3rd and 4th Seals
Lecture Explaining the Third and Fourth Seals in The Greatest Sign
and Their Relationship with the Chakras.
10/17/1989 Lecture By
On The Third And Fourth Seals Of
The Greatest Sign
If you remember, we talked about the first and second seals last
time. We explained the creation, how the First Begotten Son was
created, and how the human was created in the image of God. Then we
went through the evolutionary process, the flood of Noah, and the
destruction which followed. We covered how humans evolved more and
more to this body that we are in now, and after the flood of Noah
the third eye was closed.
Eventually Abram, or Abraham, was chosen. He had two
sons. Both of them received the promises. Our discussion eventually
ended up with the last wishes of Israel in which he divided the
scepter and the birthright. He gave them to two of his sons. The
scepter went to Judah and the birthright went to Joseph.
The birthright, which was the material possession,
was fulfilled through two of the sons of Joseph, who were Ephraim
and Manasseh. Manasseh symbolized England, and Ephraim symbolized
the United States. But we never touched on what happened to the
scepter, the spiritual blessing that was given to Abram (Abraham).
As you remember, Israel prophesied that the
lawgiving and the scepter were going to stay with Judah until Shiloh
comes. We said that Shiloh was the Christ, the Messiah. So after the
Children of Israel conquered the land and resided in it, they longed
for a human king, because all their neighbors had a king. They
forgot that their King was God. They longed to have a human king
like their neighbors.
That's why they went to their judge, Samuel and
said, We want a king. Everyone else has a king. Before this, their
system was based on having a judge as their leader. The judges were
supposed to be in touch with God. However, they started to become
corrupt. So they longed to have someone who could get them together
and unify them.
Samuel went to God and said, These people want a
king, a human king. They rejected me. Samuel said to God, They
rejected me, they rejected Samuel. God said, No, they didn't reject
you, they rejected Me. They rejected God as their King, and they
wanted a human king.
God said, Go tell them that's fine, they can have a
human king. But the human king is going to tax them excessively.
He's going to take their children to wars, be unjust to them and
bring them much suffering. But the people of Israel said, We want a
king, we don't care about all those things.
Then God told them, Go and find a king among the men
you have. So they brought all the great men, and they chose Saul.
Saul was a tall, very brave, strong man. Because he was tall and a
warrior they said, He should be a good king for us. They went by the
appearance of the person.
As we said, eventually God sent another king, King
David, who became their greatest king. After Solomon, the son of
David, the Children of Israel were divided into two nations, the ten
tribes in the north and the two tribes in the south. We described
how the people of the northern kingdom eventually were scattered and
went to Europe, and some of them came to the United States.
But before all these things happened, and because
there were no longer judges connected with God, the Prophets started
coming to the scene. So the people needed a connection to God, a
person or someone who would tell them what God's Will was. Because
their judges were no longer connected to God, the people weren't
connected, and the kings were not connected. So the Prophets started
coming to the scene, and they started bringing these messages: Hey
Israel, if you do not do this, or this, you're going to be punished.
If you read the Old Testament you will find the Prophets
bringing these messages to the Children of Israel.
Eventually they all were conquered and taken away by
other nations. No one really knows exactly what happened to the ten
tribes in the north. Of course, we explained what happened to them
The two tribes in the south were also eventually
taken away. But the two tribes in the south, which were Judah and
Benjamin, came back with the portion of the Levites who were with
them. Eventually they built the Temple and they started
rebuilding Israel. But because of all these things they lost their
book (Scriptures) and knowledge about it.
So they realized they needed something, or someone,
to come and replace or strengthen their faith, to purify it, to get
it back where it used to be. And the idea of Shiloh or Messiah was
very strong in the Hebrew faith. Then the Prophets started
prophesying about the coming of the Messiah.
Eventually Christ came as the Messiah and he said, I
am the person for whom you are looking. But what happened to the
Jews? They had the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes, and
each of them had their own idea of how the Messiah should come.
