*The first round will be accomplished by everyone doing the Kirtan for
twenty minutes, followed by The Reminder, Samgacchadvam, and 30 minutes
of collective meditation. Then each group (previously chosen) will take
turns doing a round, for several rounds.
We will all come back together at 5:30PM
MST to do the last round.
**If you felt to do so, you could bring a flower to place at
Maitreya's (GIWH) feet at the Candle Ceremony. Those who are not in
the Mission, wherever you are, can have this candle ceremony with your
friends or by yourself.
Then we take our lit candles to the dining room
for a candlelight dinner.
Mission of Maitreya
"Eternal Divine Path"
P.O. Box 44100
Albuquerque, NM 87174
Please email your comments/suggestions/testimonials about the Feast to:
Feast@maitreya.org |