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July/August 2012 Newsbrief → Articles The Seven Fire Prophecies By Andrew Dwight Harris (Maitreya's comments, and quotes from Mission teachings, in red) The Midewiwin, or Medicine Lodge, is the spiritual practice among the Algonquian, Iroquoian, and Siouan tribes of the northeast part of North America (could these tribes, which are in the northeast of North America, have come from Asia? We know all Prophets have come from Persia, and Persians lived in China for a long time and there is a historical record that even more of them made it to China later. So it is possible that they migrated across the Bering Strait and eventually, after passing through Canada, settled in the east of Canada and northeast of the US. So they know of the coming of the Eight Prophets from them (Persians), etc. "Genetic studies show that Native Americans are related to Asian peoples." There were Native Americans (NA) who lived in America before people came to America from Asia, in this case the Anishinabe who were Persian. They mixed races and that is why there are differences in look between Persians and Native Americans in the northeast. However, there are many white looking NA in the northeastern US and Canada!). The Midewiwin is represented in The Greatest Sign as being part of the First Seal (Mystical Paths), and before reading the Seven Fire Prophecies, it will be helpful to read the story of how the Midewiwin began, as the medicine lodge will be important. How the Midewiwin began is explained in this Mille Lacs legend, as told by the Mille Lacs Chief, Lone One (source): In the beginning, Gichi Manidoo made the mide manidoog. He first created two men, and two women; but they had no power of thought or reason (old humans before the Flood of Noah). Then Gichi Manidoo made them rational beings (humans after the Flood). He took them in his hands so that they should multiply; he paired them, and from this sprung the Anishinaabe (civilization started from the Middle East, therefore the first new humans after the Flood could have been the Anishinaabe). When there were people he placed them upon the earth, but he soon observed that they were subject to sickness, misery, and death, and that unless he provided them with the Sacred Medicine they would soon become extinct. Between the position occupied by Gichi Manidoo and the earth were four lesser manidoog with whom Gichi Manidoo decided to commune, and to impart to them the mysteries by which the Anishinaabeg (the use of "beg" is very Turkish, and this can be further proof of a connection between Native Americans and the Middle East. In fact many of my ancestors have the "beg" at the end of their names) could be benefited. So he first spoke to a manidoo and told him all he had to say, who in turn communicated the same information to the next, and he in turn to next, who also communed with the next. They all met in council, and determined to call in the four wind manidoog. After consulting as to what would be best for the comfort and welfare of the Anishinaabeg, these manidoog agreed to ask Gichi Manidoo to communicate the Mystery of the Sacred Medicine to the people. Gichi Manidoo then went to the Sun Spirit (Sun Rays: They sent the knowledge of the healing power of the sunrays - Light or Fire) and asked him to go to the earth and instruct the people as had been decided upon by the council (the secrets of medicine and how to heal oneself would be revealed to humans). The Sun Spirit, in the form of a little boy (innocent, like a child), went to the earth and lived with a woman who had a little boy of her own. This family went away in the autumn to hunt, and during the winter this woman's son died. The parents were so much distressed that they decided to return to the village and bury the body there; so they made preparations to return, and as they traveled along, they would each evening erect several poles upon which the body was placed to prevent the wild beasts from devouring it. When the dead boy was thus hanging upon the poles, the adopted child—who was the Sun Spirit—would play about the camp and amuse himself, and finally told his adopted father he pitied him, and his mother, for their sorrow. The adopted son said he could bring his dead brother to life, whereupon the parents expressed great surprise and desired to know how that could be accomplished. The adopted boy then had the party hasten to the village, when he said, "Get the women to make a wiigiwaam of bark, put the dead boy in a covering of wiigwaas and place the body on the ground in the middle of the wiigiwaam." On the next morning after this had been done, the family and friends went into this lodge and seated themselves around the corpse. When they had all been sitting quietly for some time, they saw through the doorway the approach of a bear, which gradually came towards the wiigiwaam, entered it, and placed itself before the dead body and said, "ho, ho, ho, ho," when he passed around it towards the left side, with a trembling motion, and as he did so, the body began quivering, and the quivering increased as the bear continued until he had passed around four times, when the body came to life again and stood up. Then the bear called to the father, who was sitting in the distant right-hand corner of the wiigiwaam, and addressed to him the following words (seems to be translated literally from the original Native American language): "My father is not an Indian not, I am a spirit son. Insomuch my fellow spirit clearly now as you are. My father, now tobacco you shall put. He mentions of that only once to be able to do it why he shall live here scarcely he lives thus here; my fellow spirit clearly now I shall go home." The little bear boy was the one who did this.
