to the other eleven people. Such a person emerges
from these twelve people. He's not voted in. He emerges and is selected
by a group who know him, or her, well.
It's not something where you just shake hands with a
couple of people in the street, you advertise your name, and you talk
about the issues. You can even change your mind if you want to after you
are elected. The people who selected you can also vote you out, if they
choose to do that.
But the people personally know this person. They are
living with him. They are eating with him. They are talking with him.
They are being with him. After six months or one year, they pretty much
know even the slightest thing about the other person and what he does.
Is he pure, does he understand, is he compassionate, is he effective,
So one person emerges from these twelve people as a
person accepted by the other eleven as an effective person, as an
administrative person.
Also, usually in a group, there are some people
who are more meditative. They might not have the administrative
abilities. They might not be able to organize, but their spirit is good,
their spirit is just, their spirit is meditative.
Such people also emerge from these twelve people as the
judge of the twelve. So each six couples have one leader emerge from
them, and one person is accepted to be their judge.
They can organize themselves by having this leader, and
also they can bring justice to themselves by having their judge. If
there is a problem, or something comes up that they want to discuss and
solve, they can bring the problem to the judge who they chose among
themselves and solve their problem.
Right there you can see that you have a community that
can easily be organized, and can easily solve their problems within
themselves. Every time something small happens, they really don't need
to take it to the small claims court, or go to a judge. So a lot of
expenses are cut right there from the governmental budget. They don't
need those things (or not as much). They can take care of small problems
From twelve such leaders in each twelve person base, one
person is going to emerge as the leader of the one unit (one
twelve-twelve level of community). These people also have to live
together, be together, know one another and eventually one will emerge
to the second level, and to the third level, until one person emerges as
the community leader.
The person who emerges as the community leader has gone
through three levels of examination, understanding, and being very
well-scrutinized by the people around him and all of the community. So
when he emerges as the community leader, he should be a pretty good
person, a well-rounded adjusted person. Then from these communities,
some people are going to emerge as leaders of the districts, counties,
states, regions, etc.
Now you may question, "Why do we need this system? We
have probably one of the best systems in the United States. It's been
working for 200 years. Why do we now want something else besides this,
or any other system? We don't need anything other than this. This is
just fine."
First of all there is a selection process. In our system
the selection process is from the base of the community, from the
Communities of Light, from twelve people, and on and on. It's not by
vote that they are selected, but they emerge. The leaders emerge from
the base of the communities.
Also in the democratic system there should be four
situations present for a democracy to work perfectly. There is needed a
high level of educated people. Probably the West has a higher level of
literacy but there are a lot of other countries that don't have that.
Even in the United States, around twenty percent of the people are not
literate, so they don't know their rights. They don't really have the
ability to come up with the right decisions. But they have the right to
vote. Even from the people who can vote, probably around 60% vote, even
less than that.
Second is the awareness of the basic rights, of the
socioeconomic rights of each person. How many people are aware of their
socioeconomic rights themselves? Again, very few. There needs to be the
willingness of the majority to demand their rights. But we know, as the
many Prophets have said, most of us are like sheep, we follow the first
sheep. If he jumps, everyone jumps after him. That's another thing that
is going to affect democracy.
Third is the necessity for a high standard of ethics.
You really have to have a high standard of ethics yourself to choose a
person who really is ethical. The choice will not be because it's going
to help your business, but because it's going to help humanity.
And fourth, another problem with the present system is
that the leaders are not aware of the cyclical movements of the periods
in history, which is explained in the book The Kingdom Of Heaven On
Earth in THOTH. In these cyclical movements there are
the workers, military-minded people, intellectuals, and business people.
The laborers, or workers, are the people, of course, who
do the manual work, the labor work. Second are the Ksattriyas, or
warrior-minded people. These are the people who became the emperors or
kings in the past, who took their armies, and became conquerors of other
The third one is the intellectuals. We can see after the
Roman Empire was created, the Senate, the democratic system and all
those things were the beginning of the intellectual domination.
Eventually the Renaissance was the highest point in the intellectual
After that came the Industrial Revolution, which was the
period of the businessmen. When the businessmen became the dominant
force, then business became more powerful. The business class had most
of the resources. All these are explained in detail in THOTH.
So these periods are going to go on and on, but most of the leaders are
not aware of this process.
Another problem with this system is the attachment of
the people and leaders to a small portion of the world, to a small
culture, or to the small regions. This creates separation, and that's
why we have so many problems on the earth, because we have separation
between cultures and people, misunderstandings, and all these things we
can see that are coming up right now, and are even getting more
If we don't wake up, we can destroy the earth fifty
times over. We can either destroy ourselves with the atomic bomb, or
chemical agents, or bacterial warfare.
It's very easy to put a bunch of bacteria at the top of
a missile, and send it to other countries or nations. Then it's just
going to explode there, it's going to increase itself and everyone will
become sick. It can kill you. And anyone can do it. They can even bring
a box of bacteria to another country and just open it in one big city.
So more and more we can see, it's not only the people
who have the atomic bomb who can destroy one another, but even the
smallest countries if they wanted to, even a terrorist group, can bring
great harm to everyone. Therefore, there is this urgency to do something
about this.
Another lack in the present system is the absence of the
body of Elders, the people who really oversee the system and are always
aware of how to direct it to a greater degree and higher level.
Last is the lack of the spiritual considerations,
putting God out of the system. The moment you put God out of the system,
that system is not going to work.
Even in our system, if you put God out of our system, it
is not going to work. If the higher level, if the Elders, if the people
who are supposed to be connected to the Spirit, are not connected to the
Spirit, it's going to fall apart because they're going to become selfish
and self-centered.
When the wall in the city of Berlin came down, the
people went and saw that the leaders in East Berlin had accommodations
that rivaled the highest level of accommodations in the Western world.
The leaders had everything they wanted, but the people were starving and
the economy was falling apart, because there was no spiritual
consideration on the part of those leaders. They were interested mostly
in what they could get out of the system for themselves.
It's very easy for humans to fall into that trap. That's
why it's so important that we let the leaders emerge. When they prove
themselves in every level, they are not going to fall. By the time they
get to the top, still they won't fall because they were examined in
every level of emergence in our system. They have the character to
emerge as a leader.
So for all these reasons, you can see that our system
eliminates all these problems. It eliminates the problems because you
don't have to be very literate to see through another person. Actually
I've seen some illiterate people who could see through other people
easier than a person who is a professor in a university.
Also, usually in a small group the ethics are much
higher. When the people are very close, they are more ethical than in
the big cities. In the big cities they usually are pretty much smothered
by the change of mind, and the attitude, because most humans don't
believe that God is always with them. They really don't believe that God
is watching them. In a big city, "No one is watching," so a person might
think, "OK I'll rob this store. It's going to be a half hour by the time
the police come. I can rob this place."
But if they believe that if they want to do something
there's a community where everyone is watching and everyone is looking
at what they do, they're going to create greater ethics. Many humans are
like that, they don't really believe that God is looking at them, or is
with them. So our system eliminates all these problems.
Also we have another level of selection of leaders by
vote. This is done because if you have only this process of being
selected then that might become very rigid. People might just have a way
of acting and being selected. If a person acts this way, he's going to
be selected through this process and go to the top of the hierarchy. But
if he doesn't, or if he has some progressive ideas, he can't go through
the system. It might become very bureaucratic.
So we also have a process of selecting new people to
bring new energy to the higher level of leadership so they don't have to
go through the system to go to the higher level. They can just campaign,
just like we have now, and bring up new issues and/or new ideas to the
system. If the leadership is not bringing up new issues and they are
becoming rigid, these elected people can bring new ideas, new blood to
the system. So we also have that way to bring new ideas to the system,
and that system will not become a rigid system.
Now, as I said, there are two people from this twelve
people, one administrative and one judiciary, who will emerge. Then out
of the community leaders, judiciary and administrative bodies of the
district, county, state, sub-regional and regional levels will be formed
There are going to be twelve regions, which are flagged
on the map on this table, though that is not exactly where they are
going to be. This is not written in stone. We know one of them for sure
is going to be in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We will see in the future.
Probably in the future it would be a good idea for the
earth to be studied and divided into some regions according to the
number of people living in the area and the economical distribution of
the resources, so each region is somehow economically almost equal to
other regions. That will bring more equity for everyone.
This is just a rough idea. In Asia, there are more
people, so there are more flags there. What I am saying (so later on
those people don't say, "Well,
said one should be right here, so that is going to be right here")
is that this is not written in stone. Probably the regional centers are
not going to be where they are on this map. Even they may emerge in the
course of time.
