He Comes as . . . The Great Spirit
(Navajo Prophecies)
“He who is all wise, all
knowing, brought to the Navajo people something like a Holy Book
except that the Navajo could not write at that time so He gave
it to them in the form of chanting.
To chant is to speak in rhymes like poetry so that the ancient
wisdom is remembered longer. This chanting is like the Holy Scriptures.
It tells the Indians what to look for at the 'Time of the
End' when he would come to the people again . . . One of the
Holy Medicine Men said that the 'Time of the End' is like two
more stages to climb forward: the first is to have the Spirit of
the people live again, and second, the people shall melt into
one, meaning that true love between people shall be practiced.
In the chanting He (the Great Spirit) has said that He is
expected in the east, but also expected in the west.
As He comes and brings these good things of the spirit and of
love it will be the most happy and glorious occasion.” (1963 by:
Naturegraph Publishers, Inc.)
has come to the people in America (Native Americans) again.
He has revived the concept of the Communities Of Light
("the Spirit of people live again") that Native Americans were very
familiar with, when they first received their Revelations (chants). Indeed the
Mission's Teaching will bring the final melting of
diverse cultures in the US and make the concept of "melting pot" to,
eventually, come true.
He indeed came from the East and shined in the West!
It is indeed "the most Happy and Glorious Occasion!"
The Navajo and all Native
American people have a lot to contribute to the world.
Their culture, while often times overlooked by westerners,
has much to teach humanity about God (The Great Spirit) and His
lessons for all of humanity.
In THOTH we find an explanation for the
Americas and its peoples:
we know, God never does anything without purpose. The conquest
of America by the white man not only fulfilled the promises
which were given to Abraham, also it was an act to bring
Europeans in contact with the natives of America and gather many
people together in this land.
Although Native Americans apparently suffered a great deal in
the process, in truth this made them become purified (humble,
meek), so they (Native Americans) would eventually find the
essence of the teachings of their ancestors (Mystical Paths) and
also become familiar with the rest of the steps of the
Eternal Divine Path. In short, all these happenings eventually will enhance
and further the evolution of humanity, physically, mentally and
spiritually.” (THOTH,
The Children Of Abram
(Abraham), T
13, V9-11)
The union of people, which is
now occurring on the American Continent, is a part of God’s great
Plan. God has gathered
together in one place many centers of culture, and each culture is
teaching the other about its ways and beliefs.
The result of all this inner cultural exchange, is a
universal perspective, that is to say, many people are being exposed
to many things, and are beginning to see humanity has a single body
of members.
Maitreya explains the need for a universal perspective
to consider the good and progress of the whole universe as the
goal of life; to consider the universe as our home and country;
to see the whole universe as God, so serving the universe is
serving Him. Any
ideal other than universalism will result in narrowness of the
mind, and any narrowness is bound to create suffering.” (THOTH,
The role the Native American
Faiths play in The
Greatest Sign,
like all Mystical Paths, is essential.
They are represented in the first part of
Greatest Sign,
the Mystical Paths.
The teachings of all Native American Faiths and the study
thereof, based on
The Greatest Sign,
can only help to lead the European religious faithful to finding the
common ground shared by both.
Christianity, and the symbol of the crucifix, is also a part of
The Greatest Sign.
If both Native American religious scholars and Christian
European scholars would study each others Faiths together, they
would discover that the Mystical Paths of the Navajo and the like,
are a part of Christianity, and similarly Christianity is a part of
the Native American Mystical Paths.
They are both a part of the Eternal Divine Path and
The Greatest Sign, which
are a part of our teachings. This is true about all
religions and they can be unified by understanding our teachings and
The Greatest Sign, and The Eternal Divine Path. See the explanation of
Greatest Sign on our web site:
“. . . One of the Holy
Medicine Men said that the 'Time of the End' is like two more
stages to climb forward: the first is to have the Spirit of the
people live again, and second, the people shall melt into one,
meaning that true love between people shall be practiced. . .”
The Holy Medicine Men were
correct. At the ‘Time
of the End,’ there are, “two more stages," or steps, that humanity
must take to complete its understanding of
Greatest Sign and the Eternal Divine Path.
These two steps are symbolized in
Greatest Sign by the Sixth Seal, the Seal of the Elects, and
by the Seventh Seal, the Seal of Pure Consciousness.
The Sixth Seal was brought by the Spiritual Teacher and
Prophet, Baba, who taught teachings from the East.
The Seventh Seal is brought by Maitreya, who has taught this
message from the West.
The first Prophet spoken
of by the Holy Medicine Man will “have the Spirit of the people live
again.” This term is
better known in Judeo-Christian thought as the Day of Resurrection
(Rev. 18) which is followed by “the people . . . melt[ing] into one,
meaning that true love between people shall be practiced,” or the
establishment of the millennial Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (Rev.