Some people said, No, there is no Messiah. It's all
in your mind, it's created with the collective consciousness [all
laughing]. And other people said, No, he's going to come from the
clouds. One day the clouds are going to open up, and he's going to
come from the clouds. Other people said, No, he's going to be like
this, and he's going to walk like that. He's not going to eat. He's
not going to drink. He's not going to sleep. He's not going to do
this, or that, or that. But Esa (Jesus) came as a Messenger of God.
He realized his Mission, and he came and said, Listen, this is what
God wants you to do.
But the human was in a different level of
consciousness then. The Jews thought they were superior, but he
said, It's not only the Jews but also the Gentiles who God loves and
accepts as His children. What? All this time the teaching of the
Sadducees and the scribes was that the Jews are the chosen people.
Then this person came from the Jewish people and said, No, God loves
everyone. And he started giving Grace and even healing non-Jews,
which was completely taboo and forbidden.
So they rejected him. They said, No, he cannot be
the Messiah. And we know what happened. Eventually he was crucified.
But all of that had been prophesied, that that was the way it was
going to happen, and that's exactly what happened to him. So
hopefully we're not going to be crucified this time!
By the coming of the Shiloh, the promise of the
scepter was also fulfilled. God promised Abraham that there was
going to be a spiritual power, a spiritual being coming from his
children from Isaac's side. And when Shiloh came, he fulfilled those
What was the message of Christ? If we read the
New Testament
we see the symbol of three is so important in his Mission. He fell
three times. He was in the earth three days. He arose on the third
day. He was tempted three times. He preached three years. And there
are a lot of symbols of the three. Just look at The Greatest Sign,
what sign is he? The third.
Christ came and he preached his teaching that the
Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. That was the first thing that came out
of his mouth. The first thing I preached was, We should not give up
and never suicide, and the first thing he said was, the Kingdom of
Heaven is at hand [all laughing].
What was important was not really what he said but
what happened to him. He went all the way to the cross for his
ideal. He didn't stop for anything. When Herod said to him, Who do
you think you are, he didn't back up. He said, It doesn't matter who
I think I am, who do you think I am? And even Herod didn't find any
guilt in him. He washed his hands and said, I find no guilt in this
man. Herod washed his hands of this great sin of accusing an
innocent man and said, I just give him up and do whatever you want
with him.
So his real message was sacrifice. In order to bring
the Kingdom on Earth there should be sacrifice, there should be a
kind of sharing. Sacrifice really means not to be self-centered, not
to be always thinking, "What about me," in the whole situation, but
"What about the community?" What about the other people also around
The more this feeling of sharing comes to humanity
and we create communities based on sharing and caring for one
another, the closer we come to bringing the Kingdom Of Heaven On
Earth. As Christ said, Love thy neighbor as thyself. If everyone
loved their neighbor as themselves then we would have the Communities of Light on earth.
Alright. So that was his main message, but he also
fulfilled the prophesy of the scepter. He also finished the
lawgiving from the tribe of Judah. Also he gathered the people.
Who were the people? We just talked about the ten
lost tribes of Israel. What happened to them? They went to the
north, Europe and the United States. Where are the Christians mostly
residing? They live mostly in Europe and the United States. That's
how he gathered the people under one religion, one teaching.
With the coming of Christ, all the promises given to
Israel were fulfilled. You remember, God gave some promises to
Abraham. He didn't give too many promises to Isaac, and then He gave
a lot of promises to Israel. He told Israel He's going to make a
nation and a company of nations out of him, which He did. And He
said He also will fulfill the promise of the scepter, which was done
through Esa.
So with the coming of Esa or Christ, all those
promises given to Israel were fulfilled. But God also gave two more
promises to Abraham, that very few have realized or talked about in
these religions. And those were the promises He gave for Ishmael. He
also gave the same promises, as the birthright and the scepter, to
Ishmael. Ishmael was the other son of Abraham (Abram), from whom the
Arabs came. And we see that that's also fulfilled.
God gave a great territory to the Arabs and made
their number "the number of the stars." How many Arabs are on earth?
It's very difficult to count them because they are from the end of
North Africa all the way to the South Arabic peninsula, and even
farther. So they received a great nation, and also their scepter, or
their spiritual power, came from Prophet Muhammad who was their
Prophet who brought Islam.