So we're going to have twelve regions. In each region
there are going to be twelve sub-regions, and each sub-region, of
course, can be divided into different states.
Just like in the United States, there are fifty states.
We can also divide every sub-region into twelve different states. Every
state is going to have different counties. Every county will have
districts, and every district will probably have a few communities
within them.
In the region there are going to be twelve people who
are selected from the twelve sub-regions. Not only that, we also will
choose six people in every region by vote. So with twelve from the
sub-regions and six by vote, there are going to be eighteen people who
are going to emerge from every region.
One person is going to be the leader of the region. One
person will go on to be the representative in the world government.
There are going to be four direct reporters to the leader. The remaining
twelve will each manage one sub-region. They will report to the
four direct reporters, three per direct reporter (so each direct
reporter oversees three sub-regions).
There are twelve managing the sub-regions, four direct
reporters to the leader, one leader, and one will be going to the world
government, so that makes eighteen.
As you can see, the six elected by vote are the people
who will bring the new ideas to the leadership. But because they haven't
gone through that process of emerging to the top of the leadership, they
will not be selected as direct reporters until they are selected twice.
They will not be selected as the leaders of the region, or the world
government, until they are selected three times.
If they do that, then they will have been in the system
for awhile so they will have the ability to also be a representative in
the world government, or become a leader.
So this is the administrative body for every region.
There is a head. There are direct reporters, etc. The direct reporter
has three other people who are in a different region. And there are six
people selected by vote.
Question: Say the people in the first twelve, or the
second twelve are replaced, then what happens?
Question: Will there be a limitation of term, or
will they be able to serve for a long time?
Maitreya: We'll get to that. There are twelve people
in the first level of the community. One will be selected from this
twelve. Then twelve of such twelve people are going to be the second
From these twelve leaders, another leader will emerge as
the second level of decision-making. The third level, which is one
community (hopefully around 2,000 people), will have one leader.
From those communities in any district, eventually one
will emerge as the leader of the district. From all these districts in
the county, one will emerge as the leader for the county. From all the
leaders from these counties, one will emerge as the leader of the state.
From all the leaders from these states in this sub-region, one will
emerge as the leader of the sub-region. And from all the sub-regions in
this region, one will emerge as the leader of that region. There are
twelve regions so there are going to be twelve leaders.
Now, the term for these eighteen people is going to be
four years. After four years, these eighteen people will first select
one person as their leader. So if there is a person who has been
selected three times from these six people, he also will be considered
to be the leader of the region, or to be a leader to represent the
region in the world government.
Then this body will dissolve. The first thing that
happens before anything can be done, is the selection of the six by
vote. So if they are selected the second time, or the third time, they
can be selected as a direct reporter or the leader. Then they select the
leader and they dissolve to their lower level.
For instance, if this person is from one region, that
region first selects the person to replace him, and then if this person
has been re-selected, he can stay for four more years. If he is not
selected, he falls and the other person comes and replaces him.
This person goes to his region. Then there is going to
be a selection in the region. If he is accepted as the leader of the
region, he stays in the leadership in the sub-region. If not, he falls
down to a lower level, or even all the way to the bottom of the
See, going to the top is one step at a time, but from
the top, you might fall from the very top to the very bottom. Because
you come from six couples, twelve of such six couples select one person.
That's the second level. When twelve such twelve select, at the third
level, you become a community leader. Then you become a county leader,
then a district leader, and still you go up. But when you are up at the
top, or any level, if you are not re-selected in any of the levels, you just
might fall from any level to the bottom. So it's harder to get to the
top, and easier to fall down. That is another safety precaution devised
in this system.
With this process, after four years, these people will
be replaced, or will be re-selected to their positions. If a person is
selected twice in the leadership process, such a person will become an
Elder. Each direct reporter who is selected three times, will also
become an Elder in their own level. In the rest of the system, anyone
who is selected four times (sixteen years) in any level, will become an
Elder in their own level.
For instance, if someone (even in the community among
twelve people), is selected as the leader four times, in that level,
after sixteen years, such a person becomes an Elder in that level, among
those twelve people.
What is an Elder? An Elder is a person who has more
experience. He has been in the system. He has gone all through the
system. For instance, if someone is in the county level and he's been
selected four times, he's been there sixteen years, he becomes an Elder
in that level. He knows a lot about how the activities at the county
level work, how the systems work. He can give a lot of advice to the
people with whom he works.
The leader of the region and the Elder of the region
will eventually emerge, and they will become leaders and the Elders of
the administrative body in the region.
Question: What about the direct reporters, where do
they come from?
Maitreya: As we said, if the leader wanted to take
care of all the sub-regions by himself, he would have to manage twelve
sub-regions. That is very hard work, to have to keep track of every
region. Those are twelve regions, and each of the regions have a lot of
problems to be solved and things to be taken care of.
Direct reporters are indeed the assistants to the
leaders of the region. Every direct reporter has three sub-regions under
his influence. They manage them and report to the leader about their
three regions. They help the leader to manage the regions. As we said,
there are eighteen people, twelve selected and six voted in, one as the
leader of the sub-region, one goes to the world government, four direct
reporters, and twelve heads of the sub-regions. So that's eighteen.
That's where they come from.
Not only do we have an administrative body, but another
person, as explained above, is going to emerge as judge (a person who is
more meditative, more just in the community), from the twelve people.
Here the selection of this body is exactly the same as for the
administrative body: one emerges from the twelve people, and the second
level and third level in the community, then the district, county,
state, sub-region, region, and world government.
So if we just take that thought and apply the system of
the administrative body to the judiciary body, it is the same system as
the administrative body. There are going to be twelve people coming by
the selection process and six by vote. Again, we create eighteen people
for the leadership in the region. One is going to be as the leader of
the judiciary body in the region, one goes to the world judiciary court,
there are going to be four direct reporters to the judiciary leader in
the region and one leader for each sub-region.
[This was the end of side 1 of the tape. A few sentences
of the lecture were missed] of the period of the selection will be four
years. After four years there are going to be, first, the selection of
the six people by vote. So if they are selected two times, or three
times, they can be considered as a direct reporter, or a leader of the
body. Then the body dissolves to the lower level the same way that we
explained for the administrative body. So we can create the same system,
judiciary body as we did for the administrative body.
Also there are going to be Elders from the judiciary
body. If a leader at the regional level in the judiciary body was
selected two times, he is going to be an Elder. If the direct reporter
was selected three times, he becomes an Elder in that level, and on and
on. If he was selected four times in any other level, he becomes an
Elder in this level.
Now, we have two bodies so far, administrative body and
judiciary body. We also have the legislative body. How is the
legislative body selected? This is done by vote. It is just a regular
legislative body like we have in most of the systems on earth right now.
They are people who might not be living in the
Communities of Light, they can be living out of the communities but
they are still concerned for people's well being. They might even live
in the communities (they don't have to be out of the communities), but
they are concerned for the communities. They show their concern for the
communities, and many people start knowing them as people who are
concerned for the others and have done a lot of good.
So they decide or are persuaded to run for the
legislative body. They can run for the House of Representatives or
Senate (it depends on if they have one of them or both of them, whatever
the people decide). They can run for either body in the legislative
body. If they are selected, they go to those bodies and reside in the
legislative body.
This process is going to happen after our system is
established and the people begin to join and vote for the legislative
body. So about the legislative body, there is not much explanation
because we already know how it works. The people run for office and they
are voted into office. Whoever is accepted goes to the House or the
Also if the head of the legislative body is selected two
times, that person will become an Elder in that level. Elders really are
the advisors in the body. Elders don't have any direct influence, any
direct power, to any of these bodies. They are accepted because they are
Question: You mean the Elders won't have a vote in
the legislature?
Maitreya: That's right. They don't have any vote any
place, even in the administrative and judiciary bodies. They have to be
so respected that their advice should be sought.
For instance, if this leader really needs good advice,
he can go and talk with the Elder and seek his advice, "Oh, you have
been in this position for two terms before. I have this problem. What do
you suggest? How can you help me?" If a leader needs help he can go to
the Elder.
Or, if the Elders see some problem in the system, they
can say, "There is some problem in this system. You are doing this thing
wrong." The leaders think about it and if the Elder is right they say,
"Yes, I think you are right, we are going to fix the problem."
See, when you are watching a football game, you can
always see better how the players should be playing. Have you seen when
people watch the game on television they say, "Oh, why don't you do
that?" That's because they are sitting outside and they are looking in.
