Maitreya: Our representatives spoke in your center. What did you
think about it?
Guest: I listened carefully. I try to feel where
the truth comes from. It's not that easy. I try to go with the
feeling, that's the main discernment tool that we have.
Maitreya: That is your way, at least.
Guest: Yes, that is my way. I think it's a way
that we have to discern, with the feelings, rather than through the
mind. That tells us where to go. That's one of the ways I perceive.
Maitreya: And what did your feelings say? To go
or not to go?
Guest: Study further. So I came here. The
implication of what you represent is so important. I know there's a
lot of people who come out saying that they are the channel, or they
are the energy from the higher level. And some really are. So I try
to see all this and discern, and by my work try to bring it to
others. But at this point, I still have to go inside and look.
Maitreya: That's good.
Guest: Maybe you could add something there to
Maitreya: Well, I never claimed that my name is
Maitreya, the name was given to me. I wasn't expecting to
receive anything from higher energies but this was revealed through
me. So, I never claimed to be carrying any energy which... of
course, energy is there. I would like people to see the truth,
what's been revealed through me, through the prophecies, through the
teaching, through the words that have come through THOTH,
through the truth of the unification of all religions together as
one, through the possibility to bring peace and unity to humanity
through the
Communities of Light, the truth that the only way is the
formation of the Communities of Light. And then they
will see the prophecies are fulfilled.
And look at the time. As it has been said, When you
see the sky is red in the evening, you know it's going to be a fair
night. The signs of the time are all there, showing us that
something has to be done. We need something so that earth can be
saved, that we can be saved as humanity. If we look at it through
all the signs and then to see the prophecies are fulfilled, to see
that the answers are given here how to remedy our problems, then we
see the truth which is here and now, and that we can do it.
If you feel the energy also, great. That is a bonus
for you, that you can also be strengthened in your faith through
feeling energy that is there and is here with us.
I hope this is the Highest Energy. I don't like to
even think that we are presenting anything but the Highest in us and
here. That's what we are striving for, to present the Highest and to
be of the Highest. Of course, we are not looking for everyone who
comes here to be perfect. But everyone is part of what they can do
to accomplish what has been revealed to us. So if you look at the Mission and you see, "Yes, what
Maitreya says and has
been revealed through him makes sense," then you have the faith also
to go and do it.
Yes, I've seen a lot of energies, a lot of people
who claim to be channels etc, which is fine. They are part of God.
God is infinite, so you can infinitely present Him, and still not
scratch the surface because He's vast, He's infinite.
Infinite just boggles the mind. We just use the word
infinite. What's does that really mean? Have you ever sat and
thought about what the word infinite means? Infinite means
It should end somewhere. When it ends somewhere,
what happens to the end? The thing that it is begun with should end
itself somewhere else. It just goes on and on. It just catches your
mind. But we use the word without realizing what it really means.
Many say, "I found it." How can you find infinity? You can't find
infinity. Infinity cannot be found. You can realize Him more, but
you never can find Him. That's why I say, "The moment you say you
found It, you lost It," because how can you find infinity? You can't
find infinity.
So it's alright. There can be many channels but they
are a part of us. They are a part of God. They are a part of that
infinity. But they have to realize what part of God they are in. The Greatest Sign clearly shows where each religion, each
person, each energy, each channel, can find their place.
If they can find their place then we wouldn't have
any separation. Fine, you are a channel of this and that, and your
ideas of spirituality are this and that. That's fine. That is your
experience. That is your spiritual understanding of God. That is
your way. Sounds like "Yahweh" doesn't it? "Your way." So that's
We accept you and your part. For instance, you said
you have to feel. That is your way. That is fine, that is the way
you find your way. And if you realize your way is just a part of
infinite ways then we have no argument, we are one.
You are a part of a greater thing. You can expand
yourself. You can become bigger than what you are now. You can't
just close yourself, No, my way is the only way. If everyone doesn't
follow your way, that's it, you believe they will go to hell. If you
don't go Raymond's way, you are bad, you're no good. That's fine,
Raymond's way is fine, for Raymond. And Mark's way is fine for Mark.
But we can see ourselves in a greater degree, in greater things.
