Question: Most of the signs that have been given in the
the Islamic Holy Book, that the end of the age is approaching are
also in the book of
Ezekiel chapters 27, 28 and 29. What is your feeling about
all these signs that have been predicted and are coming true?
Maitreya: The answer is very obvious. This is
also in our writings. These prophecies have been given for this end
of time. That really means the return of the age -- a Golden Age,
the Order of the Ages -- that has been predicted will eventually
dawn on earth.
If anyone who is familiar with these prophecies
looks at the events that are happening, they can pick up many, many
different signs happening everywhere on earth. Yes, we are at the
point of finishing the old age. We know how the old age has been
full of strife, disunity, wars, misunderstandings, and separation.
In the Bible it is called Babylon. That
is in
Genesis when God confounded man's language, which really means
the telepathic ability of humanity. And from then on, because humans
could not understand each other, they "babbled." They misunderstood
each other and instead of being interested to understand, they
wanted to be understood. That creates problems.
If each person wants to be understood, that is ego. God wants to understand. That
is why God knows Himself. Because He
knows Himself and we are in His image, He knows best what is good
for us. If you know Self then you know what is good for you. And if
something is good for you, it is sure to be good for other people
too, because they are the Self also.
Yet humanity, from the very beginning, did not want
to listen to what was good for them. They want to experience their
own good and evil. They want to know what is good and evil. Everyone
says, No, I know what is good for me. I don't want someone to come
and tell me what is bad. I can find all the answers by myself.
God says, I created you, I know my Essence and you
are a part of my Essence. So if you follow this path you will be
happier. But humanity says, No, I don't want to do that. And that is
where Grace is taken away. God does not want to punish anyone. God
does not want anyone to love Him by fear, or by restrictions which
are put on us by force, but by love and understanding, that we come
to the conclusion that, Yes, that is the way God said, this is God's
Not only is this way good for me, it is good for
society, it is good for the earth, it is good for the universe. This
way will bring harmony, beauty, etc., to everyone.
This is why we had to go through this period of
history and strife and misunderstandings, that humanity will
eventually come to this conclusion. Their way is not the way. It
will not reach the happiness and harmony for which everyone is
longing. When humanity reaches there, they will understand there is
greater power and understanding which exists, and that is God.
He has a special way for them to follow to reach
this happiness. God already knows how it is going to happen. So He
told His Prophets and the people who were sensitive enough to become
in touch with His Mind, what is going to happen in the future.
You can find many, many prophecies in the
Scriptures, in the
Bible, the Koran, the Hindu religion, in Buddhism. All
prophecies point to a time when great strife will come to earth. Whenever there is Light, there is always darkness also that will try
to destroy that Light.
So there is going to be a great battle, just like in
the book, the
Bhagavad-Gita. There is going to be Arjuna with his followers,
and Krishna (God) with Arjuna. The opposing force was Arjuna's kin,
associates, etc. They were close to Arjuna but they were not Arjuna
and God. So they had to go through this battle where eventually the
Light comes and destroys the darkness.
It is just like when you enter a room and it is dark. You
flip on the light. What happens to the darkness? The darkness
does not say,
"No, I am not going to go away, I am just going to stay forever." When
the light comes, darkness has no choice; darkness has to go.
So God already prophesied how these things are going
to happen. Many of them are explained in our book
what God said, what happened, what is happening, and very few
predictions of what is really going to happen.
In one part of the
Ezekiel, chapters
37, 38 and 39, it was predicted and many different people have also
prophesied, how a group of countries will join together and create a
kind of "one goal" confederation. Maybe they will
not become completely
one but they will become a very powerful force on earth.
The very first name that has been used in that book
is Persia that will join others who have apparently lost their
original names. Those countries and people are not really called
those names now. One of them is Rush, which we now call Russia. People have studied these names, have gone to the old Scriptures,
the old writings, the old historians and found out what and who
these people were.
They came up eventually with the answer that it is
going to be Persia, Libya, Syria, India, China, Russia and all those
countries around them. So you can see, China has more than one
billion people. India has five hundred million or more. Russia has
three hundred or two hundred-fifty million people.
So when you put them all together, it makes sense to
see the Bible's prophecies about millions of millions of people who
are in that army which comes and attacks the Children of Israel.
Is it really talking about Israel, the small country
in the Middle East which is in so much big trouble already? Or are
they talking about the Children of Israel, which we believe, most of
them, have been born in the United States?