When they are sitting outside and looking in, they see much better than
when they are engaged in doing it themselves.
It's the same thing with the Elders. They are really the
seers. They're sitting outside and they see what is going wrong with the
system. If something is going wrong, they can say, "Yes, this thing is
going wrong and we have to correct it." Because of the respect they have
created, and because they only advise when their advice is sought or is
necessary, their words are accepted and others listen to them.
Question: Who is making the laws and applying the
Maitreya: The legislative body will make the laws.
Question: And who will apply them?
Maitreya: The administrative body.
Question: Is it just laws for worldly things?
Maitreya: You are a little ahead of me [all
laughing]. You are in the process of decision-making.
As we explained, now we have an administrative Elder
body and a judicial Elder body. The administrative Elder body will
choose one person as their leader, a leader of the administrative body.
The judicial Elder body will choose one person as the leader of the
judiciary body. These two bodies together will choose another person as
the Eldest.
This Eldest is the head of both the administrative and
judicial Elder bodies. The Eldest is the only person in the Elder bodies
who has the power to directly interfere in any place and with any part
in the system. He can question anything in the system and ask for
At the same time he is out of the system. He is not in
any of these bodies. So the Eldest is supposed to be the one who really
connects to the top of the pyramid, or the eye of God. He has to be
connected to Spirit. When he questions something it means that it is
questionable, or at least he has to receive a satisfactory answer before
he says, "OK, that's fine."
The most important point is that the Eldest has a direct
effect on the system, as do the Elders if they can convince the Eldest
that he has to interfere with some part of the system. In that sense,
that is the only place where they have direct power to interfere with
the system. In any other level they are just the advisors.
Now, all this explanation was for the regions. As we
said, one person from each region goes to the world government. There
are twelve regions in the world, so there are going to be twelve people
selected to the world government and there are going to be seven
selected by vote to this body. There are going to be nineteen people in
the world government.
One will be selected as the leader. Two will be direct
reporters. Every direct reporter has two direct reporters reporting to
them. Each reporter to the direct reporters will work with three
regions. There are also twelve leaders each managing one region in this
world government body. Twelve plus four are sixteen, plus two, are
eighteen, and one, nineteen. Twelve regions, four reporters to the
direct reporters, two direct reporters and one leader, so there are the
nineteen people that we need.
The system can not only be implemented in the world
government, but also the same kind of set-up can be implemented in the
sub-regions, in the states, in the districts, in the communities, etc.
The same system with some alteration according to that level, can be
implemented and used in any level.
So you can see with this, the leaders are going to come
from the very bottom of society, and not only are they going to be
tested in each level, but also they are going to have all the elements
in them that can prevent any misuse of power.
Let's talk about one more thing, the Elders and the
Eldest. As we said, one person is going to be the head of the Elder
administrative body and one person is going to be the head of the Elder
judiciary body. These three, the Eldest plus the heads of the Elder
bodies, are called the Guardians.
The Guardians are the people who have the last word
about what this system and this teaching really means. So in a sense,
when you go through the system and you have the administrative body, you
know about the system, you know about the teaching, you have been living
in the Communities of Light, and you know about the
Eternal Divine Path. By the time you reach up to the top you
can be a Guardian of the system.
We can see that these Guardians also have another
function of the decision-making process. See the Eldest is pretty
powerful in this system. He can do almost anything he wants. He can
interfere with the system. He can ask why this is done the way it is
done, etc.
But if the Eldest somehow lost his mind, or started
misusing his power, then the two Elder bodies can vote him down. They
can come together and decide that the Eldest is misusing his power, or
he's not well. "He's too old, he lost his mind, he's insane," so somehow
he's not doing his work. So these two Elder bodies can come together and
vote him down.
If some of the Elders were not doing their work right,
if they no longer really can advise and they have lost the respect,
again each Elder body can vote them down. Or, in that case, probably
even in every level of the administrative body, the Elder can be voted
down. The same is true in the judicial body, the Elder in that level can
be voted down.
If the administrative body or the judiciary body started
misusing their power and they were no longer effective, the legislative
body can impeach any of the people in those levels. They can question
their activities and if they are not doing right, they can vote them
If the members of the legislative body are not doing
their work, of course, they are not going to be voted into the
legislative body by the people. So many safe-guards have been put into
the system so it's not going to be misused.
Also in any level of twelve people, with the majority of
seven or more over four or less, they can vote their leader down anytime
they want to. That is especially done, or used more often, in the lower
levels of the system.
For instance, in a unit of twelve (which includes the
leader), eleven people decided in the middle of the four years, "No, no,
this leader is not doing his work." These eleven people could gather
together and say, "Well, let's vote. Do we want him to still stay our
leader?" If seven of them said, "No, we don't want him," and four said,
"Yes, we want him," (which seven plus four is eleven), he is out. Seven
is the number of the Spirit and four is the number of manifestation.
Seven (the Spirit) wins over matter (four). That leader is going to fall
and they select another leader. So they have many options to safe-guard
the system from misuse.
As you can see, this system actually comes from the
bottom of society, from the people. That's really the system that's
going to be by the people, for the people and of the people.
Question: Will a local party play a part in this?
Maitreya: Yes. The party plays a part in the
selection of the six voted people in their regional level and seven in
the world level, and also the legislative body. There can be many
different parties that affect their decision-making process by selecting
people in the legislative body, in the six people in the region, or the
seven in the world government body. But there is no party in the
selection of the judiciary and administrative bodies. They come from the
Communities of Light.
Question: So those with the political parties, will
they actually go out and campaign like the ones who we vote into office
now do?
Maitreya: For people selected by vote, they can if
they want to. That is the whole idea, to bring new ideas to the
leadership. But at the same time not everything is going to be happening
by looking good on television, or being handsome, or whatever most
voters are looking for in political people. Or even with the speeches or
promises that are given, "Can you read my lips, No taxes," and then
after election they can say, "No, I just changed my mind," [all
Question: Will this thing, that seven persons over
four, work for the twelve first persons in the first level?
Maitreya: That's right. Exactly. That's mostly used
in the lower levels of the system.
When twelve people create the first level in the
community, if they decide they don't want their leader, when seven of
them say, "We don't want you anymore," and four say, "Yes, we want you,"
that seven wins.
Second Seal (The
Lecture By
At The Feast Of Tabernacles 1990
Part II – October 5, 1990
Part II Audio

Part 1)
Remember what we talked about yesterday? We talked
about how our regional government emerges. We talked about the
administrative body. We talked about the judiciary body, the legislative
body, Elders, the head of the Elders, and the Guardians. Do you remember
all of this? Vaguely?
Question: I don't understand the purpose of
Guardians and how the Guardians are selected.
Maitreya: If there are twelve people in the
community as a base, one emerges as the administrative leader, and one
emerges as a judge. If we have twelve such people emerge from twelve
units (twelve people) in a community, then we have twelve leaders in the
first level. Again, one person will emerge as the leader of the second
level and one person as the judge. You have twelve in the second level,
again one person to the administrative body, and another person as the
So one person becomes the leader of the community and
one person becomes the judge in the community. And it goes on and on
until all the levels are covered. Then there are going to be twelve
people from the region, and six by vote.
If the person who is selected as the head of the
region is selected two times, he becomes an Elder in that administrative
body. The one who is in the judiciary body and has been selected two
times is going to become an Elder in that judiciary body.
Then these Elder bodies each select one person as
their leader. Both the administrative and judiciary bodies select one
person together, as the Eldest. The Eldest plus the two (leaders of the
Elder bodies, one from the administrative body and one from the
judiciary body) become the Guardians. So that's how the Guardians are
selected. These Guardians are the Guardians of the system and our
teaching. They have the last word on how we should interpret it. This is
the highest purpose as to why the Guardians are chosen.
We talked about the Guardians, and we talked about
their authority and how we can disqualify the people in the system. Now
we're going to talk about the decision-making process in this system,
how the decisions are made.
Of course, in the decision-making process at the very
lower level of the community, the twelve people come together and
discuss the issues. It is by consensus that the decision is made at the
community level, with the twelve people community. As it goes higher and
higher, it evolves into a more complex process.
When it comes to the regional and world government,
as we said, we're going to have legislative bodies in the government. In
the legislative bodies there will be many, many committees. These
committees will be filled with people who are specialized in different
areas, such as scientific committees and agricultural committees and
many other committees that people are specialized in. They are going to
study and come up with different solutions that they can find. Or they
might receive complaints and requests for different ways of handling
this situation that is related to a problem. These committees are going
to have different people who will study and find out about those
problems, and they will recommend to the committees what they found and
the committee will make a report.
