
Should We
The Teacher?
We teach that the teacher is not important, but
the Message and God are. Does this mean that we should not
acknowledge the teacher and should not tell people from where we
received our knowledge/understandings?
The meaning of the teaching that we should not
make the teacher God, is that we should not make him an obstacle in
the path of the human to reach God. That is what has happened
in the past and the religion has become a cult (the teacher became
more important than the teaching -- God). This results in
people not seeking the Formless, Invisible, Nameless, Eternal (FINE)
anymore but believing in a set of dogmas. So we have to be
careful not to create a cult.
However, when we reach out to humanity and we
talk about the teachings of the Mission, we have to
acknowledge where our understanding comes from. As Maitreya
received His teachings from God, and He acknowledges it, you have
received your teachings and understandings from Maitreya and
the Mission, and you have to acknowledge that. You
connect people to Maitreya and the teachings (the source),
and Maitreya and the Mission will connect them to God.
What happens if people do not acknowledge from
where they have received this Knowledge? They would take it,
that it is theirs. They will eventually bring their
understandings into our teachings, and they also will accept that as
the truth. Little by little they will take them more and more
away from the original Teachings, and the Truth, and will replace
them with what they think is the truth. We will eventually
have many versions of what the Mission and God’s Revelation
is supposed to be. We will have divisions and branches in the
Mission, and the unity will be lost.
Therefore, acknowledging where our teaching has
come from and connecting people to the Mission and Maitreya are essential in the unity and manifestation of the
KOHOE (Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth). Let us understand this
in its deepest level, put our egos aside, and bring all to the feet
of the Lord, that all humanity receives the purest Message and
Revelation, and be(come) United.
Be a servant of God.
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