He then remained among the Anishinaabeg and
taught them the mysteries of the Midewiwin; and,
after he had finished, he told his adopted
father that as his mission had been fulfilled he
was to return to his kindred manidoog, for the
Anishinaabeg would have no need to fear sickness
as they now possessed the Midewiwin which would
enable them to live. He also said that his
spirit could bring a body to life but once, and
he would now return to the sun from which they
would feel his influence (the
has healing powers and He taught them this -
also I think Zoroastrians, by keeping fire
burning, kill many germs and so sickness will
subside or at least will not be as bad). The legend of Sun Spirit, the little orphaned boy, will help us understand the Seven Fire Prophecies. As we articulate through the prophecies, it will become clear what these prophecies (below) are about, and how Sun Spirit has returned as Maitreya.
Here are the Seven Fire Prophecies: Teachings of the Seven Prophets: The Seven Fires,
Seven prophets came to the Anishinabe. They came at a time when the people were living a full and peaceful life on the North Eastern coast of North America. These prophets left the people with seven predictions of what the future would bring. Each of the prophecies was called a fire and each fire referred to a particular era of time that would come in the future (as the Bible also calls them: Candlesticks). Thus, the teachings of the seven prophets are now called the "Seven Fires". The first prophet said to the people, "In the time of the First Fire, the Anishinabe nation will rise up and follow the sacred shell of the Midewiwin Lodge. The Midewiwin Lodge will serve as a rallying point for the people and its traditional ways will be the source of much strength. The Sacred Megis (seems to be referring to the Persian priests in the Zoroastrian religion, Magis) will lead the way to the chosen ground of the Anishinabe. You are to look for a turtle shaped island that is linked to the purification of the earth. You will find such an island at the beginning and end of your journey (if you draw a line from Persia, or the beginning of the journey, to the Bering Pass, through Canada, and to the northeast of America, the end of the journey, it will be an arc, like the back of the turtle). There will be seven stopping places along the way. You will know the chosen ground has been reached when you come to a land where food grows on water (the place they will end up to live in is surrounded by water. Eastern Canada and northeastern US is surrounded by water. Of course water is also the symbol of consciousness! Their consciousness will expand in this new land). If you do not move you will be destroyed (there is so much water that if you stay in one place you might drown! Or, if you do not progress you fall!)." The second prophet told the people, "You will know the Second Fire because at this time the nation will be camped by a large body of water. In this time the direction of the Sacred Shell will be lost (apparently their journey will take place when there is no Bering Strait any longer. They will have to camp "by a large body of water" before passing over that body of water - where the Bering/Chukchi seas meet or where the Bering Strait used to be. Passing over this body of water, which will be a very difficult task, will completely separate them from where they have come from. The direction to go back will be lost. The risk of passing over that body of water will be too great to even try to return. They will also lose their traditional ways and the memory of this journey - "direction of the Sacred Shell..."). The Midewiwin will diminish in strength. A boy will be born to point the way back to the traditional ways. He will show the direction to the stepping stones to the future of the Anishinabe people." The third prophet said to the people, "In the Third Fire the Anishinabe will find the path to their chosen ground, a land in the west to which they must move their families. This will be the land where food grows on water." (again there will be much water with fish and other seafood. Northeast of the US is surrounded by much water - Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Lawrence, Great Lakes, etc.) The Fourth Fire was originally given to the people by two prophets. They come as one. They told of the coming of the light skinned race (it was after Islam - Fourth Fire - that the white man came to the West. However, the Fire with two prophets was the Fifth Fire (Baha'i Faith), not Fourth. Apparently there is some misunderstanding