The Children of Manasseh and Ephraim were chosen by
Israel himself to be his inheritors, to inherit the kingly
possessions. According to our teachings, they eventually ended up in
England and the United States.
This is a matter of interpretation, which one is it
talking about. Are they saying this big army is going to attack
Israel, as the people of that small country? It does not make sense
that all these billions of people will attack one small little
country and this huge army will be destroyed in such a way that
there will be six months when all the fowl and animals in the desert
will eat of the flesh of the dead.
It does not make sense. It makes more sense that this
attack is going to be on the bigger Israel. That is why I don't
predict the future. The future belongs to the Father. Even if I have
some feeling about it, or even if He tells me and I tell you about
it, He might change His Mind. He has all the power in His Hand.
So what we can predict and see is, all these things
already prophesied are coming true. We can see for instance, that
Iran (Persia) is being pushed toward Russia. And Iran is being
isolated more and more by the West and the surrounding countries.
Kuwait or Saudi Arabia and all those countries are cutting themselves
off from Iran. The United States is pushing Iran into a corner where
eventually they have no choice, even if they do not become a
Communist country, but to give a green signal to Russia that, We
need your help.
In all the strategic analysis, it is predicted that
if there is going to be a third world war, it is going to start from
the Middle East. Iran is very strategically located in that area and
Russia has been eyeing the Persian Gulf for centuries. Russia
does not have any warm shore, any access to the warm water. The
easiest way for her to get to the warm water is through the Persian
Also, the Persian Gulf provides more than fifty
percent of the oil of the world. We know how much we are dependent
upon oil. Although the United States is not really dependent on that
oil, her allies are. So if Iran gave the green signal to Russia, the
West and its allies cannot sit back and do nothing.
That is going to create a situation where Russia and
the United States come face-to-face in that area of the world. All
these things you see, all of them have been predicted three or four
thousand years ago. So, if God said it is going to happen and we are
with God, we believe Him, we love Him and we do His Will, are we
going to be afraid of these things? No, we are not going to be afraid
because we know these are predicted for what? For the coming of the
Golden Age.
Humanity eventually has to come to this point of
realization, that their ways are not going to work. It is God Plan
that is going to work. What is God's Plan? God's Plan calls for the
Communities of Light, the creation of the Kingdom of Heaven on
Earth; One Earth, One God, One Religion -- Oneness under One God.
By realizing this and following His Will, the
Harmony and Oneness for which everyone longs, but no one knows how
to bring about, will come. So we believe in the prophecies in the
Bible. We believe those prophecies written in the
Koran. We believe the prophecies which have been given to the Hindus and
Buddhists. All the ones that make sense and will be fulfilled are
the legitimate prophecies.
Of course, there are many prophecies that are not
legitimate. They are given to the people who listen to their own ego
or their own little voice. This is not really the Voice of God, but
the voice of themselves. Those predictions did not happen, just like,
some said, "Tomorrow is going to be the end of the world." Or,
"On such
and such a date this world will end." First of all, they do
understand what the end of the world means. It does not mean the end
of the physical world. It means the end of an era, the coming of the
New Era. They are looking for a day when everything is going to be
destroyed. And that is not going to happen.
God did not create this universe to be destroyed in
one day, throw everyone to hell and take those people who were good
to heaven. God is working to bring everyone to heaven -- to Pure
Consciousness. Their very basic philosophy was wrong, so the voice
that they heard was wrong too.
Sometimes you hear a voice according to what you
want to hear, not what God really wants to say. So we have to be
very careful about those voices. And that is why those prophecies
do not come true.
Legitimate Prophets, God chose and put through fire
first. He will make them a good instrument. He tunes them with
Himself first. It is just like any instrument, it is either tuned or it
not tuned. The one that is not tuned may make some music too, but it
does not sound as good as the instrument that is completely tuned to
the Father's Will.
So He intones them first with His Will, then He says
what He wants -- what kind of music He is going to make in the
future. And we are seeing that music is coming true. These prophecies
are being fulfilled and we are going toward that Golden Age.
If we do not know this, we become very upset about
what is happening and try to blame someone or something. If we know
these are the prophecies, these are the things that have to happen,
then we do not concentrate on what is happening but on what we can do
to bring about the New Era.
