Any Religion Or Truth In This World Is A Part Of The
Eternal Divine Path
can look at the earth right now and see that the signs are all over.
There are wars. There is strife. There are
purifications. Cultures are mixing with cultures. People
are not satisfied with their different religions any longer.
Either they are not satisfied, or they are becoming dogmatic about
them and are trying to convert other people to their own religion,
not with love, understanding, and bringing greater truth to them,
but by buying them, fighting them, or overpowering them.
So which religion is going to make it? Is everyone going to
become Christian? Is everyone going to become Jewish, or
Moslem, or Hindu? They have been here for thousands of years.
But there is religion, and there is truth. That truth is what
is going to unify humanity, not religion. And all these
religions that have come, according to our teaching, have a part in
The Greatest Sign, in the greater truth. But none of them
have the whole truth.
That is why this is a great opportunity for humanity now, to see the
signs, to see that not everyone is going to become a Hindu.
Not everyone is going to become a Jew. Not everyone is going
to become a Christian, or a Moslem. But what can unify them?
If you are a Moslem, if you are a Jew, if you are a Christian, if
you are a Hindu or a Baha’i, etc., still you have a part in The
Greatest Sign and the Eternal Divine Path.
through history, many have claimed that all religions and spiritual
understandings come from the same source, One God, but there has
never been a strong proof of this for the majority.
Maitreya and His teachings are different in this matter.
He does not teach that all religions are the same and are conveying
the same message. He teaches that each major religion of the
world has a unique message. Each of these messages is a part
of a greater truth. When we combine all these messages
(religions) together, it is then that we can see the whole picture,
Eternal Divine Path.
Now you may
ask, what is the Eternal Divine Path? It is shown in
The Greatest Sign. If you look at the first sign (
the sign at the very bottom of The Greatest Sign, you will
see an I-Ching there. It is in the horizontal position.
What do we do when we want to sleep? We lie down and we become
The I-Ching in the horizontal position symbolizes unawakened
spiritual forces in the human. The kundalini, or spiritual
forces, are usually asleep and are not awakened. When our
spiritual forces are not awakened, we do not have any concept of the
Spirit. We are really rational animals. We eat, sleep,
make children, and die. That is exactly what animals do also.
They do not have any spiritual tendencies.
But when our spiritual forces awaken, then we feel that there is
more than this physical body. We are not here just to eat,
sleep, make children, and live for our physical bodies, and then
So that is when we start realizing and we become more meditative, in
a sense. If we have not started to meditate yet, we become a
more meditative person. Our spiritual forces start awakening,
and we really become mystics.
We are searching, looking for mysteries, reading, meditating,
understanding, getting in touch with people who are spiritually
awakened, etc. So this horizontal I-Ching (
which is the first sign in The Greatest Sign, relates to all
the Mystical Paths on earth. That covers Hinduism, Buddhism,
Mystical Christianity, Cabalists, Sufis, and whoever is trying to
have a personal experience with God, with the Spirit.
Whoever meditates, tries to come in touch with himself or herself,
has a mystical tendency, teaches mysticism, or tries to have a
personal experience with God, falls into this first sign, the
horizontal I-Ching. With the first sign, we cover all the
Mystical Paths.
The next sign is the sign of the Hebrews (
or Judaism. If you read the Old Testament, you will
find that the whole Old Testament is based on, “God wants to
find a people who will create the tribes of Israel and create
communities.” So we teach that after you awaken your spiritual
forces, you direct your energies toward the creation of the
Communities of Light. This is the sign of the
Communities of Light.
In this sign for the Communities of Light (
you can see that there is a triangle downward and a triangle upward.
The triangle downward is the Spirit of God coming to humanity.
The triangle upward is the hierarchy which will emerge from the
Communities of Light.
So after meditation, we have to direct our energies toward creating
a good environment that is conducive to everyone’s physical, mental,
and spiritual progress.
With the first sign, we include all the Mystical Paths. With
the second sign, we include the Old Testament and the
religions related to the Old Testament.
