It is Finished
With the Coming of
This New Revelation, This Old Era is Finished
order to know the truth, we should look to the past to see a pattern
that will confirm any teachings. In the teachings of the Far
East, especially Hinduism, a period is described when many Great
Souls were living on earth. They are called by many names,
such as Rishies, Masters, Mahatmas, Munies, etc. Their
teachings, however, became a wealth of knowledge for future
In their
teachings, a state of Oneness with God (Atman) is explained.
According to these teachings, that is the goal of spiritual
endeavors. Whoever reaches this Oneness has reached the Goal.
However, for
many thousands of years (12,000) few have realized this Oneness.
The reason for this has been the 12,000-year period of human history
when man fell further away from God (Truth). We are now at the
point of return to the Godhead. That is the reason for such a
great confusion in this conjunction between the end of the Old and
the Dawn of the New. However, the old (history) should not be
completely disregarded. There are great lessons to be learned
from it. The New indeed should be based on these lessons of
the old. We are on the brink of discovering much great
knowledge that can either be used for God (Good) or Evil.
It is after the
establishment of the Kingdom, for one thousand years, that humanity
will learn the great lessons which have been revealed throughout the
and the
Eternal Divine Path,
“But the rest of the dead live not again until the thousand years…”
(Rev. 20:5). Eventually through the formation of the
Communities Of
and creation of the proper environment, one more time many Great
Souls will reach the Great Oneness with their Essence which is God
(Good). This is when many will attain salvation. This is
the Goal of our teachings. They will reach Pure Consciousness.
They will be with the Father as His Sons.
These Great
Souls one more time will teach humanity the Goal of their lives, “To
Be(come) Divine (One).” Then is the time that the Golden Era
will dawn and one more time, “The Sons of God” will be with man
now we have a greater Truth on earth. And this greater Truth
covers all of these religions and ideas that have been coming to
humanity for the last twelve thousand years. To me it does not
matter what your calling is, if you go for anything less than
spreading the
Eternal Divine
Greatest Sign,
and unification of the religions and the whole of humanity, you are
not following your full potential. And if you had a calling to
do God’s Will, the first step is to realize that It is the Highest.
If you have not realized this is the Highest, then you have a
problem. You have to go through some other steps if you are
not yet ready to answer your calling. You have to take that
first step, that this is the Highest.
work is very easy because we just tell everyone about The Plan and
the revelation from God. And after we tell them, our work is
done. If they have been called to do it, if they have been
thinking about it and meditating about these things, it will make so
much sense, that they have no choice but to join us. They will
realize, “Yes, God sent Christianity, God sent Islam, God sent
Baha’i, God send Hinduism, God sent Judaism. All of them came
from the same Source. And these all are a part of
Greatest Sign,
are a part of a great
Eternal Divine Path,
which leads to the Father, in the image of God.”
So we are a part
of God and all of these religions have come from the same God but we
all just have a part of the truth. Let us bring the whole
together. Let us realize the whole elephant, not only its
parts. Let us open our eyes. Let us not be blind any
longer. We do not want to be five blind men just touching the
parts of the elephant and not seeing the whole. We want to
open our eyes and see the elephant, which is much more beautiful
than his tail, or his trunk, or his ears. The whole is greater
than its parts.
That is our
Mission here. That is what we have brought to humanity.
A lot of people have been touched by it, and they will be touched
even more. We are hoping that everyone will become touched by
it overnight but it has not been prophesied to be done that way.
course, we are going to cover every possibility that the Message
might reach the four corners of the world. We are messengers,
so we bring this to humanity, and we give it to everyone we can
reach. It is up to the Spirit, it is up to God to lead them to
the truth. With the word of mouth, with letters, with sending
the materials to other countries – there are many other countries
that have had most of this material sent to them – we are touching
people all over the earth.
you want to serve God, learn the teaching, become proficient in
every aspect of it, or at least in those parts that you can be
proficient in. Maybe it is too much to ask that all of you
become proficient in every aspect of
and our teaching, but at least become proficient in one subject, one
Then you can
present that to others. If you need some other people who are
proficient in other topics, you can invite them to your cities and
let them explain those topics to others.
Give the Message
out. Anyone who listens, give the Message. Do not worry
about it. If they do not listen, if they do not come back,
don’t worry about it. It is not up to you to convert them –
leave them to God.
fast can you say it? The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth is based
on the
Communities Of Light.
Communities Of Light
are based on the
Eternal Divine
Can you say it? The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth is based on the
Communities Of Light.
Communities Of Light
are based on the
Eternal Divine
are concentrating on the future living, the Golden Age of community,
a New Era of the Golden opportunities. We are beholding the
beautiful harmonious earth, that is full of Love, Devotion, Grace,
Wonder, Unity, and Harmony. So we have the destruction.
We also have the answer of how to come out of it victoriously.
It is for each
person to choose which one to concentrate on, the negativity
(destruction) or positivity (The Golden Age),
The Greatest
we do not concentrate on the negativity on earth because it does not
matter. If you concentrate on the negativity, there is so much
of it that it is going to smother you completely. Your mind will
just become completely confused.
We concentrate
on the positivity, the creation of the facilitating body, bringing
that energy to earth, spreading it out everywhere on earth, and then
creating the
Communities Of
We have a viable
solution to what is on earth now, and when the earth is in such a
mess that no one has any answer we can say, “We have the answers
here, you can come and join the
Communities Of
is the whole body; it has life. Any separated part, not
accepting the whole, will die fast.
unifies all the great religions of the world and the Mystical Paths.
It fulfills all the prophecies. It shows the way to bring the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. It brings individual and
collective salvation to humanity.
As we said, you
will be in the
Communities Of Light,
so you will be given all the opportunities to progress physically,
mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and the
Communities Of
are the base of the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. So it is the
salvation of both, the individual and the earth. It shows the
shortest Path to the highest spiritual advancement.
It is the
highway to heaven. There is no going around. If you
really follow the
Eternal Divine Path
and purify yourself according to what this
says, you are going to get there fast. It is the answer to all
human longings, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually,
individually and collectively.
The end