When you understand The Greatest Sign, then
you feel humble. You feel, OK, even if I become the best Christian
or the best Moslem, or the best Hindu, I'm still a part of something
bigger than my religion, my way. Then we can just come together and
become One.
Guest: Well, this feeling comes from an
understanding of the Mother in creation, how she evolves, how she
understands the creation and the way, not that it should go, but the
way that she feels that it should go.
Maitreya: We talk about the Father and Mother.
According to our teaching, Father is Consciousness and Mother is the
Creative Force. And the Creative Force is the nurturer, the Creator,
the one that cares for the Creation, and also is the destroyer. That
is because if something is obsolete, it no longer is necessary, it
has to go. So that is why you can see the Mother is depicted in the
Hindu religion either as Radah or Kali. Kali is the woman dripping
blood from her mouth, with many skulls around her neck, and is very
ugly, very destructive. The other part is beautiful and graceful,
and that is the consort of Krishna in the higher level.
So that is why the Mother is a very dangerous path.
You have to really know what you're dealing with when you're
following the Mother part of God. But the Father is just
consciousness. It is the Controller, the Logic behind the universe.
If there is no consciousness, or no Father, Mother doesn't have any
direction of how to create. It's just a blind force which goes on
creating and being created with no consciousness of Self.
Also she is Grace, and you never can know anything
without Grace. So if you want to know Mother, know The Grace. It's
been said, you are saved by Grace. Knowing that part of the Mother,
saves you and leads you to understanding. But if you get caught in
the creative force of the Mother you become very confused, because
she likes to create all the time. In this state mother is just like
the mind.
The mind just goes forever, it never stops. You can
pop questions one after another and go through your life, and
through all your lives, asking questions and never receive the
ultimate answer. But the ultimate answer, you can't question. What
is the ultimate answer? There is none in the level of mind. With The
Grace, however, you reach a point where you don't have any
questions, you just know. That knowingness eradicates all the
questions for you.
So that is why, as I said, most of the religions or
Prophets talked about the Father more than the Mother. And it seems
like, well, they are male chauvinists.
Guest: There's a male polarity that doesn't seem
to be balanced.
Maitreya: Yes, it is the followers of the
Prophets who think they never mentioned the Mother. But that's not
the truth. They mentioned the Mother, but also they knew that if you
only know the Mother as The Grace which has been emphasized in every
religion, and the Father as the Logic behind the universe, you have
a very good grasp of being saved, of going beyond that trap of
creation. That trap is all the way to the fifth level of
Even when you go to the ethereal level, still you
might fall in that trap of consciousness. There you reach a point
where you can create your own universe. So you can create your own
universe, and get trapped in that universe. See? You are so high now
that you are in the ethereal level. That's pretty good. That's
heaven. Still you might fall into that trap.
That's why I said, Mother is very dangerous. It's a
very dangerous path, unless you just go for her Grace. Realize how
beautiful her Grace is, and when you are in that Grace you have no
questions. It's wonderful. It's ecstasy. It's a knowingness of the
universe without having any questions. You know spontaneously
everything at the same time, and there is no question of infinity.
It is an indescribable state of being.
That is why no one can describe God. Eventually you
can just call it "the state of the indescribable." So in that sense
we support Mother. But also we warn, be careful with the Mother,
because Mother is a dangerous, a very, very dangerous path.
Guest: But the discernment is possible to
balance that, and that's what seems to be needed on the planet at
this moment.
Maitreya: It is, it is. Actually we are having
more and more people born with both energies. We have people who
have a balance within themselves, the woman and man, or Mother and
Father energies. That is where the balance comes in them, because
they can see both sides of the energy. They can understand woman.
They can understand man. Before that probably there was a more
strict separation between men and women.
Not only is that true between us humans, also the
planet itself is becoming more balanced. It's no longer East and
West. The East is getting to realize that intellectual, industrial
and technical knowledge is necessary and good. And the West is
becoming more aware of the higher spiritual understanding and
mystical experiences of the Eastern philosophy. So we can see, even
that is another sign of the coming of the Golden Age that is
But how can we get there? How are we going to create
an environment where this Golden Age can manifest itself? Communities of Light. And what are the
Communities of Light? Communities based on the Eternal
Divine Path. And what is the
Eternal Divine Path? It's the seven religions of the world,
which each have a message for humanity.