from the original Revelation - or maybe some part is forgotten as it originally was revealed. It also could be that these Seven Fires are different than the Seven Angels in the Bible!). One of the prophets said, "You will know the future of our people by the face of the light skinned race wears. If they come wearing the face of brotherhood then there will come a time of wonderful change for generations to come. They will bring new knowledge and articles that can be joined with the knowledge of this country. In this way, two nations (red and white races) will join to make a mighty nation. This new nation will be joined by two more (black and yellow races) so that four will form the mightiest nation of all. You will know the face of the brotherhood if the light skinned race comes carrying no weapons, if they come bearing only their knowledge and a hand shake." The other prophet said, "Beware if the light skinned race comes wearing the face of death. You must be careful because the face of brotherhood and the face of death look very much alike. If they come carrying a weapon ... beware. If they come in suffering ... They could fool you. Their hearts may be filled with greed for the riches of this land. If they are indeed your brothers, let them prove it. Do not accept them in total trust. You shall know that the face they wear is one of death if the rivers run with poison and fish become unfit to eat. You shall know them by these many things." The fifth prophet said, "In the time of the Fifth Fire there will come a time of great struggle that will grip the lives of all native people. At the warning of this Fire there will come among the people one who holds a promise of great joy and salvation. If the people accept this promise of a new way and abandon the old teachings, then the struggle of the Fifth Fire will be with the people for many generations (it was after the Baha'i Faith, the Fifth Fire, or after 1800, that Native Americans started leaving their old ways and joining the promises of better life by the white man). The promise that comes will prove to be a false promise. All those who accept this promise will cause the near destruction of the people." The prophet of the Sixth Fire said, "In the time of the Sixth Fire it will be evident that the promise of the First Fire came in a false way. Those deceived by this promise will take their children away from the teachings of the Elders. Grandsons and granddaughters will turn against the Elders. In this way the Elders will lose their reason for living ... they will lose their purpose in life. At this time a new sickness will come among the people. The balance of my people will be disturbed. The cup of life will almost become the cup of grief." (it was after the Sixth Seal, 1940, that the emptiness of the false promise was understood. The new sickness is the greed that will destroy the communities, as it has already happened to NAs. So elders become useless and there is no purpose for them to continue to live! Also, it was Baba, the Founder of the Sixth Fire, who brought the importance of social service combined with meditation and the Mystical Paths of India. Escaping this world to go to God is a false promise - this is also taught by our teachings) The seventh prophet (the Seventh Angel) that came to the people long ago said to be different from the other prophets (He will not bring a new and conflicting religion, He Unifies Them!). He was young (Vigi, also search this page) and had a strange light in his eyes. He said, "In the time of the Seventh Fire New People will emerge (Elects, Paravipras). They will retrace their steps to find what was left by the trail (it is now that those whom these prophecies are given to will realize where they have come from and why). Their steps will take them to the Elders who they will ask to guide them on their journey (the system will be re-established and people will again have Guides - Elders - to return Home - to God). But many of the Elders will have fallen asleep (however, many will not answer the Call - that is why this life is the life of the thief of the night). They will awaken to this new time with nothing to offer (many of them may even fall). Some of the Elders will be silent because no one will ask anything of them (people are so materialistic that they do not listen to the Call and so Elders are not approached for questions, so they are silent). The New People will have to be careful in how they approach the Elders. The task of the New People will not be easy (no kidding :) ). "If the New People will remain strong in their quest the Water Drum of the Midewiwin Lodge (sound of many waters - Bible, or OM) will again sound its voice. There will be a rebirth of the Anishinabe Nation and a rekindling of old flames (many will be Saved and become One, their Salvation will be assured). The Sacred Fire will again be lit (Zoroastrians keep fire lit all the time as they consider it Sacred/Purifying! The Sacred Fire is the Symbol of Inner Fire or the Third Eye). "It is this time that the light skinned race
