The Teachings
The Only Thing
That Christ Really
Preached Was, “The Kingdom Is At
Christ started his
mission and the first thing he told everyone was that God’s Kingdom
was at hand. That is why he came to earth and that is what
God’s Will is. That is what God’s desire is, to create His
Kingdom on earth. He wants to be the King. When we
accept Him as the King, then everything else will fall into place.
If we concentrate on small little things, and we think that we are
the doers, then things are not going to happen the way we want.
How many people are trying to take care of the poor and needy?
They have been trying for centuries and thousands of years.
Are they gone? Did we get rid of the poor?
But when the Children of Israel accepted God as their King, as their
only focus, what happened? The poor were taken care of.
They became prosperous. Their whole city became so full of
treasures that the silver coins were like stones in the streets.
Even the children were playing with the silver coins because they
were not worth anything anymore. They were so prosperous that
they did not need them any longer. The gold coin was the norm.
So it depends on where our focus is. Are we going to learn our
lessons, ever? Even Christ said, “The poor are going to be
with us forever,” as long as our focus is to take care of the poor.
But if our focus is on God, and if we accept Him and create the
Communities of Light, what will happen to the poor? They
are going to be taken care of. There will be plenty of food
for them. The poor will never be homeless or helpless or
We can see that Christ also does not preach to take care of the
poor. He says, “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” Let your
focus be on God, not that, “I am God myself,” but on God, the
Father, the Spirit.
Both John the Baptist
and Esa preached the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. When
Christ started preaching, the mission of John was finished and the
work of Esa began. However, he also brought the same message
and showed the way, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at
hand,” that only with repentance and change of heart can the Kingdom
Of Heaven be established (within and without). This is the
same message as John’s. He did not say “I will forgive you
without you repenting and changing the way of your life,” but “The
first step was shown for you to take, ‘repent.’ Then after
that I will help you to progress and enter the Kingdom.”
There are three
Kingdoms Of Heaven: the Kingdom Of Heaven In Heaven
the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (
and the Kingdom Of Heaven Within (
(all three are shows in the Greatest Sign).
However, the three Kingdoms become as one and under the rulership of
the Lord when all of humanity repents from their egoistical ways,
accepts and establishes His Laws, and creates the Kingdom Of Heaven
Within and on earth (the Kingdom Of Heaven In Heaven is already
established). Only then will His Kingdom come and “His Will be
done on earth as it is in heaven.”
That is why both John and Esa preached that the human should repent
of his selfish ways if he wants to establish the Kingdom Of Heaven.
They did not preach, “We have come to save you.” They taught
that it is up to each individual to repent, turn away from
selfishness and follow God’s Laws.
Christ came to fulfill
his mission which is a part of God’s Mission. So by accepting
Christ, by accepting Muhammad, by accepting the Prophets of the
Old Testament, by accepting the beginning of the creation,
the reason God created this creation, and that He wants His Kingdom
to come on earth, then we can see that we are fulfilling God’s Will.
We are bringing God’s Will to earth.
We are here to
strengthen all these things. We are not for one country, for
one culture, or for one people, but for the whole earth.
lot of preachers preach the truth but do not follow what they
preach. That is why Esa said, “Listen to what the Elders say
but do not do what they do.” That is because the human has two
parts. He has mind, or intellect, and he has heart. It
is very easy to go to the library, find a lot of books and read
about Spirit and God. It gives you some knowledge that you can
talk about. But to live what you have heard or read, comes
from the heart.
Sometimes you can see people who live it without ever having read
anything about it. They have opened their Hearts. They
are very joyous. They love God but probably have never read a
word about God. They can sing God. They can praise God. They
can Love God. They can be in Christ Consciousness. So
they have their hearts open but their minds have little knowledge of
However, the best one is he who opens both of them. He opens
his Heart to God so that he can live It without even knowing too
much about It, and he opens his mind by reading about Him, so he can
share Him with others. This will bring harmony between his
Heart and his mind. Then he will not only live It but be a
channel for Him.
That is actually another part that we are working toward, to bring
East and West together. West is always a symbol of the mind.
It works with intellect. And East is the symbol of the Heart.
Easterners are very emotional. They love God but probably most
cannot write about Him.
Now we are approaching a time when a balance between Heart and mind
is possible. Now both East and West can open their Hearts and
so have the Compassion and Love of God, and have a good mind so they
can read and intellectually understand God on deeper levels.
Many gain some
spiritual powers and misuse them to show their spiritual progress
and impress others (use of spiritual powers can also be from three
kinds: ignorance, passion or knowledge). Many also use a
name, which is not His Sacred Name, to do these things. But
they are not acceptable, “…I never knew you” (Matthew
7:22,23). In fact, spiritual power will be given to a person
to test him to see if he will fail in handling it or will use it for
the right purposes. These powers should be used for His Will
(establishing the KOHOE).
