
The Only Issue
The only issue is the
formation of the Communities of Light. Other issues are
the effect, not the cause. The cause is the unfulfilled basic needs
of individuals to be in a community with other like-minded people
and the lack of creation of basic relationships in this level.
These communities cannot
exist separately from one another. By linking themselves together
they also will create the power to influence the events and correct
the problems.
The ecological and
pollution problems cannot be solved unless we spread the factories
evenly all throughout the earth, especially to the deserts and
isolated places, and also by developing clean industries by using
Science based on Spirit. This will only be revealed to humanity if
we learn our lessons and share. Otherwise this knowledge will be
misused as has occurred in the past, and the misuse of anything
results in suffering.
Intellectuals, who can
only exist based on the confusion of the masses, bring many
issues into our
minds and make us confused
about the simple issue of our basic needs and the cause of the
issues. Then we become lost in the jungle of these confused issues
and do not see the simple solutions.
Therefore, do not let the
many issues confuse you. The issue and solution, is the formation of
Communities of Light based on the
Eternal Divine Path, and networking between them. Then we
can solve the other issues, which are the effects.
The list of the Supplements (Table
of Contents)