Little Cricket's
Long Journey
Cricket was born just like all other regular
crickets. He was really quite cute. He had a round little head and
long legs for creating (((great vibrations))). That is very
important to crickets. Creating vibrations is the best and
highest goal a cricket can have in his whole life.
Mom and Dad cricket were very proud of their little
crickets along with all of their other children, all 144,000 thousand of
them. However, this little cricket was a little different
somehow,,…and they just couldn’t put their antenna on what it was.
They would have to keep an antennae eye on this one,,,,for sure..
Cricket grows and grows and soon is playing with all
the other crickets in his community. Jumping high is his favorite
game. All the crickets would jump as high as they could jump and
chirp the loudest cricket chirp at the same time and land on a twig
and not fall off!!! It was great fun and all the cricket kids
tried their very best.
One day Little Cricket was jumping, and jumping and
jumping and jumping. He jumped farther and longer than he ever had
before and he was in such great joy. When he finally landed
on a very tall twig, without falling off of course, he looked around and
did not see anything familiar. All was very strange and different.
It was like he was in a completely different field of grass,,,,
This was a brand new place he had never, ever seen
before. He was very curious and wanted to explore. He did
not know the world was soooooo big and had so many playing fields.
It was beautiful and exciting. So,,…he jumped some more and more
and more.
It was when he stopped
and munched on a delicious little flower that he realized a most
dreadful and awful thing………………..
He was lost, not a
little lost, but a completely separated from everything kind of
Crickets cannot cry, but they do rub their legs
together very fast and speak in vibrations. Cricket rubbed
and rubbed. And even rubbed harder and
no answer came.
He was lost and all alone.
Every good little cricket knows that darkness is a
very dangerous thing…dark creatures could eat you up in just a second
before you even knew what happened. They were known as Eating
Giant Ogres….Egos,, for short. He found a large leaf to hide
under and tried and tried to think what to do next. He was
trembling and scared. He tried so hard to remember everything he
was taught by his parents and do the right thing. He missed them
so much and wanted to go home. His antennae shook….
When cricket relaxed a
little bit he could remember better, so he stilled his mind and he could
see a path in front of him very clearly. It was long and
was going to be a very hard journey.
I want to go HOME! I want to go HOME!
I want to go HOME! Cricket very much understood
that feeling. Such a longing he felt deeeeep inside.
He became determined and focused on His Goal. He knew it was
going to be a long journey and he also knew from that deeeeeeep inside
place -----------He could make it. He did not know where that
feeling came from, but he trusted it without doubt.
He settled down
for a nice sleep.
snore, snore, snore
The next day Cricket started. He had to start
somewhere and since he did not know where he was,,,,,anywhere seemed
like a good start. He jumped and jumped and jumped and
all of a sudden ---------------he heard chirping!!!!!! Was
it real,,…. could it really happen this soon and so easy?????
He was home! Yea!!,,,,mom, dad, where are you?
He was elated! He thought to himself,,”Wow, what a good job
I did,, and fast too!”
Well,,,It sort of sounded like home,,,but not
quite. There were other crickets there, living all
over the place. Crickets everywhere!!! But these crickets
were not friendly at all. This definitely was not what he
knew or was familiar with. Theses crickets were eating,
eating, eating. Taking everything they could get their
mouths on-- no matter what. They were pushing each other around
just to get more and more for themselves. They were shoving each
other and kicking with their legs-- instead of creating Great
Vibrations. One gigantic cricket even bit him!!!
They were very selfish and did not share at all or even care about
each other.
This was very, very, very wrong….
This was not Home.
This was so wrong and absolutely NOT what Cricket
wanted. He was soooo disappointed,,,,,and felt far,
far away from home. He did not think he would ever return to
his True Home.
He contemplated and
considered his present situation,,,,,,sigh,,,He was a long, long way
from home and at least
here, he is with other crickets and he would not be lonely.
He could get tough too and fight with these crickets for his fair share.