Christ did not say
escape the world. Christ said, “Be in the world but not of
it.” He did not say forsake the world and go to the mountains
and forget about it. He did not say that. He said, “Be in the
world but not of it.”
The meaning of the
first and second resurrections?
The answer to this question can be found in more detail in chapter
20 of Revelation of The Revelation
in the book THOTH. The first resurrection is
the awakening of those who will reach Pure Consciousness in the
Golden Era which is fast-approaching.
When the Kingdom is established on earth, there is going to be a
period of tranquility, progress and great realizations.
Following this period, which is symbolized as “one thousand years,”
another period of confusion will appear. After this period,
again many will reach Pure Consciousness. This is the second
The Prayer That Christ Gave
To be Performed
By His Followers Taught The
Kingdom Of Heaven.
This prayer is well known by many:
Our Father, Who art
in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory,
This was the prayer given by Esa. Before starting to pray, the
ideation of respect and devotion toward God should be invoked.
That is why the first verse gives praise to the Lord, “Hallowed be
thy name,” the same as “We pay our salutations to the Father.”
The second verse is an expression of the desire that the Will of the
Lord be done, which is for His Kingdom to be established on earth,
“as it is in heaven.” As it was explained previously and as it
is shown in The Greatest Sign, there are three Kingdoms Of
Heaven: the Kingdom Of Heaven In Heaven, the Kingdom Of Heaven
Within, and the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. The Kingdom Of
Heaven In Heaven already has been established. When the
Kingdom of Heaven Within (
and the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (
are also established, then His Kingdom will come and His will, will
be done on earth as it is in Heaven. So in this verse the Will
(Desire) of the Lord has been expressed. He desires to see
that His Kingdom come and through it the whole universe progress as
rapidly as possible toward the goal (Pure Consciousness).
“Give us this day our daily bread”: To do His Will and/or
before starting any spiritual progress, man’s physiological and
safety needs should be met. That is why the daily bread
(minimum necessities) should be provided for all.
“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” We
forgive those who have done wrong to us, and the Lord will forgive
us also. Forgive and you will be forgiven.
“And lead us not into temptation.” The essence and reason for
any wrongdoing is temptation, when an action seems good to us to do,
but in reality is against the Laws of the Lord. When
temptation comes to the person through his lower nature, it is a
great task to overcome it. Also temptation occurs because of
the power of the tama guna (crudifies the consciousness) and
attraction to Maya. So in truth this verse is similar to the
sentence, “We open our hearts to Your Grace and pray for Your
Guidance in overcoming the power of the tama guna over our Souls,
and detaching ourselves from Maya,” or “lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil (tama guna, Maya).”
“For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever.”
He has complete power over the three gunas and is the master of the
universe. So only He can deliver us from evil or the power of
the tama guna and help us detach ourselves from Maya. He is
the only subject of praise in the universe, and only with directing
all our attention and our being to Him can we be delivered from the
ocean of Maya. So “the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory”
is His forever. The “Amen” is the same as “Aum” or “OM”
which is to invoke the Lord or the Divine vibration in the universe.
The sooner we create
the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth, the sooner we go back home. So
let us get on with it.
With All The Revisions That
Have Been Made
Of The Bible,
A Summary Of The
Real Teaching Of Christ Can Be Found In
Chapters 5, 6,
and 7 Of
There are many
commandments and principles that are written all through the earth
and in the Scriptures. Although their existence is necessary
and inspiring for man, yet as long as they have not become an
integral part of a person with God’s Grace, they will not have a
lasting effect.
This truth was revealed to humanity two thousand years ago when Esa
gave the “Sermon On The Mount” in chapter five of the gospel of
St. Matthew in the Bible. The Children of Abram
(Abraham) had the Ten Commandments since the time of Moses and even
before! However, they violated them all through history from
the very beginning.
That is why Esa taught that the goal is not, not to break the Law
but to reach a point where no desire is left to break it. The
goal is not, not to commit adultery but to reach a point where no
desire is left even to look with lust upon a woman, “…that whosoever
looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with
her already in his heart.” (Matthew 5:58).
He wanted to preach
this wonderful teaching to everyone. He was open to giving
this wonderful truth that came through him to everyone. He
wanted to share it with everyone.
But the more he tried to tell people about this beautiful
revelation, the more they wanted favors. They wanted to be
healed. They wanted to be given whatever they wanted to hear,
and they wanted to hear exactly what they wanted to hear.