The third sign, of course, is the sign of Christianity (
Christ. What was the symbolic message that Christ brought to
humanity? He sacrificed all the way to the cross for his
ideal. So in a sense, in order to create such an environment
and create the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth based on the
Communities of Light, not being self-centered, or sacrifice, is
In a community where everyone wants their own interests and is not
interested in sharing, that community is not a Community of Light.
Sharing is the essence of bringing the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.
By sharing in the community, we can create an environment for
everyone to have a place to progress physically, mentally, and
spiritually. So in the third sign, we cover Christianity.
Now when we sacrifice, or we work hard to help others, if the people
progress a little bit, we become very excited, elated, and say, “Oh,
great, such a great work I am doing. I am helping people.”
If they do not progress, we feel let down, and we become depressed.
So the next step in our teaching is surrendering and submission (
Surrendering means, when we do some work we say, “OK, this is the
work I had to do. I did it but I surrender the result to the
Spirit.” With this, we are not attached to the result of our
actions. So we neither become too elated, we do not go too
high, nor do we become depressed, we do not go too low. We
stay steady, and that is where we want our minds to be, to have
steady minds. As it is said, “Be still and know that I am
God.” So in that fourth seal, the very name Islam comes from
the word “tasleim” which means to be submissive and surrendered.
But still we might direct our effort to a very small part of the
universe. That is why the next step is universalism (
). The Spirit is everything, the whole
universe is the Spirit, is God. In separating one part from
the other, we are violating that very unity based on God. That
is why the fifth seal is the seal of universalism, or Baha’i.
In going through these five steps, meditating and awakening your
spiritual forces, directing your energy toward creating the Kingdom
Of Heaven On Earth or the Communities of Light, sacrificing
for them, being submitted and surrendered to them, and being
universal, you become a very dynamic spiritual force (
Such people who meditate and awaken their spiritual forces, who are
trying to create a good environment for themselves and others to
progress physically, mentally, and spiritually, who are ready to
sacrifice for it and not be attached to the result of their actions,
and at the same time direct this energy to the whole universe,
become the people who are free of all the narrowness of the mind,
all the attachment to the results. They (
) are free to go on and create the environment that
we all long to see.
So we tell humanity, “Look, we unified all the Mystical Religions,
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Baha’i into one teaching.”
We are telling them, “You do not have to give up your teaching, it
is fine. You can keep whatever you have. But look, there
is more. You are a part of a greater truth.”
We are
not against any religion. We are not trying to say this is the
only way. They say, “You have to be a Jew to be a chosen
person”, or, “You have to be a Hindu to reach Pure Consciousness”,
or, “You have to be a Christian to follow the Only Begotten Son of
God”, or, “You have to become a Moslem, as Muhammad was the last
Prophet”, or, “Follow Baha’i which preaches all religions of the
world are basically the same”.
We say, “No, no. All of them have come from God.” And we
do not even say that all of them have the same message. There
is a different message in every religion that has come from God.
That different message makes that religion distinct. But when
you put them all together, then you see the whole picture, the whole
We are hoping that this wonderful truth will be revealed to many
people. They will say, Yes, I can still be Christian, and I
can be Catholic, but I can expand myself to see, “What do Moslems
talk about? Do they have any truth to offer to humanity, or
are they all yielding a sword and killing one another, or shooting,
or are they all terrorists [all laughing] or something like that?
Or, do the Jews really have a place in God’s Plan, or Hindus, or
Buddhists, etc?” The only thing you do here is expand
yourself. You open yourself to other energies. And the
more people do that, the more united we will become.
Look at
what we have now on earth. Do we really have a peaceful earth?
Do we have a good environment? Is the air on earth clean to
breathe? Are our oceans pure? Are our political systems
in harmony? Are our economical systems in prosperity? Is
there peace on earth?
We look at it and say, “No, not at all!” Something has gone
wrong on this earth. We need something to correct it, to bring
it back to the peace for which everyone longs but no one knows how
to achieve. Now we give an alternative which says, “This is
the way to do it.”
God prophesied that He
would send a unifying teaching to humanity. Here it is.
He said He would send a way to bring His Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth,
and the Communities of Light are the base of it.
So we can see that the Spirit of God has again
risen on earth to guide us into a new era, the Golden Age, that all
the Prophets and all religions have prophesied will come. That
is what we are here to do.