Instead of concentrating on why these prophecies of
destruction are coming true, why these things are coming to a head,
we can say, Now we have a way out. There are the Communities of
Our answer is the Communities of Light. Let
work with the
Mission of Maitreya. Let us work with Maitreya and
bring about this ideal. We are going to shift our focus from the
negativity to the positivity, "Let the dead bury the dead." This is
the dead, the "old things passing away." If we are concentrating on
the dead, we are going to become bogged down with the dead, the
We are concentrating on the future living, the Golden
Age of community, a New Era of the Golden opportunities. We
beholding the beautiful harmonious earth, that is full of Love,
Devotion, Grace, Wonder, Unity and Harmony. So we have the
destruction. We also have the answer of how to come out of it
It is for each person to choose which one to
concentrate on, the negativity (destruction) or positivity (The
Golden Age), The Greatest Sign!
Question: Could you explain what one of the Ten
Commandments means? It is the one that says, "Thou shalt not use the
name of the Lord thy God in vain."
Maitreya: The Hebrews knew the Name of the Lord. They also knew that the Name of the Lord cannot be uttered in the
physical world. Even trying to utter His Name will change the very
Name itself to something which is not His Name anymore.
That is why even uttering the Name was considered as
being in vain. God demanded, I will give My Name to you Hebrew
people but do not utter My Name. Know it within yourself. Know it is
the Word and it is the Creation. It is the power with which
everything has been created. If you try to utter it outwardly (out-worldly), it is going to be in vain. This is the highest explanation
of "Don't utter My Name in vain."
Of course, it also means, do not use the Name, even
the very Name God, to swear. "I swear by the Name of God, da, da, da,"
is also considered using the Name of the Lord in vain. Because you
are not using His Name properly, with a pure heart, but for a lower
purpose in your life.
You are swearing because you want to make others
believe you. If you are truthful, you do not have to swear.
I am
truthful, that is the way it is. I am telling the truth, if you want
to believe it, believe it. If you don't want to believe it, don't
believe it.
That is what Jesus (Esa) said, Let your words or
thoughts to me be, Yea Yea or Nay Nay. If you are not telling the
truth then when you bring the Name of God in the middle, you are
using His Name for an impure purpose. You are using His Name in vain. So either way,
do not use the Name of the Lord. You do not have to
swear by the Name of the Lord.
You do not have to swear at all. If the person is
truthful, he does not have to swear. He does not have to say, I swear
this is truthful, this is the truth. Because, if you are truthful,
you are truthful and it does not matter how the rest of the world
feels or says, or thinks about it. You said the truth and you stand
by it without even swearing about it. So either way, trying to bring
the Lord in your mundane affairs is just taking His Name in vain.
Of course, the highest is that the Name of the Lord
cannot be uttered on the physical level. It does not matter how you
call Him. You can call Him Jehovah or Yahweh, Allah or Krishna or
God or He or Am or I Am or any name on the material level. That is
not Him because He is Formless, Nameless, Invisible, and Eternal
He is FINE and He is beyond all of these names. His
Sacred Name cannot even be pronounced, and has not been given to
everyone. People who are getting attached to these beings, and all
these words and things, again, they are uttering the Name of the
Lord in vain. Because it is not the highest form of the Lord. They
are being attached to things which are not the ultimate.
The Ultimate is Oneness with God. And Oneness with God
is not that easy. Many are caught in the play, or the games of
creation. A lot of people are intellectual and love to come up with
the big words. They feel ecstasy with the big words. They love to
use words. They say, "God, I am. Oh, I say I Am. What a great thing,
look at me. I Am a realized person. I know I Am exists."
It is OK. He might be a good person. He is there. It
is good for him. Yes, I Am is what God is for that person. If the
person is going for the ultimate, then that ecstasy of the word is
too low. It is not Oneness yet.
Actually, some people say, He who knows does not
speak. He who speaks does not know. To know God in ultimate form is not
that easy. That is why many people like to bring Him down to a level
that they understand. God accepts their devotion also. God accepts
their love for Him in that level. Yet, even though those levels are
a part of Him, because He is everything, the person who goes for the
highest does not let himself become caught in these levels.
We are here also to present the highest. We are not
here to condemn. We love them because they also love God in that
level. Yet we just want to push them a little further, push them a
little higher, to the Formless, Nameless, Invisible God.