They will give the report to the legislative body.
The legislative body will read the report and discuss the issues as much
as they want, and eventually they will recommend a solution. If they
pass that solution as a bill, they say, "This is the bill we're going to
pass to solve this problem." Whatever bill they pass they will send to
the administrative and judiciary bodies.
If these two bodies reject their solution, of course,
it never becomes a law. That's it. They say, "No, we don't want this
solution." They send it back to the committee and tell them to go and
find a better solution. "We don't accept this, it's no good." So this
committee is again going to go and study that problem in a deeper level,
come up with another solution and send that to them. Eventually, after
the legislative body(s) approve a solution, again they send it to the
two bodies.
The administrative body looks at the solution from
the practical point of view. Can it be administered? Can it be
implemented? They look at it and study it. If they say, "It looks good,
we can do it," then they say, "Yes," and they pass it.
The judiciary body looks at it for the justness of
the bill. They look at it and say, "Is it just? Does it have a spiritual
base? Is it connected to Spirit? Is it spiritually good for the people?"
Remember the judiciary body comes from the people who are more
meditative. They are more calm. They are the people who are more
connected to God. They look at it from the spiritual and justness point
of view. If they also say, "Yes," that bill becomes a law.
Question: Would the legislature have the power to
override either the administrative or the judicial bodies? Like with the
American system, two thirds of the legislature can override a veto of
the executive or administrative.
Maitreya: Let me finish this and you will see
that the American system is a little different than our system. We don't
have an executive branch in the sense like there is in the American
system. So even executive decisions are made by a body which is the
administrative body, which is the twelve people.
The head of the administrative body actually works
like a president in our system. But the head doesn't have the kind of
power that the executive body has in the American system. So if you will
bear with me a little bit you will see this is a different way of doing
Now there is going to be a point when the
administrative body says, "That's good, it can be administered." The
judiciary body says, "No, it's not acceptable." Or visa versa, the
judiciary body says, "It is acceptable," and the administrative body
says, "No, it's not practical." What's going to happen?
The first time they say no to each other, the bill is
sent back to the legislative body with the reasoning for accepting or
rejecting the bill from each body. The administrative body says, "For
this reason, this reason, and this reason, it's OK, or it's not OK." The
judiciary body says, "For this reason, this reason, and this reason,
it's OK, or it's not OK." The legislative body(s) study the reasoning
from the administrative and judiciary boards, and they look at the issue
according to what they came up with, what is the reason they are
rejecting it (especially what the reason is if they rejected it). If
they accepted it, probably they would say, "Your reasoning was OK." But
the body that says, "No, it's not good," also has a reason behind it.
They say, "Because of this, this, this, this and this, we cannot accept
this bill."
The legislative body looks at it, studies it and
says, "Well, yes, we can adjust this part, we can adjust this part, we
can come up with this. We can alter it and pass the bill for the second
time." For the second time it goes to the administrative and judiciary
If the bill passes, it becomes law. If again they
both say no, it's dead. They just said no to the whole thing. If one
says yes and the other one says no, with the new reasoning, for the
second time the bill is going to be sent back to the legislative body.
Again the legislative body adjusts it and sends it
back to the administrative and judiciary bodies for the third time. If
they say yes, and no, this time this bill is going to be referred to the
Guardians. Now the Guardians will take the bill and study it with the
Elder body.
The two Elder bodies study the bill. Then after they
discuss it and present their reasoning, the Guardians (these three
Guardians at the top) will discuss it among themselves. Then the final
decision will come from the Eldest.
So the final decision will be made by the Eldest. In
this process you can see, here is when the Guardians and the Elder
bodies become very handy. If a decision cannot be made in the
legislative body, and it cannot be made in the administrative and
judiciary bodies, then the Elders are going to come in and make the
final decision.
You see here that there is no overriding of the
decision. If the decision cannot be made, if there is a problem in the
administrative and the judiciary bodies, that is when the Guardians come
in and make the final decision. They say, "OK, we're going to do it this
way, or that way." Of course, they can discuss it with any other body if
they choose to in order to receive a greater input to make a wise and
better decision.
That's another strength in our system, there is a
body that eventually says, "OK, this is the cutting point. This is the
way we are going to do it." Sometimes there are decisions that are very
hard to make. In our system, politics and the influence of politicians
who want to take advantage of the system for their own gain are cut down
with this process. Decision-making is not an easy thing.
For instance, if you want to make decisions all the
time, you will probably make some mistakes. It's very hard to make very
sound decisions all the time. Some decisions even hurt some people. So
somehow you have to say, "OK, this is the cutting point. We have to make
a decision."
So this is where the Eldest walks in and says, "OK,
that is the way we're going to do it. This is the point at which we're
going to cut the decision." He can even alter the bill if he wants to.
He can say, "We're going to cut this part, with this part, and this
part. We're going to leave this part in, make it more just so that
decision can be made."
You can see that here you don't have the overriding
decision. If the president vetoes the bill, it goes to the legislative
body and they can override it with a two-thirds majority.
In our system, someone can always make the final
decision. That is another strong point in the system because the
legislative and administrative bodies wouldn't be on each other's back,
and having conflict with one another. If there is a conflict, there is
another body that can solve that problem. Can you see that?
The Elder body almost has the function of the Supreme
Court in the U.S. Its members are permanent and are the stabilizing
force in the system. Of course, the difference is that they emerge
through the system, know how it works and have expanded authority.
So that is how the process of decision-making will be
resolved in this system. Of course, this is for the regional system. You
can do the same thing for the world government. There is a judiciary
body in the world government. If there is a worldwide problem about
something, you don't have to fight for it, you (indeed will) just go to
the legislative body and eventually someone says, "This is the just way
it should be done so we're going to do it that way."
Justice will be done for everyone who listens and
wants to acquire justice. You can see again that it is the more just
way, for everyone to come together and live on an earth that is
peaceful. Every time someone doesn't agree, we don't have to say, "OK, I
have a gun, I'll put it to your throat and that's it. So I am right."
How long are we going to do that?
We can have conflicts. Whenever two people gather
together, there are conflicts. There is no doubt about it. It is easy to
live in an apartment all by yourself, and feel very good about what you
are doing. You have no conflict with anyone, and you think you're
Put two people in that same apartment and you will
see, there is conflict. One likes to sleep in the afternoon. The other
doesn't like that. One likes to lay down at 8 o'clock at night. The
other wants to have his music turned up until 2 or 3 o'clock in the
morning, etc.
But there is always compromise. With compromise and
understanding we can live with others very well.
Question: I don't understand why these particular
geographic locations were chosen [on the map with the twelve regions
Maitreya: As I said, this is really not written
in stone. I just meditated a little bit on it, and I went mostly with
the population distribution. But that is not enough because we also have
to consider the economic importance of each part. Some parts have many
resources and some parts don't have many. So it has to be studied in a
much deeper level. There are a lot of things in the Mission, like
the twelve regions, that we need committees to study and make final
decisions about.
For instance, we'd like to have an R&D (Research &
Development) department where they can study
Science based on Spirit. How can we use the
renewable resources instead of using resources that are burned out and
create pollution? How can we become more effective with the solar
system, or fission, or different things that are pollution-free, and are
much better for human use? How can we use the Spirit better for humans,
We don't have enough staff just to get the Mission
going right now. But those are all in the Plan. It's a big Plan. As we
implement It on all levels, we cover from the very mundanity in life to
the highest. God wants it this way. He wants to bring Himself to every
level of our lives. So it's a pretty large Plan.
That's another thing I'd like to eventually have a
great study about, how can we have these regions in such a way that
population-wise and resource-wise they can be comparable? Then we can
have twelve centers in a way that covers that area. It's not perfect
right now.
Question: On your regional system, the twelve
regions, that would definitely eliminate nationalism and national
conflict, wouldn't it? I mean, let's say, if all Europe is together, or
all Africa, then they wouldn't have national wars. If you had this
system fifty years ago then all Europe would have been one region, and
we wouldn't have had the two World Wars.
Maitreya: That is another idea behind it. If
there is one world legislative body, which has been chosen by the
people, the whole world is their jurisdiction and they have the power to
implement the decisions. If there is a conflict (just like now between
Iraq and most of the world), that legislative body will come in and say,
"Let's look at this situation and find a just solution." Because there
are always two sides of a story, and we mostly hear only one side. Both
sides should be listened to and, by some compromise, a just solution
Of course, we are also attached to our own background
and to our own country. We are patriotic. We have all those feelings.