Islam comes from the word "tasleim." Tasleim means
to be surrendered and submissive. Islam therefore means to be
surrendered or submissive to the Will of God. And, of course, like a
lot of other things in religions, many of the Moslems also wrongly
interpreted the meaning of Islam. They think being surrendered means
to sit idle, doing nothing and saying, Oh, God, take care of
everything for me, I'm surrendered to you. But that does not really
mean you're surrendered or submissive.
Surrendering means, We do our best. See, God gave us
intelligence. God gave us hands. He gave us feet. He gave us this
body and we have to use it in the best way possible.
It doesn't mean I sit idle and say, "OK, Enshallah,
it's going to happen." "Enshallah" means, if God Wills. I can't just
sit here and say "Enshallah," it's going to happen. God says you
have to move, you have to do something. Otherwise He wouldn't have
given me this mind, these hands, feet, etc. So really it means I
have to do my best. I have to use everything I've got, then
surrender the result to God. "I did my best, God, I'm satisfied with
my effort, now the result is going to be Yours, it's not mine."
That's called surrendering. That's what surrendering really means.
But in surrendering there is still an "I" there.
See, "I" surrender the result to God. There is a separation between
Him and I. But greater than surrendering is submission: I'm not the
doer at all. I do my best but the energy that works through me is
not me. I'm not giving this lecture or this Satsang, it's God doing
it through me. So I have no attachment to the result. If it is good
to you and it hits your heart, it's between you and God. If it is
bad and it hurts your heart, I have nothing to do with it, it's God
again. Of course, that's me if it doesn't hit your Soul. God always
gives good Satsangs.
Submission is the highest spiritual realization. If
you reach a state where you always know that you are not the doer,
that God is doing it through you, and you're doing and knowing His
Will through your meditation, then you are His Will. You're doing
His Will and at the same time you know that you are not the doer,
that He is doing it through you. This is the highest spiritual
That's why we see that the highest spiritual
achievement of
The Greatest Sign really ends at the top, at the fourth seal
( )
at the sign of surrendering and submission, and then starts coming
down again. That doesn't mean that any of these seals are greater
than any other seal. Every seal in The Greatest Sign
is as great as any other one.
The first four seals in The Greatest Sign
relate to the spiritual realization and progress. The first seal ( )
is meditation and awakening of the spiritual forces. The second ( )
is the creation of the
Communities of Light based on God, an environment in which we
can grow physically, mentally and spiritually. The third ( )
is not being self-centered, but to sacrifice. And the fourth ( )
is surrendering and submission. These are all the spiritual aspects
of the human.
The fifth seal ( )
is Universalism. Universalism is not really a spiritual achievement
but it's a spiritual understanding. Actually it's more an
intellectual understanding than anything else, that God is
everything. Of course, when you become close to submission to God,
you are one with God. If God is always doing work through you,
really who is there? It's God. You no longer exist. The less I am
there, the more of God is there, isn't it? The more of I that is
there, the less of God is there.
That's why St. Frances of Assisi said, "In God I die
every day," or "In dying we are born to eternal life." So what he
meant was, In Christ I die. As I decrease, He increases.
That's why I say, when people start meditating,
sometimes they feel they are dying. They're really not dying
themselves, it's their ego which is dying. And the only way the ego
can get at you is when it says, Look, you're dying, don't meditate.
What it's really saying is, I'm dying, don't meditate because you
are losing me. The ego wants to stay with you as long as it can.
St. Frances realized that the more he dies, the more
Christ is there, and it's the same thing. The less of us is there,
the more of God is going to manifest Itself. The more of us is
there, the more of, "How about me, I did that, I did this, I'm such
a great person, doing such great things," the less of God is going
to manifest through us.
A good Moslem is a person who is submissive to God.
It is not a religion. A real Christian is a person who finds Christ
within, or realizes Esa's teaching. That is a good Christian. A good
Hebrew is the person who realizes God's Will, that He wants to
create the Communities of Light. He wants a community based
on Him, on accepting Him as their King.