If they come there, then our Oneness is in a greater
degree and all this separation that exists between groups will
resolve itself. I am the follower of this person. I am the follower
of that person. I am the follower of this thing. No, this thing is
better than that thing. And they channel the same being and at the
same time they channel completely different things.
The reason is that they are caught up in ethereal levels. They still separate themselves from one another because they are not
one with the Ultimate. When they are one with the Ultimate, they
do not feel any separation. How can I be separate from you if there
is only one God?
How can I call myself Christian, call you Moslem,
call you Hindu and call you Buddhist? They are separate from each
other. How can we do that if there is only one God? All those groups
are fine with us. They can stay separate from each other but we are
not separate from them. They are a part of us.
We accept them as a part of us. We do not separate. God
does not separate us from each other. God does not care who is
Christian, who is Moslem, who is Hindu, who is Jewish, who is Buddhist. To Him all are His creation. How can He separate one part of His
creation from another?
Can you say, "I'm going to cut this finger off my
body or I like this finger better than this one?" You can't do that. They are all your fingers.
They are all your body. They are all part of you. You can't do these things. This is our ego. It
is our
misunderstanding of not wanting to expand our mind that creates
Whatever separates man from man, or any part of the
universe from any other part, is not from God. It doesn't matter
where they are, what they call themselves or how much support,
followers, power, money or anything else they have, it is not from
God. God doesn't separate, God Unifies.
If the Spirit of Unification is not there, it is not
The Holy Ghost, it is not the Spirit of God. Do you think God is an
egoistical Being, sitting up there and saying, "Thou shalt not have
any god beside me? Thou shalt not do this. Thou shall not..." It
not for Him. He does not care. You go and do whatever you want to. But thou shall reap the consequence of your action.
He knows what is good for us because He created us. He knows what the problems are. Our problem is, we have other gods
beside Him. He said, Do not have other gods beside me, either in
Heaven or on earth or under earth. What do we have? We have all
these ethereal beings in heaven. We have Gurus on earth. And
probably we have some people from outer space with their ships under
the earth.
"We believe they are underground and they are going to
come and save us." No. Who is going to save us? The Essence of the
universe -- the real God. He has already given us the way to do it. But we
do not want to do it. We want to be attached to these little
gods, and we want to utter the Name of the Lord in vain.
That is why He took His Name away from us, because we
uttered His Name in vain for a long time. He does not mind if we know
His Name. He wants us to know His Name. He loves to be with us. He
loves us to feel Him within ourselves, His Movement, His Creation,
His Power, His Truth.
Yet if He gives us His Name, how are we going to
call Him? We may call Him "Yahweh," we just try to bring Him down to
the material level. You cannot bring the Spirit to the material
level. Whatever is from Spirit is Spirit, and whatever is from flesh
is flesh. You cannot bring the Spirit to the flesh. The moment you
make the Spirit flesh, it is flesh and it has fleshly desires and
fleshly faults.
If you really want to know the Name of the Lord,
go to the Spirit. The Spirit knows everything. The Spirit is
different than flesh. The flesh can become Spirit and the Spirit can
become flesh. But the moment you bring Spirit to flesh, your spirit
is fleshly. It completely loses touch with the Spirit.
That is why He says, I will give my Name to you
but do not take it in vain, do not even utter it. So those people who
are asking the Mission, "Just send the Name of the Lord to me by
tape," or, "Why don't you write it to me," I cannot do that because that
is what? That is to take the Name of the Lord in vain.
Also you should not swear. Why should you swear? If
you are truthful, you are truthful. If you are not, again, you are
taking the Name of the Lord in vain. So either way, know the Name of
the Lord but do not swear on it, and do not utter it. That is what it
means. Do not take my Name in vain. Let the answer be revealed.
Question: It seems we meditate to clear our
minds and clear our Souls. And we do fasting and follow the diet. What about Satsang? What does Satsang do?
Maitreya: When you do not take a shower one
or two days, what happens? You become dirty, don't you? If the body
dirty in a couple of days, the mind becomes dirty even faster than
The mind is bombarded with many different pulls:
society, television, radio, advertisements and all these things. All
are telling us to do this, to do that, to go here, go there, buy this,
buy that, hate these people, love those, etc. Also many different
ideas and many people come and try to tell us what life is supposed
to be, like, "If you lose weight, that is wonderful. That
is the goal
of life." We have nothing against losing weight. It
is much healthier
not to have extra fat in the body.
"If you buy this car, that is it. If you buy this car
you are going to be happy. If you do that, that is it."