But if there is One World, there is no patriotic feeling, the only
feeling is, "What is just? What is right?"
Then that legislative body would walk in and say,
"This is the problem. This side says this about this region, the other
side says this. What is just?" They make a decision and they implement
it, and because they have the force and they have the power, they can
just say, "This is the way it is." So there is no conflict, no war. Of
course, each side can protest and take their case to a higher level
until a just solution is found.
There are no armies in our system. There are police
forces and the people who try to create a safe environment for us to
live in. Probably the police force is going to be there forever because
we have Ksattriyan (warrior) minded people anyway but there wouldn't be
national conflict. That's true. There is no country, in a sense of being
separated from the rest of the body. This is the new world order!
The United Nations is supposed to be doing this, but
it doesn't have the power, it does not have the authority, it doesn't
have the system, and it doesn't have the jurisdiction. It's really an
advisory body. It's not a legislative body. It doesn't have the
authority, unless the members give it some authority.
Now, also if you remember, we covered nine classes in
human societies. So we have nine kinds of people in our society. One of
them is Paravipras. Does anyone know what a Paravipra is?
Answers from Audience: They are the Elects who
have developed the Kingdom Of Heaven Within.
They will strive to bring the Kingdom Of Heaven On
They are the Children of Light.
The five types of men are complete in them. There are
always five kinds of men in the society: the laborer (the worker), the
warrior, the intellectual (The Renaissance), after that the businessmen,
and then the Brahmins. You could be one of those, or all of them
together (a Paravipra).
Normally Paravipras are the ones who are supposed to
be the Elected Ones. I don't know exactly where they are in all the
system, maybe they are all over the system. They can be in each level as
necessary. In the beginning they are going to be the facilitators of the
system. They will be somewhere, in the beginning.
They are the ones who can bring the civilization
together because they know which class is in control and how to guide
those different groups to a harmonious balance. Then we won't have to
have destruction and wars but we can move harmoniously in an
evolutionary process instead of a revolutionary process. They know how
to do that.
Maitreya: What is being said is that they have
all the five different energies in themselves. They can be laborers. If
it's necessary they can pick up a shovel and dig the ground. If there is
a fight and they need to be warriors, they are courageous, they would go
and do that. They are also very intellectually developed. They can
intellectually discuss things, understand, and discern issues. They are
businessmen. In the matter of business they are as shrewd as
businessmen. They can shrewdly use the resources to bring the laborers,
materials and finances together and develop things for human consumption
and use. And they are Brahmins, they have the Spirit at the same time.
So because they are all in one, they can easily see
where the society is in every moment. Are they in the time of the
Ksattriyans (warriors)? Is it the time to encourage the period of the
warrior class? Is it the time to encourage the intellectuals? Is it the
time to encourage the businessmen? Any of them in the time of their
decline can stall human progress.
When the intellectuals become the dominating force,
they use the resources for their enjoyment, and they unveil a lot of
scientific discoveries. But these intellectuals don't have the ability
to make these discoveries commercially profitable, or to make them
commercially usable.
That's when the businessmen come in. The businessmen
say, "Is it commercially feasible to produce or not?" They have the
ability to perceive how the resources can be put together to come up
with commercially feasible goods, and a network of distribution.
So nothing is bad in the universe. The businessman is
not bad. The intellectual is not bad. The courageous warrior is not bad.
All of them are good if they are used for God. As I said, God is good.
If His Kingdom is used for the good of everyone they can be accepted as
part of His Will.
So Paravipras are the people who develop all these
qualities in themselves. They don't backup -- if there is some digging
that has to be done, they pick up the shovel and dig the ground. If no
one is there to do it, they say, "I'll do it." If something has to be
corrected, they are able to go ahead and correct it, and on and on.
Now that we know who the Paravipras are, where are
they going to be in the system? They are going to be in the
administrative and legislative bodies. That is because, there are two
ways of changing a system: there is evolution and there is revolution.
Revolution comes from the bottom of society. The
people who don't have, those who the system is not taking care of,
gather together and eventually revolt against that system. That's
usually very bloody and very destructive. Revolution starts from the
very bottom of society. Evolution starts from the very top. Evolution is
If the president tomorrow decides that something has
to be changed, that is an evolutionary change. No bloodshed is going to
happen. The president decides, the legislative body decides, and the
majority say, "Yes."
For instance, if we didn't have any tax a week ago
and now we have a tax, no one is really going to be too upset about it,
a little upset maybe, but we can do nothing about it. We just go along,
because it came from the top. Now if someone in the street said, "We're
going to have a tax tomorrow," everyone would say "Oh, you can't."
But if a lot of people from the bottom don't want a
tax, what happens? If they don't want any tax, and the system will not
listen to them and suppresses them, they have to revolt against the
system. They have to struggle to change the system by force. Then that
becomes revolution.
We are not revolutionaries. We are not here to revolt
from the bottom. The whole system is going to start from the top, to the
bottom. This is going to become an evolution for humanity.
That's why it's so important to create Paravipras.
That's one of the things we are doing here in the Mission. We are
creating Paravipras, people who are spiritually strong and who are not
afraid of being a laborer, who are courageous, they are not afraid to be
businessmen, and they're not afraid to be intellectual. They are all of
these at the same time. They are hard to find but we are trying, and
they are out there.
Question: How do you keep these Paravipras from
becoming like the Brahmin class in India, where they kind of look down
on the other castes, etc?
Maitreya: If you look down on another caste,
you're not a Paravipra. Period! For instance, probably the Brahmins in
India were supposed to be a kind of Paravipra, but they now look down at
the other castes as lower, or they are untouchables. There are those in
India who are called untouchables, you're not even supposed to touch
That was not the original teaching at all. If the
Brahmins believe that God is everything, how can there be an
untouchable? You mean that God is not touchable? See, the whole thing
has been distorted, wrongly intellectualized.
These things are dogmas. Dogmas and truth are two
different things. Dogma is created by humans. Another thing is that most
religions are politicalized. Those who preach them use the emotions of
the people to actually bind them as much as they can.
Religion and God are supposed to free you, not bind
you. The moment some religion is going to get you by fear, that is
bondage. If a religion starts to force you, that is bondage.
That's why I say, "The real religion is a
relationship between every individual and God." Even your husband, your
child, or your parents, shouldn't have any influence on your
relationship between you and God. If your parents take you to God, that
is great. Then parents have two roles in your life, they are your
spiritual teachers and they are your parents.
If your parents take you to your spiritual teacher,
then they are not in your way to your spiritual teacher. They are
actually encouraging you, connecting you to your spiritual teacher. And
your spiritual teacher is supposed to connect you to God. This is the
But if your spiritual teacher becomes a false guru,
and sits up there and says, "Love me, serve me, and give me everything
you have," and doesn't connect you to God, then that spiritual teacher
becomes an obstacle in your path to God.
If a Brahmin sits there and says, "No, I'm a Brahmin,
I'm better than you...," -- but God is everything. See the conflict
right there? If God is everything how can one be untouchable?
Comment: I think in India, people just inherited
the title, they didn't even deserve it.
Maitreya: This is the tradition set up. It has
nothing to do with the truth. That's right. You earn your status by
where you are born. But that is not the truth. That is the tradition.
Tradition is not necessarily the truth. Tradition is man-made,
human-made, society-made.
But God's tradition is different. God's tradition
doesn't recognize any class. God recognizes you as an individual. It has
nothing to do with your family. It has nothing to do with your
background. What are you? That is important, not who are you.
He didn't say you know them by the name of their
family. He said, "You know them by their fruit." It means God recognizes
every individual who manifests the fruit as the Children of Light. If
they don't manifest, He doesn't recognize them as the Children of Light
no matter what is their background, religion, race, tradition, culture,
So you see, you are talking about what society has
set up for us. We're talking about the truth. That's why we have to seek
the truth. That's why we have to have a discerning mind about
questioning every tradition, every dogma, every religion, every
teaching. What does it say? Is it the same as the Spirit of God? Is the
Spirit of God behind it?
If it is, great, accept it. If it is not, no good,
reject it. It doesn't matter where it is, who is telling you, or in what
situation. If you want the truth you have to ask, knock, and with the
guidance of the Holy Ghost, know the Truth.
Of course, a lot of people don't want the truth. They
want to just eat, sleep, make children, and die. That's why very few are
here. And that's OK. We are looking for the people who have the
discerning minds. They want to question everything in their lives to
see, "Is this dogma the truth? Is it exactly what God wants or said?"
