The Greatest Sign
This Teaching For This Era Has Been Given in The
Greatest Sign. In
The Greatest Sign,
Humanity is Unified
are some teachings that teach that all the religions of the world
are basically the same, therefore they come from the same Spirit.
But as we go through the explanation of the Eternal Divine Path,
we realize that not all of them are the same, but each of them has a
very outstanding message. If we understand that each of them
has a message, and when we put all of these messages together we
find a greater truth, not only would we unify all the religions of
the world, but we would reveal a greater truth, a truth which is
greater than the parts, and each religion is in that greater truth.
are seven seals, or steps, in the Eternal Divine Path.
The first seal
is the I-Ching (
seen at the very bottom of The Greatest Sign. As you
see, it is horizontal. Horizontal means asleep, not being
awakened. That is the first chakra. That is where the
kundalini is coiled down and is asleep. So the I-Ching is
horizontal in the first chakra.
Here in God (
in the middle of The Greatest Sign, the I-Ching is not
horizontal, it is awakened. It is vertical. When you
want to go somewhere, what do you do? You stand up; you become
vertical. When you no longer want to be active, what do you
do? You lie down; you become inactive.
So the first
part is meditation, contemplation, concentration, and all those
techniques that all the Mystical Paths teach us, just like agni
yoga, yoga itself, raja yoga, hatha yoga, Sufism, Mystical
Christianity, Cabbala, etc. It covers Buddhism, Hinduism, and
all the teachings from Haiti, Africa, and South American about there
being a Spirit in everything, in the trees, in this chair, in this
pointer, that everything has a Spirit, is God.
All those
teachings are related to awakening our spiritual forces because our
spiritual forces are asleep. They are in a horizontal
position. That is why this first seal is the spirit of the
rest of our teaching. If you do not meditate, if you do not
awaken your spiritual forces, it is very hard for you to walk the
rest of the Path.
After awakening
your spiritual forces, what is the next step? If you read the
Old Testament, you will notice that the entire Old Testament
is based on finding a people who are God’s people, the Children of
See, there are
three stars of David, or seals of Solomon, in
The Greatest Sign. There is one in the second seal (
there is one in the sixth seal (
and there is a bigger one in the center (
The triangle upward always means hierarchy. For instance, if
you study business management, when they want to show the managerial
hierarchy, what do they do? They show the president at the
top, a couple of vice-presidents next, then the departments, the
sub-departments, etc. So it creates a triangle upward
The triangle
upward in this sign (
) always
means hierarchy. The triangle downward means Spirit. So
the triangle upward is the hierarchy in heaven. The big sign
of Solomon in the center of The Greatest Sign (
means the Kingdom Of Heaven In Heaven, which is filled with the
people who are in higher consciousness, angels and anything you want
to think about. They all follow the Spirit, so that is the
Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven.
In the second
seal it is the same thing (
but this, as we said, is related to the Old Testament.
This hierarchy is on earth. So the hierarchy here is the
hierarchy of Great Beings on earth who follow the Spirit. In a
sense not only do we have the hierarchy upward, but others do also.
If we study management, they have the hierarchy upward too, but they
do not consider the triangle downward. They do not bring God
into their hierarchy.
The hierarchy we
present here is based on the Spirit of God. It has to have the
Spirit of God in it. If it does not have the Spirit of God,
then it is the fallen hierarchy, it is just another earthly
hierarchy. That is why this symbolizes the Kingdom Of Heaven
On Earth (
The large star of David is the Kingdom of Heaven In Heaven (
and this is the Kingdom Of Heaven Within (
You meditate,
then you direct your energy of meditation and realization toward
bringing the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. How can we bring the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth?
The whole
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth is based on the
Communities of Light. The Communities of Light
are the communities that follow the Eternal Divine Path.
The first step,
again, is meditation, understanding, etc., to awaken our spiritual
forces. The second step, or seal, is to direct our energy
toward the creation of the Communities of Light and the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.
So we see that
we unified all the Mystical Paths together. Then we also
brought the Old Testament, or the Jews, or the Hebrews, into
how they connect with the Mystical Paths.