He could probably scratch their faces and twist their antennae and even
beat these other crickets up and take what he wanted , kick with his
legs too instead of creating great vibrations…
While Cricket was thinking about how he could make
his own plan work,,,beat up all the other crickets and how he
could just basically survive in this cricket jungle and get his next
meal met------ He then remembered his Parents and how Loving and Joyful
that other life was. That memory started that longing deep in his
little cricket heart for True Home again.
He needed to re-consider this whole decision.
There was a big, green fern with cool shade underneath which looked very
inviting and a bit yummy at the same time. He had to calm his
little cricket mind down,,,calm his upset emotions and take a long look
at this situation. This is a very big decision and it would not be
smart to just jump into the first cricket field that came along.
While contemplating his present dilemma and looking
at the whole picture in front of him ,,,his mind drifted back to True
Home, brothers and sisters, all his friends, the Love, the Caring
and Sharing feeling. He became aware of a sound somewhere around
him. He had heard that sound before!!! What was it???
It was a low vibration that was long, mellow and oh, so very comforting.
Where was that wonderful sound coming from?
It seemed to be everywhere
–outside of him and inside of him. At last,,,he realized he
was not alone in the big, green fern place. With him was a
very old cricket sitting quietly and vibrating the most wonderful sound
he had ever felt. He relaxed and his mind drifted even more and
enjoyed the wave of vibrations surrounding him ---this was True Home.
After what seemed like a very, very long time,,
Cricket opened his eyes and the old Wise Cricket was right beside him
chewing contentedly on a leaf. Cricket told his whole story
and Wise Cricket nodded very knowingly. Wise Cricket had heard
this story before,,,many, many times.
Wise Cricket revealed to Little
cricket the difference between crickets trapped in their lower nature
and his family at True Home. These crickets were very selfish.
All they think about is their own small self. They do not even care
about jumping high or vibrating their legs. They just wanted to
eat, eat and eat. Wise Cricket promised Little Cricket that
not all the Cricket world was that way. He had to search, knock,
ask, and find the crickets who wanted to jump, leap to new heights and
create high vibrations also. These crickets would know their
Higher Nature.
Wise Cricket knew of another field of crickets who
lived very far away who do jump very, very high and vibrate their
legs just like Little Cricket,,,, but warned cricket sternly,,, it would
be quite a long and maybe even dangerous journey. He
would become tired and his strength and determination would be tested
every turn of the way.
And you never know where those Egos will show up and
try to eat you alive.
Little Cricket’s antenna went very straight and he
pledged: “No matter what happens, He is going to reach True
Home!!! He just knew those crickets had to be his real
family.” He was going Home! Cricket started drawing
signs in the sand and making plans,, which of course included taking
Wise Cricket with him. Together they would surely find True
But,,,Wise Cricket said….”No,,,my Way is already
set. My Place is True Home also,,,but you have to go your
way and Walk the Path yourself and Find the Way and the Truth
behind this big world. A Light will guide you thru the Darkness.
Follow the Good Vibrations and they will lead you to True Home.”
Wise Cricket’s antenna drooped, His vibration slowed down and He became
very quiet.
Little Cricket was so
distressed and upset. But he knew,, deep inside Wise Cricket was
right. So, he gently touched the old Wise Cricket’s antenna
with his little short antenna for just moment with great respect and
promised he would definitely meet Him in the True Home Place. No
matter how long it took,,,
Cricket emerged from the big green fern place and
faced the selfish cricket jungle head on. That one big cricket who
bit him was a real bully indeed! Bully Cricket said, “You
have to do what I say,,when I say it,, and ask
me how high to jump!!
Or, you can not have anything to eat and I will push
you off the rocks so the Ego Creatures will eat you all
up!!” All the other crickets bowed their heads and were
ashamed. They dared not stand up to bully cricket. They were too
afraid and lost.
But Little Cricket knew there was
more to Life than just Bully Cricket’s demands and no-thing, no cricket
or even Dark
EGO creatures could make Little Cricket follow their path.
He was going HOME!!! So,, Little Cricket
you ole bully, you have no power over me!!!!” , and
bravely Little Cricket marched right through the middle of the
whole crowd of those poor, frightened, lost crickets.