Everyone is
pulling you in many different directions, telling us what is the
goal of life. Then Maitreya comes and says, No, none of those
are the goal of life. The Goal of Life is to Be(come) Divine.
What that Divinity is, is your consciousness, is the
Voice of the Lord, with the Truth of God. Satsang is a part of the
process of cleansing. Meditation, fasting, doing the Reminder,
all those practices or techniques which have been given by many
Masters and teachers are all very good. Satsang is also a part of
this package.
Satsang is when a person who has been recognized as
knowing the Truth and living in the Truth, will talk about God or
give the answers to the questions of the people. Usually in that
state, he becomes One with the Spirit and the Spirit talks through
Him, because it is in the Spirit, that the Truth will come and hit
the hearts of those people who listen.
Not everyone who fasts, or sings, or dances, or
chants, etc., is in that highest level. They are breaking knots in
their psychic body but they are still not completely there. Satsang
is like a way shower. It is opening them to a further Truth in their
Hearing The Word will create the faith, and with
faith you are saved. So Satsang is a cleansing of the residue of
meditation. It hits the heart of the questioner or those who listen
to the Truth. When they hear the answer they say, "Aha, yes, that
it. I know this answer. That is exactly what I thought the answer
should be."
So it is a confirmation of what they have already
realized within themselves. It is a kind of cleansing and brings
greater faith to them. Satsang is a very, very powerful tool to
spiritual progress. When it is given in the Pure Consciousness or
the purest form, it will cleanse a lot of doubts and problems in the
spiritual level of the person.
The person who gives Satsang, if in a regular level
of consciousness, would probably be shy to say certain things. He
will not be shy in Spirit. Prophet Muhammed said in the
"Oh Muhammed, you are shy to tell these people these things that I
tell you." God is not shy; He comes out and says the Truth.
So you see, when I give Satsang I say words that I
might not regularly say. I give the Truth because in this level the
Spirit is coming through me which is not shy. I can just give the
Satsang and walk out, and come back as Maitreya who walks,
talks, sits, eats and is with you just like a regular person. But in
this level, it is the Spirit. Therefore, it is probably more helpful
for everyone than if I just sit and give regular talks.
It is very important to give Satsang, to utter the
Truth of the Spirit which says the ultimate, especially from this
vessel that God has chosen to bring the highest. When I give
Satsang, I do not try, but usually God comes through to the highest
possible. He wants to give this Higher Truth to humanity right now
because they need it and because they are caught in too many levels
of consciousness.
They are caught up in too many ethereal levels. They
have to get out of this if they want to bring Unity now, and Unity
now is FINE -- The Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal God. His Unifying teaching is
The Greatest Sign,
THOTH, etc. The Mission is a package. It
is not
only THOTH, me or the
or this or that; it is the whole package. It has been given to humanity
for the highest purpose.
We have to forget these little crutches, like
ethereal beings, "Oh, I am a follower of this. I am a follower of that,"
or Gurus. They are OK as long as we realize they are just a small
part of God, go to the Essence of God and become One. When you get
out of these small little things, then we are One. And then they
will come to the realization that God is behind the Revelation in
THOTH, The Greatest Sign
and us.
Now we can create the Communities of Light.
It is very simple. People come together, share with each other, and
create a beautiful harmonious environment. They do not concentrate on
ego trips. They go beyond ego, beyond the ethereal level, beyond the
physical level, beyond space brothers and this and that. They go to
the Essence of God.
Even the space brothers should have a God. They
not God themselves. I am sure they worship even a Higher Being than
themselves. If there are any space brothers I am sure they have
another God, which is Formless. If they are as intelligent as they
say they are, probably they have already realized God is Formless,
Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal.
So if you believe in them, we are going one step
closer to them, because they also have to have the same God. We have
to get rid of these separate ideas. These ideas are our crutches. We
like these ideas because we feel more comfortable with them.
Most of the religions and groups have a kind of, "I
am better than you" attitude. But who is going to be better than
Him? Who? Nobody is better than anyone else. "I am better than you." The more you say,
"I am better," then you're what? A separator. God
does not separate. You do not know God if you think you are better. None of you have the Ultimate Truth. Now just look at yourselves,
This is an ego trip.
So Satsang brings this Truth to humanity and it is
just like taking a shower. Meditation, Satsang, and
Service are the three pillars of self-realization.