will be given a choice between two roads
(with this - our teachings, Revelation - everyone, including the white race, is
given two choices). If they choose the
right road (Mission),
then the Seventh Fire will light the Eighth and
final Fire (Kingdom will come),
an eternal fire of peace, love brotherhood and
sisterhood. If the light skinned race makes the
wrong choice of the roads
(rejects the Mission), then the
destruction which they brought with them
in coming to this country will come back at them
and cause much suffering and death to all the
Earth's people (tribulation
will come)." It sounds like it is the end of the world if the wrong path is taken, but it is not the end of everything, because the second prophet said that, "A boy will be born to point the way back to the traditional ways. He will show the direction to the stepping stones to the future of the Anishinabe people." For the boy we need only recall Sun Spirit, the orphaned boy, and we know who Sun Spirit is: My father is not an Indian not, I am a spirit
son. (as also Christ called His mother "woman"
and considered God His Only Father!) Sun Spirit then is the Christ, and the prophecies are about the End of Times, the Book of Revelation, and the return of the Christ. Not only that, but the Seven Fire Prophecies also refer to the return of the True White Brother. To explain this, and many other things, let us start with the first prophecy: In the time of the First Fire, the Anishinabe
nation will rise up and follow the sacred shell of
the Midewiwin Lodge. The Midewiwin Lodge will serve
as a rallying point for the people and its
traditional ways will be the source of much
strength. The Sacred Megis will lead the way to the
chosen ground of the Anishinabe. You are to
look for a turtle shaped island that is linked to
the purification of the earth. You will find
such an island at the beginning and end of your
journey. There will be seven stopping places
along the way. You will know the chosen ground
has been reached when you come to a land where food
grows on water. If you do not move you will be
destroyed. The prophets came, and told the prophecies. They spoke of the future, saying, "If you do not move you will be destroyed," and some of the Anishinabe moved. The instructions were given clearly in the first prophecy: They were to search for a turtle shaped island to the west. The Anishinabe that believed in the prophecies packed up and left to find the turtle island. The instructions also said, "There will be seven stopping places along the way," and as the small group of Anishinabe trekked inland, they established seven stopping places along the way. The last place ended the journey, and they named it Gitchi Gumi, located near Montreal, Canada. The Sixth Fire Prophecy said, "In the time of the Sixth Fire it will be evident that the promise of the First Fire Prophecy came in a false way." So it is prophesied that we would realize there was something wrong with the First Fire Prophecy. Therefore, it is not only the incredible voyage inland the Anishinabe took to Gitchi Gumi, the First Fire Prophecy must mean something else (it also can mean that the Mystical Paths think the Goal is to reach God and forget this world. That is not the way and we have to follow the rest of the Eternal Divine Path! The false promise can also be the promise of material happiness which will always be false). What the First Fire Prophecy, and all Seven Fire Prophecies, is about, is the return of True White Brother, and by Maitreya fulfilling the prophecies, as will now be explained, we will know that the Mission of Maitreya is the place to look for the answer to these prophecies. Let us begin to answer these prophecies. We know the First Fire Prophecy came in a false way, and of course, there is another meaning. It says that we are to look for a "turtle shaped island." The turtle shaped island is North America. The Iroquois say: Sky Woman fell down to
the earth when it was covered with water.
Various animals tried to swim to the bottom of the
ocean to bring back dirt to create land.