So if a person looks down on another caste or other
people, if a person looks down on an honest businessman (not a crooked
businessman), if a person looks down on the honest intellectual, if a
person looks down on a laborer (a person who sweeps the floor
beautifully -- you can sweep the floor and recognize and realize God),
he is not a Paravipra. Actually if you sweep the floor good, you
probably will do greater things good too, because if you can do small
things good, you can do greater things good too.
So even if you look down at a laborer, you are not a
Paravipra. Period! The Paravipra doesn't look down at anything because
he knows that everything is necessary for this universe to work
The Paravipras are going to be in the administrative
and legislative bodies. The Brahmin class is going to be in the
judiciary body.
Intellectuals are going to be involved in the
committees, where we need study, research, development, and all those
things. They also will be scientists, etc.
Business people are the ones who will take up the
business activities, as I said, bring the materials, resources, land and
finances together and distribute what is necessary to be made available
for human consumption. Warriors, those courageous people, will mostly be
on the police and fire fighting forces.
Prophets are going to come any time it's necessary.
When God says, "It's necessary to send a Prophet," they are going to
come and just preach the Word. Gurus or spiritual teachers, especially
the spiritual teachers who come to advance their disciples from one
level to another level, will come in numerous numbers. We have many
levels of teachers so that we have more teachers than disciples [all
Anytime one person is a little higher than the other
person, this person can become a teacher of the person on the lower
level, helping him to his level. But when they reach this higher level,
they become involved with another teacher, higher. So everyone can help
one another.
There are artists, the people with the finer thought.
They are connected to the Spirit and they can manifest their thought in
music, painting, writing, sculpture, etc.
Then there are workers. Workers are the people who
really do the mundane work of the world, and they are very important. If
the workers are not there, and everyone says, "Oh, no, I'm not going to
touch anything, I'm too great to touch it," nothing is going to get
But remember, the Paravipra is even a good worker. He
doesn't mind to put his hands in the dirt and get things done.
So we can see again in this system, none of these
classes are ignored. All of them have a place to fulfill.
Question: Please, could you repeat the nine
Maitreya: Paravipras, Brahmins, intellectuals,
business people, warriors (or courageous ones), Prophets, spiritual
teachers or Gurus, artists, and workers or Shudras.
Now the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth is represented in
The Greatest Sign, in the second sign (
We discussed the triangle upward (
the system. But you see in that sign there is also a triangle downward (
The triangle upward (like a mountain) is Mt. Zion, and the triangle
downward is Zion. Zion means, "God reaching to humanity." It means the
Spirit of God in the system.
What is the Spirit of God? The Spirit of God is just.
God is just. That's the way it is and there is no doubt about that!
So we can see in this system not only do we have the
hierarchy, we also have to remember the triangle downward, Zion,
justice, the Spirit of God in the system. Without that Spirit, this
system is just another dry, human-made system. It's going to become
corrupt. It's going to become intellectualized.
Instead of having Paravipras, we would have Brahmins.
Or the Paravipra class would say, "We are better than you. You are no
good. Whatever we say is good, you just listen. You have no right to
tell us what to do." We then will see again that justness will be
The Spirit of God always has to be considered. That's
why that sign has been given to us: the triangle upward represents the
system, and the triangle downward represents the Spirit of God in the
system. So it's very important to always consider Zion in our system.
Indeed, this is the only system which considers both
the triangle upward (
the system, and the triangle downward (
the Spirit of God in the system. There should not be any surprise in
this as to who is the King in the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. Of course,
it is the Spirit of God.
Now imagine, with all this precaution and
understanding, the system became corrupt. What are we going to do about
it? How can we rectify this situation?
If you remember, the administrative body and the
judiciary body receive their financial resources from the Communities
of Light, from tithes, from gifts, and from matching taxes.
The primary resources are tithes and gifts. After
they have received the tithes and gifts, if they need more money, the
only way they can get it is from matching taxes (not any more from taxes
than an amount equal to 100% of their tithes and gifts).
If they are good people, if they are really doing a
good job, they're going to be completely supported by the Communities
of Light. They are going to receive the tithes and they are going to
receive the gifts from the people. That's going to be sufficient to take
care of their expenses. Now, if that wasn't sufficient, they could
receive an amount from the taxes to match 100% of these tithes and
If the system becomes corrupt, people are not going
to continue supporting it. What's going to go down? The amount of the
tithes and gifts are going to go down. But as these financial resources
go down, they can't just go ahead and take anything they want from the
taxes and spend as much as they want. The only thing they can do is to
match the amount received from tithes and gifts. As the tithes and gifts
go down, the matching funds go down.
So their resources are going to be diminished more
and more. They are not going to be able to continue whatever they are
doing that the people don't like. The people will talk to them with
their resources. They will say, "We are not going to support you because
you are not really just. You are not doing according to the Spirit of
God. The Spirit of God is not in the system anymore."
To withdraw from supporting a corrupt system and/or
to try to replace it is everyone's unalienable right, even in the
American system.
Question: When you're talking about matching
taxes, did you say they could take 100% of the taxes, or they could take
an equal amount (matching funds) from the taxes, up to 100%, of the
tithes and gifts they receive from the Communities of Light?
Maitreya: They could take an equal amount from
the taxes, up to 100% of the tithes and gifts they receive from the
Communities of Light, etc. That is the whole idea behind it,
that if they are good people, and the people in the communities support
them, there will be more they can get from the taxes if they want to. Of
course, if there is a lot of money coming in from the tithes and gifts,
then they don't need to use the taxes at all.
Also taxes can be used to kind of control the
economic system. If they felt more money was needed to stimulate the
system, they could take some matching funds from taxes and spend it in
the economy. If they felt, "No, there's too much money in the economy,
we don't have to spend that much," they could withdraw and spend less.
So that's kind of a way to control the economy, if they want to use that
money this way.
If the system were corrupt, there wouldn't have to be
any revolution. The only thing the people have to do is, they don't pay
their tithes and gifts, and the system is going to just fall apart. The
people at the top will say, "Hey, what's happening? We're not receiving
the resources to keep the system. Something is wrong with us. Something
is not right and the people are not satisfied."
It's not like, "Well, we have a lot of expenses so
next year there will be more taxes." And there's no limit, they can go
as much as they want to. But here they can't go as much as they want to.
If they don't have enough support from the people, they're not going to
have enough money to continue.
Of course, as we're going to explain, these tithes
and gifts are only going to be used for the administrative and judiciary
bodies, for their expenses. The legislative body and any other need for
the people is going to come from the taxes. Their resources will be from
taxes with, of course, some controls from the administrative and
judiciary bodies.
Now, another question is, how can we create a very
good base for the twelve people to live in? Any twelve people, any six
couples, can come together and create a base for the Communities of
Light. In our teaching we recommend they live in a building complex
consisting of six houses surrounding a center. There are going to be
different houses, with different shapes, according to the needs of each
These people can each have their own houses and at
the same time the houses are connected in the center. So the center
becomes a place of meetings, of meditating, of gathering, of
discussions, of every conceivable activity for the six couples who are
one in the base. At the same time, they have their own private houses.
So they also maintain their privacy.
It's not like everyone lives in one house. Their
privacy is respected, at the same time they have friends, they have a
connection with the others, they can do spiritual practices in the
center. So this center really becomes a kind of meditation room for
them. They can have their spiritual base in that center and at the same
time their own private life in their own houses.
Eventually when they become one, they can invite
other people to come and visit them. They can invite others for dinner
or something. Each couple can have one week, or every other week, or
whatever the arrangement is, to invite people for dinner, for a
gathering, for socializing. These guests can sit with them and learn how
to meditate, learn about our work, the Mission, and the things we
do. That's also a kind of reaching out to other people, to the
community. So not only do the couples become one with one another but
also they reach out to the community to let them in to learn more about
what they are doing.
As these six couples become even more one with each
other, other people will see the wonderful things happening between
these six couples and say, "Oh, they have something beautiful, I want it
too." So they will also come and eventually will learn more. Maybe they
will create another community, another center and go on and on. Maybe
another six couples will come and join them, etc. Eventually we will
have many of these six couple units being built. That is for the future.
Question: Is that twelve people, six couples,
written in stone, or would we let them go down in number or up in
number? Could we let them expand from twelve to twenty-four and then
Maitreya: Exactly! Very good. That's exactly how
it happens. Probably they start as one couple, two couples, and these
couples will attract one person or two other people, three couples,
until it comes to twelve people, six couples. That becomes one unit.