So these are not religions. See Judaism is different
than Jews. Christianity is different than Christians. Islam is
different than Moslems. So we're not teaching Moslem here, we're
teaching Islam. We're not teaching Christianity, we're teaching
Christ. We're not teaching Hinduism, or the Mystical Paths. We're
not interested in mystics who are on an ego trip because they
received a couple of siddhis or powers, and they say, Oh, I'm a
great mystic, I can bend a fork. Such a waste. You did all this to
bend a fork? You meditated all this time to be able to bend the fork
with your mind? I can do this with a $2.00 wrench.
Now I can tell that story about a yogi, can't I [all
laughing]? This yogi went to his teacher and asked, Oh great
teacher, I want to be your student, and please accept me. I know you
are a great yogi. He begged him and begged him, followed him for
three days, and fasted for three days. He stayed in the back of his
cave naked and shivering in the cold and wind. Eventually the yogi
had some compassion on him and said, OK come in and I'll give you
this mantra. You go and meditate on that mantra. He was happy.
He received the mantra and went away. He came back
ten years later. He said, Come here, to his teacher. His teacher
said, What? He said, Come, come, come follow me. The teacher said,
What? He said, Come, I've accomplished great things. The yogi said,
OK, let's see what you did.
He took the yogi to the lake, and started walking on
the water to the middle of the lake. The yogi called the boatman,
gave him a penny, and said, Take me to that stupid yogi there in the
middle of the lake. He reached him and said, Well, after ten years
you accomplished something that I can buy with a penny.
So if God gave you those powers it's OK. If God,
through your meditation, granted you some powers so that you can
make other people become more God-conscious, that is great, use
them. But if you receive those powers for show, and you're showing
off, believe it, they are going to be taken away from you.
Because that happened to me. When I first started
meditating I could see people's future and past right away. I became
the center of attention at the parties because I could tell the
people what they did, etc. And then I started doing it because it
felt so good with all of them coming to me and asking me questions.
I was telling them, I meditate and so I can guess their lives and
what they did, etc. However, the attention I received was more
important and was my fall. So a month later I lost it. I couldn't do
it any longer. And I felt more miserable because I had started
enjoying getting all this attention. That was a very good lesson. I
learned my lesson very fast.
Actually that's what's good about meditating every
lifetime. Any new lifetime you learn your lessons faster than other
people who do not meditate. You're born like everyone else in the
beginning, but you learn your lessons faster because you already
meditated, you already learned them. You don't have to spend many
years just repeating the same mistakes over and over. So I learned
my lesson in a month. Maybe someone else would learn it in a couple
of years. Some people never learn it. That is beside the point. But
that is the truth.
We're not talking about the mystic who became
egoistical because he received a couple of siddhis, powers, but the
Mystical Path, the union with God. And in the union with God, the
highest thing in the universe is when you become submissive. You
realize that the energy is coming through you, is doing through you
-- or anything done is God and the more you know His Will, the more
you use your energy and thoughts for Him.
Then you are completely out of karma, because how
can you have karma if you are submissive? You're not doing anything
anyway. You are not the doer. You're just like a lotus on top of the
water. The water is underneath you, and you are on top of it.
That's why the lotus has been symbolized as a very
spiritual flower, because it comes up from the dirt at the very
bottom of the lake. It comes all the way through the water, which is
the symbol of consciousness, and it comes up and opens into one of
the most beautiful flowers on earth. So it goes from the very lower
nature, from mind, and flowers out of the water or mundane
consciousness (ether), and that water is going to be underneath.
That's what happens when you become submissive, the
world is underneath. You're on top of the world. The world doesn't
soil you. But if it starts getting to you, go to the mountains.
This teaching that we've touched so far, all of
these seals are also revealed in The Revelation. It's not
only the promises given to Abraham which are fulfilled but also
there are seven seals in The Revelation. If you have
read the book, The Revelation, it talks about seven seals.
Each seal comes and God opens it, some people follow and are saved,
and some don't. Something happens after each seal is opened and
there's another seal that comes, and on and on. As it's explained in
THOTH, these seven seals are related to each seal in
The Greatest Sign.
