The base of the
Temple, as we mentioned before, will be built in
the shape of The Greatest Sign.
Inside The Greatest Sign, as it is shown in
The Greatest Sign above and also in the
illustration at the right, there is a large symbol of the
Star Of David ( ).
This will be built as the corridors for the Temple.
This will connect all parts of the Temple
together. |
There will be six entrances to the Temple. The
six doors are: The Door of Pure Consciousness (
the Door of the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (
the Door of Sacrifice (
The Door of Surrendering and Submission (
The Door of Universalism (
and the Door of Paravipras (Elects) (
There are twelve sections around the center of the
Temple (as numbered from 1 to 12 in the illustration to the
right-above). Each of these sections will be used as a library
to house all the spiritual realizations throughout history.
The first section from the first sign (
to the sign of the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth -- (
will have all the books or spiritual and historical materials from
this period. Section two (2) will have all the materials about
Judaism, the Hebrews (
and their history, religion, and philosophy. In section
three (3) between the sign of the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth -- or
the seal of Solomon (
-- until the sign of sacrifice, Christianity (
the materials of the history between these two eras should be
placed. In section four (4) all the materials about
Christianity (
will be housed. Section five (5), between Christianity (
and Islam (
(surrendering), will have materials of the history of that period.
The rest of the sections will be as follows:
In section six (6) the materials about Islam (
in section seven (7) materials of the history between Islam and the
advent of Bab/Baha'i, in section eight (8) materials about the Baha'i
Faith (
(universalism), in section nine (9) materials between the Baha'i
Faith until the sign of Paravipra, in section ten (10) materials
about Paravipras (
and the teachings of the Baba, and in section eleven (11) the
history to come (how eventually God will fulfill His Plan until the
human reaches very high consciousness and the Kingdom will become
His Kingdom -- in heaven, on earth, and within each individual).
In section twelve (12) all the unknown ideas,
speculations and theories about man before the evolution of the
present human being will be found. Also all the speculations of what
Pure Consciousness (
is (the theories of what kind of state of being it is) will be here.
In section twelve (12) also all the teachings of the
Maitreya should be placed separately. All other teachings and
theories should be studied and looked at through these teachings. Otherwise the confusion of the Scriptures and revelations will make
the path of the seeker difficult.
But with understanding creation and history, The
Greatest Sign, and realizing how all things took place to bring
man to higher consciousness and to show him there is no other way
but God's way, then the seeker will reside in the flow of the
Universal Plan instead of considering only one part of The Plan and
becoming narrow-minded.
However, the real realization does not come by
merely studying the books in this great library, but by
understanding The Plan of God, becoming The Greatest Sign,
and going beyond search and study. This state is symbolized by the
very center of the
Temple, which is beyond these libraries -- section thirteen
(12 + 1 - number of Disciples/unit in a community plus Spirit/God).
This section (13) will be a place of absolute
silence and meditation. Men and women should enter it with humility
and respect. No lectures, talking or noise should occur there. It is
a place of Soul-to-Soul communion between God and His children. That
is when the real realization is obtained. In the next era, many will
be ready to reach this stage of direct communion and understanding. They are the ones who will lead others also to higher consciousness
and true realization.
Meditation and silence or using any techniques alone
might not bring full realization of God, as intellectual readings
and research will not lead to that realization either. But a
comprehensive inclusion of all kinds of awakening processes and
false-ego-shattering steps can help an aspirant to come to a perfect
realization so that the peace and understanding of the infinite
truth can be achieved in the middle of society and family life.
So in this age, man should not run away from the
realities of life but face the problems of this universe with enough
vigor and understanding to surpass any obstacle. We now have many
high conscious people who have already progressed greatly by their
individual endeavors and His Grace in their past lifetimes. It is
their responsibility to establish that environment to help others
also to reach higher consciousness. That is why the time of being an
escapist is gone for spiritual people. They have no choice now but
to stay and work for the real spiritual truths which cover all
aspects of life.
A second story can be built over the Temple. Over sections 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12, pyramids with a triangular
base (tetrahedron) can be built. By dividing each of the six arcs
(of the circle around the Temple) into two and making
straight lines from the center of each arc to the two points of the
arc, a twelve sided structure (dodecahedron) at the top of the
Temple will be created. Therefore, sections 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and
11 will have a four-sided shape. Then pyramids with a four angle
base can be built over them.
The twelve pyramids (six with triangular bases and
six with quadrangular bases) can be built over the libraries,
preferably from glass to let the light into the building.
A dome or similar structure can be built over
section thirteen. A glass or crystal design of the HOSH sign
will be placed in the center. Domes have a spiritual effect on
humans and pyramids an intellectual one.
The offices for maintaining the Temple should
be built outside, and no profitable activity should be done in the
Temple. The Temple should be a place of worshipping and
for gaining spiritual and intellectual knowledge. Also it should be
a place of service.
The physical fitness facilities, such as gymnasiums
and running tracks, pools, and other sports areas, can be built
close by if financially feasible. Also centers of other knowledge
and education such as universities can be built around or close to
The physical fitness facilities should not be built
for show or games, but for individual health and should be used
moderately. Man consists of a physical body, mental abilities, and
spirit and Soul, so all three levels should be developed properly. Emphasis on any one part will be equal with loss in another.
Also around the Temple beautiful flowers
should be grown, also trees, grass, and many varieties of pleasant
smelling plants, so that the Soul is refreshed on the way to the
Temple. After this garden border, the other facilities such as
offices, gymnasiums, universities, or the communities can be built.
Although the base of the Temple will stay the same,
top of the Temple can be modified
according to the taste, budget, and laws of the land (where it is
built, ordinances existing, etc.).