I have to find True Home! I
am One-Pointed to the Goal!!! He was following the Light…
Oh dear, oh dear, Oh DEAR!!
,,,,,Where do I go from here,
,,,,,What do I do next???
,,,,,and how am I going to survive,
,,,,Cricket worried and fretted. His antennae
were very tired from waving back and forth trying to find his Way and
figure it all out. His mind was full of
questions and not enough answers. He was quite confused and when he
vibrated his legs,,,it sounded awful. Not at all like Great
vibrations should be. He was in chaos- just
like on a cloudy day when vibrations do not go very far and he could not
see or hear thru all the confusion.
There was a small stream of flowing water close by
and nice green moss to munch on. This was a good place to
stop, Be Still to ponder and contemplate this
difficult situation. He thought about True Home, Wise
Cricket’s Promise, and his family along with all his brothers and
sisters. He remembered----- the Way was the long, low beautiful
Vibration that Wise Cricket had sung to him.
Haree Om Shrii Hung Om Nam Kevalam
AHA,,,now he realized!
_____ When he was going in the wrong direction
and off the Path, his vibrations were very terrible sounding and even
hurt his antenna and made them wiggle out of control!!!
“ Aaaaaahhhh,,,I see now
,,,,When I follow the right way or direction,,
……There is harmony in the vibrations!
Wise Cricket is indeed his Best Friend and Show-er
of the Way. True Home felt even closer than ever before.
Cricket happily jumped and jumped and chirped and
chirped. The Good Vibrations were back. As he chirped,,,he
noticed something new he had never heard before. The
whole world seemed to chirp back at him!!! Or even the Whole
Universe seemed to Chirp with him. Not just from the
bunch of grass he was in,,,but ,,,,also the grass on the hill,,,and the
grass down by the lake, and the rocks, the other animals, and even
the air itself was full of chirping!!!
How can there be so many crickets
and even other animals in the whole world he wondered. Where are
they? Cricket chirped and they chirped back!
Chirp-Chirp????? Chirp-Chirp!!! was the resounding reply.
But these crickets had no form he could see, or
names he could call---they were invisible!! The whole world
became ONE CRICKET and if the whole World could be One Cricket….
,,,,,then,,,,,The Whole Entire Universe was really
WOW,,,he said,,”What a beautiful,
beautiful Universe”.
Cricket then started to notice something very
interesting….There were low chirpings and high chirpings and in-between
chirping. How was he ever going to tell the difference and know
where his family was ,,,so he could return home???
He was quite overwhelmed for a
moment. Everything seemed so huge and he could not find his place
in it all. He was dizzy and needed to rest
He noticed a rock up very high up on a pile of other
rocks,,,so it looked like a mountain to him. He climbed up high
and faced the wind with his antennae waving just a little,
so a breeze could dust off his confusion.
Then the most miraculous
experience happened –without him even trying!!! He started
to vibrate!!! But not only his personal vibration, his own
tune ,,,but a harmony of vibrations. It was a symphony of sound
which made a most beautiful song without even thinking about it.
In tu it,,(ive),he became.
Oh, how he wished Wise Cricket was there with him---
to share this Most Wonderful experience----(sigh)
Then within those most exquisite sounds that he was
listening to in his Inner Self,, He heard IT very clearly…..
“ I have been with you
from the Beginning and unto the End.”
Cricket knew now that he HAD to tell
Even the selfish crickets,,,they are One also!
Every Mom, Dad and little Cricket had to be told! We never were
alone or lost or separated from the One Vibration!! We are all the
same family and we have to learn the New way of understanding the New
Vibration. We are a symphony. Every one of us
is a part of a Greater Plan to Vibrate to the Highest Degree.
It can be for fun,,it can be for
eating, or jumping,,,but it is much more than just those
things, for sure.
We are each an individual Vibration
and when we are all together, we create the Most Beautiful Harmony
ever known!!!!
Cricket just knew that True Home was just around the
next hill and he was soooo close. He could not wait to see his
family and tell them of his great adventures and his long, long journey
and his wonderful realizations.