We have it here, don't we? We have the unification
of all the religions, don't we? We have a Path, don't we?
That Path clearly shows how to create the Communities of
Light. What are the Communities of Light? They're the
base of the new hierarchy for humanity.
When we create this hierarchy, what are we going to
have? We're going to have a unified world. Then what are we looking
for? Isn't humanity, all of us, looking for this, all the New Agers,
old agers, and middle agers? We all want this. We all want peace. We
all want unity. This is an evolutionary proposition. It's not
revolutionary. We are not revolutionaries. We are not going to get a
gun, go out and change governments. No, we don't want that. We want
to create the Communities of Light. And the
Communities of Light, when we spread out and have enough
people, are easy, and simple.
Eventually humanity is going to look and say, Well,
what are we doing? Everything is crumbling from old age. None of
this is working.
Look around you. The governments are struggling. The
third world can't pay their bills, and they have a lot of other
trouble. Even industrial countries have problems. They don't know
how to deal with all their difficulties. The Communist blocks are
crumbling. They're becoming more democratic, and they don't know how
to deal with their ideology any longer. You can see the signs all
over the planet.
Someone asked me, "How can you claim you have all
the answers?" I don't. I don't have any answers. These answers came
through me. They came from God. He loves humanity. He wants them to
have the answers and so He gave the answers to us. They are here,
and any way I look at it, this is the answer.
Question: How come it was so hard to get there,
that we had to pass through these really hard and painful suffering
Maitreya: Because some of us have doubts. Some
are looking for power. Some of the people come here to be healed.
Some people come here to receive Grace. They're not here to create
the Communities of Light, and the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.
They want me to heal them. I tell them, why don't
you heal yourself? You have all the power to do it. As Christ said,
"If you have the faith of a mustard seed you can say to this
mountain, Go away. It's going to go away." Have the faith of a
mustard seed, heal yourself. I don't have to heal you. You have all
the powers to do that. This is the time of the Golden Age. This is
the time for you to heal yourself. The Christ doesn't have to come
and heal you. You learn how to heal yourself.
All the tools are given to you. You have a beautiful
mind. You have all the possibilities of having good food and
nutrition. You have the ability to meditate. Even if you don't have
time, come and join the Communities of Light. Eventually we
are all going to have more time to meditate. Living in the community
should be easier for everyone, as each person takes a part of the
burden. So after awhile each of us has more time to concentrate on
our progress, instead of being in that rat race out there and trying
to make it.
Like Christ said, we invite them, "Come, it's here."
And they say, "No, I have my field to attend to. I have my wife. I
have my job. I have my child. I have my this. I have my that." What
can you do, drag them in and tell them you have to do it? You can't
do that. God doesn't even want you to do that. He wants you to go to
Him with your open heart, with your understanding, with a real
wanting to do His Will.
Guest: With the joy in our heart the people will
see we are joyful and they will be pleased and wonder, "Why is he
joyful?" So being in the New Age is showing them there is something
that is going to be joyful.
Maitreya: Yes. Well, that is what we are trying
to create here, to create an environment that is joyful, so that
these people come and live in the
Communities of Light. And the more they follow God's Will, the
more joyful they become. If we are, then everyone who comes here
should feel it. They should feel there is a joy here too. As the
community grows, that joy is going to become greater. That's a good
point. That's very true.
Question: And for us in Montreal we just can't
start right away a Community of Light, but we meet once a
week and the aim of this is to, well is to channel the energies
through our physical bodies to go to the physical earth and heal
this planet. It's so much needed, even if it's going to be healed
anyway. And if people don't want it, if there's not enough people
who want it, it's going to come by suffering through different
cataclysms. That is the teaching that we hear a lot. And how could
we, like in a group, do something that's more, where the energy is
more focused where it is needed?
Maitreya: Well, you can start reading
THOTH. You can start gazing at The Greatest Sign,
talking about it, reading and explaining
THOTH. If you have questions, send them to me so that
I can send you the answers. And try to understand what the
Eternal Path is, how it relates to other religions, and how it
unifies everything together. Also start implementing the Eternal
Divine Path
in your day-to-day life.