Also they used a trick, that they have to listen to energy, “If it
feels good to me, it is OK. If it does not feel good to me, it
is not OK.” That is a trip. That is an ego trick. “If it
is according to what I want, it is OK. If it is not according
to what I want, it is no good, I can drop it and go somewhere else.”
So what happened? He had no choice but to give this truth to
his disciples only. He went to the mountains, he sat there and
his disciples came there. There was no multitude with them at
this point.
That is when he really went to the essence of his teachings, to the
very depth of this teaching. That is why chapters 5, 6 and 7
of Matthew in the Bible are such wonderful chapters.
The Sermon on the Mount is probably the most famous sermon by the
“Blessed are the
poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew
The poor in spirit refers to those refined Souls who hate
evildoings and false teachings (“deed of the Nicolaitans” Rev.
2:6). They intuitively know that there is more in life than
only physiological satisfaction, safety needs and pursuance of Maya
(worldly attraction).
Therefore, they long for that lasting happiness. They will
come to this conclusion that the Kingdom Of Heaven is only within.
So they forsake the society and try to find the Kingdom of Heaven
within. They become escapists. That is why people will
call them poor in spirit, because they do not have the courage to
face hardship. So they inherit the Kingdom of Heaven within,
“Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.”
(Matthew 5:4)
Those poor in spirit who have overcome being escapists and instead
try to stay in society –“thy first love” (Rev. 2:4) – are those who
mourn. They are poor in spirit, hate evildoings and false teachings,
and they see so much wrongdoing and inequity in society. So they
mourn over being oppressed in that environment and are very unhappy
as to why they do not receive their fair share. They shall be
comforted when the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth comes and they will
receive their fair share.
“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew
When a person mourns for awhile and no one listens to him, he
realizes that he is too powerless to be able to gain whatever he
wants. So he starts to conform instead of mourn. He
becomes a meek person; he becomes submissive. He will endure
suffering with patience and without resentment.
However, these are the first people who will submit themselves when
the Kingdom Of Heaven comes, and because they consist of the
majority of the people, they will inherit the earth.
“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:
for they shall be filled.” (Matthew
A meek person, however, after being submissive for some time will
realize that the reasons for all his and others’ suffering is
because of the lack of righteousness in all levels of society. That
is when he will create a strong desire for righteousness. He hungers
and thirsts for righteousness to be established. These are the ones
who will be filled when the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth is
established and righteousness restored.
“Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” (Matthew
If a person progresses more in understanding himself (overcoming the
false ego), he will realize that in all the last four stages, he has
been following the demands of his own false ego. He was unhappy
about society and was trying to change it because he wanted a fair
share for himself.
He had been in his first three chakras which are related to
the false ego. However, when he overcomes being selfish about
what he wants himself, then he creates a great compassion for those
in distress. He realizes that overcoming ego is a hard thing,
so he creates compassion for those who are lost because of their
false egos. He becomes merciful. So he himself will
obtain mercy from heaven.
“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”
(Matthew 5:8)
pure in heart person is one whose innermost character, feelings and
inclinations are free from moral fault or guilt. He is a man
after God’s own Heart. He is a man who not only is merciful,
but has created a universal point of view with utmost compassion for
all things in it, so he looks at the universe exactly the way God
looks at it. Therefore, he will start to understand how God feels
about all things in His universe, and he can see God face-to-face in
all the manifested universe.
“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the
children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
A peacemaker is one who brings harmony, tranquility or quietness to
people internally and externally. These are the ones who not
only have reached the state of being pure in heart, but are actively
engaged in establishing the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (establishing
daharma) in order to bring that harmony and tranquility to the
world. They are the real Paravipras, who with their spiritual
understanding and powers, bring the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.
They are the children of God, because they have completely realized
His Will and are trying to fulfill it. They are good children
of God.
“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake:
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew
These are the ones who have already reached a very high
consciousness or Pure Consciousness and have come back to earth in
order to establish the righteousness. They have no interest in
this external material world for any selfish desires, but are
interested in the establishment of the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth in
order to see that the proper environment is created for all to
progress physically, mentally and spiritually. They have no
fear of being persecuted for their ideology and goal, because they
know eternal life is everlasting and forever.
Theirs is the Kingdom Of Heaven (within and without), because these
are the ones who are really worthy to assume the leadership of
humanity. They will be the Great Paravipras (Maha-Paravipras)
who will establish and maintain the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.
In reality the teaching of Esa finishes here. The rest of
chapter 5 is the description of the characteristics of a Paravipra.
He gave his message to
them and was relieved from his duty to let them know what the
message of the Lord was for them, so it will be done – they
could accept it or reject it, it was up to them now.
