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He Comes as . . .
Shah-Bahram Shah-Bahram is the promised world teacher to arise from Persia, as prophesied by Zoroaster. Two prophecies in particular are going to be looked at in depth and both deal with the coming of the same Prophet. Both prophecies from Zoroaster’s and Daniel’s time begin with the Dispensation of the Fourth Seal, which is the sign of the crescent and star. It is the sign of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (Revelation 6:7-8). What follows are the two prophecies:
Also, we need to look at a synonymous prophetic word from Daniel:
Setting the scene: Because these prophecies begin at Muhammad’s
time, a basic understanding of the changes that Islam brought to
The Greatest Sign is necessary in
understanding the Prophetic words of Zoroaster and Daniel. 1. A Prophet From Arabia: As it was recorded in the Bible and in THOTH:
God, as explained in THOTH, kept His Promises:
2. Islam brings the final spiritual truth to humanity:
With all the spiritual truths realized: the awakening of the spiritual forces, realizing the need to bring the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth, knowing that sacrifice is necessary to bring the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth, and that in our efforts to do God’s Will we submit the result of the work to God having no attachment to it; Muhammad banned many previous religious practices of the followers of the Mystical Paths, Judaism, and Christianity, that were no longer needed for spiritual progress. The reason for Muhammad’s bans on all forms of sacrificial acts, from animal sacrifice in the temple, to the Christian Eucharist, is explained by Maitreya:
3. The War for Arabia, Persia, and Africa The public ministry of Muhammad began sometime in the Christian calendar in the year 622 A.D.. After that period, the next ten years of Muhammad’s life would be plagued by struggles and wars. Here is a brief list:
These military battles were prophesied by St. John the Revealer and explained by Maitreya. In THOTH we find:
With this groundwork set, we may begin to gain a fuller understanding of these two prophecies. Let us begin examining this prophecy by setting its historic context. Zoroaster refers to:
The thousand year old “kingdom of Iran” indeed was “overthrown” by the followers of the “religion of the Arabian (Muhammad)” in the seventh century A.D. The followers of Zoroastrianism were conquered and “degraded” by Muslims whose treatment of them was at times poor and at other times liberating.
According to Daniel, the saints were discussing when God’s Kingdom will come and when the unbelievers will be cleansed. The response they received in the eighth chapter of Daniel is different than the one in the twelfth, but the end result is the same: when the time elapses, then the Day of Judgment is at hand. And what is the Day of Judgment? Maitreya explains:
Prophet Muhammad, in the year 622 A.D., sanctified Islamic belief from all forms of sacrifice, but it was not until some time later that the regions God had given Islam to invade were also sanctified. It wasn’t until about 687 A.D. that the lands of Iran, Ethiopia, and Yemen were under Islamic control as Muhammad had envisioned in 629 A.D. Therefore, we can see that in the year 687 A.D., just as God had promised, the daily sacrifice was ended.
The date for both these prophecies, as explained earlier, begins in approximately 687 A.D. The first prophecy deals with the coming of the Prophet and Iranian King (known as Shah-Bahram), whereas the second deals with the coming “Day of Judgment.” Both however, are referring to the same event. That is to say, both explain the appearance of a Prophet and the advent of a Day of Judgment as simultaneous events. In brief we may say: Where there is God’s Judgment, there also is God’s Revelation and God’s Revealer! So these prophecies speak of the same event, which will occur 1290 years (Ezekiel 4:6, which states, “I have appointed thee each day for a year”) after 687 A.D. This would mean both the beginning of Judgment Day and the advent of a Prophet.
From the time of Islam’s invasion and the securing of Iran (around the year 687 A.D.) there would be 1290 years. Adding those together in approximates gives us the year 1977 A.D. This year was the year when Maitreya began to receive Revelations from God. It is important to note that Maitreya was born in modern day Iran in 1944, fulfilling the prophecy given by Zoroaster for the time of the Messiah from Iran to be born a descendant of an Iranian king (one of his ancestors also was a famous king of Iran, Nader Shah!).
Daniel’s words were also for Iran, as Daniel wrote his prophetic thoughts while in Babylonian controlled Persia (Iran). Also, according to Daniel, from the time the daily sacrifice was removed from Persia and the intellectuals begin to control all the affairs of Persian life (and no longer God and His religion), there would be 1290 days (years) until Judgment is come. From the year 687 A.D. to the year 1977 A.D., 1290 years passed from the occupation of Iran, the ending of the daily sacrifice and the beginning of the abomination of desolation (intellectualism). 1977 is the year that Maitreya began to receive Revelations from God, and is the date which corresponds to the Day of Judgment, when, “the beginning of the next age in which the true spiritual understanding will dawn and the age of enlightenment will start.” __________________________________ * The authenticity of this quotation/prophecy has been called into question. We have been made aware of accusations that it was fabricated by some Baha'is to use as foretelling the coming of Bab/Baha'u'llah, and have been unable to independently verify it. We do not want to include any false prophecies in our website to support our claim. However, we have had other prophecies challenged which were later confirmed to be authentic. Also, it is not challenged that in general, Zoroastrians believe in a Savior (Saoshyant/Soshans) who will come at the end times to save the world. Therefore, we have decided to leave it up and let every individual draw their own conclusions as to its authenticity and value. If you do not believe it, then ignore it and focus on the rest of the (overwhelming) proof provided by Maitreya, the Mission, and this website! Further information: Some time after adding the above footnote, we received the following email from a disciple who attempted to authenticate the prophecy and could not: "I ... cannot find any way to verify the prophecy. The Bahais also say the prophecy cannot be verified at this time and some accuse the Bahais of making-up the prophecy. No one can find out where the prophecy comes from, not even with the source that was given: 'Zoroaster, Dinkird.' But, despite not being able to find the source of the prophecy, ie, the Dinkird (more commonly pronounced: Denkard/Denkart) the Denkard is just an old Zoroastrian encyclopedia and not considered authentic scripture anyways. Authentic Zoroastrian scripture would be the Gathas. Here is a quote, to help put the prophecy in a little light, from someone in a blog forum that explains what my conclusions were: the person is responding to the aforementioned prophecy that was posted in that blog forum: 'Find me your passage in it. There is no such passage. Besides [that] the Denkard/Denkart is a late Zoroastrian text from the tenth century during the Islamic period. It is not scripture in the same way that the Gathas are and it is not part of the Avesta (i.e. Yasna, Visperad, Vendidad, Siroza, etc). Denkard/Denkart is a late Zoroastrian encyclopedia, and that is all.' The prophecy cannot be verified at this time is my conclusion. ... The prophecy is talking about the Saoshyant (savior). Although the Saoshyant ideas came later in, the Saoshyant is more authentic than the mentioned prophecy because it comes from the Zoroastrian text Zand-i Vohuman Yasht. As said, the prophecy in question says it is from an encyclopedia but, at that, it still cannot be found in that encyclopedia called Denkard. The prophecy seems to come out of nowhere." If you have any further information or feedback on
this prophecy, please
let us know:
prophecies@maitreya.org |