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September/October 2011 Newsbrief → Announcements

Snippets by Maitreya
Becoming Separate Email

Since we began the "Snippets by Maitreya" Newsbrief section, it seems to have grown larger and larger each Newsbrief, although still remaining manageable.  For this Newsbrief, however, Maitreya ended up finding over 50 articles worth writing Snippets on!  Many of them had to be cut out to keep the section at a reasonable size.  It seemed Snippets was starting to overflow its limits. 

We also realized that since the Newsbrief only comes out every other month, some Snippets end up being up to two months old before they are released.  This is quite old for news, and not an ideal situation. 

Therefore, to address these problems, we are going to try splitting off "Snippets by Maitreya" from the Newsbrief and turning it into a separate bi-monthly email (twice a month, or generally every other week).  This will allow for more Snippets, and the news will be more up to date.  We are not sure this will work and/or be worth it, but will experiment with it for the next two months (until the next Newsbrief) to see how it goes. 

The new Snippets by Maitreya email will be sent to our mailing list on the first and third Friday of each month.  We thought Friday would be a good day to send it so all will be able to enjoy and contemplate the Snippets during the Sabbath.  The first Snippets email will go out Friday, September 23 (this is actually the fourth Friday in September, but there are five Fridays in this month so it will work out and put it on the right track from then on). 

Once the Snippets emails start going out, we would appreciate your feedback on them to help us decide whether we will keep that approach or try something else.  Please email us what you think. 

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