Also the first four seals in The Revelation
are put together and three of them are separated. The first four
seals have a relationship together. They are spiritual seals. And
the next three are mostly related to becoming a universalist,
becoming an Elect, and reaching Pure Consciousness. So there is a
difference between the first four seals and the last three seals.
Also the seven seals in The Greatest Sign are
related to different energy centers in the human body. Are you
familiar with chakras? Chakras are the psychic centers. Chakra means
"wheel," energy wheel. These energy wheels have different
propensities in them, and these propensities are what drive us.
Depending on what level of consciousness the person is in, that
consciousness is affected by the chakras they are in.
I don't want to go into too much detail. Of course,
chakras are related to the koshas. Koshas are the layers in humans.
And each kosha is related to the lokas, which is a part of the
universe, a level of the universe. So each of them are interrelated
with the universe and one another.
But these propensities in different chakras have
effects on us. For instance, bashfulness, hatred, love, hunger,
thirst, heat in the body or anything that relates to our emotions,
our wants, our feelings, are related to these chakras. If you
meditate, after awhile you realize, you see very definitely, which
ones thirst and hunger are related to. Or the power, some people
have powers that they use. When they meditate they realize from
where they come, etc. And these realizations are our birthright.
Actually we used to know them. It's very much
related to our third eye. When the third eye is open we can see
these powers. And even the other people's reaction after awhile
affects us, so we know where the other person is at. If a person is
in their second chakra or third chakra, our chakra starts getting
activated. Then we know that person is from that chakra. So we can
deal with them. That's the difference between Masters and others.
Masters know where the person is at. They are affected by the other
Of course, chakras and explanations about them have
been exaggerated. In every religion the followers like to exaggerate
things, because if they exaggerate and make them hard to achieve, so
they are better than other people who are not striving to understand
their religion, or are better than those in other religions. For
instance, the Moslem says, We are the last. That's it. If you are
not with us, you are not accepted. Or Christians say, We are the
only way. If you are not with us, you missed it. Jews say, We are
the chosen people. If you are not with us, you are not chosen. Or
Hindus say, If you don't know your relationship with God directly,
you will be born in misery, etc.
So Hindus, or mystical people, also exaggerated
about these chakras. They have pictures that they are large circles
with many colors. Even these colors and circles are different
according to different teachers and teachings, etc. And the poor
people meditate for years and they don't see any of those circles,
or those colors, and they become discouraged.
But chakras are truth, just like Christianity has a
lot of truth. Judaism has a lot of truth. Islam has a lot of truth.
Baha'i has a lot of truth. Hinduism has a lot of truth. Buddhism has
a lot of truth. They all have truth in them. Chakras exist, but they
are not as exaggerated as some Hindu teachings try to make a lot of
people to believe.
But as you meditate you see that chakras exist in
you, and you can feel the propensity that comes from them. Why do I
become angry without any great reason? What is that? Why am I
bashful, for instance? Why is that? If you meditate you will see
that there is something in those chakras, that some energies are
locked and the result is bashfulness, anger, jealousy, etc.
So these signs are related to our chakras. The first
sign ( )
is the sleeping serpent. That's why if you look at the HOSH
sign in the horizontal position, you see it's like a serpent
sleeping, curling itself, sleeping there. And that's where the
kundalini is. In the teaching of the Far East, or the Mystical
Paths, the kundalini is the sleeping spiritual energy. That is in
the first chakra. Through your meditation you make him wake up. That
mantra you received hits it. Anytime you repeat it or meditate on
it, it hits the kundalini and the serpent gets a little awakened.
So you meditate on it a little bit and eventually it
says, OK I've had enough, what do you want? And what you want is for
it to start waking up. Also it's related to the Indian flute. Have
you seen someone play the flute and the serpent comes out of the
basket? He plays the flute and the serpent just follows it. That
kundalini is also related to the mantra, and also Haree Om Shrii
Hung is working exactly like that flute player. When we are
singing together Haree Om Shrii Hung we are really making the
kundalini rise, awakening that serpent.
These are very subtle things that we are doing here.
