
Why Tithes
The first time that tithes are
mentioned is when Abram (Abraham) gave his tithes to the king of
Salem (Genesis 14:20-24). He did that because Salem was
considered the high priest in that time, and tithes were given to
the priests and high priest.
We then can hear about the
tithes all through the Bible (in Leviticus God
commanded tithes - Lev. 27:31-34). Tithes are for the priest
class (Num.18:24). One tenth (10%) of the tithes gathered will
be for the head of the priesthood (Aaron - Eldest in our system)
(Num. 28:26-28). Tithes are the minimum you can/should offer;
you can offer more (Deut. 12: 6 and 11, tithes are at the top of
other sacrifices/giving).
One part of tithes is to help
and feed those in need (Deut. 26:12). People should be
obedient to this Law and the importance of tithes (2 Chronicles 31).
Again the same topic (Nehemiah 10:37-38, 12:44, Nehemiah 13:5,
Amos 4:4).
Even in the New Testament
(NT), not paying tithes is considered robbing God (Matthew 3:8).
In the NT also it is encouraged to pay tithes (Matthew 3:10).
Paying tithes does not release you from being humble in the presence
of God and following His Laws and Commandments (Luke 18:12).
It is with Paul that the
teaching of God is being challenged. Paul started preaching
his understanding instead of God's and His Prophets' (Hebrew 7:5-9).
In this chapter (Hebrew 7) Paul teaches what are his ideas, not
God's! He argues that since Esa (Christ) was from the tribe of
Judah (from his father Joseph) God changed His Mind and the Priests
(Messiahs) do not have to come from Abram (Abraham) and since Abram
(Abraham) gave tithes to Melchisedec, He (Abraham) was subjugated to
Melchisedec and the priesthood has changed and they should come from
Melchisedec, etc.
The Truth of the matter is that indeed Christ was from the
tribe of the Levites since Mary, his mother, was a Levite.
So Paul again is incorrect. Furthermore, God promised that
the Messiah (Shiloh) will come from the tribe of Judah (Genesis
49:10). So God again fulfilled both requirements for
Christ to be the Messiah, His Prophet, Christ, the Son of God,
This is one of the
discrepancies between the Words of God and Paul. There are
many, and for these reasons, we do not accept Paul as Christ's
representative and/or disciple/apostle. We only accept
Christ's words (in red in the
Bible) as from God, and Christ said He has not come to destroy the
Laws (Matthew 5:17)!
Since Paul has no authority from God and Christ, he cannot abolish
tithes, change the way God Prophesied and Chose Christ and the
Priesthood (until Christ came) to stay with the Levites. And
Christ came as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Christ).
Indeed tithes are what made
the Hebrews a great nation. Tithes are the reason Mormons
created a worldwide outreach. Tithes are the Command by God to
see His Kingdom to manifest on earth. So those who want to
follow God's Will, will accommodate His Revelation and follow as
obedience to His Commands and pay their tithes and more.
Since the Mission is the Last Revelation from God and is the
Revealer of the Mystery of God and the Implementer of God's Will and
Kingdom, It is the only Religion (organization) that everyone should
be giving their tithes to. Giving any money and/or tithes (or
anything) to any other organization is disobedience to God and His
Revelations (Words) and Will!
The whole idea is to create a culture in
which people learn to live on 90% of their gross income without
borrowing. This can easily be done by following the
Eternal Divine Path in the Communities Of Light (Sharing)!
Children will be brought up to learn to do this so it becomes
second nature to them (part of their upbringing and culture).
Some people say, "I am too poor to pay tithes." In
fact, one of the reasons to pay tithes is to create more
effective people who constantly improve their financial
situation so they will not only have a better lifestyle but also
will be able to tithe easily. So find a better job with
better pay. Improve your educational situation (go to
school and obtain higher degrees so you would be able to have
higher pay). Start a business which has a better future
for you (be your own boss and make more money). Share life
with someone and/or live in a COL so there is
sharing which makes life easier in many levels for everyone
involved, etc.
Tithing indeed should encourage the Divines (those in the
Mission Of Maitreya, Eternal Divine Path) to
become great in what they do and known as good workers whom
people Love to hire. Divines also should become high
earners and business people in the society and eventually become
the cream of the crop in all societies (if they have the ability
to do so). This will not only help them to be financially
secure, but they also can help the Mission to
do the same. It will also allow the Mission
to help many who need it (mostly to stand on their own
two feet so they also can become productive members of the
society; however, if they truly cannot become productive
members, then help them as much as the Mission
has resources to do so).
Note: For
instructions on how to pay your tithes and/or automatic
recurring payments for tithes, send an email to the Mission
The list of the supplements (Table
of Contents)