He was jumping and chirping happily going along his
own way-- when all of a sudden he stopped short.
What was that weird sound????
Well,,,it had to be a part of the Whole
Universe because he just realized that Everything is One Cricket -- but
it sure did not sound right nor feel right. He was going along
his merry way,, thinking his thoughts, having his
food, singing his
song, and enjoying his new understandings,,,he had it all figured
Oh,,no,,,something was bad wrong. He had come
way too far and for such a long time and now,,,True Home was so close
---How can all this be happening?????
His antenna were wiggling
all over the place…
Cricket thought he knew it all and his journey was
nearly over. He was quite confident in everything he had learned.
He rubbed his legs very hard and chirped loud as could be. He was
making so much noise by himself that he almost missed It. He
stilled himself and listened….He heard it again,,,,,or maybe not,,,Was
it his imagination?,,,,or could it really be,,,YES!! YES!!
It IS!! It IS. It IS---- Wise Cricket!!!!
Wise Cricket was right there with him,,They were
together again… He was jumping to the sky!!.Oh, the Joy and Love was
bursting out of his little body.
Wise Cricket said, “There is one last thing
you have to do in order to reach True home.”
“What, what, what??”, Little cricket chirped.
“I’ll do anything,,,,I’ll leap higher,,I’ll chirp louder,,,I’ll
climb, I’ll swim, I’ll fly,,,I’ll push bullies out of the
way,,,I’ll do what ever it takes!!.” Tell me,,Tell me..Tell me…
Wise Cricket said, “I have already shown you.
You tell me what it is.” Cricket inhaled quickly and
HUH?, he said!!
Cricket stopped all his jumping around immediately
and wondered what it could possibly be? What did he miss? He
had to ponder very deeply on this one. This is a Great Mystery!!!
And Wise cricket said he already knew the answer, so
it must have been right in front of him all the time.
“I jumped very far. I pushed
bullies away,,I got quite lost,,I worked really hard.
I see the world as One Cricket and I heard the One Sound and
didn’t give up and I and I and I and I…
He heard the chomping sound of those EGO
Oh, NO!!, Oh NO,!!,,some part of him was still like
the selfish crickets,,,,it was all about his own small self.
He understood that he had to overcome his focus on
himself and create a Greater Focus and this Whole Cricket World was
created so that ALL the lost crickets could return to True Home.
His family was really the true
Universal Community where ALL crickets realized their Oneness and helped
each other
Eternally on this very wise and Divine Journey and follow
the Path back to True Home together.
Then there was stillness and complete silence.
Cricket was between breaths and ………..
To Be Selfish and try to reach True Home just for
your own self is a very great obstacle.
Cricket finally understood! There are no
shortcuts, and we are all brothers and sisters on the same Path Home.
It is very important and even essential that
the entire cricket Universe understand this and we
have to work together to help each other to progress, leave no stone
unturned, every Cricket Soul is precious in His Sight.
This Message is for all; and all
together we go Home.
A wondrous and transforming thing happened in that
very moment. The Grace of Divine Energy vibrated through
in him , as him, and…
Wise One said, “Welcome
Home, My son!”
New Vibration of Home started in his legs and went through his body, his
throat and all of a sudden it moved like never before! The New
Vibration started in the center of every cell in his body
vibrating individually and yet moved outwardly at the same time.
His body dissolved away and his Mind grew and grew and included
Everything and Everyone,,,all at once, The Whole Universe!!
With an explosion of Light, he overcame the illusion of the small self
and became His True Wise Self ---Wise One indeed had shown him:
The Only Way, The Whole Truth, and The Pure Light and
There Is Only One Pure Cricket.
We are already IT. All of us. The One
True Vibration
All we have to do is to LEAP over the
obstacles to overcome the illusion of the lost, separated
false idea of the separated self and return to True Home.
IT has been with us all the time!!!!! We never were separate.
Thanks, Praise, Honor and Glory to God!
One Universe, One Vibration, ALL
One Cricket

P.S. The story never ends…… (remember,,,IT’S
We just come back with a Mission to help everyone to
the Path