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Announcing the Yearly Sabbath (Now the Feast of Revelation)

In preparing to announce the Yearly Sabbath in this Newsbrief, we noticed there were some inconsistencies in how the Sabbath was calculated in the Calendar of God (it is now fixed).  After much study, discussion, and contemplation, Maitreya came to a final decision, and we are now satisfied that we are calculating and keeping it in the way God intended.  The new explanation given in THOTH, Essays 1, Tablet 14, "Feasts and Holy Days of the Lord" is as follows:

7 - After this holy convocation [the seventh and last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the twenty-first of the first month], the next day will be the offering of the "firstfruits" (as explained in Leviticus 23:10, which no longer is necessary; Christ was the firstfruit!).  After this day, count fifty days (seven weeks, which will include seven Sabbaths); another yearly Sabbath, a holy convocation, with no servile work.  Each week of these seven weeks symbolizes one seal of the seven seals in the Eternal Divine Path.  After the seventh seal, the last Revelation of God will (has) come.  Therefore, this yearly Sabbath from now on will be called the Feast of Revelation. 

Therefore, the Yearly Sabbath now falls on a slightly different day than before, and its true name is the Feast of Revelation!  It will always be the 72nd day of the lunar year in the Calendar of God (the day after the 21st day, or the 22nd day, + 50 days = 72 days) and will always fall on Shakti 12, 13, or 14, depending on the length of the months for that year. 

The reason it is called the Feast of Revelation is that: In the Jewish tradition, it is believed that the Torah was revealed 50 days after the Passover.  So this Yearly Sabbath was the Feast of Revelation.  However, with the Revelation of the Eternal Divine Path, we now understand what God meant by counting "seven" Sabbaths and so seven weeks.  Each was meant to symbolize one Seal, and the Feast of Revelation symbolizes the opening of the Seventh Seal.  Now it can be known as the day of Revelation of the last and the most complete Revelation of God!

Under the new explanation, this year's Feast of Revelation will be on Shakti 13, or June 13 (6 PM June 12 to 6 PM June 13).  Keep it as you would the weekly Sabbath, with no servile work (if possible), fasting, rest, spiritual practice, focus and contemplation on God, etc.  It is also a good time to review and meditate on the Eternal Divine Path and its seven Revelations and Truths that were revealed over the last 12,000 years of history, especially the seventh Revelation brought by Maitreya which is now on earth. 

Always remember that the spirit and ideation behind celebrating God's Holy Days is much more important than the specific rituals, dates, etc.  We must not become rigid and dogmatic as other religions have.  However, best is to have both the spirit behind the Day, and the correct date!

If you have any questions about the new Feast of Revelation and how to celebrate or calculate it, please email us

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