Muskrat succeeded in gathering dirt, which was
placed on the back of a turtle, which grew into the
land known today as North America. The First Fire Prophecy tells us where to look, and at the same time, who to look for. The ticket is to know that the turtle shaped island "is linked to the purification of the earth." That is to say, we are to look towards North America as where it is going to happen, this purification. This relates to the Hopi prophecy of the Return of True White Brother. True White Brother went to the East, and was to return to Hopi land (the West) and bring back the original teachings (could it be possible that the Persians knew this prophecy and so decided to return back to the West and ended up in the northwest of North America? They might have believed that the true White Brother is supposed to come from Persia!), in just the same way as the "boy" in the Second Fire Prophecy will "point the way back to the traditional ways." Thus, a truth of the first prophecy is that it points in the direction of North America as where the Christ will return. The First Fire Prophecy further says about the search for the turtle shaped island that, "You will find such an island at the beginning and end of your journey." The words "beginning and end" are equally symbolic to "first and last," "alpha and omega," referring to the Bible, or other Scriptures and myths. An important part to read to understand the prophecy's fulfillment is the meaning of the aforementioned words as given by Maitreya. From THOTH, Revelation of the Revelation, Tablet 2:
The Fourth Fire Prophecy spoke of two faces, and delineated two paths. The first of these prophets said of the light skinned race, "If they come wearing the face of brotherhood..." and then the second prophet said, "...the light skinned race comes wearing the face of death." The two paths are the path of brotherhood, and the path of death. Another name is Twofold Path. The Twofold Path is described on the pictograph, Prophecy Rock, and is a teaching of the Hopi people. Maitreya explains the Twofold Path of Prophecy Rock:
Now, the Fifth Fire Prophecy holds a promise, "...there will come among the people one who holds a promise of great joy and salvation," and ends by saying, "The promise that comes will prove to be a false promise." It says the promise will prove to be false, in other words, the people will realize it is false. The Fifth Fire Prophecy is talking about the false prophet, who is the "dragon" in the Bible, and we will realize who the dragon is in our lives because it will become evident. This is explained in more detail in the article by Maitreya called The Beast. Here is a short excerpt from that article which explains exactly what the Fifth Fire Prophecy is saying:
We have the Anishinabe saying they are the fulfillment of the Seventh Prophecy; today they are saying they are lighting the Eighth Fire. However, they do not have Sun Spirit, the True White Brother, and they must have this person as the leader, as prophesied, "A boy will be born to point the way back to the traditional ways." Maitreya fits the position because he fulfills the prophecies. The prophecies talk about the teachings of Maitreya. In this part of the First Fire Prophecy, Turtle Island is symbolic of the Eternal Divine Path: You will find such an island at the beginning and
end of your journey. There will be seven stopping places
(you have to learn each Seal - linger/stop in each Seal. There are seven of them)
along the way. You will know the chosen ground has
been reached when you come to a land where food grows on
water. If you do not move you will be destroyed. The prophecies verify THOTH. If the light skinned race follows the correct Path, it is the same as is stated in THOTH, Children of Abram (Abraham) "All Prophecies Are Fulfilled", that the Children of Israel will fulfill their promise with God, and God will fulfill His Promise to them. The Hopi Medicine Wheel Prophecy explains this as a metaphor of Four Color Races coming together as one, and is the same as the Fourth Fire Prophecy: They will bring new
knowledge and articles that can be joined with the
knowledge of this country. In this way, two
nations will join to make a mighty nation. This
new nation will be joined by two more so that four will
form the mightiest nation of all. The New People mentioned in the Seventh Fire Prophecy are the ones who chose the correct Path. They are the Elects, and the stage these people are at in the time of the Seventh Fire is the First Incarnation of Maitreya. The First Incarnation is as "a thief in the night," meaning it will happen quietly. It is a time of revelation. It is explained in the Seventh Fire Prophecy as: In the time of the
Seventh Fire New People will emerge. They will
retrace their steps to find what was left by the
trail. Their steps will take them to the
Elders who they will ask to guide them on their
journey. But many of the Elders will have
fallen asleep.... In conclusion, the most important part of the
Seven Fire Prophecies is that someone will lead the
way to the Midewiwin, "A boy will be born to point
the way back to the traditional ways...." The
of Maitreya has re-established the Midewiwin. Note:
I would not be surprised if other cultures also
find that their people have ended up in the American
continent. What intrigued me, and made me realize
what I have added above about Persians who came to
America, was the word "Megis" (Magis). It is
only Persians who called their Zoroastrian priests by
this name. The rest of the comments about Persians
evolved after I saw this word in the prophecy! |