These two Prophets, referred to by the Holy Medicine Man, are
also made reference to in Revelation chapter 11 (also see
17: 1-7 and Zechariah
4: 11 –14), and are the bearers of the two stages spoken of
“In the chanting He (the
Great Spirit) has said that He is expected in the east, but also
expected in the west.”
It is the same as the
prophecies in all other religions:
He shall come from the East and Shines in the West.
He is expected in the East, but also expected in the West.
So it also means that Eastern religions (people) and Western
religions (such as Native Americans) expect the same person to
return as their final Prophet!
The Medicine Man gives
more prophecy to confirm the advent of the coming of
“In the chants it says
that when this New Day comes to us it is like the birth of a new
baby, like a mother bringing her new baby home from the
hospital. Everybody in that home cries ‘let me hold the baby!’
even the grandmothers, even down to the little ones, all cry:
‘Let me hold the baby; it is so clean; it is so fresh; it is so
So the new religion is clean and fresh in the same way
because it has none of the prejudices and misunderstandings that
the older religions have accumulated down through the
centuries.” (1963 by: Naturegraph Publishers, Inc.)
The New Day appearing like a
child from the womb of his mother, is the same symbolism used in
Revelation chapter 12.
The fact that this new religion is fresh and without
prejudice, because it has not accumulated any misunderstanding, is
because the ‘new religion’ that the Holy Medicine Man speaks of is
the Mission of Maitreya, whose members see the precise
connection between the religions of the world, thanks to God who
Revealed to humanity The Greatest
Sign. The
Holy Medicine Man further reveals what signs will herald the coming
of the Sixth and Seventh Seals of
The Greatest Sign:
“The chants say that there
are two signs of the New Spirit that all the people should look
for. The first sign
is the nine-pointed star that must come from the east.
The number nine is the sign of the highest unity, for all
members can be found in this one number, and so all religions
and races and nations will come together in love and unity under
the sign of the nine-pointed star.
Another sign of this coming is that there will be a great
chief in the east who will wear (symbolically) a headdress with
twelve feathers.
The chants say that these twelve feathers mean twelve
great principles that He will bring to mankind.
If we search carefully we will find that these twelve principles
of world unity have already come to the world and, even in this
day, are beginning to bring people together in unity,
understanding and love.” (1963 by: Naturegraph Publishers, Inc.)
The sign of the nine-pointed
star is the symbol of the Bahá’í Faith. It is a part of
The Greatest Sign, and is the Fifth Seal in the Revelation. The twin Prophets of this Faith are the Báb (who gave
humanity the nine-pointed star) and His successor, Bahá’u’lláh, who
helped to spread the message of Universalism to the rest of the
world outside of the Middle East (symbolized as the great
Here is what THOTH and Maitreya have to
say about the Fifth Seal of
Greatest Sign:
to complete and expand the human mind, other steps were
The next Prophet, who brought universalism (
was Báb (or the Bahá’í Faith).
Without the universal point of view, all the four previous truths will
be narrow, and narrowness indeed is the root cause of all
suffering and is not according to the Will of God.
Therefore, expansion of the mind (universalism) was necessary.”
Creation And History,
T6, V5)
The Holy Medicine Man gives
one last clue for who the coming Prophet will be:
“Again in another place in
the chants He says that those who speak with beautiful speech
will lead the world to beauty and He says the center of this
beautiful speech comes from a Holy Mountain.” (Naturegraph
Publishers, Inc., 1963)
The words, ‘beautiful speech
comes from the Holy Mountain,’ are almost the same words as used in
the second chapter of Isaiah, “And it shall come to pass in
the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be
established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above
the hills ... for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word
of the Lord from Jerusalem….” (Isaiah 2:2-4)
What is the Holy Mountain Zion?
It is the Law of God and His Master Plan to bring the Kingdom
Of Heaven On Earth.
Maitreya explains:
meaning of mountain in the Bible is given in chapter 2 of
Daniel in the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar.
In verse 35, it is described how a stone will smite the image in
the king’s dream and consume it, and how, ‘…the stone
that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the
whole earth’ (Daniel 2:35)
In the interpretation of the
dream, the meaning of the stone which destroyed the image
(earthly kingdom) is given in verse 44:
"And in the days of these kings [the
last ten kings symbolized as ten toes of the image]
shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom
[mountain which filled the earth], which shall never be
destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people,
but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms
[as the stone did to the image], and it shall stand
So the stone (symbol of truth) will come and destroy the
untrue set-ups symbolized by the image.
The stone will become a great mountain and fill the whole earth. This mountain is the Kingdom which will be set up by the God
of heaven and will last forever.
Therefore, the symbolic meaning of mountain in the Bible is the
coming of the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth,…”
Mount Zion And Zion,
T1, V1-5)
The Greatest Sign and
Mission of Maitreya fulfill all the prophecies above.
American Prophecies Index