And as we become better flute players -- that's why we have to get
this melody going good, because as we do it better -- the more
energy is going to be created within ourselves.
The kundalini is called the sleeping serpent. It
sleeps at the base of the spine, the first chakra. As it rises, you
will feel the energy rising within you. The more it rises in you,
the more those unwanted propensities go away. And you really don't
have to fight with those propensities, the only thing you have to do
is meditate and keep those propensities in the light.
One day you wake up in the morning and you're not
bashful any longer. You're not angry any longer. You're not fearful
any more. They're all gone. Why? Because you overcame those lower
propensities. And the higher propensities you develop, the less
those lower ones can affect you.
Of course, it takes time, it takes effort and
meditation but it can be done very easily, in the Communities of
Light. If you create a community or an environment where the
people have more time to meditate, to talk about God, to be in the
flow of the energy and the harmony with one another, it is easier to
raise the kundalini, because the kundalini is a very sensitive
energy, a very, very subtle energy.
If you live in a crude environment and that crudity
is affecting you all the time, the kundalini sleeps even more. The
more you create an environment where you can open yourself up and
not be affected by mundane energies, the more spiritual and subtle
energy starts rising in you and starts manifesting. You don't have
to have a shield around you to try to protect yourself. A lot of
people do. They have a shield around themselves, because we live in
an environment where we have to shield ourselves. We have to always
protect ourselves from all those energies outside.
As we saw, the kundalini or sleeping serpent is in
our first chakra. And we see that the sleeping I-Ching also is in
first seal ( ),
the horizontal I-Ching. What is horizontal? When you want to fall
asleep, what do you do? You become horizontal. When you want to go
somewhere, what do you do? You just stand up, you become vertical.
The message is that the I-Ching stands up here [pointing to the
fourth seal ( )].
So it's awakening.
The first chakra is at the anal area. And that is
also why we see that the first chakra is related to the solid
factor. The first chakra is related to the waste of the body which
is solid.
The second chakra is related to the thirst, hunger
and procreation, and also it's related to the liquid factor. We see
the liquid waste comes from the second chakra, which is the sexual
organ related to procreation.
So, we see the second seal is related to the
communities. What are the communities? Communities are children,
taking care of your thirst, food, etc. Again we see the relationship
of the second chakra to the second seal.
The third seal is related to the heat in the body.
If we study the digestive system, in order to digest food we need
heat. Also the digestive system creates heat in the body. The heat
of the body is distributed from our navel area, which is where our
stomach is located. That's why the heat of the body is distributed
from the third chakra, which is related to heat, and the heat is the
third element of the universe.
That is the reason why in taking a bath, we
recommend that you put water on your navel area first, because the
moment you do that, the navel area adjusts the body to the
temperature of the water you will be using. Also the moment you put
some water on your navel area and cool it off, it sends a signal to
the rest of the body to cool off. Then you can go ahead and cool off
the rest of the body, because the cooler a body we have, the
stronger body we'll have. We won't be lazy. We won't be lethargic,
because we'll have a stronger and more productive body.
Also, the third chakra is the end of the lower
nature. The third chakra is the seat of power, of control. We want
to control other people. That's where that comes from, the third
That's where most of the politicians are, the third
chakra. And that is the lower nature. So if we are in the third
chakra, we want to fulfill our desires by controlling others. If we
can control others we think we can fulfill ourselves.
Again this relates to the third seal and we see it
is the symbol of sacrifice, not being self-centered, overcoming the
lower nature. And that is where complete overcoming of the lower
nature occurs.
Then we go into the fourth chakra which is the
beginning of the higher self. When you reach the third chakra and
you go beyond it, to the fourth chakra, then you reach the heart
chakra which is the unconditional love. If you have seen the statues
of Christ, some of them have a human heart here in the middle of the
chest. And, of course, that is the symbol of the real Love, the real
unconditional Love of Christ.
So in the heart chakra you feel the universal Love,
the real Love, no longer earthly love. There's no attachment in this
kind of Love. It is unconditional Love. It is Love for everyone and
everything around you. There is no separation of me and them, or we
and them, or they are black, or they are white, or they are red,
etc. You just overcome that kind of separateness. We Love everyone
because we see God in every person. We like to see, they're all
Children of God. They no longer are different from us. We are one.