Then other people are going to join these six couples. They will join --
one, two, three couples. Eventually they become twenty-four people, or
twelve couples and then they split into two units. Exactly as you said,
when they become twenty-four, or twelve couples, they become two units.
Question: Like for one unit of the house, for one
of the six houses, would there be room for the sannyasins there?
Maitreya: That's a good question [all laughing].
Question: What are sannyasins?
Maitreya: There are no accommodations for singles
[all laughing]. Sannyasin means renunciate. Hopefully in every community
there is going to be a community center. There are going to be special
houses put aside for women and men sannyasins.
If you are not a sannyasin but are single, the best
way is, if your parents are there, to live with your parents. If you are
not with your parents, probably the best way is if one of these couples
take you in to live with them. So the couples living in these
communities will have some singles living with them, and will encourage
them to either become sannyasins or to get married as fast as possible
[all laughing].
Question: When the sannyasins get ready to do
their community practices together, what do they do? Will they filter
into the community center?
Maitreya: Sannyasins actually are the teachers,
are the people who spend all their time to study the Scriptures, study
the materials, help out and teach other people. So they really become
the missionaries. Of course, you don't have to be a sannyasin to become
a missionary. You can be a married couple and at the same time be
missionaries too.
But the lives of the sannyasins, or the renunciates,
are completely dedicated to God. They are married to God. That is who
their partner is. Their partner is God. They are married to Him and that
is where their focus is. When their focus is there, everything worldly
is going to fall away.
So they concentrate on reading more, studying more,
meditating more, and becoming a channel more and more for God. When they
are with other people, they say wonderful things. They probably can also
solve other people's problems. They can become a center of inspiration
for others. If someone has a problem, he can go to the sannyasins and
talk with them.
It will become just like confession in Christianity.
But of course, you don't have to confess to anyone but God. You are
connected to Him. But the sannyasins, if they are pure, can become
another source of good dedicated channels to God.
So either one is not easy. If you are married and
have children, you have to spend your time with your children to raise
them (going to the world), and help them to become good and productive
people in the society. If you are a sannyasin, you have to concentrate
completely on God, and remind others also to concentrate on God.
Question: I thought it would be neat to have them
have a unit too, so that there's a community of the sannyasins to do
their Sabbath or that kind of thing. Or do they go out to the community
and share the Sabbath with the community?
Maitreya: Do you mean they live with the married
Question: Like the Sabbaths and the gatherings
and things like that. Otherwise it makes them seem so separated.
Maitreya: We're going to have a community center.
That is where the sannyasins are actually mostly going to come in. The
community center is a place where people can come to discuss spiritual
things. Probably every Saturday after the collective meditation, they
can have a prasadam [meal offered to God] there. If there is a homeless
person coming through, that person can come and stay with them. There
are probably going to be houses and soup kitchens, and all those things.
They can come to the community center and be taken care of. All that
activity is going to be in the community center. Those actually will be
looked after by the sannyasins. Of course, sannyasins also can go to the
community to visit, help, etc.
Getting back to the financing of the system, now we
come to the resources. None of this can be accomplished without
resources. The two resources (tithes and gifts) are going to be used for
accomplishing what has to be done. Tithes means, the individuals in the
community will be sending 7% of their income to the regional government,
and the other 3% they can spend in their own community to provide and
support anything related to our work in their community where they are.
If there is someone doing his mission and he needs
financial assistance, or there's a teacher who needs to be provided with
food so he or she can concentrate on his work, that 3% is going to be
used to support such activities. But the 7% from tithes is going to go
to the regional government.
From those tithes in every regional government (there are 12
regions), 30% is going to go to the world government and 70% is going to
stay in the regional government. 10% is going to
go to the Eldest (before any is sent to the world government, 10% goes
to the regional Eldest, and then 10% of the money sent to the world
government goes to the World Eldest). The balance will go 50% to the judiciary body and 50%
to the administrative body.
That is how the system is going to be financed. But
as we said, if the administrative and judiciary bodies are not doing
their work, those resources are going to dry out, and when they dry out
the whole thing is going to fall apart.
Question: Why would the Eldest need 10%?
Maitreya: The 10% goes to the Eldest so he can not only provide
for himself, but also so he has enough resources to provide for the
Elder bodies. He also can use that money for charity, for good causes
that he feels have to be done, etc.
He has to support a staff to study, read and
understand everything in the government. Probably he will have his own
staff, committees, etc. He has to be able to be informed all the time.
So he needs a lot of resources to do that. That is why the Eldest has to
receive ample support.
Question: Sounds as if the Eldest is definitely
going to be a male?
Maitreya: Not necessarily [all laughing]. There
is no barrier in our system. He doesn't have to be a male. He doesn't
have to be white. He doesn't have to be black. He doesn't have to be
yellow. He doesn't have to be red. He doesn't have to be a Moslem, or
Jew, or Christian, or Hindu or anything. The only requirement is his
dedication, his Soul. If he has a good Soul, he has the ability, that's
going to be it.
There are three final points I'm going to mention.
The first is the subjective approach with objective adjustment.
Everything we studied together this week is our goal to reach. That is
where we are going. At least we know where we are going. Many people
don't know where they are going.
But we're not there yet. We're here and now. We have
to adjust ourselves by where we are and whatever is allowed. So that is
called subjective approach (that's our subject together), with objective
adjustment. We always have to remember to adjust ourselves to the
present situation.
For example, we adjust ourselves to the present
system. We are not against any system. Actually we encourage the present
systems to be there. We don't want the existing system to go away today
because we want their support. We want their police force to make
everything secure and good. We want them to manage the world as they
are. So we are not against any system at all.
We are just creating a system that eventually
everyone says is wonderful, "It works fine." It's based on God. It is
based on the Communities of Light. It is working. People are
receiving everything they want. It is just. The resources are used
properly, etc. Who knows, maybe in our research and development, we will
come up with a great scientific discovery that we can use and even
increase the standard of living?
What is the most important thing on earth right now?
It is energy, isn't it? The whole of the economic system is based on
Why is the United States in Saudi Arabia? The energy
is there. If energy is not provided, the whole economy of the world
falls apart. In reality, however, energy is infinitely available in the
universe. We are only scratching the surface. If we can tap into that
infinite resource, imagine what our standard of living is going to be.
We wouldn't have to worry about some oil somewhere in another country,
or somewhere on earth. We could just tap into this energy that is
available everywhere if we know how.
So one of the points is subjective approach with
objective adjustment. That is, we always remember where we're going, but
we adjust ourselves to the present situation.
Another point is the progressive nature of the
universe. The universe is progressing toward perfection. There is
something that the whole universe is marching to. If in the future,
somehow this system can be improved, if someone comes up with something
that can improve the system so it evolves into a better system, we
shouldn't fight with it. We should accept it, study it, and if it is a
better system, we should go with it. If it's not, we shouldn't. So we
have to know that even this system can be improved if possible.
The third point is the exception to the rule. There's
always an exception to the rule. So we shouldn't become rigid in our
lives that this is the way it is and this is the way it should be. There
are always some exceptions that we have to accept to work with.
Even if you look at the normal distribution in the
statistics, you'll see there are always a few exceptions to the very
end, that they are not normal. Actually the positive exceptions in the
universe are the ones that affect the universe most because they are not
normal, they are abnormal, good or positive.
They're good abnormals. Just like a genius, a genius
is a person who is not normal. He's not an average person. So that's why
he is an exception.
Now we've come to the question of, "How are we going
to implement this system? How are we going to make it come about?"
We are the facilitating body. We are trying to create
the facilitating body. What does facilitating body mean? It means the
people who are going to facilitate. They are in the world but are not of
We are not the hierarchy. I am not the Eldest in the
sense that eventually I'm going to emerge. The Eldest is eventually
going to emerge from earth, from the people. Everything is going to work
according to what we talked about.
But we are the facilitating body. We are the people
who are going to facilitate this process. How?
We're going to create the Eldest in the facilitating
body for the time being. We're going to create the head of the Elders.
We're going to have the Elder body. We're going to divide the earth into
twelve regions. We're going to send one person into each region. We
don't have the vote of the people, we don't have the six elected yet.
That's going to come later on.
We're going to have each region represented by one
person and every sub-region represented by the people who are going to
be connected with us, every state, every county, every district, and
eventually reach the communities.
Now, the task is to create communities. This first
body, as we said, is called the facilitating body. What are we trying to
facilitate? We are trying to facilitate the manifestation of the
Communities of Light. We are not the body. We have not been chosen
by the people, but God. We have not been selected by the people. We have
not emerged from the Communities of Light. So really we are not
the hierarchy to manage the whole thing. We are only facilitating to
manifest the Communities of Light.
