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Tithes and DonationsThis page provides several methods through which you can donate and/or set up recurring donations (tithes) to the Mission. Choose the method you are most comfortable with from the options below. Direct Donations
Indirect Donations
Important Information ![]() Recurring Donation ![]() To make one-time donations through PayPal, use the PayPal Giving Fund. PayPal creates a donation page for each participating charity, and also covers all transaction fees, making it an excellent way to send larger donations (PayPal and other payment processors normally take a percentage of every donation for themselves). ![]() To donate via wire transfer or electronic funds transfer (EFT), use the following information: Mission of Maitreya,
Eternal Divine Path Bank: Bank of America ![]() Send check, money order, cash, etc. to: Mission of Maitreya,
Eternal Divine Path ![]() AmazonSmile is an Amazon initiative which allows customers to donate to their favorite charities while shopping. For eligible purchases through AmazonSmile, 0.5% of the purchase price will be donated to the customer’s selected charitable organization. To automatically select the Mission as your charitable organization and begin shopping through AmazonSmile, click the banner below: ![]() Giving Assistant is similar to AmazonSmile, but for a much wider range of retailers. It explains itself this way: "(1) Millions of users shop at 1,835 of the biggest online retailers; (2) Those shoppers earn cash back on their purchases; (3) They donate their cash back directly to your organization." Therefore, if you sign up with Giving Assistant, you will be able to donate to the Mission while shopping! To automatically select the Mission as your charitable organization and begin shopping through Giving Assistant, click the banner below: Mission Fundraising Policy The Mission does not want to go beyond asking for tithes. We do, however, want to make the members become so used to paying their tithes that sending tithes will becomes an automatic habit/act (they will send their tithes without even thinking twice about it). However, we do not mind accepting extra donations (from anyone) to the Mission, others raising money (if they so desire) to help the Mission, and asking for money for specific and urgent projects that everyone wants to participate in (such as fundraising to build the Center and/or Temple, soup kitchens, disaster relief, etc.)! Any creative action to raise money for the Mission by individuals (such as a fund drive where one matches donations by others) is welcome. However, the Mission will only involve itself very little with such activities. The Mission will help your proposition be sent to our members (through our mailing list and social media channels, etc.) for greater outreach and to make everyone aware of your creative action to raise extra money for the Mission. Any money raised must be sent to the Mission donation channels directly (no money will be sent to any other channels or individuals - see Be Aware below). It is up to the initiating individual (organization, entity, etc.) to see to it that the process is completed to the end. Therefore, the Mission will not participate beyond this in any creative fundraising. The only sources of financial help solicited by the Mission (which is needed if we ever want to manifest the Mission in full) will be: Tithes, extra voluntary donations, and special fundraising for specific project(s). Note: In addition to tithes, some members have expressed that they would also like to send gifts to Maitreya and/or his family members (to help Maitreya's household) directly. These funds are treated as gifts, are not considered a part of Mission funds, and are not tax deductible. Be Aware! If anyone personally solicits you for donations, please be aware that there are a great number of unscrupulous people who commit fraud and theft regularly throughout the world. It is up to each one of us to be ever vigilant when considering a donation to another individual. No individual is ever authorized to ask for money on behalf of the Mission. We have provided enough ways to donate to the Mission directly. Please notify us immediately if someone seems to be directly asking for money from you on behalf of the Mission (especially if they insist and you are annoyed, or you feel you are being taken advantage of). As brothers and sisters in God (good people) we are obligated to protect one another from harm. By exposing such people, you do what a true Divine would do: You expose the thieves and purify the earth one step closer to perfection. Also, this will allow us to alert others of the problem, etc. The greatest way to assist those who need our help is when a person makes a general donation and does not know who the recipient will be, and the recipient does not know who gave the charity. There is no ego involved and no emotion other than the act of giving and the act of receiving. Therefore we recommend giving all donations and/or charity directly to the Mission rather than to individuals. You can specify if you want a donation to go to a specific person or project. Only give to the Mission if you trust it and Know in your Heart of Hearts that we will use it for God's Purpose. Remember: No individual is authorized to solicit funds for the Mission of Maitreya to go directly to them. If you give your money (property, etc.) to such individuals, you are doing it of your own accord! No Refunds! Giving tithes purifies the remaining 90% of your money that God has generously left for you. Therefore, tithes and donations to the Mission are not refundable. According to Scripture we cannot refund your tithes (and donations) as if we do, we will be going against God's Will. So think hard before sending tithes and donations to the Mission, as once it is donated we cannot return any of it back to you. (The only exception to this might be if you are destitute and we decide to help you with financing, but this would be considered independent support from the Mission, not a refund.)
All thanks to God for everything we receive to do His Will! |