Now, how do we
create the
Communities of Light? If everyone says, “What is in it
for me, and I’m only interested in my own interests, etc.” it is not
going to work. If everyone says, “As long as I am OK, I do not
care about anyone else,” it is not going to work.
The next step is
sacrifice (
). Sacrifice is not being self-centered.
What did Christ do? He went all the way to the cross for his
ideal. He sacrificed himself for his ideal. So the next
step, in order to create the Communities of Light, is not
being self-centered. That is Christianity, that is the cross that
everyone is familiar with in the West, and that is the third seal.
The communities
are based on not being self-centered, being able to come together to
say, “Let’s see how we can put our resources together and how we can
put our talents together. Let’s see what we can provide in the
community and become less dependent on the external world.” It
is being in the world but not of it. That is necessary.
But if everyone
says, “No, I am only interested in what I have or I can do,” then
the whole society is going to fall apart. As we can see, it is
happening. Even in our society we have gang problems, we have
drug problems, and there are divorce problems. We have all
kinds of problems here. Why? The reason is that we do
not want to stop being self-centered.
The fourth step
in the
Eternal Divine Path is not to be attached to the results of
our actions (
). For instance, if we sacrifice a lot and
nothing results, what happens to us? We start feeling, “I am
doing so much sacrificing and no one is listening to me, no one is
progressing, and no one is going where I want to go.” Then we
become depressed because we are attached to the results of our
actions. Or, we do something and it works, and we become
elated. We say, “I did this. I am such a wonderful
person that I can make all these things happen,” etc. Again,
ego comes in.
That is why the
next step is not being attached to the results of our actions.
We do the actions and we give the results to God, or to the Spirit,
or to whoever we connect to, to the higher level. We say, “I
did my best, the results are Yours. I am not going to be
attached to the results of my actions.”
With this, you
are going to be free because you can do whatever you have to do.
Then with not being attached to it, you can just go to another
project, to another work, to another wonderful thing that you can
manifest wherever you are. But if you are attached, you get
depressed. The base of depression is really being attached to
the result. If you want some result and it is not there, you
become depressed.
Not to be
attached to the results of one’s action is the result of being
surrendered to God. Surrendering is when we do the action but
surrender the result to God. Surrendering, of course, is
related to Islam. The word “Islam” comes from “Tasleim.”
Tasleim means to be surrendered, to be submissive to God.
Even greater
than surrendering, when we give the result to God, is submission.
Submission is that we always know it is God, it is the Spirit doing
it through us. See, as long as we are the doer, the Spirit
sits back and says, “Oh, yes, you can do it? Fine, go ahead.”
He just looks at us, and He laughs at our mistakes and falls, etc.
He then is the Enjoyer and we are the doer.
The moment we
become smart enough to say, “No, I am not the doer, it is You who is
doing it though me,” then we are submitted. Submission means
always realizing that He is doing it through us. Then we
become the observer and Spirit becomes the Doer. We become the
enjoyer, and Spirit, of course, makes very few mistakes.
The Spirit
already knows everything. If you have an experience of the
Spirit once in your lifetime, you are not the same person any more.
You are going to change forever because you know that the Spirit
knows everything at the same time. In a human sense, that is
mind-boggling because how can something exist that knows everything,
every detail in the universe, and sees everything that is happening
at the same time?
So if He knows
everything at the same time, and He does things through us, He is
not going to make mistakes. If there is a mistake, our ego had
become involved in it again. And when the ego is involved, we
make a lot of mistakes.
We can see that
all the Mystical Paths are unified. The
Old Testament, the New Testament, and Islam are all
Now even if we
are submissive, we might direct our energy and work toward only a
small part of the universe. We say, “The most important thing
to me is my community. I am going to put all my effort into
this community. I do not care about any other community, or
any other nation, or any other planet, or any other universe, etc.
The only thing that is important is me, or my family, or my
community, or my state, or my country.” Again we become narrow
in our understanding.
The next step is
universalism (
). We have to expand ourselves to realize
that we are each a speck in the universe. Our prosperity, our
health, and our goodness depend upon the entire working of the
universe. We are a part of the universe so we have to consider
the whole universe as our home, as our family, as our state, as our
country, as our nation, etc. This fifth seal relates to the
Baha’i Faith.