Of course, this doesn't have to happen separately. We
don't have to wait here and say, "No, we don't have the twelve people in
the regions. We don't have the twelve regions, so we just have to stop
creating communities." No. Even when a part is not created yet, still we
are facilitating to create the Communities of Light.
So really this facilitating body and the
Communities of Light
are going to be created spontaneously. As more people create
Communities of Light, we have more people. The more dedicated and
responsible people we have, the more of these bodies are going to be
filled in. Eventually we're going to have a world body that will
facilitate the regions. The regions are going to facilitate the states,
the states are going to facilitate the counties, the counties are going
to facilitate the districts, and the districts are going to facilitate
the Communities of Light.
Now, from these twelve people units, eventually one
person is going to be selected as the leader of the twelve, the second
level of the community forms, and the community leader will eventually
For instance, there is a facilitator in the first
level of the twelve people. One person in one area gathers six couples.
He or she becomes a facilitator to create the base of the community.
That twelve people unit expands to twenty-four, the second level. The
twenty-four eventually become forty-eight. First level, second level, a
community is formed. We have a community and that person who gathered
the couples is probably going to become the community leader.
Now from the base, people are going to emerge and
replace that facilitator who is the community leader now. That community
leader might be chosen as the Elder if the community wants to do that.
See the community has an Elder, the community has a
hierarchy, the community is functioning. But, of course, the community
doesn't have any district representative. There might be a person from
the Mission who might represent the district there for awhile.
When the community expands and one leader emerges
from the community as the district leader, that person from the
Mission probably can be sent somewhere else, or he or she can become
a district advisor (Elder) to the person who came up from the community,
and so on and so forth until we have the Elder body formed. The Eldest
also is going to emerge from the bottom to the top of the hierarchy.
When this happens, our work is done. We can just sit
back and probably work with the system and make it work more and more.
The more the people in it know how to do it, the better. When the time
comes, probably we will leave our bodies and let them do their work.
Question: What is done while you grow and grow
and in the transition state you control the community and county and
even the state, what would you do to make the present system in sync
with what you want?
Maitreya: See the present system is no longer
really working. We are patching it up. It's like an old rusted barrel.
What we are really doing is we are patching this hole and there's
another hole there. We patch that hole and there's another hole there.
It's just not going to work.
Also, as we said, the prophecies are fulfilled and
are getting fulfilled. Humanity more and more sees that this system is
not going to work. We had two world wars, World War I and World War II.
The third one is coming up. If World War I and World War II were so
destructive, just imagine how the third one is going to be. We now have
the capability to wipe each other off the planet earth. Just imagine!
We couldn't even imagine last year that Germany was
going to be united. Everyone would have laughed if you had said,
"Germany is going to be united this year." But it happened.
Comment: Some history teacher said that books
printed in 1988 are already out of date because of the changes we've had
in the last few years.
Maitreya: Even the maps -- the map that you have
from one year ago is no longer the same as the map that we have now.
Remember, everything has been accelerated. Everything
is in the accelerating process. So we no longer are like fifty years
ago, or a hundred years ago, because one hundred years ago things would
happen very slowly. Fifty years ago it started to become a little
accelerated. But in the last forty-five years, just look at the
So it's really accelerated. Everything is going to be
much faster than we think. There is an urgency there that we create the
system. We have a viable system for humanity, that when they are ready
we can say, "Look, we have a good system. It's working. It's fine. We
have wonderful people in it, this is how it's done." I don't believe
they're going to have any other choice.
Question: But there's going to be some
Maitreya: It doesn't matter. You don't spend your
time being worried about opposition. You just go where you want to go,
and the opposition is going to fall apart. Because, who can oppose God?
Your concentration is on Spirit, is on God. If
someone opposes you, it is their problem. It is not your problem.
Comment: And how can they oppose you with a
system that doesn't work?
Maitreya: That's right. Exactly! That's a good
point. They are going to be so worried about getting their system to
work, they won't have time. We're going to be spreading like a wildfire
into the system. More people are going to realize they can't make it by
themselves. They need a community. They need help from one another.
Just imagine, twenty years ago, probably mostly the
husbands worked and the wives stayed home. Now husbands and wives work
together, and their standard of living is not increasing as much. Some
standards are even going down.
There are so many more homeless in the United States
now than there were ten years ago. Probably it has doubled. Where do
they go? They need community. They need support.
That's the bad news. I'm sorry, I don't want to be
the bearer of the bad news, but that's the reality. That is what God
said, where our injustice will take us.
You see, He is working in the collective body, we are
working with the individual. The system that we are representing is not
just my idea. I didn't sit there and say, "Oh, I'd better put this here
and put that there." You can just see that it's not from the human mind.
This system is made with an Incredible Mind behind it. And if God is
behind it, God is going to force us to it. I'm not going to force it.
I'm going to represent the system and I'll try to facilitate the system
to manifest itself. I'm just a facilitator myself. I'm here to
Question: I see the point that we're in the
transition area, if some community, or county, or state might be first
to support your idea, how would we use that as an example for everyone
Maitreya: As I said, the future belongs to God.
I'm not going to predict what the future is going to bring. But I can
see that if we create such a body and it works, and there's no other
system that works, we can easily infiltrate into the present system and
eventually convert it to God's system which we want and which works. If
the people look and see more and more, "Hey, this system makes sense,
this system works," they don't have to resist it.
Why is the system of the United States accepted by
the whole country? Because they looked at it and said, "Yes, that is
what we want." At that time the people were ready for that system. There
was opposition, of course (there was the Civil War between the North and
South). There was opposition. They all didn't want that system. It was
too much for the South. They wanted to keep their slaves. But the North
said, "No. All men are equal." So that was the problem. But eventually
truth will win.
Question: For the people who are going to be
coming into this, it's more of a Soul-calling, they are doing it because
of something within them. They are not listening to the world, they're
listening to something within them. Just because the government is going
to topple, or things are going to get messy out there and fall apart,
they're not all going to run into the Communities of Light.
Isn't this for people who have been at meditation for
a few years, who have reached a point of this peaceful state, and now
they want to bring God's Will? They would be drawn into the
Mission of Maitreya to begin this. But the masses are not all
going to run, "Oh let's run to the Mission of Maitreya,
this looks good," because people don't listen. It would take
something very bad to make people just go out, fall on the ground and
start praying to God.
Then maybe eventually one of the Messengers will go
out there and say, "Hey, this is a mess, we're trying to tell you."
Through us publicly getting out and putting the word out, then something
may happen. But they're not going to all just run to the
Maitreya: That is right. We are looking for the
people who have been called for it.
If you are not called for it, if you have any other
option besides doing this and you think, "Oh, well, I'll just go there
to look at it to see. If it is OK, I'll stay. If it is not OK, I'll just
go away," then you have options. That's fine. But if you are called for
it, you will look at it and say, "Yes, that makes sense. That's
wonderful. That's what I want. That's what my life is going to be. I'm
dedicated to it. I'm going to go for it."
Question: So this system will be going on within
the system and it will keep drawing, until the other system gets smaller
and smaller and then this system gets larger and larger?
Maitreya: That's one way to put it. Also there is
a law called critical point. For instance, if you have a heavy plastic
under the pool, and you start putting bubbles under it, with one bubble,
two bubbles, three bubbles, it won't come up. There is a point, when if
you put one more bubble, the whole thing will comes up to the surface.
That is where the critical point also comes into our
work. We're going to do our work, do our thing. It's not going to
happen. It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. But the last
bubble, it's going to spread like wildfire. So we have all the forces
behind us, and we're going to work the best way that we can.
The Spirit will turn the whole thing upside down. Can
you see it? You wake up the next day and the world is different from the
day before. God said He is going to do it, and He will do it.
We will see. He is fulfilling His Prophecies. We just
accept His Words and we don't question too much about what the future is
going to bring. Of course, we are going to plan and do our best, but we
adjust ourselves in every moment.
You have to be very, very flexible in this Mission.
You have to adjust yourself in every moment, in every situation, in
every place that you are. Otherwise you're going to get upset, "Oh, why
is it not happening the way I want?" You will learn in this Mission
that you have to be very flexible.
Let's have a moment of meditation together.
We thank You Father for this opportunity You gave us
that we be together and study this Plan. May we all be sincere about our
commitments, always be in the Spirit of God, and be guided to the
highest truth in the universe.