The Return
As God Has
Declared In The Book Of
The Revelation (The Last Book In The Bible), His Work
Will Remain A Mystery Until The Time Of The Seventh Angel.
“But in the days of the voice of the seventh
angel,…the mystery of God should be finished,…”
(Rev. 10:7)
Two-thousand years
ago, when Christ was on earth, He taught a prayer, “Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…” We now
have given the fulfillment of that prayer. As you see in the prayer,
it does not say, “Your Kingdom come in heaven.” It is already
established there. And it does not say, “Your Kingdom come
within us,” which He also preached, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within
you,” somewhere else in the scriptures.
The emphasis is also that His Kingdom comes on earth, on earth – in
the whole earth – not to only a portion of the earth.
God wants to be the
King. There should be a focus to unify all to His Kingdom.
So that is why the question of the Messiah, or the coming of the
King, or the coming of the Promised One comes in. If you
realize the Kingdom of Heaven within you, and you realize that God
is the King of the universe, then you are close to His Will.
And if you are close to His Will, then you realize that His Will has
come through The Greatest Sign, through THOTH
and through the Mission. With this realization you will see
who Maitreya is, who the Messiah is, who the Promised One is.
If you look at the
Scriptures you will see, in the Bhagavad-Gita, in the
Puranas, in the Koran, in the Buddhist teachings, in the
Christian teaching, in the Jewish teaching, in the Baha’i teaching,
in all the religions, they are supported by the revelations from
God. And in all those religions the concept of the Messiah, in
many different languages, is revealed. They all believe in a
being as the Chosen One who will come to separate the chaff from the
wheat. He is God manifested. God always manifests
Himself on earth.
And when does He come? Look at the
Bhagavad-Gita which says, “Whenever the morality is low and
the people start going astray from God, my Spirit arises on earth in
order to establish righteousness.”
As Christ said, “You
look at the day and you see it is fair and the sky is red. You
know it is going to be a fair night.” They asked him about the
signs. They were looking for signs and miracles over and over
again. He had already done many miracles but still the people
were asking him about the signs.
He said, “You do not really need signs. Only the generation of
vipers, and the people who are not connected to God, ask for signs,
not the people who really want to know the truth.” See, the
person who is aware of his environment and of the time, by looking
at the time, can see that all the signs are there that this earth
needs something new. It is in bad shape. Everyone is
trying to bring the Golden Age, to reach somewhere different than
what has been already tried and failed. So we can see all the
signs are there, that humans are ready for another leap in
evolution, an evolutionary leap.
All the Scriptures, if you read them, prophesy that there is going
to be an end time, not in a sense that everything is going to end,
but the old era is going to finish and the Golden Era is going to
approach. In every religion and every teaching you look at
they are talking about the Golden Age, a time that will come when
everyone is going to connect back to God.
That is why we can look at the earth right now and see the signs
that are all over. There are wars. There is strife.
There are purifications. Cultures are mixing with cultures.
People are not satisfied with their own religions any longer.
Either they are not satisfied, or they are becoming dogmatic about
them and are trying to convert other people, not with love,
understanding and bringing greater truth to them, but by buying
them, fighting them, or overpowering them. The people of every
religion want to convert the whole earth to their own ideology and
So which religion is going to make it? Is everyone going to
become Christian? Is everyone going to become Jewish, or
Moslem, or Hindu? They have been here for thousands of years.
But there is religion and there is the truth. That truth is
what is going to unify humanity, not religion. And all these
religions that have come, according to our teaching, have a part in
The Greatest Sign.
The Only Sign
Christ Gave For His Ultimate
Return Was That He Will Come
“In The
Name Of The Lord.”
The Holy Name of
the Lord (
is in him, and he (
is in the Holy Name of the Lord. This Sacred Name of the Lord
is the only name of the Lord which cannot be pronounced or uttered
in the manifested (material) world. It is the Name of the Son
who comes in the Name of the Father (
as One, The Word (
He will not be recognized (accepted) by everyone. He will be
accepted only by those who recognize him, see that he is Blessed
(Blessing), and they will also Bless him and will be Blessed,
“Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
We are now in the last
phase of the fulfillment of all the karma that humanity has created
the last 12,000 years. Now is the time of complete clearance –
clearing these karmas.
Of course, if everyone listened to us tomorrow, we could come
together and create the Kingdom. We brought, according to many
people who read THOTH, “The greatest revelation that
ever came to earth.”
The prophecy of the teaching that will bring unity to all religions
of the world is fulfilled. It has given the system to bring
the Kingdom On Earth. Still people will not participate.
They will not join because they say, “No, I have my own illusion.
I have my own idea. I am a channel of this entity or I am a
channel of that person. Or I have my children. I have my
wife. I have my husband, my wedding, my mortgage to pay…”
Just like 2,000 years ago, Esa said, “Come to the wedding and
participate.” They said, “No, we have our own things to do.”
They did not want to listen. They even crucified Him.
Yet, could they stop His mission? No, they could not stop His
mission. He went on and it manifested itself anyway.
Some say, “If Esa
comes this time, we are going to follow him. We are not going
to let him be crucified again.” Here we have brought this
teaching that has given all the answers and then we receive a
letter, “No man has all the answers.” We are not presenting a
man. We are presenting the Father. We present God.
God has all the answers. He knows how all this should be.