With that, of
course, you shatter all narrowness of the mind. With
meditation, concentration, and realization, you awaken your
spiritual forces. With directing the energy toward creation of
the Communities of Light, you create a purpose in your life
and you work toward bringing the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.
With not being self-centered, you can create the Communities of
Light where there is sharing and oneness. With not being
attached to the results of your actions, you free yourself from
being either depressed or elated too much, so you can go on and do
the things you have to do. And with a universal understanding,
you shatter all the narrowness of the mind. Such people have
the Kingdom Of Heaven Within themselves. They create the
Kingdom of Heaven Within (
). That is when the light, the sun of
understanding, will arise within you.
Destruction is a
part of creation. If this house is falling apart and I want to
build another house, how am I going to do it? Am I just going
to build the new house over this old one? I cannot do that.
I have to destroy this house first and put a nice new base
underneath. Then I can build another house over the new base
or foundation.
So destruction
is the beginning of the new era of creation. That is another
reason why we see there is so much upheaval going on in the earth
right now. It is a time of destroying the old systems, the old
concepts, and the old understandings. The new era is coming.
The old has to go.
See, that is
another sign that we are approaching a new era. We are
approaching a new heaven and a new earth. What is heaven?
Heaven means Spirit, it means God. A new heaven means a new
teaching, a new spirit for humanity. And the new earth is the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. We have here the new heaven, and
the new earth is approaching fast.
The destruction
is symbolized by the blue Lotustica in
The Greatest Sign, but when the Kingdom Of Heaven Within you
is established, then the very Lotustica which, as you saw, was blue
or had the tama guna in it, becomes white in the sixth seal.
Even destruction no longer has the meaning to you of destruction.
It means something new is going to happen, the old has been
We call such
people who have gone through the
Eternal Divine Path, Paravipras. Vipra means intellect.
Para means beyond. So Paravipra means the person who is beyond
intellect, or in Spirit. This is the sixth seal (
Paravipras are
the people who are spiritually awakened, they work toward creation
of the Communities of Light, they are not selfish and
self-centered, they are submissive to God or Spirit, and they are
universalists, so they have the Kingdom Of Heaven Within themselves.
These are the people who are going to lead humanity into the new
era. These are the people who will help everyone to reach Pure
Consciousness. That is the goal of everyone, to reach Pure
Consciousness. When you reach Pure Consciousness, of course,
you and the Spirit become one. The seventh seal (
is the seal of Pure Consciousness.
God created man
in His own image. See, this is man (
), in the first seal. This is God (
in the middle symbol, and man is in His image. Of course, by
the time an individual reaches the fourth seal (
), you see that the I-Ching is no longer
horizontal. He has awakened his spiritual forces, because what
is the highest spiritual realization? The highest spiritual
realization is that you are submissive to God, the Spirit is coming
through you all the time, and you know that the Spirit is coming
through you. In the seventh seal (
the I-Ching is also vertical.
So that is what
our teaching is. It unifies all the religions of the world,
and it shows the way to bring the Kingdom of Heaven On Earth.
we can see, The Greatest Sign represents the seven seals that
have been prophesied will come to earth. It explains a greater
truth, which contains all major religions and all the Mystical Paths
on earth. Not only does it show the path to Pure Consciousness
or Oneness with God, it also unifies everyone together. It
shows how all have come from one God and all only have part of His
Truth. When we put all of these seals together, we will become
one. The whole is greater than its parts!
This is the
purest, most clear teaching or revelation for humanity. This
can create unity for humanity and make them come out of this dead
end that they are in. As we said, you have to accept God and
His Teachings. You have to accept His Will. You have to
accept His Message and work toward Its fulfillment.
Its fulfillment
is really very simple. It is to create the
Communities of Light. That is where the power goes to
the people. The
Communities of Light are really where we can say, It is a
system for the people, by the people, and of the people. It is
in the hands of the people and that is how we can give the power to
the people – the people whose minds, decisions, and communities are
based on God and God’s Plan.
now you know how to answer when someone asks, “Where are you from?”
Just say “I am from God”. If they say, “What is your
religion?” say, “Knowing God, knowing Self, the Eternal Divine
Path. I am not called by any special word or anything, I
am just a Child of God.”