When we reach the third chakra there is the heat.
Now we reach the fourth chakra which is related to the aerial
factor. Our lungs are located right around our fourth chakra, which
are controlled by the fourth chakra, the aerial factor.
Actually it is the fifth chakra when we create
complete submission to God. God and us are almost One. We are in an
ethereal connection with God. The fifth seal is related to the fifth
chakra. We become universalists.
The fifth level, which is universalism, is related
to the ethereal factor. Ether is a very subtle manifestation of God.
Ether is where you feel the nectar of God. That's the nectar that
some yogis experience and you see they are in ecstasy. They're just
like drunks. They never drink any wine or anything but they are very
drunk. And that ecstasy comes from when they reach the fifth chakra.
They experience that nectar. That nectar makes them very
In that level, of course, that's heaven. You are in
the ethereal level, you're connected with the ethereal level. With
some people it is so incredibly joyful that they become completely
trapped in it. And that is where people start traveling in astral
projection, having out-of-body experiences, meeting all these
Masters and great yogis and all these beings in the ethereal level.
They become so trapped in that level that that's it. It becomes
heaven for them and they can go no further. In that level you can
even create your own universe.
So now you're God. You create your own universe and
you sit in the center of it and you enjoy it. And you think you've
reached the goal, but you haven't yet. You have two more stages to
The sixth stage is the third eye, or the sixth
chakra, the sixth level of realization. That is where the
unification is almost complete. You have a very little "i" left.
There is a going in and out that happens between you and God. You
and God are one, and you see yourself as God, and then you don't see
yourself as God, but as human. So you go back and forth into being
God and not being God. So it's a very small thread which keeps you
in the body.
That is where the Paravipras are. The Paravipras are
the leaders, those who have reached a point of spiritual
realization, and their very beautiful quality is that they are
incorruptible. If they are incorruptible, then they can be the
leaders of humanity, because the most important understanding in
choosing leaders in human society, is the incorruptibility of the
leaders. The leaders affect the society the most. That's why in the
Bible it says, "If the head is sick, the whole body becomes
sick." What is the head? Head is referring to the leaders of the
It is just like in this country. It was almost like
being in a blissful state until Watergate happened. What happened
after that? It started going down, didn't it? Look at the United
States. It was a pretty blissful country until Watergate. And then
the people really started doubting their government, doubting their
leaders, doubting everything. And it just started going down. Who
did it? Only one man. One leader was corrupt and it affected
everyone else.
So that is why the importance of the Paravipras
cannot be overemphasized. Paravipras are those who have gone through
all the first five stages. And their best quality is that they are
In the sixth level there is no element. It is beyond
the ethereal level. There are no elements left, but there are the
three gunas. You have complete control over your mind. And with your
mind you can even create if you want to. Not only can you bend a
fork, probably you can bend Golden Gate Bridge. But you won't do it
because that is stupid. Why do you want to bend the bridge? You
don't do stupid things, at least you try not to.
Then you just follow God's Will. You use your power
for God. You don't gain those powers and say, "Oh, I'm powerful,
see, look at me, how powerful I am." So what? That's a big ego,
that's not God-realization. The difference is, a lot of people have
a smaller ego, you have a bigger ego. That's not the goal, to
meditate and get a bigger ego. The whole goal of meditation is to
not have any ego.
Of course, there is the last seal, the seventh seal,
which is Pure Consciousness. We are no longer in the body. We are
One with God. We are absorbed in the ocean. We are drops that fell
in the ocean, and we no longer are drops, we are the ocean itself.
So we expand ourselves to God-Consciousness.
In the seventh stage you are beyond even the three
gunas, you are beyond mind. You are the Universal Mind, and you're
one with God.
Do you have any questions?
Question: The colors that are supposed to be
associated with these chakras, are they important?
Maitreya: Yes, there is a relationship between
colors and chakras, but it is not permanent. It is temporary. That
is why many yogis have seen chakras in different colors.
