
Mind, Revisited
We have talked a lot about the subconscious
mind all through our teachings. However, it seems there is still
confusion about this topic. So we will try to explain it one more
time in as deep a level as possible.
It seems people do not have much trouble
understanding conscious mind. It is easy to understand this since it
is not hidden, and you always experience it. It is what you are
conscious of, at any moment. So everyone has experienced it and they
know what the conscious mind is.
The problem starts when it comes to the
subconscious mind and Unconscious Mind. The Unconscious Mind is not
questioned because most people have no idea what it is and have
never experienced it. Anything we have not experienced is beyond our
realm of familiarity and so no question will be raised about it.
Even if there is any question about it, since this state has to be
experienced, it cannot be explained. These are the reasons why the
subconscious mind seems to be the one that is most troubling for
many, and harder to understand. It is experienced by everyone (they
are under its influence), but it is hidden at the same time. So it
can be explained but it is hard to fathom.
We know that there was the Unconscious Mind
(God in Its Highest State) from the very beginning. It is the only
permanent thing in the universe. The moment that, That Pure State
was disturbed and the ego evolved, the feeling of I know, do, and
have done was manifested. The subconscious mind was born! It is this
“I” that is separating man from the Rest. Therefore, it is this “I”
that has to be eliminated!
This state of separation from the Essence
continued to be present and in each lifetime more memories,
learning, programming of the subconscious mind, were added to it. Therefore, the worldly person accumulated more programming of the
subconscious mind toward dealing with the external world. Now we can
see there are vast differences between humans. Of course the most
obvious differences are the programming and learning that we have
acquired in this life. These programmings are most obvious to
everyone. Each person is born in different cultures, environments,
families, etc.; we are programmed differently, so we are different!
Of course programming from previous lives is also affecting us. That
is why although many are born in the same culture there are still
vast differences between them.
Later on God gave humans the physical senses to
experience the external world. Now we also have conscious mind. As
it was explained above, we hear, we can see, touch, and smell, etc.
so everyone knows the conscious mind well. We are conscious of this
manifested world. This is the conscious mind. This everyone is aware
of, is experiencing, and so it needs no explanation.
Now the question is, what do all these have to
do with this life, creation, the Goal of Life, etc.? It has
everything to do with all these questions. As we can see from the
explanation above, the only state of consciousness that is permanent
and worth considering is the Unconscious Mind (God in Its Highest
Level). The conscious mind darkens when this body is no more, and
the subconscious mind (ego) is the very reason for our separation
from the Essence (Unconscious Mind). In each incarnation, when we
return, we pick up this subconscious mind to work on ourselves again
toward the Goal of Life. The Goal of Life Is To Become Divine
(return to the Essence). The only way that can be done is to
eliminate the subconscious mind (ego). Now how can that be
One way to do this is to learn to negate the
“I” and let more and more God come through and so eventually
eliminate the subconscious mind and return back to The Godhead. If
everyone follows this Path then those who remain behind will have no
Guides to be taught how it is done. Each person has to learn it, all
over again, alone. That will be wasteful and time-consuming. That is
why God said if you try this approach (you become neither hot nor
cold) I will “spew you out of My Mouth” (return you back to this
world). You have to return and help others to go back Home!
The Goal is to return back to God.
The problem is the subconscious mind. You are supposed to
eliminate it. However, if you do that you will not be able to stay
in the Essence (God) since you will be spewed out back to the
external world to help others! Then you have to start all over,
What is the answer to this riddle, puzzle, and
this question? How then can we go back?
The only solution is: To create an environment
that human progress toward Pure Consciousness is accelerated so when
they return home they are not sent back. The only reason they are
sent back is because there are not enough workers to help those who
want to go back to learn how it is done and so they can go back. If
we created the Communities Of Light and many Great Souls return and
help many to learn to go back, they will not be “spewed out” anymore. They have done a good job. They made more workers to help and so
they need not return. They will be Home.
So the first step to solve this problem is to
create the Communities Of Light and the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.
Therefore, we have to understand how this can
be done. The subconscious mind, as we explained above, can be
programmed. Indeed many have realized this and have created many
ways to manipulate it and are charging millions of dollars from people
who want to be reprogrammed to become successful, happy, more
effective, cure their psychological problems, etc. These techniques
and approaches, however, all reprogram the subconscious mind, not
eliminate it, as we said is the Goal. Now what if we re-programmed
the subconscious mind to accept the Will of God and work toward that
So the differences between people, cultures,
etc. are the programs of each person in their environments and also
from what they have accumulated from the previous lives. Now if we
re-program them to realize that the Goal of Life is to Be(Come)
Divine, then their subconscious mind and God’s Will, will be One. They will strive to return Home. However, since they also know that
they cannot accomplish this unless they create an environment that
will accelerate the progress of everyone toward that end, they will
come together to create such environments. This needs a collective
cooperation and that is the only way out of the conundrum that human
life is at (the Goal is to return to God but they cannot, etc.).
Now the question is, how can this reprogramming of
the subconscious minds of the masses, to become One with God, be
accomplished? It can be accomplished with a mass reprogramming of
all humans' subconscious minds (or at least those who are ready to
be reprogrammed) toward this new Subconscious Mind. Those whose
subconscious minds are already close to these ideals (have meditated
many lives to be close to these understandings/God) easily accept
this and reprogram themselves to be in Oneness with God’s
Consciousness. Those who accumulated worldly subconscious minds, in
many lives, will have a hard time to understand these Truths and
will go against God’s Will and Plan. That is why this is the time of
The more subconscious minds of the masses are
reprogrammed to the Will of God, the more similar they will be and
so their Unity will become Greater. At the end we eventually can
eliminate the last residue of the subconscious mind and many will
reach Mukti or Moksha (Salvation), as the Sages did in the past!
So all those who have the ability to influence
humanity should teach that the Goal of Life is to Be(Come) Divine
(Return Home/to God). However, the first step in this process is the
creation of the Communities Of Light and the Kingdom.
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