July/August 2011
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Indonesian, the reason you have been brought here is
that this is the only Indonesian prophecy we have at
this time, so we linked the section directly here.
If you know of more,
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to us!
The Prophecy of Satrio Piningit
By Andrew Dwight Harris
Sri Mapanji Jayabaya was king
of the Kediri kingdom in East Java from 1135-1157
AD. In his old age, Jayabaya retreated to a
life of meditation as a Hindu recluse, became known
as a seer, and declared himself to be a
reincarnation of Vishnu.
Jayabaya prophesied in his
oracle Jongko Joyobhoyo that a great king
would come known as "Ratu Adil," or King of Justice,
and this king would rule over the world with
intelligence, honesty, and righteousness, ushering
in a Golden Age. The time when this is
supposed to happen is now, as Jayabaya's prophecies
say: "One day there will be a cart without a horse,"
and "there will be a boat flying in the sky," as
well as many other prophecies that seem to indicate
the time of the appearance of Ratu Adil/King of
Justice (read
the oracle describing the signs of the time when
Ratu Adil is prophesied to come).
Jayabaya prophesied that this
King of Justice would also be called: Satrio
Piningit, meaning "Hidden Knight/Hidden Ksatria
So Ratu Adil, aka Satrio Piningit, will be king of
the world, "he would uphold justice around the world
from Java," but he will also be "Hidden." The
fact is, being king of the world and also hidden
seems to be a contradiction. However, it is
not a contradiction if we say that Ratu Adil or Satrio Piningit will
be reincarnated in different lifetimes, as it says
in the writings of the Mission of Maitreya
that Maitreya will incarnate
three times to fulfill his Mission of establishing
the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.
The three incarnations of
Maitreya can also be similar to the
expectations about the tenth and final incarnation
of Vishnu, the Kalki Avatar. Many Hindus
believe we are now in the time when the Kalki Avatar
is to appear, the transition period between the Kali
Age (Age of Vice) and the Krita or Satya Age (Golden
Age). The Kalki Avatar is described in three
parts: 1. Vishnu to preserve, 2. Shiva to destroy,
3. Brahma to create. It
sounds so similar to what Maitreya has
taught us:
The first incarnation is "Revelation," the second
"Implementation," and the third "Execution."
Therefore, Satrio Piningit
could have one lifetime where, as it says, he will
be the "Hidden Knight/Hidden Ksatria," because
Jayabaya also prophesies that "in the course of
Satrio Piningit's life, he always experiences of
misery, always be humiliated, unlucky, and 'kesapar'
(poor). Therefore, he got a nickname 'Satrio
Wiragung' (The Great Ksatria)"
Source 2).
So it appears that he is not
going to be much of a king in this lifetime, but
will be The Great Ksatria, similar to the way Christ
returns as a thief in the night: "Behold, I come as
a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and
keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they
see his shame" (Revelation 16:15). This means
that Satrio Piningit could be with us on earth as a
thief in the night or hidden, the Hidden Ksatria,
except for the people who will look for him, "he
that watcheth," or the first and current incarnation
of Maitreya. Maitreya
has explained that this lifetime is the life of
This also relates to the first
part of the Kalki Avatar, 'Vishnu to preserve.'
In this lifetime, Maitreya has been
able to Reveal His Revelation
(Preserve/re-establish God's Words and Revelations), write it down,
perfect it, and spread it online and to many places,
in a way that no other Prophet was able to do, to be sure it is Preserved and protected against
being changed or corrupted in the future.
Before Satrio Piningit upholds
justice worldwide, he conquers Nusantara, "in the
beginning, he will conquer Nusantara before it."
So now Satrio Piningit will
start conquering the world,
similar to the second part of the Kalki Avatar,
'Shiva to destroy.' This could refer to the
second incarnation of Maitreya, the
life of Implementation. As
Maitreya has said, "In order to implement the new, the old has to be
In the end will be the
creation of the Krita (Satya) or Golden Age, or the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. This would be the
lifetime of Ratu Adil or King of Justice, the
third part of the Kalki Avatar as 'Brahma to create'
(creation of the Kingdom), and the third incarnation
of Maitreya, the life of Execution.
Revelation of The Revelation,
Tablet 30, we read that in Revelation 19:11-16 it
"And I saw
heaven opened, and behold a
white horse; and he that sat upon him was
called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he
doth judge and make war." (Rev. 19:11)
"His eyes were as a flame of
fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a
name written, that no man knew, but he himself."
(Rev. 19:12)
"And he was clothed with a
vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called
Word of
God." (Rev. 19:13)
"And the armies which were in
heaven followed him upon
white horses, clothed in
fine linen,
white and clean." (Rev. 19:14)
"And out of his mouth goeth a
sharp sword, that with it he should smite the
nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron:
and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and
wrath of Almighty
God." (Rev. 19:15)
"And he hath on his vesture
and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND
LORD OF LORDS." (Rev. 19:16)
<9>The Kingdom Of
Heaven now
will come and the one whose name is called
Word (
of God, will be prepared to establish it.
So we can look at the signs and see that Satrio
Piningit, at first, is the Hidden Ksatria, just
the same as Christ who at the beginning comes as a
thief in the night, or the first part of the Kalki
Avatar, Vishnu to preserve. Then, Satrio
Piningit becomes a conqueror, or the second part of
the Kalki Avatar, Shiva to destroy. Finally,
Satrio Piningit becomes Ratu Adil, the King of
Justice, or the third part of the Kalki Avatar,
Brahma to create. Therefore it can be
said that the Jayabaya prophecy of Satrio Piningit
is fulfilled by Maitreya of the
Mission of Maitreya, because Satrio Piningit supports the three incarnations of
Note: For a deeper understanding
of the three incarnations of Maitreya,
read Maitreya's
in this Newsbrief, which Reveals that the three
incarnations were also foretold in detail in
The Revelation in the
Native Cultures Prophecies Index