What is the first step (
in the
Eternal Divine Path? To meditate. To know yourself. To
realize within. So that is meditation. That is self-realization,
self-improvement, knowing yourself.
What's the second step (
Second is the
Communities of Light. The like-minded people come together
and start creating an environment that manifests God in a higher
How can these Communities of Light work? The
third step (
is sacrifice, not being self-centered. So you can share with one
another whatever you have so you don't have to be as dependent on
the outside, or the world. "Be in the world but not of it."
After that, the fourth seal (
is submission, surrendering. So you concentrate all the time, that
anything you do, or the energy that comes through you, you are not
really the doer. It is God who is doing through you. So the ego
dissolves right away, because I'm not doing anything. I'm not giving
this Satsang, it's Father doing it through me. It's His Energy. It's
His Will to be done.
Guest: But we are the living God, we are His
Energy now, so we could feel good about ourselves, and be part of
Him now and here.
Maitreya: Sure, but being His channel has many
levels. The more you become submissive and surrendered to His Will
and His Way and His Energy, the greater you manifest His Will and
His Energy. So you might feel Him.
Actually there are many states of knowing God. The
first state is you feel, "Yeah, there should be a God there." See
that's the first question, "Yeah, there should be a God there." This
universe could not be created just by accident. There should be a
Logic there.
The second level is that, "No question, there is a
God there." There's no longer a question that God is there.
The third level is that, What a universe He created!
See you realize the wonderful Being behind it.
The fourth level is you touch and are touched by
Him. You have a touching relationship. You say, "Yes, He touched
me." Have you heard that song, He Touched Me?
In the fifth level you know Him, and you and He have
a relation-ship together.
And the sixth level you are One. You have a very
small thread of separation of I and Him.
On the seventh level there is no separation. There
is no I left. Whatever is left is He.
That is the goal of submission. You reach a point
where you decrease and He increases, as Saint Francis proclaimed. So
the more we die in God, the more God increases in us, and we
decrease, until It's only God. There is no you. You are gone. And
then when you are gone, you become a pure channel for Him. That is
the goal in the
Communities of Light.
So submission eventually brings you to that Oneness
where you decrease and He increases. So if we create more and more
such people in the community, the energy of God becomes greater. The
energy becomes more powerful. The energy becomes more focused. The
energy becomes more Him. And the community based on God's Will
eventually becomes the community which loves one another as I love
you -- Godly Love.
Guest: To be the totality of which we can be, we
have our will for this that is according to God's Will. It's not
being submissive, it's just being. And being that totality we have
our will that is according to God's Will. He wants us to have our
way of creativity. So God's Will is expressing what we are.
Maitreya: I understand what you're saying. That
is a fear of ego to lose itself. Ego thinks if it becomes submissive
to God then "I" no longer exist. What about my creativity? That
argument is a defense of the ego which is afraid to lose itself. But
that is not true. When you become submissive to God you become a
hundred times more creative. You don't lose your creativity, it
becomes more enhanced. You become greater than what you are. You
don't lose anything, you gain a lot.
Guest: Yes, you become -- but I have this
understanding that doing God's Will, at this point I'm juggling with
this fact, that I am OK of being what I want to be and it's
according to God's Will that I express and experience my beingness,
and through this, express His beingness through me. I feel truly I
am God here through what I am, with my imperfection maybe at this
point, but wanting to be my totality it's not going contrary to
God's Will, even if this does not look to be submissive to His Will,
it is. I am trying to understand all this question of will and if
it's OK of being what I want to do.
Maitreya: You see, that is why God sends the
Scriptures. That is why God sends the Prophets. A lot of people take
the phrase, We are gods, and they say, "That's it, I am god, I don't
need anything." They cut themselves off from all the old Scriptures
and whatever God sends through the Prophets, "I don't need Prophets.
I don't need Scriptures. I'm God."
That sounds like the same first thing that the
serpent said to the woman, doesn't it? "You are God, you don't need
God. Go ahead, eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."
And she said, "Yeah, I can eat it, and I'm God. I don't need Him, I
don't need Her." And she went ahead and ate it.
But what happened to her? She lost it because she
cut herself off from the Center. It is true, God is everything. But
there is a Center in the universe which is the Logic behind this
universe, and He knows this universe better than anyone. If we
really want to be guided, we have to know His Will, because our will
can be distorted. Our ego can get in our way. The creative force can
crush us, and completely take us somewhere we never wanted to go.