That is the duty of a Messenger – to give the message to those he
had been chosen to take it to. He is not responsible for the
consequence. It is up to God.
In truth his mission as Messenger is finished here. But he
should have continued until he was crucified on the cross. So
he stayed and taught further, and he pressed the elders until they
would do His Will.
Christ finished the
essence of his teachings here and people saw the authority in him
because he was in truth. Whoever is in truth cannot say
anything but the truth, and truth is like a very sharp sword which
cuts through the falsifications and prevails strongly, “having
authority.” But people still thought it was his doctrine and
could not see that it is the only
doctrine, or the truth. No one will be saved by merely
believing in a Savior – after believing in the Savior he has to do
and struggle in the path. Then he might earn His Grace and be
Being Baptized with
The Holy Ghost
(Satva-Raja, Or
Fire) Is The Only True
Way Of Being
Baptism by water is a
symbol of that kind of baptism, because only after repentance and
changing the way of life toward purification will a person receive
The Holy Ghost and truly be baptized.
Water is the symbol of
manifested consciousness (ether), and restless water such as a river
or ocean, is the symbol of confused consciousness or mind.
Therefore to baptize in the river by letting the person merge in it,
and then taking him out, is a symbol of saving the person from
confusion (river) and pulling him out like a fish. That is why
Christ told his disciples that he was going to make them fishers of
The feeling of bliss
which accompanies baptism arises because when a person is suddenly
emersed in water and then taken out again, the reaction to this act
is the release of some prana from the solar plexus to the brain.
Also because the charkas become cooled, they will be quickened.
Both of these reactions result in a feeling of bliss and
refreshment, which is interpreted as receiving the Spirit and being
saved. This feeling is intensified with a religious
atmosphere which stimulates the emotions.
In truth, all of these result in the quickening of the charkas which
is the same as receiving the Spirit (awakening the astral body).
However, only those who truly repent, overcome the lower nature, and
go to their higher natures (to be born again) are the true saved
Esa taught that you
have to be born again. To be born again means to go from
the first three charkas (lower nature) to the higher chakras (higher
self), or in other words, to crucify the false ego (lower self) so
to be born again (resurrect) into the higher self and be glorified.
That is why until you are born again, you are not saved. In
fact the very symbolic meaning of the crucifixion of Esa (symbol of
the death of the false ego) and his resurrection is to show that you
have to die first (your false ego) before you can be born again
(resurrect to the higher self), “It is in dying that we are born to
Eternal Life” (St. Francis of Assisi).
Christianity is the
symbol of this overcoming of these first three chakras. It is
a symbol of individual achievement in detaching completely from
Maya. He who overcomes the first three chakras overcomes evil
(attraction of Maya), and is a true disciple of Christ.
Consciousness in its
purest form is “The magical world of God.” To enter this state
many techniques have been devised. The fastest and the most
direct of all is the path of devotion to God. That is why Esa
said, “Love thy Lord with all your Heart, Mind and Being.”
When you create such an intense Love of God, the Fire of this
devotion will burn all impurities (tama guna). That is when
one will reach the ecstasy of God-realization.
Esa Came As A Universal Personality
With A
Teaching Of Equality.
He came with “balances
in his hands” (Rev. 6:5). He was, as a symbol, the
first of the Jews who truly overcame his lower nature or false ego,
“…and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him…” (Rev. 6:5).
was the faithful witness because he came and struggled to bring
humanity to higher consciousness and Pure Consciousness. He
was the “first begotten of the dead,” or he was the first that came
from ignorance to complete enlightenment. So he was the first one
that reached Pure Consciousness and he became The First Begotten
Son. He was begotten from the dead, which means ignorance.
He was “the prince of the kings of the earth,” which means that he
is the ruler of the earth. The real kingdom of the earth has
been given to him.
“He washed us from our sins in his own blood,” or he washed the sins
of others by sacrificing himself, because he took up the struggle
through the crucifixion and through showing how we can wash our sins
through sacrificing to establish the Kingdom Of Heaven. With
the fire of sacrifice we can purify the world.
He who has the pair of
balances has come to make sure that equity has been established in
the human race.
Whosoever contributes more to society should receive more.
Spiritual contribution is superior to intellectual, and intellectual
contribution is superior to physical. Another meaning is that
the chosen ones (Paravipras) will establish this equity on earth.
These are the ones that have the pair of balances in themselves
(Kingdom Of Heaven within).
In short, “Make sure all receive their share without any one being
unfairly treated.” That is what Christ taught his disciples.
The essence of his teachings is, “Sacrifice in establishing the
Kingdom Of Heaven.” The rest will be added to you.