It is just like the picture of Christ. How many
different pictures do we have? He has blond hair, he has blue eyes,
he has dark hair. Which one is Esa? The truth is that God reveals to
you according to your state of consciousness and realization.
So those colors related to chakras also are revealed
according to that yogi's realization and power. They are not
permanent colors. They change, they are different in different
times, etc.
Question: Should we be aware to work with our
chakras or should we not be aware?
Maitreya: Well, it shouldn't be a goal to
concentrate on them all the time. As you meditate, as you do the
Will of God, and as you try to become a channel for Him, He will
reveal to you whatever you need to know. But if you sit there and do
nothing else in your life but just try to find out what the chakras
do to you, then that is not the goal. That becomes a kind of
obstacle in your way, to get something done in this lifetime while
you are here.
Actually that was one of the Satsangs a couple of
nights ago. The question was that the person wanted to be in the
Bliss all the time, in the Bliss of God. And the question was how
come we had those Saints who we hear about who were always Blissful
and Graceful, and now it's very hard to find people like that. Or we
try to become like that and we can't achieve it.
The answer was that, probably we're not supposed to
be like that in this time of history of the human. Maybe we are
supposed to get on with the work. And when we create the Communities of Light maybe we'll have thousands of Saints who
are Blissful and Graceful all the time, and they will know their
chakras and know the effects. We can even come back ourselves and
become one of them.
Just like Christ came back as St. Frances of Assisi.
But that lifetime he didn't have to be crucified. He just became a
Blissful, Graceful, wonderful being, and he enjoyed his life. He
recognized and realized that state by being in communities which
supported that kind of endeavor. But now if everyone is in the
Blissful state, then who's going to get the work done to create the
Communities of Light?
So in a different part of the story a different
state of consciousness is necessary. Another answer is, Was Christ
himself in that Blissful state all the time? He wasn't. He blasted
everyone away, called them names and chased them away in the temple.
He wasn't in that state. He wasn't working on those chakras, sitting
there and always saying, OK, this chakra is affecting me this way,
or affecting me that way, etc. But it's good to meditate, of course,
and try to realize your potential, propensities, etc.
So this is not the time for that kind of meditation.
The time now is to start the Communities of Light going, help
the earth to return to a good shape, and help make this Planet a
more livable and lovable place than it is. And the more we create
the Communities of Light, the more we are going to have time
to meditate and later on have those things.
So the goal is not to be concerned about the chakras
Question: Is it the same with the quartz
crystals, those ones who work with quartz crystals on the chakras?
Is it the same for this?
Maitreya: You mean not to use the crystals for
chakra purification?
Question: I mean is there a relation with the
ethereal body and the chakra with the crystals?
Maitreya: Sure. Actually chakras create the
ethereal body. The chakras are etheric but each is in a different
level of ether. The lower the chakra, the more crude the ether is,
and the lower is the propensity that resides in it.
Crystals are solidified ether. If you look at the
crystals they are so etheric. They are solidified ether. That's why
they have some purifying effect on you. But anything created in the
manifested world is cruder than spirit (ethereal body). So
concentration on anything out of you will not take you to higher
realization, because even a crystal is cruder than your lowest
chakra. Ether is cruder than your mind and your Soul. So
concentrating on something cruder than you will crudify you.
Of course, crystals have some effect on the people
who need some help in the beginning, when they're completely in
their first chakra. So then crystals have some purifying effect on
them. That's why they are so attracted to crystals. But if you're in
a higher level, then you're not attracted to them anymore because
not only are they not going to help you, but they might even hinder
you. They do have a purifying effect, however, it's not the highest.
Question: Every time I think about God, or if
we're talking about God, I get like a spark inside, a dancing
feeling and it's real though. Is that a chakra?
Maitreya: Yes, it's energy in you, right? That's
right. Actually that is the kundalini which is dancing.
Question: So it's the kundalini coming up,
dancing up?
Maitreya: That's right. If you meditate and you
see the dance within you, that is the kundalini. He loves to dance.
And that's how Krishna was, Krishna loved to dance.