That's why God had to send the Scriptures. He had to send the
Prophets and say, Here is My Will. This is the way to Me.
Yes, you are in My image. He said clearly man is in
the image of God. Why did He say image? He didn't say, you are gods,
which later, of course, Christ said, you are gods. But He used the
term image. Image means you are not completely the same. There is,
however, a possibility for you to become like Me. That is one of the
things that you have to watch very carefully, that is, this teaching
that many have received that you are god. You have to ask, is it the
same as God's Will? Or am I following the same teachings that you
are god, and you can go ahead and eat from the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil?
Guest: And what would save us from going to eat
this apple is the feeling. This feeling inside of us tells us what
is OK and we don't have someone who tests our ego by saying, eat
this. The ego is not the ruler. We feel, is this OK? And no, inside
of us says No, this is not the way, so we don't do it. So the main
thing is to have this feeling to guide us. And that's what I'm
trying to experiment with. The feeling is God's Will, we feel
inside, we know it's good, we know that's the way, that's the path.
We can express ourselves in the freedom of expressing what we want
to express. Well it's not easy, the line is very thin.
Maitreya: I'm just giving you a warning. I'm not
saying that your feeling might be right or wrong. If your feeling is
really in tune with God, then it's right. But it is you who has to
answer that question.
Is my feeling exactly the same as God's feeling? Do
I still have a little ego left, or am I pure enough to judge that
feeling as 100% right?
If you are pure enough and you have no ego left in
you so you can say, "No, No, No, I have no ego left, I'm completely
one with God and that is my feeling, that is my answer, that should
be right," then you have to follow it. But if you have the slightest
doubt there is a little ego left, you still have to be careful and
aware of where this teaching may take you!
Guest: Well, the aim is always to do God's Will,
but in respect of God in us, and with the full understanding that He
lives through us and that He wants us to be our totality. So doing
God's Will is being the totality that we can be. I don't think there
is ego here. It's a good thing to be here on this planet at this
time and ...
Maitreya: It's wonderful. It's incredible to be
on this planet right now, because of what we can do here now, what
we can accomplish. And we can do it. That is a wonderful feeling
that great Prophets and Saints and teachers were looking for this
time to be and to come. And we are here now. Now if we refuse to do
it, we are missing big, aren't we?
As I said many times, If what I say is truth, the
people who are ready, or whose feeling has been purified enough to
know the Will of God, will know my voice. They will catch it right
away. All religions of the world are unified. The way to creating
the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth is given based on the Communities
of Light. What else do we need? So if they know my voice, I'm
done with them. It's their Mission. It's no longer my
Mission. It's between them and God. They take it and carry it
So to answer what you said, see, the New Agers have
some truth in them. Hindus have some truth in them. Christians have
some truth. Moslems have some truth. Jews have some truth. Baha'is
have some truth. Many organizations and groups have some truth, and
we don't condemn any of them. But you have to understand what is
their limit, where they stop in their truth, and as I said, where
they fall in The Greatest Sign. If they find their place
there, we are One.
We're not against New Agers. We're not against
Moslems or Christians or Jews or whoever. I look at the earth and
say, "I'm against no one." They're all a part of us, but it is they
who have to realize what part of the greater truth they are. As long
as we keep our tunnel vision and cut ourselves off from the rest of
the whole we can be a part of, then actually we separate ourselves
from God, from greater truth.
So that's why I'm suggesting to you, or to anyone,
wherever you are is fine, but see where you are in the totality that
you want to become. And the totality is given in The Greatest
Sign. Just look at it. It's total. It's complete. It's perfect.
It's vast. It's incredible. I have probably described The
Greatest Sign 700-800 times and every time I describe it, it is
completely different than the one I did before. It's just like God,
realizing God every day more and more, and He never finishes.
You know that is the wonderful thing about God, you
never finish realizing Him more. And you never become bored. The
people think, if you're religious or God-conscious, you should be a
very boring person or a bored person. Actually God is the least
boring that I have encountered in my life.
So, the moment you say you found it, you lost it. No
one finds God. Just realize God more and more.