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He Comes As . . . The
Messiah The Nature of The Messiah The noun moshiach (translated as messiah) means "Anointed One." In Judaic texts, the term messiah was used for all kings, high priests, and certain other patriarchs. In the Tanak, moshiach is used 38 times: 29 Israelite kings, six high priests, two patriarchs and once for Cyrus The Great. Not once is the word messiah used in reference to the awaited Savior. Even in the apocalyptic book of Daniel, the only time messiah is mentioned is in connection to a murdered high priest. This means that the title of messiah has been used for the kings of Israel and the priests. As we see from Maitreya's genealogy, He is both the son of David and the son of Aaron. This gives Him complete right to the title of Moshiach or Messiah. In this section we will see how more specifically He fulfills many expectations in the Bible about the Messiah. The first point that needs to be made before we begin looking at how Maitreya fulfills the prophecies, is that we need to understand that Scripture tells us that there will literally be two Messiahs. The first Messiah, Scripture tells us, is going to come to Judah and the Children of Israel. This first Messiah is about Esa the Christ who fulfilled many prophecies in the Old Testament. Christ fulfilled prophecies about a Messiah who was going to come and bring the Grace of God to humanity by going all the way to the cross. Despite many evidences that Esa is indeed the Messiah and fulfiller of many Hebrew prophecies, there were many He did not fulfill and were prophesied for the second Messiah (anointed son of David), who according to prophecy is going to be named Joseph and come to the peoples of Ephraim (America). By understanding that these are two very different Messiahs whose prophetic past merge, as both are the descendent from King David, we can better see how Maitreya indeed is the Messiah promised to come to the Jews.
The Branch of David Maitreya fulfills the Jewish expectations of Messiah in the highest degree, as He truly is a direct descendant of King David through the family of Solomon, David's son (1 Chronicles 22:9-l0) as we can see in His genealogy.
“And there shall come forth a Rod out of the stem of Jesse,” means that the genealogy of the Messiah is going to be of the tribe of Judah, specifically through Jesse and David. Also, when it uses words like “branch,” “rod,” or “stem,” it probably means that the Messiah will not come directly from the seed of David, but from David's seed a branch of it will host the Messiah. In the case of Maitreya's genealogical tree, it seems the branch that stems off of the direct line is through the Persians, specifically the Persian Monarch. According to the above Scripture, the Messiah will have the Spirit of the Lord upon Him, which includes understanding and knowledge. This is clearly speaking about Revelation brought by Maitreya, because it is in THOTH that we clearly see the evidences of true Divine Knowledge and guidance. Also THOTH establishes the system of hierarchal government called Mount Zion and Zion (“My holy mountain”), and through its infrastructure the “earth shall be full of knowledge of the Lord…” and causes the nations to assemble. In the prophecies we are going to see the theme of peace and unity in the nations, and while these events have not yet occurred, if we investigate THOTH and its teachings we will find the tools needed to establish God's Will amongst the nations as He has promised in all the Scriptures of the world.
To further clarify the point, THOTH and the revelation of the Seven Seals of The Greatest Sign have been brought by Maitreya. The first verse signifies that we are talking about the Messiah and that a stone will be laid before Him, and the stone will have seven eyes, which remove iniquity. The second verse shows this stone again and explains that those who become a Son of God can achieve it. The stone is the new name; the seven eyes on the stone are the steps of the Eternal Divine Path, which lead us to Pure Consciousness (Heaven) and out of iniquity. Maitreya explains the meaning of the stone, confirming His Messiah-ship:
Clearly, we can see that Maitreya is the fulfillment of these prophecies.
One of the prophecies prominent about the Messiah is that He will
bring the Temple. It is
unclear as to what Temple.
Does this mean a replica of the Temple built by Solomon, or does it
mean the Temple in the visions of Ezekiel?
The answer really is neither.
Maitreya has brought the
and its design, He has brought The Word, or the
Sacred Name of the Father and the Son.
Again we see that it is Maitreya (from the branch of David) who is prophesied to bring peace to humanity. There are many other prophecies that discuss God bringing peace to the nations, but these specifically identify that the bringer of peace is going to be from the tribe of Judah and a son of David. Since Maitreya fulfills the prophecies about being a son of David, He is a possible candidate to bring about a covenant of peace. We can be assured that He is the fulfiller of all these prophecies, because in THOTH, He explains the system by which God will establish His justice and peace (Mount Zion and Zion) as well as He reveals the understanding necessary for the Paravipras to accelerate society’s growth and establish the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth). Over a period of time the facilitating body will be. It is this facilitating body that will eventually create the Communities of Light. From these communities, the structural hierarchy or Mount Zion will be created. It is then that, eventually, God’s Kingdom on earth will come, and subsequently bring God's equity, justice, and peace to humanity as promised in all the Scriptures (Isaiah 2:4,9:6; Ezekiel 39:9; Zechariah 14:9, Revelation 20).
