
The book,
Holiest Of The Holies (THOTH), The Last
Testament is the collection
of the eighteen books, plus
The Glossary,
written by Maitreya.
Like any other Scripture, although it reveals many truths,
it is a puzzle. That is, to
understand the whole truth and message,
all the books should be read,
contemplated, understood and put
together until the whole picture and
depth, with His Grace, can be grasped.
The book is called
The Holiest Of The Holies
because it contains explanations of most
of the Holy books of the world and how
all of them are related together,
complement one another, and are from the
same Source.
It is called
The Last Testament because it
is in the seventh stage of human
progress that all the truths of the
relationship between man and the
universe are revealed. The
teaching of
Maitreya, which is the seventh one, reveals the whole Plan of
God. So it is also called
The Last Testament.
has been divided into four sections:
containing the first twelve books,
KINGDOM containing the next three books,
containing three books of essays, and
The section
THE HOLIEST is primarily
about creation and history, the
explanation of how God has directed
humanity for the last twelve thousand years, and many
things that have happened in the past and
a few things of the future. The
essence of this section is the
Eternal Divine Path. The first book in this section is
The Holiest
which is the longest book in
It contains the basic teachings from
which the rest of
has been derived.
This first book has been divided into
seven sections as "Holiest" one to
contains three
books which explain how human social
systems have been guided for the last
twelve thousand years, and present a
system to manifest His Kingdom.
are mostly about the future and how
things will manifest or should be.
The unity of all
religions of the world, as is explained
THOTH, was revealed to
Maitreya after a long time of being
guided step-by-step to reach this point.
The story of this period
by itself is incredible and can be
considered a miracle. It
culminated in a vision when he visited
the Baha'i Temple in Chicago in 1977.
Then the vision gradually formed itself
into a sign,
Greatest Sign. In
1978 these teachings were put into
written form. They continued to be
refined as the years went by.
However, the basic
teachings based on
Greatest Sign remain the same.
Like a painter who first sketches the
overall outlines, and then gradually
continues to bring the picture to more
clarification, so did these writings
continue to be refined. The
"overall outline" is
The Greatest Sign, but as
the teachings continued toward more
detail, these details needed to be
fine-tuned to deeper meanings.
This reaching for the deeper meaning
still continues. That is why in
each new edition of
THOTH, there
might be some small changes and
edits. For this reason, there is also the
SUPPLEMENTS are additional
essays which are written to clarify and
explain some points, answer some
important questions, or expand the
meaning of the main part of the book
THOTH. This part will be
expanded in each new edition, as needed,
Maitreya is satisfied that fairly all questions are answered
and no misunderstanding is left. There are also other
materials which can be considered as
supplements to
THOTH, such as the
Golden Keys
series, The Plan,
Discourses, various
audio and video
recordings, this
website, etc.
If you do not
understand all the teachings, or they do
not appeal to you at first, do not let
this concern you. Accept
that which you understand and like; the
rest will also be gradually revealed to
you. Not everyone resonates with
all parts of any Scripture but all parts
are necessary. Different parts of
Scriptures are written for and appeal to
different people! If you have any
questions, ask and they will be
If the history,
different religions, beliefs, and even
present events of the world are studied,
you can find each of them occurring
because the emphasis is upon one or a
few narrow realizations, each of which is a
part of
Different realizations in
also will be
emphasized in different situations in
the future, according to the time,
place, and people involved.
therefore, is a revelation for each and
all people, times, and situations!
parts may never appeal to you or to any
culture, etc. Remember the true
teaching of Maitreya is the
non-dogmatic practical path which is the
Eternal Divine Path.
Other explanations and revelations
should not become a source of
separation. If such a situation is
created, the arguments should be stopped
and the attention directed toward this
practical path, which is to follow the
Eternal Divine Path,
unify humanity, and bring His Kingdom on
The verses with
numbers in the beginning of the
sentence are explanations or were
written by
Maitreya. The sentences indented and/or with numbers at the end of
a quote are
from other Scriptures.
The brackets used
in verses from other Scriptures were
added to emphasize, refer to a point, or
clarify the meaning of a word or the
Table Of Contents.