A Paravipra is a Person Who Follows the
Eternal Divine Path
Eternal Divine Path is a non-dogmatic crystallized path which
not only leads to individual liberation but also collective
liberation. The
Eternal Divine Path is the central point in Maitreya’s
teachings. It is a seven-step path, with each step a sub-sign
in The Greatest Sign. We can call each step a seal.
The First Seal

first seal (
or truth is the necessity of awakening
the spiritual forces that are latent in the human. This can be
done through the many exercises, teachings, knowledge, and all other
techniques that help in awakening the spiritual forces. The
most important of all is the Grace of the Lord (and spiritual
teacher, which should be the same). Also other things, such as
contemplation, meditation, prayer, exercises, etc., are important.
techniques and teachings, however, are not the ultimate in the sense
of guiding a person to Pure Consciousness. Further knowledge and
steps are necessary which will be described in the next six seals.
Following only this seal can result in escapism, which God does not
like. This seal can be called the Mystical Paths.
The Second Seal

next step is to realize that a proper environment is necessary in
which the physiological and safety needs of the person are provided
and the disturbing things (physically, mentally, and spiritually)
are eliminated. This sentient environment is needed before a
person is able to start to meditate and/or practice the techniques
to awaken his spiritual forces, or even to start to read, and have
time and enough concentration to become familiar with these things.
So a proper
environment is a must and this can start from creating a Kingdom Of
Heaven in one’s home, then community, city, country, and eventually
the world. Then the Kingdom Of Heaven (
On Earth will be established (realized)
and all can pursue physical, mental, and spiritual progress.
The Third Seal

create such an environment, sacrifice is necessary. Greed and
self-centeredness are the cause of all the problems of humanity.
So only by understanding this truth and creating the spirit of
sacrifice – not being self-centered
) –
can the Kingdom of God be recognized (
on earth as it is in heaven.
sacrificing and selflessness should start from the top of the
society (the leaders). Otherwise the mass will be exploited
through their sacrifices and a few will take advantage of these
sacrifices for their selfish pursuances.
The Fourth Seal

be attached to one’s merits or good actions (sacrifices) is an
obstacle in spiritual progress. So good should be done and the
results should be surrendered to God or thrown away to the universe
to be used for the progress of others
Even greater
than surrendering is submission to Him. That is, to become a
channel for His Divine actions to be done through us. In
surrendering, there is still an “I” which exists as one who
surrenders, and the surrenderer is different than the one who is
surrendered to. But when a person becomes a channel for His
Divine actions, then no separation exists, and the surrenderer, the
thing being surrendered, and the one being surrendered to, become
one. This state is called the state of renunciation, when the
“I” and all things related to it are no more.
The Fifth Seal

in order for a person to free himself from all narrowness of the
mind and bondage related to it, he should become a universalist
Any “ism” other than universalism
will result in narrowness, and this again will bring suffering.
So the ideal is to work and to help to create the Kingdom Of Heaven
so that the whole universe can progress toward the goal, not
just a few or a small portion of the universe. Otherwise we
are not following the Will of God, and our awakened spiritual
forces, sacrifices, and submission will become narrow. So they
will bring suffering, because they are not according to the Spirit
of God, which is to see the whole universe reach Pure Consciousness.
The Sixth Seal

awakening the spiritual forces (
longing for a spiritual environment (
selflessly (
working to create such an environment,
and by being detached from the results of these endeavors and
becoming submissive to Him (
with a universal point of view (
for all, a person can be(come) a dynamic
being, free from any narrowness of mind or bondages from his
actions. With the use of the acquired powers through his
spiritual progress, he will work to establish the Kingdom of God in
the universe and help others also to understand this true path of
Such a person
can be called a Paravipra (
Only these people can be(come) the
true leaders of humanity, and by their examples help all to progress
and reach Pure Consciousness.
The Seventh Seal

this progress to Paraviprahood, the false ego as a being separate
from the universe or belonging to a small part is dissolved, and the
ego will be expanded to be(come) one with the Universal Ego.
The Grace of God will be won and the person will be helped to reach
Pure Consciousness, as it is declared in the sixth church in The
Revelation chapter 3: “…I have set before thee an open
door, and no man can shut it:…” (Rev. 3:8).
But to win
the reward, which is to reach Pure Consciousness, the person should
hold fast to what he has gained. He should not become narrow
and thereby prevent further realizations of the truth, but he should
be open to all things which God reveals. These are the
teachings and realizations of the whole truth, which is revealed
through the seventh seal (
or its Angel. Therefore, “…hold
that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown” (Rev. 3:11).
If he does, then he will enter Pure Consciousness (
This path of
awakening the spiritual forces and coming to higher consciousness (
), directing the energy and knowledge
gained for teaching, helping others to the path, and trying to bring
the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth
sacrificing in this endeavor (
surrendering the result to Him and being submissive to Him (
be(com)ing a universalist and working for
the good of the whole universe (
becoming a spiritual force in leading others, and learning the way
of negating the ego and feeling of separation by be(com)ing a
dynamic spiritual force (
will win His Grace, and this will result in knowledge and devotion
toward the universe and eventually reaching the goal (Pure
This is the
Eternal Divine Path which the sons of God, knowingly or
unknowingly, have realized and gone through, and it is the path
which should be followed by all.
the same time, each seal covers one religion of the world.
Each has one message. Each covers one or more religions of the
world, and unifies them into One Path.