In the writings of Jeremiah, he prophetically speaks about the Branch of David (Maitreya) and discusses many of the points that we have already looked at, such as the creation of prosperity and righteousness in all the earth. He also reveals the name of the Prophet-King, who He calls, "The Lord Our Righteousness." The name itself is a play on the name of Zedekiah, and because it is a play on words, the name Zedekiah itself is not the name of the Prophet-King, but the meaning of the name will be the same. The meaning is translated as, “The Lord Our Righteousness.” Since most Hebrew names are attributes of God, the name Zedekiah is no different, and in meaning it is similar to the names given to Maitreya. Maitreya's names include Emmanuel with the meaning "God Is with Us," and He is also called Vigi Kumar, which means "the righteous," or the "the vigorous," or "the vital," or "the young prince." The second point that must be noted, is in the 33rd chapter of Jeremiah specifically which states, “David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel; Neither shall the priests the Levites want a man before me to offer burnt offerings,….” Here God makes a promise that from the time of David until the time of the Messiah and beyond, that the throne of David and subsequently the Levitical priesthood will never lack a King/High priest. As we saw in other pages in these Prophecies, the line of David and the line of Aaron (the Levites) intermarried during the generations of the exilarchs. We follow the generations of the King/Priest, until Nader Shah (Abbas Khan), and after his death it would seem that there was no longer a king on the throne and thus it would seem that God had failed to keep the promises that He made to Jeremiah. God had also made this promise in 1 Chronicles: "Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; . . . for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days. He shall build an house for my name; and he shall be my son, and I will be his Father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever." (1Chronicles 22:9-10). However, in the genealogy we see that the generations of the throne of David continue until Maitreya, who now sits on the throne as the rightful heir, as High Priest, and as bringer of God's Kingdom and the White Stone of Salvation (The Greatest Sign and The Eternal Divine Path). Clearly Maitreya is the only one who can fulfill these prophecies.
This is the final prophecy that we should look at to complete this section. The above verse is referring to all humanity coming up to the Mountain of the Lord (Mount Zion) and is discussing the same event as explained in Isaiah chapter 2. What is significant about this verse is that all humanity is going to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. The Mission of Maitreya celebrates this Feast, as mandated in Leviticus 23, every year exactly as commanded by God. Maitreya has guided humanity back to the Holy Days revealed by God, and as all humanity eventually accepts this Message, with it will come the fulfillment of this prophecy.
Isaiah is not the only one to have such visions of a Day of Judgment. St. John the Revelator gives a similar scenario for the ‘latter days.’ John, in chapter nineteen of Revelation, has a vision of a hero on a white horse, who, "judges and makes war…out of His mouth." This is to say that the mighty hero will fight armed only with the Word of God. Isaiah gives a clue of who the mighty hero is, as pictured by St. John:
Most Christians believe that the person spoken of in Isaiah chapter nine is Christ. Often this verse is read during the Christmas season because it reads, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given," but these verses have nothing to do with Christ’s first Manifestation! I have several reasons why Christ could not have been the Manifestation spoken of in Isaiah chapter nine: 1. "The government shall be on his shoulder." Christ had no control of the government, nor did He make any attempt at establishing a governmental system to create peace. To my knowledge Christ only ever said one thing about government, "…Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21). This is hardly the fulfillment of Isaiah’s words! Maitreya, however, has given the blueprint of God’s Kingdom on earth. 2. "His name shall be called . . . The Prince of Peace." Christ made it clear in Matthew that He did not come for peace, and certainly not an everlasting peace. Christ made His mission crystal clear: "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34). Again, for obvious reasons, Christ was not even attempting to fulfill the words of Isaiah the prophet. Maitreya is called “Kumar, Prince” and His teaching is toward the "Peace" on earth! 3. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given . . ." If Christ was not the Prince of Peace, then who is (was)? The answer is found in the prophecies of Isaiah and St. John’s Revelation. As readers of the Bible, we understand that the Prince of Peace and the Peace of Isaiah chapter two, are parallel verses to the peace and triumph in Revelation chapter twenty. This is to say, that at the time of Christ’s return, He will fulfill the words of Isaiah. Yet, Isaiah tells us how Christ will return, He will do so as a baby. Isaiah wrote: "For unto us a child is born…." Isaiah was not writing about the child born of a virgin birth in Isaiah 7:14 (who was in reference to Christ). Isaiah was writing about a different child who would be born and establish PEACE. The children who are born prophetically in Isaiah seven and then nine are two different children, one who will bring salvation and the other who will bring peace. So the first clue about who will bring peace is that He will be born into the world, just like any other child. 4. "The Lord shall . . . recover the remnant of His people . . ." The next clue given by Isaiah is found in chapter eleven when Isaiah again prophesied about the coming of world peace, and the Prince of Peace. Isaiah wrote:
The second sign for the coming of the Prince of Peace is when Israel is gathered back together in one place, as we have already seen. By all accounts the establishing of the Jewish state was accomplished in the year 1948 A.D., so it was just before this date that the Child of Peace would be born and given to humanity. Maitreya
was born in Persia on November 8, 1944.
This was just before the gathering of Israel after World War
This is the fulfillment of God’s promises that the Prince of
Peace would be born into the world, before the reformation of the
state of Israel. |