This is the
Universal Call to Prayer and meditation for All.
Come all those who
are chosen and called to Pray to One God.
Those who strive
to experience God.
Those who Struggle
with God to bring His Kingdom.
Those who
Sacrifice all for His Kingdom.
Those who are
Surrendered and Submitted to God’s Will.
Those who are
Universalists and see Unity among all humanity.
This is the call
to the Chosen (Elects), be an example and help all to reach God.
We declare that
there is no God but One God and Maitreya (Muhammad) is His Lion of
The Tribe of Judah, the Seventh Angel, Opener of the Seven Seals,
Revealer of the Book Sealed with Seven Seals, Fulfiller of all
Prophecies, the Prince of Peace, The Christ.
Come All, this is
a Universal Call to Prayer to the Formless, Invisible, Nameless and
Eternal (FINE)!