It is just like in the time of Muhammad. They looked at him as
a person – he walked, he talked, he sat, he slept, he ate – so how
could it be? How could he, a person, have all the answers?
How could he become a Prophet of God?
Muhammad said, “God never sent any Prophet who did not speak, eat,
talk or walk.” It is the same thing. We have these
problems. So humans have their own concepts of all these
problems. That is why they have to go through these
purifications, so they come to this conclusion, “Yes, this is the
It is now the time
that the Lamb (the spirit of the truth, or the one who has reached
higher consciousness, or the Christ, or the (
who overcame the lower nature and was slain, and then knew the
reality behind this universe) marries with his wife, which is the
real way and the truth of higher consciousness. And, “Blessed
are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.”
Blessed are those who understand this truth. They will be in
higher consciousness and will be called to the supper of the Lamb
(which means they will be in Pure Consciousness).
The truth which comes to the earth is
the marriage ceremony of the Lamb, because that is what
Christ, the spirit of truth, the Soul of the human, wants to see
established on earth. When it comes, those who have been
invited to it have overcome their lower natures and are in their
higher natures. These will be blessed.
The first step is to
realize (recognize) the Messiah (
and the second is to proclaim Him. The third one is one
hundred percent commitment to Him and His Mission.
When a person recognizes Him and proclaims Him, such a person
accepts the greatest responsibility which is to Be(come) One with
the Body of Christ. You first realize Him with the Heart, then
proclaim Him with the mouth.
It is then that a period of great testing follows. This is to
see how much the Heart and mouth are One. God does not accept
lukewarmness, “so then because thou are lukewarm,…I will spue thee
out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:16). The Heart must be
100% One with the mouth! Such a person then is no longer a
separate ego but a part of the body of the The Messiah and a channel
for Him (Most High). They are One (“Not my will, but thine!”).
Two thousand years
ago, Esa came and chose twelve people. What did they do?
They went out and said, “We have found the Messiah.” And that
was enough to build a fire that burned all through the earth.
That is all they did, “We have found the Messiah.” That is
what those who are one with their Essence also have to say.
They know the Kingdom within and realize this is the answer to human
problems and everything that they have been praying for.
“We have found the Messiah.” They do not have to go to the
streets and yell, “We have found the Messiah.” They would
probably be put in the madhouse. They can start from their
families. They can start from their friends. They can
start from those people who will listen to them. Also, present
them the truth, present them the unification and the unifying force
behind The Greatest Sign,
behind THOTH, behind the teaching.
The Body is also here as a symbol of the manifestation of God’s
Will. You want to know His Will? That is what the
Messiah is for – He comes to earth to say, “This is my Father’s
Will. Do it.” Esa came and said, “This is what the
Father wants from you.” But the Jews rejected him – which was
in the Plan, that was to happen, as is explained in our teachings.
So that is His Will. Have you come here to do God’s Will?
If you have and if you realize that our teaching is His Will, then
you have a great responsibility to become a part of the Body and to
proclaim Him – “Yes, the Messiah is here.” Of course, you do
not have to accept it if you do not want. It is the free will
of humanity to accept and accelerate the coming of the Kingdom, or
reject and decelerate Its coming. There is no other way.
That is the way to proclaim that we love the Lord.
Become a fisher of
men. Let all know that you have found the Messiah, the Mehdi
(Muhammad), the expected Buddha (Maitreya), the Christ
the Prince of Peace (Kumar=prince), etc. Then we might unify
All under One Banner of Salvation (The Greatest Sign).
That is how you can serve Maitreya and become an instrument
to spread this teaching.
As you spread the Word, you might find good soil to plant the seed
of Maitreya’s teachings. Then gradually each seed will
grow into a mighty tree to give plenty of fruit, some thirty, some
seventy, some a hundred…fold. This will lead to the
fulfillment of The Plan. Those who have been prepared
like you are just waiting for the call. They also will see
answers to their questions, as you did, in Maitreya and His
lot of people hear about our teachings in this lifetime and are
touched. Probably that was enough for them for the time being.
The next lifetime they come back, they are cleansed in the period
when they have not been on earth. When they come back they
have already been touched by the Message, and they will come and
become the champions of the cause and the Message.
But for us, those who really want to do the Will of God now, we have
to be more discerning, more able to look at things and evaluate
them. We cannot just accept anything offered to us but we must
clearly look at it and say, “Is this really a part of God’s Plan, is
it really His Will, is it a part of what He has demanded us to do?
Or is this just my ego, or my tradition, or my own way that I want
it to be done?” As more and more we accept what He said, we
will see the benefit of it.
So, as Esa said,
do not be worried about what you say. When the time comes my
Father will put the words in your mouth, and you will say things
that you know it is not you who is saying them. It is the
Father. That is how the Spirit of the Father works right now with
us, with the Mission.
When missionaries go out and open their mouths, the more pure a
channel they become, the more submissive they become to the Message
and let their egos go more and more, they will manifest greater
works, and the Word from The Father will come through them.
That is going to have a greater effect on others because they will
see that The Father is coming through them. That is how that
flame is going to kindle a lot of other candles. And each
candle lit can kindle many others.
So we really need the people who have been kindled first. If
there is no kindling, there is no fire. No matter how good or
beautiful our teaching is, or how many prophecies we tell them are
fulfilled, the only thing they are going to say is “Why him?”
You tell them, “But who then?”